
Text Adventure Chapter 5 Log

May 8th, 2014
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  1. >You stood before the mares, striking a heroic pose.
  2. “My name’s House, medical doctor and destroyer of cunts!”
  3. >It was like a chain reaction.
  4. >While the majority of those present were completely and utterly stunned, Pinkie and Berry started guffawing and leaning on each other for support.
  5. >The rainbow colored pony had started laughing when they did, and the rest just got sort of an embarrassed look.
  6. “Uh, heh, sorry about that, don’t know what came over me.”
  7. >Pinkie and Berry were rolling on the floor, unable to stop laughing.
  8. “Well, while they’re doing that, let me start over. My name’s Anonymous, I’m what’s called a human, and not much to say besides I have no idea how I got here, but I do know what I want to do, and that’s to learn the practice of medicine, and maybe even become a doctor one day.”
  9. >Twilight broke the inevitable silence that followed.
  10. >”Ooooo...kay.. Well, introduce yourselves, mares. He doesn’t bite, just… blurts things out like that from time to time.”
  11. >Sometimes you thought you had split personality disorder.
  12. >”Er, … Rainbow Dash.”
  13. >”Rarity, it’s a pleasure.”
  14. >”Applejack, good ta meet ya.”
  16. >...Good god.
  17. >Those juicy apple hips.
  18. >If you weren’t trying to go after Redheart, you’d be wanting to keep the doctor away right now.
  19. >It makes you want… to…. U-unf!
  20. >”Ahem, uh, excuse me?”
  21. >Wait, what?
  22. >Everyone was staring at you.
  23. “Oh, … Sorry, spaced out. Who’s the shy one?”
  24. >”...”
  25. “Sorry, didn’t catch that?”
  26. >”..F...s..”
  27. “I can’t hear you.”
  28. >”"
  29. >Twilight interjects, clearing her throat before she speaks.
  30. >"This is Fluttershy."
  31. >An accurate name, if you think so yourself.
  32. >You’ve met all of Twilight’s friends
  33. >Well, now that you are acquainted with everyone, you should probably get to business.
  34. "So, when do we leave for Canterlot Twilight?"
  35. >"We'll be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning, everybody has things to attend to beforehand I am sure."
  36. >That sounded good to you, you needed to make dinner after all.
  37. >And it had better be a good fucking dinner.
  38. >What should you make tonight?
  42. >You managed to get a quick look at their expressions after the aforementioned burst of unadulterated human humor.
  43. >The ones that you had just met all seemed offput by it, but with Twilight’s assurance, they quickly forgot about it.
  44. >Guess you weren’t the class clown you thought you were.
  45. >Something you noticed however was that Redheart was silent about the whole thing.
  47. >You have the perfect idea.
  48. >As the other friends of the purple pony leave for their own lives, you turn to her.
  49. “Alright, Twilight, mind if I raid your kitchen for what I need to make?”
  50. >She scratches the back of her head with her hoof.
  51. >”Uh.. Sure, are you making dinner?”
  52. >You respond with a grin.
  53. “Indeed I am. Everyone take a load off and I’ll show you how a human cooks food.”
  54. >Twilight looks at you, a look of sudden shock crossing over her features.
  55. >”Wait, you’re not going to put meat in it, are you?”
  56. >You stop in your tracks, giving her a double-take.
  57. “Is there something wrong? Is someone here vegan?”
  58. >They look around uncomfortably, and you realize what’s going on. Ponies don’t eat meat, they’re herbivores! For the most part, anyway.
  59. “Oh, that’s right, nevermind. I can still make it great without, don’t worry.”
  60. >>”NONNY!”
  61. >HOLY FUCK!
  62. >A pink blob of pony appears from seemingly nowhere, right in your face.
  63. “W-what?!”
  64. >>”Remember? I’m helping you cook!”
  65. >Oh, right.
  66. “Well, come on Pinkie, I’ll show you the tricks of the Italian trade.”
  67. >>”What’s an Italian?”
