
Smile - gift

Jun 17th, 2024
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  1. Smile giggled excitedly, they were feeling energetic and happy because it was horror movie night! They had been wait for this night all week long. It was one of their favorite things to do at the end of the week, hanging out with friends and goring themselves on sweets and snacks. The way they set up the movie night is special, they make the living room look like a theater room, prepare all kinds of popcorn and get all kinds of theater snacks and drinks, they absolutely go all out on it every time they come together, especially smile, they absolutely love the snacks, it was honestly their favorite part of the movie night.
  3. Smile started preparing the living room first, they covered up the windows with blankets so they room becomes pitch black, they reorganized the place, moving everything off the coffee table and pushing away any furniture that might be in their view when watching the movie, they didn't want to ruin the vibe of an in home theater. They cleaned up the TV screen and TV stand before pushing it closer to the couch and coffee table so the screen appears bigger than it actually is, they quickly swept the floor, clearing it from any dust and debris before moving on to the step few things that they had to do.
  5. They went into the kitchen and brought out a massive pot and placed it on the stove, they added a bit of oil and threw in a bunch of popcorn kernels before closing the pot and turning the stove on high heat. They waited until they heard a few pops and started shaking the pot, they were making homemade popcorn for the film, they were going to make many flavors but they were currently making the normal kind.
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