
4th Episode

Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. 4th Episode
  2. [Night time]
  3. [Sunday]
  4. [2nd day on the journey]
  6. -Jalen and Rhiannon enters the Union Cave, a damp cave with plenty of Rock and Ground Pokemon such as Geodudes, Sandshrews, And the rare Phanpys with the ever so common Zubats. Rhiannon keeps an eye out for a Phanpy and eventually finds one after much time, finally catching her 1st Pokemon. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the cave, The 3 TR mooks(Selena,Laslow,and Odin) are following them with the intent of stealing their Pokemons...In the process, Odin awakens a Golbat sleeping den and the 3 runs away from them. Jalen and Rin hears what happened, but wonder what it is....nevertheless, the 2 continue on through the cave.
  8. -Eventually, the main duo make it out of the cave(Jalen shouting to the heavens that they made it out.)and rest up for a moment, In the process...they witness a TR goon being scared off by an old man and his obsessions with balls(Actually Pokeballs, but everyone else is thinking of something else.)into a well. Said old man follows him as well as Lucina who jump down there, Worried and sensing the urge to do justice, Rhiannon convinces Jalen(Who is a bit more scared than she is, but is easily influenced by her) to join her and help Lucina WITH MUCH RESTRAINT and the old man out. Just as they went in the well, the Terrible Trio comes out of the cave much more dirtied from running from the Golbat horde, Selena laughing hysterically as she have a Zubat in a Pokeball in her hand, as Odin preach about conquering the fiendish Golbat horde, Laslow look at the well and sweats when he remembers the actual mission they were assigned: To meet up with Admin Hans in the well to kidnap the Slowpokes. Scared of Hans's wrath, the 3 run towards the well and jump in.
  10. -Inside the well, Jalen and Rin meet the old man who's name is Kurt(Screaming about balls over there and here) and see Lucina taking on and beating TR Grunts, Rin runs in and tell Jalen to stay with Kurt(Much to his displeasure) and go aid Lucina with taking down the grunts. The 2 girls see a bald, ugly, musclehead in the distance gathering Slowpokes in crates....failing at that, mind you. Rin come up with a involving her Phanpy using Mud-Slap mixed with Lucina's Sandshrew using Sand-Attack to blind the Grunts and set free the Slowpokes.
  12. -Meanwhile, back with Jalen and Garon....The Terrible Trio fall down near them, Selena sees Jalen and instantly challenge him to a match with her Zubat as Laslow and Odin goes to their Admin in the distance. Jalen use his Mareep(Who evolved thanks to the battle) and beat her with ease thanks to Type Advantage..Selena is pissed at losing and ask him what the hell does he do to be so good, as soon as Jalen comment on the Gym challenge, Selena finds her answer and run past Jalen, declaring "the bastard" to be her rival and next time, she will crush him as she go aid Laslow and Odin.
  14. -Back with the 2 girls, Rin and Lucina are battling Hans(Who's CONSTANTLY YELLING LIKE A WRESTLER) with his Rhyhorn and Koffing failing against Lucina's Bayleef and Rhiannon's Phanpy. After he loses to them, he blames his loss on The Terrible Trio who wasn't at their post. He round his team + them to retreat out of the well and abandon the well. The MCs(Lucina by now is long gone) aid Kurt as they free the Slowpokes and head back to his home, where he was referring to Apricorns made to balls actually. After the clearing up on that subject, the 2 leaves the home with them resting in the PKMN Center, Rin worried about the resurgance of TR and telling Jalen that they have to keep an eye on them and stop them at every chance.
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