
Day Four, Part One

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. Fic by Biscuit Anon.
  2. Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/BiscuitAnon
  5. >Your face contorts at the high pitched beeping sound, pulling your from your dreams.
  6. >You see that it's daylight out and you're minus one sleeping dash.
  7. >And why do you smell smoke?
  8. >Then it hits you like a brick.
  9. >Your head cranks over towards the kitchen where all of the girls are panicking.
  10. >The beeping, is from the smoke alarm.
  11. >Instinct takes over and you dive over the couch and into the kitchen.
  12. >You throw open one of the cupboards and pull out some flour and pour it in the flaming, smoking, pan that someone was cooking breakfast in.
  13. >The fire goes out and you open the window to clear out smoke.
  14. >Tearing the batteries out of the smoke alarm, the obnoxious sound dies and you can actually hear yourself think for once this morning.
  15. "So I take it breakfast was a success?" you say sarcastically.
  16. >RD: "We tried to make you breakfast but.."
  17. >She looks over to the mess on the stove.
  18. "Yeah.. It's okay, it's the thought that count really." you smile.
  19. >A banging on your door takes you away from your thoughts.
  20. >"Anon?! What the hell is all the commotion! and why do I smell smoke!?"
  21. >Ooooh shit.
  22. >Landlord.
  23. "Quickly girls into my room! Go! I'll take care of this." you whisper.
  24. >You rush over to your door and crack it open.
  25. "Just a little mishap with breakfast.. that's all."
  26. >"It lasted for 45 minutes.."
  27. >You really slept through that?
  28. "Uhh everythings under control now, sir."
  29. >The landlord quirks his brow and tries to push the door open.
  30. >Your foot stops his advance.
  31. "I said everything's under control.."
  32. >"And I'm your landlord, now let me in."
  33. >He tries to push the door again.
  34. >You stop it with your body this time.
  35. >"Anon.. you let me in or I call the cops."
  36. >He's kinda got you by the balls.
  37. >You begrudgingly move out of the way of the door.
  38. >He stomps in like he owns the damn pl-oh wait.
  39. >He inspects the kitchen, and thankfully there's really no damage.
  40. >"Alright Anon, it seems like you do have it under control."
  41. >*Achoo* a small squeaky sneeze is heard from within the apartment.
  42. >"What was that?"
  43. "What was what?"
  44. >"You didn't just hear someone sneeze?"
  45. "..No?"
  46. >"I know you heard it, it was clear as day."
  47. "I swear I didn't hear anything."
  48. >"Anon you pay for one tennant.. I swear if you're hoarding someone, I want my money or they get out."
  49. >Ohshitohshitohshit.
  50. >He's walking over to the bedroom door!
  51. >What do you do?!
  52. >He opens the door and you sprint over before he sees the girls.
  53. >You stop behind him and look in the room.
  54. >Nothing.
  55. >Huh..?
  56. >He walks in and over to the closet before pulling the door over.
  57. >Your heart is racing 20 miles per minute.
  58. >He closes the closet door and scratches his head.
  59. >Then he checks underneath the bed.
  60. >Still nothing.
  61. >"I guess I am hearing things Anon."
  62. >He tries to clean out his ear with his pinkie.
  63. >Ew.
  64. "And I done with inspection mein feuer?"
  65. >He looks at you like "What the fuck?"
  66. >"Yeah... just clean up that mess in the kitchen."
  67. >He proceeds outside your apartment and closes the door behind him.
  68. >Dodged a bullet there..
  69. >Now.. where the hell did the girls go?
  70. >You turn around and look back into the bedroom to find them all standing there.
  71. "What th- how?"
  72. >PP: "Magic." She says in a flat voice with a shit eating grin on her face.
  73. >You stand there, mouth open.
  74. >The girls walk past you into the living room.
  75. >Dash comes up to your and whispers in your ear.
  76. >RD: "We just hit outside on that fire escape thingy."
  77. >And then pats you on the shoulder before walking out of the room.
  78. >You shrug.
