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/omg/ FAQ

a guest
Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. Since there's been what seems to be a massive influx of newfriends, I feel like I should point out something I used to say a lot more often:
  3. This is not a "beginner's" thread. The library was complied with the intermediate and advanced pracitioner in mind, who has hopefully experimented for a couple of years with any given system(s) and is seeking a more centralized and academic/scholarly resource than common occult websites (sacred-texts, can provide. This does not mean newfriends are utterly unwelcome; far from it, however I generally prefer to interface with questions outside the realm of google, or concepts that are found in historical and cultural systems of magick as opposed to a "freeforall" of poorly conceptualized "new age" materials (i.e. spirit science).
  5. With that said, we had a few psionic questions; I think a good deal of that is covered in Chaos with the Cosimano texts. The beginner's folder is meant to simply give a taste or preview of what's awaiting practice - much of the beginner's folder can also be found by googling basic questions.
  7. If you're stumbling in here wondering if we're gonna give you tips on how to do stuff from your favorite anime or summon a succubus or ask a question that's answered with ten seconds on google or five minutes of scanning the library, you either won't get a response or get one as dumb as your question. If, however, you wanna talk about grimoires, historical praxes, mysticism in our and other cultures, the fine points of contemplation, or the mechanics of initiation, this IS the place to find answers.
  9. Old threads can be found at, searching the subject field for "occultism", "/omg/", or "library".
  11. Before you ask:
  13. >Bardon is neither Initiatory nor Hermetic. The text he presents has zero grounding in the Corpus Hermeticum, Chaldean Oracles, the Arabic Grimoires (secretum secretorum, etc.), or any other contemporaneous materials. Moreover IIH offers zero in terms of a functioning initiatory ritual, and seems to contain zero coherent reference to Freemasonry, early Gnostic initiations, the functional mystery cults, SRIA, OoGaRC, HOoGD, or the traditions using Dee's keyword for three hundred years.
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