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Oct 24th, 2016
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  1. imports:
  2. - { resource: parameters.yml }
  3. - { resource: security.yml }
  4. - { resource: services.yml }
  5. - { resource: admin.yml }
  6. - { resource: "@UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
  7. - { resource: "@TestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
  8. - { resource: "@AppBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
  9. - { resource: "@PriceBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
  10. - { resource: "@BillingFrameworkBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
  12. # Put parameters here that don't need to change on each machine where the app is deployed
  13. #
  14. parameters:
  15. locale: en
  17. fos_user:
  18. db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb', 'couchdb' and 'propel'
  19. firewall_name: main
  20. user_class: UserBundle\Entity\User
  21. service:
  22. user_manager: ama.user_manager
  24. framework:
  25. #esi: ~
  26. translator: { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] }
  27. secret: "%secret%"
  28. router:
  29. resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml"
  30. strict_requirements: ~
  31. cache:
  32. app: cache.adapter.redis
  33. default_redis_provider: "redis://%redis_host%:%redis_port%"
  34. form: ~
  35. csrf_protection: ~
  36. validation: { enable_annotations: true }
  37. #serializer: { enable_annotations: true }
  38. templating:
  39. engines: ['twig']
  40. default_locale: "%locale%"
  41. trusted_hosts: ~
  42. trusted_proxies: ~
  43. session:
  44. #
  45. handler_id: session.handler.native_file
  46. # save_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../var/sessions/%kernel.environment%"
  47. save_path: "/tmp"
  48. fragments: ~
  49. http_method_override: true
  50. assets:
  51. base_urls:
  52. - ''
  54. # Twig Configuration
  55. twig:
  56. debug: "%kernel.debug%"
  57. strict_variables: "%kernel.debug%"
  58. globals:
  59. menu_categories: "@app.category.repository"
  61. # Assetic Configuration
  62. assetic:
  63. debug: "%kernel.debug%"
  64. use_controller: false
  65. filters:
  66. cssrewrite: ~
  67. write_to: "s3://ama-dev-static-resources"
  68. # read_from: "s3://ama-dev-static-resources"
  70. # Doctrine Configuration
  71. doctrine:
  72. dbal:
  73. driver: pdo_mysql
  74. host: "%database_host%"
  75. port: "%database_port%"
  76. dbname: "%database_name%"
  77. user: "%database_user%"
  78. password: "%database_password%"
  79. charset: UTF8
  80. # if using pdo_sqlite as your database driver:
  81. # 1. add the path in parameters.yml
  82. # e.g. database_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/data/data.db3"
  83. # 2. Uncomment database_path in parameters.yml.dist
  84. # 3. Uncomment next line:
  85. # path: "%database_path%"
  87. orm:
  88. auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
  89. naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
  90. auto_mapping: true
  91. filters:
  92. softdeleteable:
  93. class: Gedmo\SoftDeleteable\Filter\SoftDeleteableFilter
  94. enabled: true
  95. mappings:
  96. gedmo_translatable:
  97. type: annotation
  98. prefix: Gedmo\Translatable\Entity
  99. dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Translatable/Entity"
  100. alias: GedmoTranslatable # (optional) it will default to the name set for the mapping
  101. is_bundle: false
  102. gedmo_translator:
  103. type: annotation
  104. prefix: Gedmo\Translator\Entity
  105. dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Translator/Entity"
  106. alias: GedmoTranslator # (optional) it will default to the name set for the mapping
  107. is_bundle: false
  108. gedmo_loggable:
  109. type: annotation
  110. prefix: Gedmo\Loggable\Entity
  111. dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Loggable/Entity"
  112. alias: GedmoLoggable # (optional) it will default to the name set for the mappingmapping
  113. is_bundle: false
  114. gedmo_tree:
  115. type: annotation
  116. prefix: Gedmo\Tree\Entity
  117. dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Tree/Entity"
  118. alias: GedmoTree # (optional) it will default to the name set for the mapping
  119. is_bundle: false
  121. # Swiftmailer Configuration
  122. swiftmailer:
  123. transport: "%mailer_transport%"
  124. host: "%mailer_host%"
  125. port: "%mailer_port%"
  126. username: "%mailer_user%"
  127. password: "%mailer_password%"
  128. spool: { type: memory }
  130. # Entity audit settings
  131. simple_things_entity_audit:
  132. audited_entities:
  133. - UserBundle\Entity\User
  134. - UserBundle\Entity\Group
  135. global_ignore_columns:
  136. - last_login
  138. sonata_doctrine_orm_admin:
  139. audit:
  140. force: false
  141. templates:
  142. form: [ AdminIntegrationBundle:Form:form_admin_fields.html.twig ]
  144. # app/config/config.yml
  145. stof_doctrine_extensions:
  146. default_locale: en
  147. translation_fallback: true
  148. persist_default_translation: true
  149. uploadable:
  150. # Default file path: This is one of the three ways you can configure the path for the Uploadable extension
  151. default_file_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads"
  153. # Mime type guesser class: Optional. By default, we provide an adapter for the one present in the HttpFoundation component of Symfony
  154. mime_type_guesser_class: Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\Uploadable\MimeTypeGuesserAdapter
  156. # Default file info class implementing FileInfoInterface: Optional. By default we provide a class which is prepared to receive an UploadedFile instance.