  79. >Well whatever, it worked didn't it?
  80. >You walk over and sit on the couch and turn the TV on.
  81. >Dash of course takes her spot by your side.
  82. >The others just sit wherever they felt comfortable.
  83. ------
  84. >You've been sitting here for about an hour now, watching an old clint eastwood movie.
  85. >AJ being the most interested in it.
  86. >Twilights been asking you nonstop questions about cinematography and the wild west.
  87. >Pinkie and Fluttershy are playing cards.
  88. >Rarity is having miniature panic attacks over your selection of clothing you picked up the other day.
  89. >and Dash is buried into your side.
  90. >What an awesome Saturday.
  91. >Kidding, you're bored as fuck.
  92. "Say girls, why don't we do something fun today?"
  93. >PP: "Fun?! Ooooh~ I love fun!"
  94. >Twilight squees like a dog toy.
  95. >TS: "Really?! Oh this is going to be such a learning experience."
  96. >R: "I'd LOVE to see what this places taste in fashion is."
  97. "So it's settled then."
  98. >You go change really quick and tell the girls to do the same.
  99. >After getting around, you, spike, and the girls head out on a fun filled day of wonder.
  100. >First stop.
  101. >The Mall.
  102. >TS: "Where are we going first Anon?"
  103. "It's a Surprise."
  104. >PP: "I like surprises!"
  105. "Heh, I know pinks."
  106. >After a 15 minute drive, you finally arrive at the mall.
  107. >All: "Woooow.."
  108. >R: "Anon darling, what is a "Mall" anyways."
  109. "It's a giant building filled with a lot of shopping outlets and restaurants."
  110. >R:"J-just like the canterlot strip?!"
  111. >Uhh..
  112. "Can't really say, I haven't been there."
  113. >R: "Well, it's really just as you described this place."
  114. "Interesting.."
  115. >Except, this isn't a fancy place with fancy ponie-er people.
  116. >You managed find a parking spot which is surprising.
  117. >Considering it's a Saturday and this is teen hub central.
  118. >The eight of you enter the mall.
  119. >The girls are astounded at the sheer size of this place.
  120. >Can't blame them.
  121. >You just watch and smile.
  122. "Go have fun."
  123. >The girls take off in different directions.
  124. >Dash stays behind with you.
  125. "So what do you want to do first?"
  126. >RD: "I don't know, you're the tour guide." She says playfully.
  127. >You know the perfect place.
  128. >TO THE ARCADE!
  129. >You and dash head over towards the sounds of 8-bit themed music and the clash of fists.
  130. >RD: "We have arcades back in ponyville." She says.
  131. "Well you haven't seen my arcade yet." you grin.
  132. >Dash has never experience the joys of throwing hadouken's at children.
  133. >It's time you change that.
  134. >You enter the neon and fluorescent light filled electronic playground eager to show dash the time of her life.
  135. >You scan the multiple machines and try to decide what you should play first.
  136. >Then one machine stands out from the others.
  137. >Contra, glorious 8-bit contrar.
  138. "This way dash."
  139. >You both head over to the machine and you deposit 2 quarters for yourself and her.
  140. "Okay here's how it works."
  141. >You take control of your battle station.
  142. "This is the analog stick, up, down, left, right, ya know general directions, A is to jump and B is to fire, got all that?"
  143. >RD: "Yep!"
  144. >Before you start the game you put in the oldest cheat code known to mankind.
  145. >99 lives.
  146. "Get ready."
  147. >The game starts up and you're already on a roll taking out every 8-bit bastard you see.
  148. >You were too busy keeping an eye on your score you didn't know that dash was actually beating you.
  149. >porque?
  150. >She has you by over 500,000 points.
  151. >You didn't pay enough attention to your virtual warrior and he died.. for the next 5 minutes.
  152. >Dash is dominating you at this point.
  153. >You finally reach it to the final boss with your 10 lives left.
  154. "Hey dash how many times have you died?"
  155. >RD: "None." she says sticking her tongue out in concentration.
