
Socks for Toriel

Feb 22nd, 2016
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  1. Asgore had put in a large amount a practice into his knitting and it showed. Blankets and quilts were given to his friends and pretty much anyone who asked. He had darned a colorful collection of tea cozies, mug cozies, and even a toaster cozy. His hands swiftly moved up and over themselves, a pair of needles his new weapon of choice. He applied the same discipline and precision he would with a spear into creating woolen wonders. Purple strings danced and weaved, beginning to take the form of a sock, its twin waiting its turn.
  3. He hummed to a tune on the radio. He always liked to listen to classic rock and imagine the guitar player’s fingers moving deftly along the strings. It inspired his own fingers to make him proud. Asgore certainly wanted to do Toriel proud with his current task. A simple pair of purple socks. Later he would add stitching of her favorite flower, the lavender. An ornate detail for sure, but there was nothing he would stop at to make her happy.
  5. The next time she invited him for tea, he brought along his surprise gift. She opened the door and welcomed him inside, the kettle already brewing. She noticed the little parcel and asked, “Oh you’ve brought something? Is it not too soon for the fruits I asked for?” Asgore couldn’t hide his goofy smile. He hung up his coat and handed the gift to her. He saw the slight hesitation on her face, probably remembering the last time had given her a gift. Asgore remained hopeful as her fingers slowly removed the cover.
  7. Toriel uttered a delightfully cute gasp, using the box cover to cover her mouth. She looked at Asgore and gave him a playful swat on the arm. “Gorey you scoundrel! You took a peek when you went into my room didn’t you!” He responded with a guilty smile, with just a little bit anxiousness. Her appreciative grin put him at ease. “Oh I can’t be mad. And you even put little lavenders on them! Gorey this is too much, I don’t know how to thank you.” There was deviousness in her voice, enough to make Asgore raise an eyebrow. Toriel sauntered over to her bedroom and invited Asgore to join her. “Come on, Sockmeister.” He slowly followed her, steadily growing nervous.
  9. As he stepped inside he found Toriel sitting on the foot of her bed, his gift beside her. “S-so I can assume that you um. Like them?”, he asked with a gulp.
  11. “Absolutely dear. That’s why I feel that I should model them for you.”
  13. Asgore sputtered nervously, unsure of what to do with himself. Toriel tried hard to burst out with laughter as she slowly lifted up her furry pads. Delicately she lifted one of the purple garments prepared it above her toes. As she lifted her foot, her modest skirt pulled back along her leg, revealing the whiteness underneath. It had been a century since Asgore saw her bare leg and he reacted appropriately, as if it was the first time. First, she covered her toes. Tortuously, she slowly rolled the sock up to her ankle. Stopping only to take a look at Asgore’s face, she suppressed a laugh. She kept pulling the sock until it came halfway up her leg, the thing lavender stalk fully on display, as well as a healthy amount of her leg. Asgore slowly backed away, if only to take in the sight in its entirety. His hands found a wardrobe and found purchase, steadying himself against the wave of emotions.
  15. “What’s the matter, Gorey? Did you not expect me to enjoy such… naughty gifts?” Asgore swallowed a second time, unsure how to respond. Toriel grinned at how the large monster and once king had suddenly become as timid as mouse. Relishing in his uncertainty, she repeated the show with her other leg. Sensually, she brought up the sister garment until it matched the height of the other. With a pair of dainty kicks she examined herself. “Yes I do believe I enjoy them very much. How about you, Gorey? Hmm?”
  17. Asgore tripped over his words, failing to find the words. Much to his relief, the tea kettle sounded its alarm. “Oh uh, I should get that and ready the t-tea. Excuse me.” Toriel laughed and covered her mouth. Despite her earlier teasing, she was also embarrassed. It had been a long while since she acted that way. She was proud she still found enjoyment in it. For some reason, she felt a strange hope for the future. Not wanting to keep Asgore waiting, she stowed the socks away in their special box and put it away in her sock drawer. Toriel wasn’t really mad that Asgore had stolen a look into her private things. He couldn’t help himself, and truthfully, neither could she.
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