  157. default_file_info_class: Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\Uploadable\UploadedFileInfo
  158. orm:
  159. default:
  160. sluggable: true
  161. translatable: true
  162. uploadable: true
  163. timestampable: true
  164. softdeleteable: true
  166. sonata_translation:
  167. locales: [en, ro]
  168. default_locale: en
  169. gedmo:
  170. enabled: true
  172. # SonataAdmin bundle config
  173. sonata_admin:
  174. title: 'AMA Webstore'
  175. templates:
  176. layout: admin/layout.html.twig
  177. dashboard:
  178. groups:
  180. icon: '<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i>'
  181. label: Content Management
  182. # Left menu entries (from services.yml)
  183. items:
  184. - app.admin.category
  185. -
  186. - app.admin.developer
  187. - app.admin.tier
  188. - app.admin.tier_vaue
  190. be_simple_i18n_routing:
  191. annotations: false
  192. locales:
  193. default_locale: en
  194. supported: []
  196. doctrine_migrations:
  197. dir_name: "%kernel.root_dir%/DoctrineMigrations"
  198. namespace: Application\Migrations
  199. table_name: migration_versions
  200. name: Application Migrations
  202. jms_serializer:
  203. enable_short_alias: false
  205. pugx_multi_user:
  206. users:
  207. default_users:
  208. entity:
  209. class: UserBundle\Entity\User
  210. billable_user:
  211. entity:
  212. class: UserBundle\Entity\BillableUser
  213. billing_framework:
  214. api_host: ""
  216. liip_imagine:
  217. filter_sets:
  218. game_poster_small:
  219. quality: 70
  220. format: jpg
  221. filters:
  222. thumbnail:
  223. size: ['767', '431']
  224. mode: 'inset'
  225. post_processors:
  226. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  227. game_poster_medium:
  228. quality: 70
  229. format: jpg
  230. filters:
  231. thumbnail:
  232. size: ['991', '557']
  233. mode: 'inset'
  234. post_processors:
  235. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  236. game_poster_large:
  237. quality: 70
  238. format: jpg
  239. filters:
  240. thumbnail:
  241. size: ['1440', '810']
  242. mode: 'inset'
  243. post_processors:
  244. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  245. game_screenshot_small:
  246. quality: 70
  247. format: jpg
  248. filters:
  249. thumbnail:
  250. size: ['767', '431']
  251. mode: 'inset'
  252. post_processors:
  253. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  254. game_screenshot_medium:
  255. quality: 70
  256. format: jpg
  257. filters:
  258. thumbnail:
  259. size: ['991', '557']
  260. mode: 'inset'
  261. post_processors:
  262. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  263. game_screenshot_large:
  264. quality: 70
  265. format: jpg
  266. filters:
  267. thumbnail:
  268. size: ['1440', '810']
  269. mode: 'inset'
  270. post_processors:
  271. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  272. game_thumbnail_small:
  273. quality: 70
  274. format: jpg
  275. filters:
  276. thumbnail:
  277. size: ['325', '188']
  278. mode: 'inset'
  279. post_processors:
  280. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  281. game_thumbnail_medium:
  282. quality: 70
  283. format: jpg
  284. filters:
  285. thumbnail:
  286. size: ['374', '216']
  287. mode: 'inset'
  288. post_processors:
  289. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  290. similar_game:
  291. quality: 70
  292. format: jpg
  293. filters:
  294. thumbnail:
  295. size: ['298', '168']
  296. mode: 'inset'
  297. post_processors:
  298. jpegoptim: { strip_all: true, max: 70, progressive: true }
  299. resolvers:
  300. local:
  301. flysystem:
  302. filesystem_service: 'oneup_flysystem.%used_filesystem_storage%_filesystem'
  303. root_url: '/%uploads_path%'
  304. cache_prefix: 'cache'
  305. s3:
  306. flysystem:
  307. filesystem_service: 'oneup_flysystem.%used_filesystem_storage%_liip_filesystem'
  308. root_url: ''
  309. cache_prefix: 'cache'
  311. cache: '%used_filesystem_storage%'
  313. loaders:
  314. default:
  315. flysystem:
  316. filesystem_service: 'oneup_flysystem.%used_filesystem_storage%_liip_filesystem'
  318. oneup_flysystem:
  319. adapters:
  320. local_adapter:
  321. local:
  322. directory: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/%uploads_path%'
  323. aws_adapter:
  324. awss3v3:
  325. client: 'app.s3_client'
  326. bucket: 'ama-dev-static-resources'
  327. # prefix: '%uploads_path%'
  328. aws_liip_adapter:
  329. awss3v3:
  330. client: 'app.s3_client'
  331. bucket: 'ama-dev-static-resources'
  332. prefix: '%uploads_path%'
  333. filesystems:
  334. local:
  335. adapter: 'local_adapter'
  336. local_liip:
  337. adapter: 'local_adapter' # the local and local_liip filesystem are the same but this need to be added to work on local environment
  338. s3:
  339. adapter: 'aws_adapter'
  340. s3_liip:
  341. adapter: 'aws_liip_adapter' #the images generated by liip imagine bundle needs to be in uploads folder and you can`t
  342. # specify that option anywhere else than in adapter configs so we need to make a new adapter
  343. # that is passed to liip loaders and resolvers
  345. file_storage:
  346. used_filesystem_storage: '%used_filesystem_storage%'
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