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netvar dump

a guest
Mar 8th, 2022
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  1. DT_SurvivorBot
  2. m_humanSpectatorUserID [0x2528]
  3. m_humanSpectatorEntIndex [0x252c]
  4. DT_Hunter
  5. DT_Smoker
  6. DT_Boomer
  7. DT_Tank
  8. DT_Witch
  9. m_rage [0xf24]
  10. DT_Infected
  11. m_clientAnimatedOverlay [0x0]
  12. _ST_m_clientAnimatedOverlay_6
  13. lengthproxy [0x0]
  14. _LPT_m_clientAnimatedOverlay_6
  15. lengthprop6 [0x0]
  16. m_fFlags [0xc8]
  17. m_nWaterLevel [0x11e]
  18. m_sequenceStartTime [0xf04]
  19. m_clientLookatTarget [0xf14]
  20. m_clientLeanYaw [0xf18]
  21. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  22. m_vecOrigin[2] [0x104]
  23. m_angRotation[0] [0xf0]
  24. m_angRotation[1] [0xf4]
  25. m_angRotation[2] [0xf8]
  26. m_gibbedLimbs [0xee8]
  27. m_gibbedLimbForce [0xeec]
  28. m_originalBody [0xef8]
  29. m_mobRush [0xefc]
  30. DT_TerrorWeapon
  31. LocalL4DWeaponData [0x0]
  32. DT_LocalActiveL4DWeaponData
  33. m_helpingHandSuppressionTimer [0x9e8]
  34. DT_CountdownTimer
  35. m_duration [0x4]
  36. m_timestamp [0x8]
  37. m_helpingHandTimer [0x9c8]
  38. DT_IntervalTimer
  39. m_timestamp [0x4]
  40. m_helpingHandTargetTimer [0x9f4]
  41. DT_IntervalTimer
  42. m_timestamp [0x4]
  43. m_helpingHandState [0x9d0]
  44. m_helpingHandTarget [0x9d4]
  45. m_helpingHandExtendDuration [0x9d8]
  46. m_reloadQueuedStartTime [0x9dc]
  47. m_releasedAltFireButton [0x9e0]
  48. m_releasedFireButton [0x9e1]
  49. m_isHoldingAltFireButton [0x9e3]
  50. m_isHoldingFireButton [0x9e2]
  51. m_bPickedUpOnTransition [0x9e4]
  52. m_iVsConsecutiveSwings [0xc38]
  53. m_flVsLastSwingTime [0xc3c]
  54. m_attackTimer [0xa00]
  55. DT_CountdownTimer
  56. m_duration [0x4]
  57. m_timestamp [0x8]
  58. m_swingTimer [0xa0c]
  59. DT_CountdownTimer
  60. m_duration [0x4]
  61. m_timestamp [0x8]
  62. DT_TerrorGun
  63. m_fireRightSide [0xc6d]
  64. m_isDualWielding [0xc6e]
  65. m_hasDualWeapons [0xc6f]
  66. m_reloadFromEmpty [0xc6c]
  67. m_inInitialPickup [0xc71]
  68. m_needPump [0xc70]
  69. m_partialReloadStage [0xc68]
  70. DT_WeaponTankClaw
  71. m_isLowAttack [0xc7c]
  72. m_lowAttackDurationTimer [0xc80]
  73. DT_CountdownTimer
  74. m_duration [0x4]
  75. m_timestamp [0x8]
  76. DT_SubMachinegun
  77. DT_SniperRifle
  78. DT_WeaponSmokerClaw
  79. DT_PumpShotgun
  80. DT_PropaneTank
  81. DT_Pistol
  82. DT_PipeBombProjectile
  83. DT_PipeBomb
  84. DT_WeaponPainPills
  85. DT_OxygenTank
  86. DT_PropMountedGun
  87. m_initialAngles [0x918]
  88. m_owner [0x930]
  89. m_maxYaw [0x924]
  90. m_maxPitch [0x928]
  91. m_minPitch [0x92c]
  92. m_firing [0x934]
  93. m_overheated [0x935]
  94. m_heat [0x938]
  95. DT_MolotovProjectile
  96. DT_Molotov
  97. DT_PropMinigun
  98. m_initialAngles [0x918]
  99. m_owner [0x930]
  100. m_maxYaw [0x924]
  101. m_maxPitch [0x928]
