
temp is a dork

Jun 17th, 2014
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  1. Diatom ~ Violatic ~ business tortoise / doge
  3. It was a long day for the mods on Pokemon Showdown. For the third time that week, someone had been relentlessly spamming the lobby chat with edited bible quotes and MODS=FAGS. Violatic, Diatom, and Business Tortoise had their hands full between banning the spammer every 5 minutes, dealing with timestallers, and answering the new players' questions. The mods were beat by the time night arrived, so they decided to call it a night.
  4. "Man, A$h Ketchum just wouldn't stop asking questions I'd already answered a dozen times already," sighed Violatic.
  5. "I know how you feel," answered Business Tortoise, "He wouldn't leave me alone either."
  6. Diatom nodded in silence. All three of them were ready to head to bed. They each entered the bathroom one at a time to brush their teeth.
  7. Afterwards, Violatic asked, "You know how when you're scrubbing the back of your tongue, you kind of gag a little?"
  8. "Yeah, I think that's pretty normal," explained Business Tortoise.
  9. Diatom looked puzzled. "I've never had that feeling. I've scrubbed almost to the back of my throat, and I never gagged once."
  10. "Really?" said Violatic. "I'd throw up if I ever tried to go that far back." The small talk over, they each tucked themselves into their own respective twin-size beds at the Showdown Motel, and turned the lights out.
  11. "Hey Violatic," whispered Business Tortoise.
  12. "What?"
  13. "I don't have enough blankets on my bed. Do you mind if I slipped into yours?"
  14. "Tortoise, that sounds really gay."
  15. Business Tortoise giggled. "I know."
  16. Though Tortoise couldn't see, Violatic's cheeks burned red. Already, his mind was racing over what he seemed to want to do. After a long silence, he finally agreed to allow Tortoise into his bed.
  17. Immediately, Tortoise pressed his lips onto Violatic's mouth, and slipped him the tongue. His heart racing, Violatic reciprocated and the kissing quickly turned hot and heavy. He could the fedora in Tortoise's boxers pressing against his leg, and before he knew it his own had swollen to a majestic 3.5" blue diamond cutter.
  18. Violatic pulled down Tortoise's boxers and reached to stroke his fedora. The fabric felt silky in his fingertips. Tortoise pulled his hand off and burrowed under the sheets. He pulled down his tighty-whities, and began to lick his fedora, hardened like blue steel.
  19. Violatic moaned. Tortoise began to take the whole thing in his mouth, further intensifying his euphoria, fit to burst. He was about to be euphoric, when Tortoise gagged on the supple felt. He tore the covers off the bed, rolled over, and threw up on the floor.
  20. "You shouldn't have gone down so hard!" bemoaned Violatic. His rising euphoria had quickly disipated, leaving his fedora limp in his hands.
  21. Diatom's voice cut through the tense silence. "Will you try to keep it down a bit? I'm trying to sleep."
  22. Violatic and Business Tortoise froze; what would Zarel think if he told him about their encounter?
  23. Diatom chuckled. "I'm just joking, I can help you out, Vio. Maybe Tortoise could take control of the back end."
  24. Business Tortoise pushed Violatic onto his knees, and prodded his fedora against his enlightenment. "Bite the pillow, I'm going in dry"
  25. Violatic's muffled scream resonated through the small room. Diatom positioned his mouth at Violatic's fedora, and began sucking as Tortoise pounded away with his own intelligence. Violatic's intelligence quickly subsided from his harsh enlightenment, and soon enough he was fit to burst. After only a couple minutes, his euphoria spilled into Diatom's throat, and Tortoise quickly followed.
  26. "Jesus fucking Christ guys, did you really enlighten that fast?" complained Diatom.
  27. Violatic and Business Tortoise hung their heads in shame. They silently dressed themselves and tucked themselves back into bed, though they couldn't sleep that whole night because of Violatic's violent sobbing and moaning about his throbbing intelligence.
  28. The next morning, the three nervously avoided speaking to each other. From then on, they asked their slum lord Zarel if they could sleep in separate rooms, to which he agreed with a curious expression. Unbeknownst to them, Zarel had slipped into the room after hearing Violatic bitching about his intelligence and watched the whole minute long event.
  29. Diatom, Violatic, and Business Tortoise never spoke to each other again, and never told anyone about their atheist homosexual deviant act.
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