  156. >You look at her in shock, causing you to lose another 5 lives.
  157. >Dash is raping the hell out of the red dick looking motherfucker.
  158. >You stand there with mouth agape.
  159. >Not even caring that you lost all your lives.
  160. "GAME OVER! YOU WIN!"
  161. >Dash just beat you on contra with a 15 million point lead and all on one life.
  162. >Part of you doesn't want to live on this planet anymore.
  163. >The one thing you thought you were good at in life.
  164. >Crushed and scattered in the wind.
  165. "I don't even.."
  166. >RD: "Looks like I beat ya at your own game, Anon, do I get a prize?" She gives you a sly smile.
  167. >This cheeky..
  168. >You want a prize?
  169. "Close your eyes."
  170. >She does and giggles awaiting her gift.
  171. "Boop"
  172. >You boop her on the nose.
  173. >She opens her eyes with a dissapointed look on her face.
  174. >RD: "Really?"
  175. >You smile and cross your arms.
  176. "Really."
  177. >She grabs your head and forces you into a quick kiss.
  178. >RD: "Much better."
  179. >She walks off into the arcade.
  180. >You stand there blushing like an idiot.
  181. >Meanwhile.
  182. -----
  183. >"No ma'am you can't buy candy with balloons." The store clerk says enthusiastically.
  184. >PP: "Aww what not?"
  185. >"Because you buy it with money."
  186. >PP: "But I don't have any money!"
  187. >"Not my problem."
  188. >Pinkie pie stands there and thinks for a moment.
  189. >A lightbulb goes off above her head.
  190. >Literally.
  191. >She runs out of the store in search of Anon.
  192. >Twilight however, is sitting in the food court watching all the people go about their day.
  193. >She has a notepad out in front of her and is jotting down various notes.
  194. >Setting the pencil down she takes a look out into the court of the mall.
  195. >She see's a pink blob running through crowds of people.
  196. >TS: "Pinkie?"
  197. ---
  198. >AJ is currently walking the strip passing by all the stores.
  199. >None of them catching her interest.
  200. >Save for one..
  201. >The video store.
  202. >AJ: "I wonder if they got any more of them eastwood movies in there.."
  203. >She proceeds into the video store
  204. ----
  205. >Fluttershy is in the middle of the Pet store looking at all the adorable creatures she's used to seeing
  206. >Except, they're not the critters from equestria.
  207. >She spots a labrador puppy in one of the display cages.
  208. >FS: "Aww you're adorable!"
  209. >The pup stares up at shy, little tail wagging behind him.
  210. >She looks up and see's the price for one of the dogs.
  211. >A small sign that reads "Only $699.00!"
  212. >FS: "Oh I don't have any money.." she pouts.
  213. >Then a bright idea pops into her head
  214. >FS: "Maybe anon can help!"
  215. >And off she goes in search for you and your wallet.
  216. >R: "Oh these just look fabulous! The stitching on these are flawless!" She says going through thousands of dresses.
  217. >Rarity is currently doing some browsing at JCPenney.
  218. >She's already grabbed two carts full of dresses and shoes to match.
  219. >Bringing them to check out she plops them down on the counter.
  220. >It's fucking mountain.
  221. >The cash sighs and mumbles to himself.
  222. >"After this I quit"
  223. >About 20 minutes later he finally finishes scanning the last item.
  224. >He rings up the total.
  225. >"That'll be $2,386.35"
  226. >Rarity checks her handbag and realizes she doesn't have any money.
  227. >But realizes Anon does.
  228. >R: "I've seem to have misplaced my bits, I'll be riiight back, good sir.."
  229. >She leaves the store.
  230. >The cashier just looks at the mountain of dresses.
  231. >"Scratch that, killing myself."
  232. ------
  233. >Twilight and spike have been following around pinkie for the last half hour.
  234. >TS: "What the heck is she up to?"
  235. >S: "Beats me.."
  236. >She seems to be heading to the place with the "Arcade" sign above it.
  237. >TS: "Maybe she's looking for Anon?"
