

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. >in your twenties
  2. >cant land a job
  3. >money is getting tight
  4. >finally get a job part time at a fluffy adoption center
  5. >better than nothing
  6. >you personally don’t care for the things but you don’t hate them
  7. >you just go through the motions: feeding, cleaning, showing them to customers, repeating
  8. >the shelters getting crowded
  9. >boss offers a 5% increase in pay if an employee adopts a fluffy every 3 months, store will provide food for first month
  10. >need all the money you can get so you adopt a pink fluffy earth mare
  11. >no car only a bike and backpack so the shop keeper gives you a bike basket to put the cage in
  12. >the ride home the fluffy babbles on about “new daddy, pway, hungies need nummies” and all other sorts of shit
  13. >maybe you should just toss her in a ditch, but you’re too beta
  14. >plus the payment bonus requires the shop keep to see it once every month to ensure its happy
  15. >”daddy, fwuffy need nummies!” the fluffy cry finally snaps you out of your daze
  16. >look down to see her pouting with her big blue eyes begging to you
  17. “all right here, have some candy”
  18. >you pull out a bag of candy you had in your pocket
  19. >mostly crushed but still
  20. >the fluffy sniffs the contents of the bag and nibbles on a piece of chocolate
  21. >she immediately begins to devour the bag full of food
  22. >the rest of the ride home is mostly quite except for the loud smacking noises
  23. >when you get back to your apartment you set the fuffy in her new home and place the litterbox and food and water bowls out as well as her bed
  24. >she trots around the two room apartment overjoyed with her new home
  25. >you get ready to turn in and head for you room
  26. >”daddy?”
  27. What?
  28. >”wat fwuffy name?”
  29. I don’t know, what is it?
  30. >”fwuffy no have name” she says sadly looking at the ground
  31. “well what would you like?”
  32. >”fwuffy like candy!”
  33. “alright your name is candy”
  34. >”yaaaaaaaaaay fwuffy name candy!” she exclaims bouncing around
  35. >this goes on for 2 hours before she passes out, you wonder what you got yourself into
  36. >the job being part time you’re at home a lot
  37. >Candy drives you up the walls but you need the dough
  38. >you play with her and keep her entertained but at the cost of your sanity
  39. >you take her to the park as often as possible so she can play with other fluffies not just you
  40. >it keeps her out of your hair and gives you a chance to read the job listings
  41. >as you peruse the paper you look up to check on your fluffy
  42. >you don’t see her
  43. >you scan the area again and still no fluffy
  44. >uh oh you think to yourself
  45. >you get up and search for her
  46. >high and low no Candy
  47. >you’re about to give up when you hear two soft voices under the children’s slide play set
  48. >you look inside and see Candy being mounted by a green unicorn
  49. >the thought of Candy plus X number of foals make you nearly piss yourself in fear
  50. >you quickly snatch the green unicorn by the scruff of his neck
  51. >”nuuuuuuuu no huwt mojito, wet mojito down!”
  52. “candy, come on we’re leaving”
  53. >”Candy in twouble?” she asks with a mildy scared look
  54. “come on”
  55. >you set Mojito down as he dashes off to probably tell his owner
  56. >candy slowly comes out looking fearful of punishment “Candy sowwy daddy, no mean to be bad fwuffy”
  57. “Candy, do you know what you were doing?”
  58. >”candy give speciaw huggies” she says
  59. “Candy, you can’t do that or you’ll get us both in trouble”
  60. >”candy onwy do it for shiny toy”
  61. “a toy?”
  62. >candy reaches back and pulls out a quarter
  63. “You did that for a quarter?”
  64. >”what quatew?” she asks
  65. “nevermind, what if you got pregnant? I can barely feed you let alone babies”
  66. >”babies?” candy’s eyes light up “whewe babbehs?” she asks looking around
  67. “there are no babies here, maybe I should get you spayed. But thatd cost a fortune”
  68. >”spay?” she asks “fwuffy hear dat befowe at cage home, wat spay?”
  69. >you think for a minute then pick up Candy and look at her belly
  70. >fluffys fluff regrows quickly but underneath the fluff if a scar spanning her lower stomach
  71. “so you are spayed, must do that to all the ferals”
  72. >”wha spay?” she repeats “whewe da babehs daddy?”
  73. “nothing, lets just go home”
  74. >you turn and see an orange Pegasus with something in its mouth
  75. >”movto say u spl hud for nw tys”
  76. “we cant understand you”
  77. >he spits out the obstruction
  78. >”Mojito say you give speciaw huggies for new toys, dis wha my mommy had in her toy bag”
  79. >you pick it up to see a slobbery five dollar bill
  80. >light bulb
  81. “ok candy now what do you do?”