  68. >Twilight leads the two of you into the kitchen, where you rub your hands together and got started by setting a pot of water over the magical stove, Pinkie setting it alight for you.
  69. >...
  70. >It is a long, rough ride and you get multiple burns on your hands from the weird ass pony stove, but you do it.
  71. >The party is all set up in the dining room (Because the library has one) awaiting the magnificent bounty, Pinkie completely ecstatic with bouncy energy in anticipation.
  72. >”C’mon, c’mon, put down the plate already!”
  73. “Hold on, hold on. It’s really heavy, you know.”
  74. >In fact, the plate wobbles in your hands as you set it down, but you manage not to break anything.
  75. “Ta da!”
  76. >It is a large main setting course of pristine, perfectly coiled spaghetti with spiced sauces of many different kinds, with plenty of garlic bread on the side, and for the cherry on top, you set down some glasses and pour each of the ponies a glass of expensive-looking red wine.
  77. >”Anon, I told you not to use that one, it’s for special occasions!”
  78. “And this isn’t special, with special guests here?”
  79. >You wave to Berry, but especially Redheart, who blushes slightly.
  80. >So, who do you sit next to?
  84. >You grab a chair left out for you and plop right down next to Redheart as everyone digs in.
  85. >This meant you’re also sitting next to Berry, and she was already drowning her second glass of wine.
  86. >Oh, this should be fun.
  87. >Everyone’s digging into their own bit of spaghetti, and as you wait for comments on it your pockets start to leak with the same noodles.
  88. >”My goodness, Anon…”
  89. >Redheart was looking at you, with a noddle dripping out of the side of her plush lips.
  90. >”This is very…. very…”
  91. >You hinged on each and every word she was saying, almost falling out of your seat from leaning.
  92. >”...Amazing. I didn’t know it could taste like this!”
  93. >All the others were too busy eating to speak, but they nodded in confirmation.
  94. >Well, Pinkie tried to speak, but she just sprayed sauce everywhere.
  95. >Twilight used her magic to clean off the table while the rest of you chuckled at the display.
  96. >”You should probably swallow before speaking, Pinkie Pie.”
  97. >U-unf.
  98. >Pinkie pie gets the food into her stomach, and the mouth is clear for takeoff.
  99. >”I really really like how you made it Anon! Oh I know I helped but you did most of the work because you made the sauce and stuff but it’s really cool how other ponies’ cooking tastes better than yours but even though I helped it tastes spuntabulous! Oh, I said other ponies didn’t I? I know you’re not a pony, silly billy, I’m just used to calling ponies that, but you’re people not ponies, but p-”
  100. >>”HAY! You just… you even… like… you talk a lot, don’tcha?”
  101. >Berry seemed to be liking that fifth glass of wine. You made a note to get more soon.
  103. “By the way, Red. It was really awesome watching you nurse all those ponies back to health today. It was inspirational, babe.”
  104. >She smiled at your compliments, slowly forking her spaghetti as her attention was all on you.
  105. >”Thank you, that actually... means a lot to me.”
  106. “Really, you have a way with those hooves that’s just like magic. Er… You know what I mean.”
  107. >She laughed, resting her chin on a hoof as she stared at you a bit more sensually.
  108. >Twilight was arguing with a drunk Berry for what she said, and Pinkie was bloating her stomach with your pasta. What now?
  112. “You know… your eyes are beautiful. They shine like the gates to the universe above, with a twinkle for every star illuminating the night sky."
  113. >”Oh… Anonymous~”
  114. >Redheart curls in a little bit and blushes a furious red, those deep blue eyes like a window to her soul.
  115. >That was a bit cheesy, but still.
  116. “Do you mind, if I get a closer look?..”
  117. >”Not at all…”
  118. >It was nothing short of eternal bliss as her juicy, hot lips met with yours, her breath tickling your face in that wonderful way.
  119. >The heat of the moment led you to try something you normally wouldn’t have.
  120. >You prod her opening with your tongue, slowly entering…
  121. >To your great pleasure (and surprise), she not only accepts it but reciprocates.