  238. >S: "I dunno, could be."
  239. >The both of them continue to follow pinkie around the mall.
  240. ---
  241. >You and dash are currently walking out of the Arcade right as pinkie walks in, completely oblivious to each other.
  242. >You decided to take dash to a sporting goods store.
  243. >Being athletic and all, you still haven't taught her about human sports.
  244. >Why not now right?
  245. >You bring her to DICK'S SPORTING GOODS.
  246. >Bringing her over to the football section you grab a soccer ball and toss it at dash.
  247. "I think you'd like football, great sport."
  248. >RD: "What's the objective?"
  249. >You proceed to explain the basics of the sport to dash while browsing for more things.
  250. ---
  251. >AJ: "Ooh I like this one."
  252. >Applejack has spent her time looking at all the western movies ever made.
  253. >She's even selected some fine choices to bring back to Anon's house.
  254. >Bringing them up to the cashier he gasps and looks at applejack.
  255. >AJ: "What y'all lookin' at partner?"
  256. >"Great cosplay!"
  257. >AJ: "Come again?"
  258. >"Cosplay, you're outfit is so awesome!"
  259. >AJ: "The heck is a cosplay?"
  260. >The cashier screeches like a sperglord.
  261. >"Is this the REAL applejack?"
  262. >AJ is speechless.
  263. >AJ: "..How did you know mah name.." she says in a cold, stern, tone.
  264. >"Come with me I want to show your something!"
  265. >The neckbeard rolls over the counter like a rolling pin and pulls AJ out of the store and drags her along towards the darkest place in the mall.
  266. >Hot Topic.
  267. -----
  268. >You and Dash leave the sporting store, with a newly acquired soccer ball.
  269. >She seems really interested in the sport.
  270. >You promised to sit down and watch a game with her sometime.
  271. >The both of you are walking towards the food court when you spot some fat shit pulling a girl with a stetson behind him.
  272. >OH FUCK.
  273. >You can practically smell the autism from here.
  274. >RD: "Anon who's that with AJ?"
  275. "I don't know but.."
  276. >You look around and then down at the soccer ball.
  277. >An idea pops into your head.
  278. >You take dashes ball and set it in the ground and line up your shot.
  279. >Taking a step back you punt the ball as hard as you can.
  280. >It takes a sharp curve through the air and nails the fat shit right in the head.
  281. >Pic related.
  282. >AJ looks back to see you standing there waving her over.
  283. >She runs over to you and dash, confused at what just happened.
  284. >AJ: "Anon, that guy over there knew who I was.. how?"
  286. "I really have no idea how, Applejack."
  287. >You throw on the best poker face you can muster.
  288. >AJ: "He said he was takin' me to this place called "Hot Topic" what do ya'll suppose is in there?"
  289. >Your heart drops down to your asshole.
  290. >This could have been easily avoided.
  291. >But there HAS to be been neckbeards in your city.
  292. >Their fucking everywhere.
  293. >Like a plague.
  294. >The other girls are now running over to your group.
  295. >R: "Oh there you are Anon.. I was wondering.."
  296. >FS: "C-could I have some money to buy a puppy?"
  297. >R: *Ehem..* "As I was saying.. Anon dear, I need about 2,386 bit."
  298. >You feel your left eye twitch.
  299. >Pinkie jumps on your back.
  300. >PP: "Yeah can I get some money for some candy too?!"
  301. >TS: "Oh hey Anon and Hi girls!"
  302. >S: "Guess you were right, Twi."
  303. >AJ pushes her way to the front of the group.
  304. >AJ: "I still wanna check this "Hot Topic" Place.."
  305. "Girls! Give me a moment to think here.."
  306. >You feel as if your pockets are about to detonate a 40-ton nuclear spaghetti bomb.
  307. >Enough to level the entire eastern seaboard.
  308. >Looking back over at the downed beast, he's getting up and stomping his way over here spouting bad breath and curses.