  82. >”candy give speciaw huggies fo mommy and daddy papuh toys!” she gleefully replies “den Candy get candy!” she chirps as she does a quick skip
  83. “good good, now tell the other fluffys”
  84. >She scurries off to the playground
  85. >you watch her grabd the attention of the fluffies as the gather around to hear her
  86. >once she is done, fluffies dart off in all directions
  87. >as their parents talk they crawl into their owner’s purses and stealth fully slide wallets out
  88. >you watch them grabs mouthfuls of bills and rush back to Candy
  89. >best idea ever
  90. >they go into her sex chamber under the slide playset and come back out a minute or two later
  91. >after 45 minutes all fluffies have been taken care of
  92. >you walk over and see Candy licking her vag clean after the job is done
  93. >”hi daddy! Candy do good? Get candy now?”
  94. “one minute Candy”
  95. >you pick up the pile of bills and begin to count
  96. >1..3..6..26…34….44….holy shit a 50…..$112 dollars total
  97. >you just made more than 3 days at work in 45 minutes
  98. >”get candy now?” Candy asks impatiently
  99. “of course, great job Candy”
  100. >you give her a bag of gummy worms which she is delighted to see
  101. >you still can’t believe this worked
  102. >you have a new source of income
  103. >get back home, shuffling through your bills as Candy chews on her gummy worms
  104. >you carry her in your backpack with her head poking out
  105. >you set it down and put the money in your wallet finally
  106. “Candy, did you have any friends at the shelter?”
  107. >”fwiends?” she asks a gummy worm hanging out one side of her mouth
  108. “yeah, any friends like you?”
  109. >”yes! Candy have pwetty bwue fwuff fwiend!”
  110. “should we go get her?”
  111. >Candy’s eyes light up “Yes! Fwuffy wive hewe?!”
  112. “yes she’ll live here”
  113. >Candy skips around, bucking her hooves in the air “yay!!! Fwiend wive wif Candy!”
  114. >you put candy in your bike basket and pedal off for the shelter
  115. >upon arrival you see your boss working the counter and smiles at you
  116. >”oh hey anon, you don’t work today, what are you doing here?”
  117. “Candy here wants to pick up her friend, so im here to adopt her”
  118. >your boss looks dumbfounded
  119. >”ummmmmm well sure, let’s go find her friend”
  120. >Candy cheers as you enter the backroom playpen where the fluffies are kept during the day
  121. >fluffy ponies of all colors prance and play without a care in the world
  122. >the adoption drive seems to have worked, theirs considerably less here than before
  123. >you hope Candy’s friend is still here
  124. >”Fwiend!” Candy cries trying to squirm out of your grasp
  125. >you set her down as she runs up and is greeted by a light blue fluffy with a brown mane and tail
  126. >”fwiend back! Whewe you go! Fwuffy miss you!”
  127. >”Fwuffy have name, am Candy now! Haf daddy now too!” Candy chirps gleefully pointing to you
  128. >”Dat pwetty name! Fwuffy wish she had pwetty name wike Candy!”
  129. “well would you like a name?” you ask kneeling down next to her
  130. >”fwuffy can have name?” she asks, her eyes lighting up
  131. “you can even have a new home now too”
  132. >She prances around cheering then hugs Candy
  133. >after filling out the adoption papers and buying some toys and kibble you place both fluffies in your basket and set off for home
  134. >”Candy so happy fwuffy wive wif Candy and daddy now!
  135. >”Fwuffy get name now too! Daddy, what fwuffy’s name?!”
  136. >thinking about it for a bit you settle upon a suitable name
  137. “you can be Naomi”
  138. >”oooooo pwetyy name!” says Candy
  139. >”Naomi wuv new name!” she smiles hopping in the basket
  140. >when you get home you set up Naomi’s new bed and explain the rules (litterbox, quiet time, etc)
  141. “and to celebrate Naomi joining our family, we’re going to the park tomorrow!”
  142. >both fluffies cheer and hug at this notion
  143. >they play and babble till about 9 then pass out in their bed, snuggled up to each other
  144. >on the ride to the park you planned to explain how it works but candy is already going on about how if they get the pretty paper from other fluffies and give special hugs that daddy gives them candy
  145. >”give candy?” asks Naomi quizzically “But you Candy!”
  146. >Candy giigles “no siwwy, get candy nummies!”
  147. >”nummies? Whewe, whewe nummies?”
  148. >you pull out a sweet tart and give it to Naomi
  149. >she nibbles it then smiles widely “nummies good!”
