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VG Hunter builds - Fresh 60

a guest
Dec 26th, 2014
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  1. Beast Mastery
  3. Improved Aspect of the Hawk 5/5 – every white ranged attack has a 5% chance to increase ranged attack speed by 30%
  5. Marksmanship
  7. Improved Concussive Shot 5/5 – described before.
  8. Efficiency 2/5 – described before.
  9. Lethal Shots 5/5 – described before.
  10. Aimed Shot 1/1 – described before.
  11. Hawk Eye 3/3 – described before.
  12. Mortal Shots 5/5 – described before.
  13. Scatter Shot 1/1 – one of the hunter’s marvelous abilities , disorients the target for 4 seconds and has 30 seconds cooldown. Useful in both PvP and PvE to break casts and gain distance (Note : It’s also a part of Scatter Shot – Feign Death – Freezing Trap “noob combo” ). The drawback is that the disorient effect gets cancelled with any damage taken by target , even a DoT.
  15. Barrage 3/3 – increases multishot and volley damage by 15%. Multishot normally provides approximately 20% of a hunter’s damage , so this talent increases total damage by 3%.
  17. Ranged weapon specialization 5/5 – increases damage of ALL ranged abilities by 5%. And it’s passive !!!
  19. Trueshot Aura 1/1 – gives 100 both melee and ranged attack power to all party members in a 45 yard range. That’s why hunters are loved by rogues and dps warriors.
  21. Survival
  23. Humanoid Slaying 3/3 – increases damage done to all humanoids by 3% , as well as critical strike damage bonus ( from 230% to 233% of normal damage if you have mortal shots ). A great talent , useful in Dire Maul , Scarlet Stratholme and especially in PvP ( It works on undead hordies cause all players are “humanoid” type. It works on any “humanoid” type mobs and doesn’t work on any other mobs ).
  25. Monster Slaying 3/3 – very much like Humanoid Slaying , but now Beasts , Dragonkin and Giants suffer instead of humans.
  27. Savage Strikes 2/2 – increases critical strike chance of Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite by 20%. Raptor strike is , actually , hunter’s only melee damaging ability , so +20% critical strike chance is nice (Usually used in PvP).
  29. Improved Wing Clip 4/5 – gives the wing clip ability a 16% chance to immobilize the target for 5 seconds. Helps against any melee classes or mobs. The problem is quite a small “proc” chance – one can hope , but shouldn’t expect. (Note : wing clip has no cooldown , no diminishing return and costs very little mana , so one can just spam Rank 1 till proc , if slowing effect is not enough to gain distance. )
  31. Clever Traps 2/2 – increases duration / damage of the traps by 30%. With this talent , Freezing Trap’s duration is 26 seconds ( note – Feign Death cooldown is 30 seconds ) and total Immolate Trap damage rises up to 900. Having this talent , one can use Scatter Shot , Feign Death and Freezing Trap combo to control a single mob for eternity ( Note – this talent does not improve maximum PvP duration of a Freezing Trap , it remains 15 seconds. However , it lowers the diminishing return penalty for Freezing Trap : 2nd trap stands for 10 seconds instead of 7-8 , 3rd trap stands for 5-6 seconds instead of 4 ).
  33. Deterrence 1/1 – increases your dodge and parry chance by 25% for 10 seconds. An average hunter has 5-6% parry and 15-20% dodge by default , Aspect of the Monkey gives 8% more dodge. So , under deterrence one has around 53% dodge and 30% parry chance. Die hard style for melee opponents 
  35. Now you’ve grown into a man , collected full BeastStalker set or Dire Maul crit set, joined a successful guild and even managed to get your first epic items. It’s time to think about your future , in which MC , GiantStalker , Rhok-delar await with BWL , DragonStalker and Chromaggus Crossbow hiding in the mists far , far away…
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