  309. >"Hey asshole! What what that for? I'll let you know I have over 300-"
  310. >The situation is quickly going to shit at a rapid rate.
  311. >You have 6 girls pestering you for answers, an angry sperglord coming this way.
  312. >And everyone is watching.
  313. >Alright, enough of this shit.
  314. >Your mind snaps momentarily.
  315. "AHHHHHHHH!"
  316. >You push through the girls and straight at the neckbeard at full speed.
  317. >You then proceed to..
  318. >pic related
  319. >You take him about 10 feet across the room with you.
  320. >You stand up and fix your shirt.
  321. >The girls just stand their, jaws on the floor.
  322. >The manchild groans in pain.
  323. >You kneel down close to his face.
  324. "If I ever see you talking to those girls again, I"m going to beat you senseless and steal your shoes as a trophy, do you understand me?"
  325. >He nods furiously.
  326. "And if I see anymore of your cult friends around here, I'll be back with more soccer balls."
  327. >He gulps before nodding again.
  328. "Good."
  329. >You get up and walk over to the rest of the girls.
  330. >AJ: "What'd ya'll do that fer?"
  331. "He was crazy and had to be put down."
  332. >TS: "Crazy?"
  333. "He's infected with a disease, I didn't want you to catch it."
  334. >The girls squirm in fear.
  335. >TS: "W-what kind of disease?"
  336. "..Autism."
  337. >You look at AJ.
  338. "We'll go to Hot Topic after I take you girls to lunch."
  339. >You start walking to the food court.
  340. >She gives you a stern look before following.
  341. >Here you are, sitting in the food court with the girls.
  342. >You sit in silence and enjoy your fruit smoothie.
  343. >You're really not hungry right now.
  344. >The girls are all enjoying some nice salads, but their eyes never leave you.
  345. >AJ:" So are ya going to tell us what that was really about?"
  346. >You take one last sip of your smoothing and set it down calmly.
  347. "I thought he was going to hurt you AJ." you say in a calm tone of voice.
  348. >RD: "Anon is something the matter? You're acting strange."
  349. "Nope, everything's fine Dash."
  350. >You take one last sip of your smoothing and get up from your chair.
  351. "I'll be right back, I must use the restroom."
  352. >You walk off out of sight.
  353. >Looking back and making sure nobody was behind you, you head off towards the most autistic store in the nation.
  354. >That god forsaken shit hole, Hot Topic.
  355. >You creep up in that bitch and look for every set of brony merch you can find.
  356. >Shirts, Bags, Vinyl figurines, the works.
  357. >You managed to pile them up in a few shopping baskets.
  358. >Walking up the the register you notice the fedora sitting on the cashiers head.
  359. >Son of a fuck..
  360. >"Wow that's a lot of merch! You like my shirt?! It's 20% cooler now that we sell these!"
  361. >You blink.
  362. >And decided to let your body do the talking.
  363. >Your fist finds itself buried in his face like a hatchet.
  364. >The neckbeard goes down for the count.
  365. >You proceed to walk behind the counter, no fucks given.
  366. >You tear off his fucking retarded ass vinyl scratch shirt.
  367. >and then you take his shoes for your trophy case back home.
  368. >Collecting your baskets of merch, you then walk out to the parking garage of the mall.
  369. >You walk behind a section of the garage where you know nobody will see you.
  370. >Somehow you managed to get a can of gasoline at some point and begin pouring it all over the merch.
  371. >Lighting a match, you throw it and watch as it burns up into glorious smoke and flames.
  372. >Mission Accomplished.
  373. >You walk back inside like nothing happened.
  374. >Grabbing some cologne from one of the various placed vendors without anyone noticing.
  375. >You spray it on yourself to cover up the smell of smoke and gasoline.
  376. >Once you think you're adequately bathed, you head back to the food court.
  377. >You look at your watch.
  378. >That only took you 6 minutes?
  379. >Not bad.
  380. >You sit back down as calmly as you were before.
  381. "Sorry about that, now where were we?"
  382. >AJ: "We was talking about how you stampeded that there guy."
