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a guest
Dec 16th, 2020
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  1. C:\Users\dupui\Desktop\Godot>godot.exe --editor "C:\Users\dupui\Desktop\Godot\CitySim\2D PoC\Gen2\Gen2Testing.tscn" --verbose
  2. Godot Engine v3.2.3.stable.official -
  3. Using GLES3 video driver
  4. OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
  5. WASAPI: wFormatTag = 65534
  6. WASAPI: nChannels = 2
  7. WASAPI: nSamplesPerSec = 48000
  8. WASAPI: nAvgBytesPerSec = 384000
  9. WASAPI: nBlockAlign = 8
  10. WASAPI: wBitsPerSample = 32
  11. WASAPI: cbSize = 22
  12. WASAPI: detected 2 channels
  13. WASAPI: audio buffer frames: 1962 calculated latency: 44ms
  15. CORE API HASH: 17947557007960061372
  16. EDITOR API HASH: 513236543915789544
  17. Loaded builtin certs
  18. Loading resource: res://CitySim/2D PoC/Gen2/Gen2Testing.tscn
  19. Loading resource: res://2D PoC/Gen2/
  20. ERROR: load_source_code: Condition "err" is true. Returned: err
  21. At: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:829
  22. ERROR: Cannot load source code from file 'res://2D PoC/Gen2/'.
  23. At: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:2286
  24. ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://2D PoC/Gen2/ Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
  25. At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:278
  26. ERROR: poll: res://CitySim/2D PoC/Gen2/Gen2Testing.tscn:3 - Parse Error: [ext_resource] referenced nonexistent resource at: res://2D PoC/Gen2/
  27. At: scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:440
  28. ERROR: Failed to load resource 'res://CitySim/2D PoC/Gen2/Gen2Testing.tscn'.
  29. At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:208
  30. ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://CitySim/2D PoC/Gen2/Gen2Testing.tscn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
  31. At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:278
  32. ERROR: Failed loading scene: res://CitySim/2D PoC/Gen2/Gen2Testing.tscn
  33. At: main/main.cpp:1944
  34. WARNING: cleanup: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
  35. At: core/object.cpp:2135
  36. Leaked instance: MultiplayerAPI:1165
  37. Leaked instance: ViewportTexture:1162 - Resource path:
  38. Leaked instance: Viewport:1159 - Node name: root
  39. Leaked instance: SceneTree:1158
  40. Leaked instance: World:1163 - Resource path:
  41. Leaked instance: BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState:1164
  42. Leaked instance: Physics2DDirectSpaceStateSW:1161
  43. Leaked instance: World2D:1160 - Resource path:
  44. Hint: Leaked instances typically happen when nodes are removed from the scene tree (with `remove_child()`) but not freed (with `free()` or `queue_free()`).
  45. Orphan StringName: tree_changed
  46. Orphan StringName: _server_disconnected
  47. Orphan StringName: network_peer_connected
  48. Orphan StringName: World2D
  49. Orphan StringName: BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState
  50. Orphan StringName: _network_peer_connected
  51. Orphan StringName: _network_peer_disconnected
  52. Orphan StringName: node_added
  53. Orphan StringName: World
  54. Orphan StringName: Viewport
  55. Orphan StringName: network_peer_disconnected
  56. Orphan StringName: _vp_gui_input1159
  57. Orphan StringName: node_removed
  58. Orphan StringName: _vp_input1159
  59. Orphan StringName: Physics2DDirectSpaceStateSW
  60. Orphan StringName: _vp_unhandled_key_input1159
  61. Orphan StringName: root
  62. Orphan StringName: MultiplayerAPI
  63. Orphan StringName: _connection_failed
  64. Orphan StringName: SceneTree
  65. Orphan StringName: connected_to_server
  66. Orphan StringName: node_renamed
  67. Orphan StringName: connection_failed
  68. Orphan StringName: _vp_unhandled_input1159
  69. Orphan StringName: _connected_to_server
  70. Orphan StringName: ViewportTexture
  71. Orphan StringName: server_disconnected
  72. StringName: 27 unclaimed string names at exit.
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