  122. >You put your fingers on her chin and slowly lift her head, your tongues intertwining with intense emotion, feelings beginning to build up in your chest, becoming closer and closer together as you melt into each other-
  123. >>”Excuse me, lovebirds?”
  124. >...Whoops.
  126. >You and Redheart look over at the other three, who were simply staring at your erotic theatrics.
  127. >Actually, Berry Punch had her own bedroom eyes...
  128. >Twilight interjected before that thought could keep going, however.
  129. >”Since most of us are finished, I think it’s time we went to bed… And get some -sleep-. We have a long day tomorrow and we need to be well-rested.”
  130. >She picks up the empty plates and glasses with her magic as she, Pinkie and Berry left the table, now talking about the little moment you just shared with Red.
  131. >Redheart gives you a little rub on your back before getting up herself, eliciting a groan from your blue-balled self.
  132. >”She’s right…”
  133. >What would you like to do/say?
  140. "You're right Twilight. Goodnight everybody."
  141. >You wink to Redheart, and she immediately understands.
  142. >"Goodnight everybody, thank you for housing is again, Twilight."
  143. >Twilight smiles to Redheart, and the two of you depart to bed.
  144. >As you two leave you can see her raising her eyebrows up and down, obviously more knowledgeable to what your future antics could include.
  145. >The two of you climb into bed, facing each other as you place your hand on her hoof.
  146. "So..."
  147. >"So..."
  148. >You stretch out your arm, faking a yawn as you pull Red in close.
  150. >What would you like to do?
  157. >You know exactly what to do.
  158. >You lock lips with her, holding her tight against your body as you feel her quiver to your touch.
  159. >She stares you down, eyes half lidded and hungry as her hooves force you down into the bed.
  160. >Climbing on top of you, she kisses down your neck.
  161. >The nurse is surprisingly skilled at taking off your clothes while she does this.
  162. >Her lips trail down your body until they reach your boxers.
  163. >Gripping the elastic tight with her teeth as she pulls them off, exposing your girth.
  164. >She grinds against your bulging erection before allowing it entry into the gateway to heaven.
  165. >You feel the warmth of her inner tunnel, and hear the moans seep through her pursed lips.
  166. >You both tried to be quiet.
  167. >Tried.
  169. >Quest Complete: Date Redheart.
  171. >You woke up in the morning, a grin plastered on your face as you turn to see that lovely pink mane.
  172. >Red is fast asleep, and Twilight hasn't come to get you two out of bed yet.
  173. >You must have woken up pretty early then.
  174. >Well, might as well start the day.
  176. >What do you want to do?
  182. >You decide to check your medical pamphlet and read it as you walk out of the room.
  183. >It seems to be a 'First Aid 101' of sorts, this is pretty useful to learn about you suppose.
  184. >You might as well take up Twilight's end of the agreement and leaf through any medical books she may own.
  185. >As you approach though, you can hear Twilight speaking to...Applejack?
  186. >"Look AJ. I have everything under control, don't worry.”
  187. >Her voice sounded calming, like she was trying to reassure a child.
  188. >"Damn it Twi! Ah don't trust that there Anon for one sec. First he shows up out of the blue, and then he's just so happens to walk through that things magic like nuffin'!"
  189. >Looks like not everybody was very happy that you were around.
  190. >"Not tuh mention that they 'dun showed up at the same time. Twi just lis-"
  191. >"AJ!"
  192. >Twilight hisses out her name, trying to silence her clear irritance with her friends opinions.
  193. >"All the more reason to have him tag along where we can keep an eye on him. Can't you just trust me?"
  194. >All you hear are a few grumbles, and the conversation halts right there.
  195. >You want to confront them, maybe go back and tell of what you heard to those you trust.
  196. >Hell, you still wanted to leaf through those books.
  198. >What would you like to do?
  202. >You have to confront them, make sure they know you aren't out to harm them.
  203. >You step out to see Twilight reading, Applejack laying down with her hat bent over her eyes.