  383. "Like I said, I thought he was going to hurt you."
  384. >AJ: "That still don't explain why he knew mah name."
  385. "I seriously couldn't tell you how he knew AJ, either a lucky guess or he's a mind reader."
  386. >PP: "Like me!"
  387. >Yes pinkie, like you.
  388. >AJ just stares you down like one of those western movies.
  389. >You're simply not in the mood for this shit today, so you shoot her a calm look back, unflinching.
  390. >She tries to read through your lies but fails in the attempt.
  391. >AJ: "We're still going to hot topic."
  392. "Fine, let's go right now."
  393. >You get up from your seat.
  394. >The others just watch the two of you exchange glances.
  395. >Their not sure what to think, or say.
  396. >Rainbow is the most concerned of all.
  397. >She know's something is up with anon.
  398. >You lead the mane 6 to the place you basically just robbed.
  399. "Go ahead, take a gander." you say calmly.
  400. >You hear cell phone go off somewhere in the store.
  401. >It's coming from behind the counter.
  402. >While the girls are looking around, you go back over to the unconscious brownie and take the phone out of his pocket.
  403. >You hit answer.
  404. >"Dude! The mane six are REALLY here! You have to help me find them! I got tackled by some jackass that told me to stay away from him, fuck that."
  405. >This little shit..
  406. >You whisper into the phone.
  407. "What did I tell you would happen if you didn't stay away from these girls."
  408. >The voice goes quiet on the other line.
  409. >"Y-you?!"
  410. "I will murder each and every one of you if you try that, I've been meaning to expand my trophy case lately."
  411. >"I'm still getting my friends and we'll find you and those girls!" he shouts.
  412. >You hang up the phone and walk over to the girls.
  413. "So you see anything you like?"
  414. >R: "These fashion designs are simply HORRID, I will not waste my time even touching them."
  415. >AJ: "Ah don't see anything either, guess that guy was full of it.."
  416. >Phew..
  417. "Well then, are we set to go? I think I just want to go home and watch movies for the rest of the night."
  418. >RD: "I like the sound of that idea." she smiles.
  419. "C'mon."
  420. >You lead the girls out of the store and make way towards the exit where you came in.
  421. >Making it to the door, you see a reflection in the glass.
  422. >There's a massive group of people coming this way.
  423. >and they're all wearing fedoras and pony merch.
  424. >You metaphorically put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.
  425. >Quickly you head out the door with the girls.
  426. >Speed walking to your car, the girls are trying to keep up.
  427. >You go to open the car door, but drop your keys.
  428. >Fuckfuckfuck.
  429. >Scrambling to grab them you fumble over them and use the wrong key.
  430. "Cooome ON!"
  431. >You find the right key and unlock the door.
  432. "Get it." You say in a commanding tone.
  433. >The girls are reluctant but get in anyways.
  434. >You start the engine and peel out.
  435. >Then the mob blocks your exit from the car.
  436. >Thankfully you're far enough away where you can't make out what's on their shirts.
  437. >You think this will stop you? Standing in my way?
  438. >Fat fucking chance.
  439. >You push down on the gas pedal.
  440. >RD: "Anon.."
  441. >She says concerned.
  442. >TS: "What are you doing?!"
  443. "Their in my way, so I'm making them move."
  444. >Let's see if these fuckers like playing chicken.
  445. >You hit 70 mph just as you're closing in on the wall of autists.
  446. >They dive out of the way at the last moment as you drift around the corner and hightail it down the street.
  447. >RD: "Okay Anon, now I KNOW something is definetly wrong.. you better start talking."
  448. >You look at dash with guilt on your face.
  449. >She frowns a little.
  450. >RD: "Anon.. please tell me what's wrong."
  451. >You try and form words but nothing comes out of your mouth.
  452. >You want to tell them.. but you can't sum up the words to do it.
  453. >Then you notice something in your rear view mirror
  454. >You take a closer look.
  455. >..Seriously?
  456. >There's an entire convoy of prius's behind you.
