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a guest
Nov 16th, 2016
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text 1.72 KB | None | 0 0
  1. AI\
  2. config\
  3. Data\
  4. games\
  5. Heat\
  6. Heroes3\
  7. launcher\
  8. Maps\
  9. Mods\
  10. MP3\
  11. mplayer\
  12. ONLINE\
  13. platforms\
  14. RegisterSOD\
  15. woglogs\
  17. ChangeLog
  18. README
  19. road debug
  20. MP3DEC.ASI
  21. logo-paul.bmp
  22. h3ccmped.cnt
  23. h3maped.cnt
  24. Heroes3.cnt
  25. unins000.dat
  26. avcodec-57.dll
  27. avdevice-57.dll
  28. avfilter-6.dll
  29. avformat-57.dll
  30. avutil-55.dll
  31. BINKW32.DLL
  32. ERM.dll
  33. icudt51.dll
  34. icuin51.dll
  35. icuuc51.dll
  36. IFC20.dll
  37. libbluray-1.dll
  38. libboost_date_time-mt.dll
  39. libboost_filesystem-mt.dll
  40. libboost_locale-mt.dll
  41. libboost_program_options-mt.dll
  42. libboost_system-mt.dll
  43. libboost_thread_win32-mt.dll
  44. libbz2.dll
  45. libeay32.dll
  46. libFLAC-8.dll
  47. libfreetype-6.dll
  48. libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
  49. libglib-2.0-0.dll
  50. libharfbuzz-0.dll
  51. libiconv-2.dll
  52. libintl-8.dll
  53. libjpeg-9.dll
  54. liblzma-5.dll
  55. libmikmod-2.dll
  56. libmodplug-1.dll
  57. libmp3lame-0.dll
  58. libogg-0.dll
  59. libopencore-amrnb-0.dll
  60. libopencore-amrwb-0.dll
  61. libopus-0.dll
  62. libpcre-1.dll
  63. libpcre16-0.dll
  64. libpng16-16.dll
  65. libspeex-1.dll
  66. libstdc++-6.dll
  67. libtheoradec-1.dll
  68. libtheoraenc-1.dll
  69. libtiff-5.dll
  70. libvo-amrwbenc-0.dll
  71. libvorbis-0.dll
  72. libvorbisenc-2.dll
  73. libvorbisfile-3.dll
  74. libwebp-4.dll
  75. libwebp-5.dll
  76. libx264-148.dll
  77. libxml2-2.dll
  78. minizip.dll
  79. MSS32.DLL
  80. msvcp110.dll
  81. msvcp120.dll
  82. msvcr120.dll
  83. opengl32.dll
  84. paul.dll
  85. postproc-54.dll
  86. Qt5Core.dll
  87. Qt5Gui.dll
  88. Qt5Network.dll
  89. Qt5Widgets.dll
  90. SDL2.dll
  91. SDL2_image.dll
  92. SDL2_mixer.dll
  93. SDL2_ttf.dll
  94. SMACKW32.DLL
  95. smpeg2.dll
  96. ssleay32.dll
  97. swresample-2.dll
  98. swscale-4.dll
  99. UNINST.dll
  100. VCMI_lib.dll
  101. xvidcore.dll
  102. zlib.dll
  103. zlib1.dll
  104. Heroes III Tutorial.doc
  105. h3ccmped.exe
  106. h3maped.exe
  107. Heroes3.exe
  108. mplaynow.exe
  109. unins000.exe
  110. VCMI_client.exe
  111. VCMI_launcher.exe
  112. VCMI_server.exe
  114. H3MAPED.HLP
  115. HEROES3.HLP
  116. lang.ini
  118. Uninst.isu
  119. ReadMe.txt
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