  204. >The second you step in AJ props her head up, tipping her hat towards you as a gesture.
  205. >"Mornin'."
  206. >Twilight flashes you a smile, using her magic to levitate a book towards you.
  207. >It seems like a pretty extensive medical booklet on various diseases and how to treat them.
  209. >Iventory: Medical Book (Diseases) Added.
  211. >"Morning Anon. How did you sleep?"
  212. "I slept fairly well, just had a bad dream."
  213. >This caught AJ's interest, and you could see her sitting up in your peripheral vision.
  214. >"Really?", Twilight responded, "What was the dream about?"
  215. "Oh. Just about these two mares who didn't trust me. Thought that I was related to whatever caused the chaos yesterday."
  216. >You looked Twilight in the eyes, a bit of surprise slipping into her expression.
  217. >Turning your head to AJ it was apparent she dropped her act, now showing a bit of anger flood her vision.
  218. >"Did that dream end with ya' gettin' beat to a pulp, Anon?"
  219. >AJ stood up now, moving closer to you.
  220. >"It was only after ya' showed up that that thing came here and wrecked our town! Then all them nice ponies were injured or died."
  221. >You search for something to say, but when you think about it you realize nothing could truly explain the coincidence.
  222. "Look, I kn-"
  223. >"No."
  224. >"The orange mare was dangerously close, rage burning in her eyes.
  225. >"Stop talking, partner."
  227. >Shit, that went horribly.
  228. >Suddenly you thought, what about dancing?
  229. >Maybe it was the stress of a pissed of mare with legs that could crush your skull, but this seemed like a solid idea, right?
  231. >Would you like to use Ogre Dance ability? Y/N?
  236. >You aren't going to dance, you aren't even going to stand for this shit.
  237. "So what? This is all my fault? I’m to blame? Fuck that."
  238. >She takes a step towards you.
  239. >"I told you to stop talking partner."
  240. >You step towards her, leaning into her face.
  241. >AJ's nostrils flare, as she grits her teeth in rage.
  242. “I’m not going to just fucking stand here and get shit on after all I’ve done.”
  243. >You lean in even closer, nose pressed against her own.
  244. “I spent most of my day HELPING other ponies yesterday. What did YOU do, huh? Stuff your face full of apples?”
  245. >Twilight stands now, trying to get between you two.
  246. >"Why don't we all just calm down, talk this out in a mature manner?"
  247. >You simply point to AJ in response.
  248. "Look, you don't have to like me or trust me, but I am not to blame here. You want a scapegoat, you want to be angry? Fine. Hit me."
  249. >You lean in, pointing at your cheek to encourage her.
  250. >AJ appears flabbergasted for only a moment before a devilish grin crosses her face.
  251. >"Mah pleasure."
  252. >Before she can even continue, a purple aura surrounds her and pulls AJ out of your range.
  253. >Twilight, horn aglow, drops AJ on the ground and stands between you two.
  254. >"Cut it out, you are both acting like fillies. Look, Anon. From what you told me when we spoke you seem kind. The possibility that this is related to you is too strong to ignore though. That is the truth."
  255. >You just soak in the words, understanding her concern, albeit still a bit angry.
  256. >She looks to AJ next.
  257. >"You. We can't prove anything, so stop taking out your anger on Anon. I am sorry Applejack but you can't blame eve-"
  258. >She snorts in response, cutting her off as she walks toward the door.
  259. >"Ah'll be outside."
  260. >She slams the door behind her as she leaves.
  261. >You can't help but wonder what her deal is.
  262. >Fucking bitch.
  265. >What would you like to do?
  270. " she always this ill tempered?"
  271. >Twilight sighs, shaking her head.
  272. >"She can be stubborn, have to understand, her brother was badly wounded in that attack. She almost lost him, it is taking everything in her power to hold in that anger as best she can. Sometimes, she just can't."
  273. >You nod, accepting that answer and not pressing the subject further.
  275. "So, where are the others?"