  457. >All blaring their horns.
  458. >Do these faggots ever give up?
  459. >You look at dash.
  460. "I'm sorry but this is gonna really have to wait."
  461. >You look up at the mirror again, this time the girls see what you see.
  462. >TS: "Anon, why are there other cars chasing us?"
  463. "They won't be for long."
  464. >You tighten your grip on the steering wheel.
  465. "Hang on."
  466. >Stomping on the gas pedal you hit speeds that would get anyone pulled over in an instant.
  467. >Hitting 90 mph you dodge various oncoming traffic in attempts to get away from the neckbeard convoy.
  468. "These guys are the worse kind of people, I will NOT let them get their hands on you girls."
  469. >The girls, obviously, are confused because they still have no fucking idea what's going on.
  470. >You take a sharp left and double back where you came.
  471. >You see the convoy pass by from the other street you're on.
  472. >You find the nearest alleyway and park deep within it.
  473. >You shut off the engine and get out of the car.
  474. >Putting your hands behind your head you start walking around in circles.
  475. >Contemplating what the fuck you're going to tell the girls.
  476. >The girls get out and stand there with you.
  477. >RD: "Anon, you're making me worry." she pouts.
  478. >AJ: "Why are them people followin' us?!"
  479. >TS: "Something just doesn't add up.."
  480. >Your hands drop to your side and you take a deep, deep breath.
  481. >You look at the girls, and then dash.
  482. "I-I'm sorry." you say, trying to keep yourself from choking up.
  483. >RD: "Sorry for what!"
  484. "There's no easy way to say this.."
  485. >You gulp.
  486. "But half the world knows who you girls are."
  487. >They all stand there for a moment and let that sink in..
  488. >TS: "H-how is that even possible?" she says, confused
  489. >Taking one last look at dash you lower your head in guilt.
  490. >You just hope the universe doesn't implode for saying this..
  491. >Welp here goes nothing.
  492. "Well you see there's a certain television show here in this world.."
  493. >They lean in.
  494. "That just so happens.."
  495. >They're inching closer to you, expectant of an answer.
  496. "...To have you as it's main characters."
  497. >They blink twice.
  498. >All: "Huh?"
  499. >You see multiple heads turn sideways in confusion.
  500. "and.. It's called My Little Pony: Friendship is magic."
  501. >The girls are speechless.
  502. >TS: "You're joking Anon.. Right? haha..?"
  503. >PP: "I don't think he's joking Twilight.. I know when somebody makes a joke." she said in a sad tone.
  504. >You remain silent and stare at your shoes.
  505. >An eerie silences fills the air.
  506. >Rainbow walks over to you, the sight of disappointment ever present on her face.
  507. >RD: "A-anon..? is this true?"
  508. "..Yes."
  509. >She lets your answer soak in for a moment.
  510. >RD: "Why didn't you tell us this before?"
  511. "Well.. I.. I just couldn't.."
  512. >Dash gets slightly annoyed with your answer.
  513. >RD: "So.. we're just some sideshow act?! How long have you known about this?"
  514. >You still remain silent looking away.
  515. >You can't look her in the eyes.. you're too scared.
  516. >This time she gets more angry than annoyed.
  517. >RD: "Look at me.. I said look at me!"
  518. >She grabs you by your chin and pulls you to face her.
  519. >RD: "Why didn't you tell us!"
  520. >You choke up, you never wanted this, you never wanted them to find out.
  521. >But here you are, caught in that very trap.
  522. >RD: "Tell me!"
  523. >You feel yourself becoming angry.
  525. >You shout at the top of your lungs.
  526. >Dash steps back a bit at your outburst, the girls too.
  527. "Do you know what would have happened if I told you? There could have been a great risk in doing that."
  528. >You pace back and forth.
  529. "For all I know the universe could have just vanished if I told you or you could have gotten hurt or worse! and I DIDN'T WANT THAT." You snap at the girls.
  530. >You can see dash on the verge of tears.
  531. >Walking up to you, you grab her and pull her into a hug.