  150. “well you get more if you help Candy”
  151. >you sit on your bench and watch Candy lead Naomi to the other fluffies
  152. >same as before the boys scurry off to their owners purses and wallets sticking out of pockets
  153. >some don’t know what “pretty paper is” so they follow fluffies who do and take money from their owners
  154. >the owners are too busy talking or reading to even notice
  155. >45 minutes pass and you see the last fluffy leaving with a shit eating grin on his face
  156. >you look under the play set to see the your two girls cleaning themselves
  157. >”hi daddy! We do good?” asks Candy
  158. “lemme see candy, do you have the money?”
  159. >her and Naomi pick up the wads of cash and bring them to you
  160. >$201 dollars
  161. >thank god fluffies have no sense of value
  162. >you give them each a roll of sweet tarts and tell them to have fun playing as you sift through the cash on the bench
  163. >you never thought you’d be doing this, but hell it’ll pay the bills
  164. >on the way back the girls relay how much fun they had at the park to you
  165. >you give simple agreements like “sounds like fun, mhmm, that’s great girls”
  166. >you’re too lost in thought
  167. > if one fluffy can bring in about a hundred dollars a day, and only costs 30 a week….
  168. >ka-ching
  169. >you need to expand
  170. >to avoid suspicions you take the girls to different parks over town
  171. >every time they average about $190
  172. >your worst haul was $87 which is still a nice handful
  173. >you’ve been doing this for 2 weeks now and while you make good money, expenses do cut back a little
  174. >one day you walk up to the girls who are playing in the main room (which in a two room apartment is the living room/ kitchen combo)
  175. Hey girls, whatcha doing?
  176. >”Daddy! We pwaying tag! Wan pway?”
  177. >Naomi runs up and baps you with her hoof “you it!” her and Candy skitter away giggling
  178. >you smile and chase them around for a bit before gently tagging Candy and the cycle continues
  179. >wait are you actually playing with these whores?
  180. >no, cant do that, they are strictly for business
  181. “Hey girls, do you still have any friends back at the adoption center?”
  182. >”what adopton centa?”
  183. “the home before”
  184. >”no, candy no have anymo fwiends except namoi”
  185. >”yes you did siwwy! Naomi haf sista! She youw fwiend!”
  186. >Candy’s eyes light up as she remembers
  187. >”you do haf sista! Yay! Daddy we go pick up Naomi sista?”
  188. “you bet we are!”
  189. >you grab the backpack and load up the girls, their heads poking out and babbling in excitement about picking up Naomi’s sister
  190. >One joyous reunion followed by an adoption later you bring home a small, light blue unicorn with shiny blue eyes
  191. >they’re very beautiful even for a fluffy, so you name her Sparkle, you know because she’ll dazzle the boys out of their parent’s cash
  192. >gotta keep business in mind
  193. >but she looks very young, she looks like she’s barely out of foal hood
  194. >you wonder if she’s even begun to have cycles
  195. >well you’ll find out tomorrow
  196. >that night to celebrate Sparkle into the family you make the girls spaghetti
  197. >gotta keep your money makers happy
  198. >Sparkle already loves you and her new home
  199. >everything is going according to plan
  200. >that night the three get into their fluffpile and say goodnight to each other, and in unison say goodnight to you
  201. >it’s really cute, the sight of them sleeping in the puffy pile, snoozing away; dreaming of candy, spaghetti and playing.
  202. >almost feel bad that you use them as sex dolls for cash
  203. >the next day your load the girls in the basket so you can explain to Sparkle what to do
  204. >immediately there’s a problem
  205. >”what speciaw hugs?”
  206. >great
  207. >”you know siwwy!” Candy giggles “The hugs boy fwuffys give! It makes babbehs!”
  208. >”babbehs, whewe babbehs?!” Sparkle asks excitedly looking around
  209. >you hope she just doesn’t know the name special hugs yet
  210. “here sparkle try this”
  211. >you hand her a skittle. She sniffs it then nibbles on it
  212. >her bright eyes light up in excitement as she gobbles the rest down
  213. >”nummies good! Can Spawkle have mowe pwease daddy?
  214. “once we’re done at the park you can”
  215. >upon arrival at the park you see a lot of people
  216. >turns out the fluffy day cares have come together in some big play date
  217. >this will be a grand haul
  218. >you set the girls on the ground
  219. “ok girls, go do your thing!”
  220. >Candy and Naomi take off but Sparkle stays behind and just looks at you
  221. “Sparkle what’s wrong? Go with your sister and Candy!”
  222. >”Spawkle don’t know what to do!”
  223. “Just….just follow your sister! Do what she does!”
