

Feb 28th, 2019
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  1. config:
  2. version: 1
  3. auto-update: true
  5. options:
  6. debug: false
  7. survival-only: true
  8. drop-to-inventory: true
  9. allowed-worlds:
  10. - WORLD
  12. treasure-types:
  13. common:
  14. GUI-display:
  15. item: INK_SACK:3
  16. name: "&7Common"
  17. allowed-blocks:
  18. - STONE
  19. percent-chance: 3
  20. message:
  21. enabled: true
  22. message: "&6You got a &7common &b%item% &6while mining!"
  23. drop-message: "&cA &7common &4%item% &chas dropped next to you because your inventory is full!"
  24. broadcast:
  25. enabled: false
  26. message: '&6%player% has found a &7common &9%item% &6while mining!'
  27. playsound:
  28. enabled: true
  29. sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
  30. volume: 10
  31. treasures:
  32. 1:
  33. type: command
  34. command: 'say hey'
  35. 2:
  36. type: command-list
  37. name: "&6Diamond Set"
  38. commands:
  39. - 'give %player% minecraft:DIAMOND_HELMET'
  40. - 'give %player% minecraft:DIAMOND_SWORD'
  41. - 'give %player% minecraft:DIAMOND_LEGGINGS'
  42. - 'give %player% minecraft:DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE'
  43. - 'give %player% minecraft:DIAMOND_BOOTS'
  44. log:
  45. GUI-display:
  46. item: LOG
  47. name: "&7Log"
  48. damage: 1
  49. allowed-blocks:
  50. - LOG
  51. percent-chance: 3
  52. message:
  53. enabled: true
  54. message: "&6You got a &7common &b%item% &6while mining!"
  55. drop-message: "&cA &7common &4%item% &chas dropped next to you because your inventory is full!"
  56. broadcast:
  57. enabled: false
  58. message: '&6%player% has found a &7common &9%item% &6while mining!'
  59. playsound:
  60. enabled: true
  61. sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
  62. volume: 10
  63. treasures:
  64. 1:
  65. type: command
  66. command: 'say hey'
  67. uncommon:
  68. GUI-display:
  69. item: TORCH
  70. name: "&7Common"
  71. allowed-blocks:
  72. - STONE
  73. percent-chance: 1.5
  74. message:
  75. enabled: true
  76. message: "&6You got a &8uncommon &b%name% &6while mining!"
  77. drop-message: "&cA &&8uncommon &4%name% &chas dropped next to you because your inventory is full!"
  78. broadcast:
  79. enabled: false
  80. message: '&6%player% has found a &8uncommon &9%name% &6while mining!'
  81. playsound:
  82. enabled: true
  84. volume: 10
  85. treasures:
  86. 1:
  87. type: item
  88. item: IRON_SWORD
  89. amount: 1
  90. rare:
  91. GUI-display:
  92. item: EGG
  93. name: "&7Rare"
  94. allowed-blocks:
  95. - STONE
  96. percent-chance: 0.5
  97. message:
  98. enabled: true
  99. message: "&6You got a &erare &b%name% &6while mining!"
  100. drop-message: "&cA &erare &4%name% &chas dropped next to you because your inventory is full!"
  101. broadcast:
  102. enabled: false
  103. message: '&6%player% has found a &erare &9%name% &6while mining!'
  104. playsound:
  105. enabled: true
  106. sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND
  107. volume: 10
  108. treasures:
  109. 1:
  110. type: item
  111. item: DIAMOND
  112. amount: 10
  113. epic:
  114. GUI-display:
  115. item: WATCH
  116. name: "&7Epic"
  117. allowed-blocks:
  118. - STONE
  119. percent-chance: 0.1
  120. message: "&6You got a &depic &b%name% &6while mining!"
  121. drop-message: "&cA &depic &4%name% &chas dropped next to you because your inventory is full!"
  122. broadcast:
  123. enabled: true
  124. message: '&6%player% has found a &depic &9%name% &6while mining!'
  125. playsound:
  126. enabled: true
  127. sound: ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH
  128. volume: 10
  129. treasures:
  130. 1:
  131. type: item
  132. unbreakable: true
  133. item: DIAMOND_AXE
  134. amount: 1
  135. legendary:
  136. GUI-display:
  137. item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  138. name: "&7Legendary"
  139. allowed-blocks:
  140. - STONE
  141. percent-chance: 0.01
  142. message:
  143. enabled: true
  144. message: "&6You got the &c&lLEGENDARY &b%name% &6while mining!"
  145. drop-message: "&cA &lLEGENDARY &4%name% &chas dropped next to you because your inventory is full!"
  146. broadcast:
  147. enabled: true
  148. message: '&6%player% has found the &c&lLEGENDARY &9%name% &6while mining!'
  149. playsound:
  150. enabled: true
  152. volume: 10
  153. particle:
  154. enabled: true
  155. particle: HEART
  156. amount: 10
  157. dx: 0
  158. dy: 0.8
  159. dz: 0
  160. treasures:
  161. 1:
  162. type: item
  163. item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  164. amount: 1
  167. multiplier-permissions:
  168. '1':
  169. permission:
  170. multiplier: 2
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