  532. "..And because most of all, I love you dash.. and I didn't want to see anything happen to you."
  533. >AJ steps in.
  534. >AJ: "So those guys back there.."
  535. "They're fans of the show.. and you."
  536. >Applejack seems mortified at the statement and visibly shudders.
  537. >You walk off clutching your head, on the verge of tears, not from being sad.
  538. >But for being angry at yourself.
  539. "I.. I had to protect you from the truth.."
  540. >You look back at the girls.
  541. "I'm so sorry.."
  542. >You turn around and start walking away.
  543. >Dash runs up and grabs your wrist.
  544. >RD: "You're not going anywhere."
  545. >You look down at her, anger still slightly present on her features.
  546. "Let go dash.."
  547. >RD: "No!"
  548. "I've probably just ruined the friendship we all had, I really doubt you want anything to do with me."
  549. >You break your wrist free from her grip and continue to walk off.
  550. >This time dash tackles you and pins you to the ground.
  551. >RD: "What part of you're not going anywhere did you not understand?"
  552. "I've pretty much lied to all your faces and you still want me here? WHY!?"
  553. >Dash smacks the shit out of you.
  555. "W-what?"
  556. >RD: "Yeah you lied to us, yes I'm very angry at you for hiding the truth from us, but I still love you and appreciate all you've done.."
  557. >AJ: "Shoot if I didn't know any better I'd say we'd be completely up the creek without a paddle if it weren't for you Anon."
  558. >TS: "You've brought us all together when we needed each other the most!"
  559. >FS: "And we're v-very grateful for that.."
  560. >R: "You're quite the friend Anon."
  561. >PP: "And we'll never leave your side!"
  562. >Okay now you're confused.
  563. "I don't deserve your friendships.. let alone your compassion."
  564. >RD: "Stop putting yourself down!"
  565. "No! I feel as if I've committed the worst act a man can ever commit and it hurts me so much because.."
  566. >RD: "Because why?"
  567. "I-I'm afraid to lose you.."
  568. >A single tear runs down your cheek.
  569. >Dash gets off of you and allows you to stand up.
  570. >She then quickly wraps her arms around you and squeezes tightly.
  571. >You return the hug in full force.
  572. >RD: "You're not going to get rid of me and my friends so easily, egghead." she says as tears stream down her face.
  573. >You look into her eyes and smile, wiping away her tears and kissing her on the forehead.
  574. "I was hoping you would say that.."
  575. >You revel in this moment for a little while.
  576. >RD: "We're continuing this conversation when we get home though.."
  577. "Fair enough."
  578. >The sound of something hitting against metals draws you from your moment with dash.
  579. >You whip your head around trying to locate where it came from.
  580. >*BANG*
  581. >What the fuck is that coming from?
  582. >*BANG*
  583. >You turn to a closed lid dumpster.
  584. >Breaking off with dash you walk over to investigate it.
  585. >RD: "Anon what's up?"
  586. "I think there's something in this dumpster.."
  587. >You go to open the lid but it flies open before you get a chance.
  589. >Something rather small and soft latches onto your face.
  591. >You slip on a empty can of beans and fall backwards, hitting your head on the concrete.
  592. >Everything goes fuzzy.
  593. >Once your eye sight goes back to focus you see something standing over you.
  594. >It's Green.
  595. >And there's a hint of mint.
  596. >Mane 6: "LYRA?!"
  597. >L: "HI!" She smiles so bright it could blind anyone who stares right into it.
  598. >Wait what.
  599. "..Lyra?"
  600. >L: "Hiya!" she says gleefully while jumping up and down.
  601. "How did you.."
  602. >L: "Mirror!" she continues her bouncing.
  603. "But why aren't you ya know.. Human?"
  604. >She stops her bouncing midair and shrugs.
  605. >L: "I dunno."
  606. >She continues with her bouncy bouncy.
  607. >You look at the girls, then to Lyra, then to the girls again.
  608. "Uhh.. I think we've got another problem on our hands.."
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