  224. >Sparkle lopes off after Naomi and follows her for a bit, then goes off to her own groups of boys and relays the message
  225. >soon the cycle begins, fluffys run for purses, wallets, bill clips
  226. >they’ve seen them before and know what to do
  227. >even those who haven’t had the girls services know what money is
  228. >people are too busy socializing, reading or napping to notice stallions with money stuffed in their mouths running to the play set
  229. >you sit back on the bench and pull out your cellphone to kill time
  230. >”hi”
  231. >you look up to see a woman with dark hair tucked in a ponytail stand in front of you
  232. >she’s hot, beautiful blue eyes, nice body, decent rack, tight figure and dat ass. the ass was fat
  233. Hi
  234. >”I’ve seen you here before, name’s Ally. You’re the owner of the Pink fluffy pony right?”
  235. >you’re that was rising now deflates with that ballon noise (pppppppppft or whatever)
  236. >she’s seen you before, knows Candy………what else does she know?
  237. Y…yes! Yes I am, name’s Anon and my fluffies names are Candy, Naomi and Sparkle
  238. >”Oh! I guess ive only seen the pink one”
  239. I adopted the other two recently, their sisters and frineds of Candy, from the same adoption center
  240. >”Awwwww that’s so sweet! It’s nice to see a guy that actually loves fluffies and doesn’t just want to beat them senseless”
  241. “Y..yeah I love fluffies! Cutest things on the planet, right next to babies!”
  242. >If you were a treasure chest you’d lie on the bottom of the ocean
  243. >She buys it and continues to smile and d’aww
  244. >the moment is interrupted by fluffy wailing
  245. >you look over to see Sparkle dashing towards you, tears filling her eyes
  246. >”DADDY! DADDY!” she cries as you pick her up
  247. “Whats wrong Sparkle?”
  248. >”Meanie pone give huwties to peepee!”
  249. >Oh great, you turn her over and sure enough her crotch is bleeding
  250. >dammit you wish she had some experience like her sister
  251. >”ohhh you poor thing!” says Ally as she pets the sniffling Sparkle
  252. >fuck you hope the girls cover for her
  253. >as you shush and reassure the sniveling pone a police officer approaches
  254. >”good morning you two, I am officer James Harrold, I’m watching over this event. Is something wrong?”
  255. “no, my fluffy just had a…..bad first experience”
  256. >”I’m sorry to hear that. I’m on the lookout for fluffy pony abusers, these events seem to draw them out. With the new fluffy protection laws, god helps us, we are sworn to protect these creatures due to their minor sentience.”
  257. >Standing near a cop never makes a pimp feel safe
  258. “Thank you officer you’re doing a great job but we have things here”
  259. >”actually I wanted to discuss another thing. You come to this park and others a lot. I see you sometimes on my patrols. A lot of people seeming to get pickpocketed. Money gone missing but all you do is sit on the bench with your phone. So I doubt you see anything?”
  260. >you break into a cold sweat
  261. “no sir, I just brings my girls here and let them play”
  262. >”hmmm good man, good to see some guys actually care for these things. One less person I have to arrest. Well im going back to my rounds, see you around mr….?
  263. “Anon, Anon Anonymous”
  264. >Fuck why’d you give him your name?
  265. >he smiles “see you around Anon”
  266. >you sit down as calmly as you can still holding Sparkle to your chest
  267. >”what was that all about?” Ally asks
  268. “ clue”
  269. >youre glad youre holding sparkle or your hands would be shaking
  270. >a purple unicorn trots up to Ally and says “Hewwo mommy!”
  271. >”hey Grimmace! You having fun?”
  272. “Grimmace?” you ask with a smile
  273. >”yeah, you know, Ronald Mcdonalds friend? Doesn’t he look like him?”
  274. >you have to admit, the little lardo with his red eyes does look like him
  275. >you just hope he isn’t one of your clients
  276. >”gwimmace weady to go now, am sweepy”
  277. >”alright sweety, lets go home” she stands up and fumbles through her purse “it was nice meeting you!”
  278. >Ally hands you a card “it has my home number, call me if you ever want the girls to have a playdate at someone house”
  279. >she smiles for a bit the walks away with Grimace in her oversized purse
  280. >’Ally Anon, attorney at law’
  281. >that might come in handy
  282. >after sparkle stops sniveling you give her a bag of skittles and her raincloud disappears
  283. >you go collect the girls and stuff them in your bike basket
  284. >overall you made $422, which makes up for shitting your pants after your talk with the cop
  285. >Candy and Naomi eat their skittles as you pedal for home
  286. >the whole way you wonder about how much longer you can do this, and if Ally is single
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