

Nov 20th, 2020
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  1. Noah was writing lyrics after a long and frustrating day of training. His mentors had been relentless, especially dance mentor, which is the skill he wants to improve on the most. For some reason, this particular day, the mentors just didn't seem to have any patience or understanding and were especially strict and where he usually likes this, he felt that they were being over the top.
  3. His dance mentor had been unnecessarily critical, insulting everything from his rhythm to his spacing to everything else. He knew he wasn't the greatest dancer but he knows for sure that the mentors were over-exaggerating. The part that tipped him over the edge though was when they forced him to stay back for way more hours than he should have been there for, making him repeat the same sections over and over again.
  4. "Again. You are dancing like you lost your legs in an accident and you just learnt how to walk." - Seungyeul
  5. "Is that what you call dancing? Wow, have I taught you nothing? Go again." - Seungyeul
  6. "I don't remember saying you could have a break, you have to earn breaks and so far the only thing you've earned is an extra hour of dance practice." - Seungyeul
  8. As the comments continued, the more agitated he became. Noah knew he was pushing himself and to see that his mentor was clearly not recognising that was infuriating. "I need a break, I know you don't give a sh*t since you seem to lack basic human decency but the more tired I am, the worse my dancing will get and the more angry you will get so I am taking that f*cking break whether you want me to or not." Noah said, not caring how rude he was being at this point. All he wanted to do was get out of there. He got a couple minutes to rest but was back to it afterwards. Again, his mentors comments were unrelenting until Noah finally couldn't take it. "If you're such a great f*cking teacher, I wouldn't be struggling this much. You spend more time coming up with insults for me than actually teaching me. So how about you get your head out of your f*cking ass and actually help me or is that too much to ask for from my f*cking mentor?" Noah said before packing his things up and storming out, slamming the door on his way out.
  10. So there he was, sitting at his desk, trying to formulate lyrics in his head but he couldn't concentrate. His leg was bouncing in frustration and all that was running through his head was stuff like 'does he even know what he was doing?' or 'if I were the CEO, I would've fired him on the spot.'. From an outward perspective, he was visibly seething and if this was a cartoon, he would have a completely red face with smoke coming from his ears. A fellow trainee came in to check up on him and see what he was getting up to, on an average day, he would've been quite welcoming and shown them what he was writing but this time around he couldn't stand being around people so when they came in and started asking him questions, he lost it and started swearing at them for no apparent reason, saying stuff like, "get the f*ck out, I don't give a sh*t about how your day went, can't you see i'm busy. If I wanted to f*cking talk to you, I would go and find you. So leave me the f*ck alone.". When they were confused and wouldn't leave, he dragged them out of their seat and pushed them out of the room, slamming the door after them.
  12. As he was leaving the studio, he came across other people and when they greeted him and asked him what he was doing or where he was going, he completely ignored them, walking straight past them without so much as a glance. He walked past another friend and when they started asking him about his day, he proceeded to insult their talent and said that they needed to work on their skills instead of wasting time talking to him. It was a very unnecessary comment to make but when Noah is angry, he cannot control what he says and always ends up hurting people.
  14. So as you can see, when Noah is under an immense amount of stress, he takes his anger and frustrations out on other people and he completely shuts down. He becomes really mean and spiteful towards even the closest of friends and only those really close to him know how to calm him down.
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