  276. >"Well. Rainbow is probably asleep in the clouds right now, and Fluttershy was checking up on some of her animals."
  277. >Okay, and you know Red and Berry are here at the library.
  278. "What about Rarity and Pinkie?"
  279. >"Rarity went to check in on her little sister, and Pinkie… who knows."
  281. >In that case, you figure it's time to see if Redheart is still asleep and if Berry is still alive after all she drank.
  282. >En route you browse over your new medical book, learning quite a bit about Equestrian diseases.
  283. >You walk into Berry's room first, not wanting to wake Red just yet in case she is asleep.
  284. >Opening the door you see that Berry is groggily rubbing her eyes.
  285. "Morning sleepy head."
  286. >She gives you a deadpan look, obviously hungover.
  287. >"Yeah, yeah, morning."
  288. "How'd you sleep?"
  289. >"I didn't, a certain couple of someponies were boning all night long."
  290. >She gives you a sly grin and chuckles a bit.
  291. >"Sounded like a good time, maybe I'll get in on that action."
  292. >You laugh nervously, her bluntness both aroused you and terrified you.
  293. >Terrified at the thought Red might overhear, somehow.
  294. "Maybe someday."
  295. >You try to play it off cool, combatting her sexuality with your own in an attempt to catch her off guard and cease how blunt she spoke to you.
  296. >"Oooohhh~. I'll have to work my charm on the nurse then won't I?"
  297. >She winks, looks like your plan backfired.
  298. >Though, admittedly, not in a bad way. At all.
  299. >"You know, I got woken up again by a bit of commotion, what was that about?"
  300. >Shit.
  302. >What do you want to do?
  306. "Well, Applejack kind of blew up at me, and I blew up right back at her."
  307. >"What happened?"
  308. >Her usual flirty tone was gone, and now she sounded truly worried.
  309. "She thinks that I might be involved with that thing that attacked, or linked to it at least."
  310. >"No no no no. Nothing like that could be related to you. You saved my life Anon. I don't care what AJ thinks, I will always have your back."
  311. >Wow. Didn't that just melt your heart?
  312. "Thanks Berry. You're the best."
  313. >"You weren't saying I was the best last night."
  314. >That was short lived.
  315. "WELL. Anyway, Twilight told me her brother got injured. She's probably looking for something or someone to blame."
  316. >"Big Mac is a nice stallion, that's a shame he got hurt. She shouldn't have blown up at you though. Next time, I'll be there to stand by your side."
  318. >You can't help but smile at her loyalty.
  319. >As she gets out of bed, you can see her bandages and wounds.
  320. >They were healing, but maybe you could help out a bit more with them.
  321. >You decide to put some of your newfound knowledge to the test.
  322. >"Uh, Anon. Why are you staring at my cuts?"
  323. >Whoops.
  324. "Just going to re bandage them!"
  325. >It took a bit, but you did an alright job.
  327. [Berry Punch has been healed slightly!]
  329. >"Thanks Anon!"
  330. >With that done, you figure it might be time to check in on Red.
  331. >Leaving Berry for the moment, you enter Red's room.
  332. >Looks like she is still out cold.
  334. >What would you like to do?
  338. STATUS:
  339. -Berry Punch: (160/200) You are feeling a lot better now, though your wounds aren't fully healed. Let's do this!
  343. >You read over your book a little more, skimming through the pages and absorbing the information.
  344. >For the most part, you have learned what you need, but the book will be good to reference.
  345. >She still hasn't stirred, so you wake her up the only way you know how.
  346. >Belly rubs.
  347. >You place your hand on her belly and curl your fingers inwards.
  348. >She moans in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes as she giggles.
  349. >For a moment, you think about having a little fun as your hand trails down her stomach.
  350. >She picks up on what you are thinking and gives a smirk.
  351. >"Redheart! Anon! Get up here, let's get ready to go."
  352. >Dammit. So much for getting training in gynecology.
  353. >Redheart grumbles as she hops out of bed, walking out of the room.
  354. >Well, off to Canterlot.
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