  102. m_minPitch [0x92c]
  103. m_firing [0x934]
  104. m_overheated [0x935]
  105. m_heat [0x938]
  106. DT_WeaponHunterClaw
  107. DT_GasCan
  108. DT_WeaponFirstAidKit
  109. m_isHealing [0xc68]
  110. DT_WeaponClaw
  111. DT_TEBullets
  112. m_vecOrigin [0x14]
  113. m_vecAngles[0] [0x20]
  114. m_vecAngles[1] [0x24]
  115. m_iWeaponID [0x2c]
  116. m_iMode [0x30]
  117. m_iSeed [0x34]
  118. m_iPlayer [0x10]
  119. m_flSoundTime [0x38]
  120. DT_WeaponBoomerClaw
  121. DT_BaseShotgun
  122. LocalShotgunData [0x0]
  123. DT_LocalActiveShotgunData
  124. m_reloadState [0xc98]
  125. m_reloadAnimState [0xcb0]
  126. m_reloadNumShells [0xc9c]
  127. m_reloadStartTime [0xca0]
  128. m_reloadStartDuration [0xca4]
  129. m_reloadInsertDuration [0xca8]
  130. m_reloadEndDuration [0xcac]
  131. m_shellsInserted [0xcb4]
  132. DT_AutoShotgun
  133. DT_AssaultRifle
  134. DT_NextBot
  135. DT_Inferno
  136. m_fireX [0x5e4]
  137. m_fireX
  138. m_fireY [0x774]
  139. m_fireY
  140. m_fireZ [0x904]
  141. m_fireZ
  142. m_fireCount [0xf44]
  143. DT_AbilityVomit
  144. m_isSpraying [0x5f8]
  145. m_attackDuration [0x5fc]
  146. DT_CountdownTimer
  147. m_duration [0x4]
  148. m_timestamp [0x8]
  149. m_nextSpray [0x608]
  150. DT_CountdownTimer
  151. m_duration [0x4]
  152. m_timestamp [0x8]
  153. DT_AbilityTongue
  154. m_tongueGrabStartingHealth [0x5f8]
  155. m_tongueHitRange [0x5fc]
  156. m_tongueHitTimestamp [0x600]
  157. m_tongueHitWasAmbush [0x604]
  158. m_tongueVictimDistance [0x608]
  159. m_tongueVictimPositionTime [0x60c]
  160. m_tongueVictimLastOnGroundTime [0x610]
  161. m_potentialTarget [0x614]
  162. m_currentTipTarget [0x618]
  163. m_tongueState [0x644]
  164. m_bendPointCount [0x6c0]
  165. m_tipPosition [0x6c4]
  166. m_bendPositions[0] [0x648]
  167. m_bendPositions [0x0]
  168. DT_AbilityThrow
  169. DT_Lunge
  170. m_lungeAgainTimer [0x5f8]
  171. DT_CountdownTimer
  172. m_duration [0x4]
  173. m_timestamp [0x8]
  174. m_isLunging [0x614]
  175. m_lungeStartTime [0x604]
  176. m_queuedLunge [0x608]
  177. DT_AbilityBase
  178. m_hOwnerEntity [0x110]
  179. m_hasBeenUsed [0x5f4]
  180. m_owner [0x5e4]
  181. m_nextActivationTimer [0x5e8]
  182. DT_CountdownTimer
  183. m_duration [0x4]
  184. m_timestamp [0x8]
  185. m_activationSupressedTimer [0x5d8]
  186. DT_CountdownTimer
  187. m_duration [0x4]
  188. m_timestamp [0x8]
  189. DT_TETutorLesson
  190. m_lesson [0x10]
  191. m_subject [0x14]
  192. DT_TransitioningPlayer
  193. m_loadingProgress [0xe90]
  194. m_userID [0xe80]
  195. m_score [0xe84]
  196. m_deaths [0xe88]
  197. m_iHealth [0xc4]
  198. m_healthBuffer [0xe8c]
  199. m_isAlive [0xe94]
  200. m_isDying [0xe95]
  201. m_isIncapacitated [0xe96]
  202. m_isIT [0xe97]
  203. m_playerName [0xe98]
  204. m_character [0xeb8]
  205. m_hasMolotov [0xebc]
  206. m_hasGrenade [0xebd]
  207. m_hasFirstAidKit [0xebe]
  208. m_hasPainPills [0xebf]
  209. m_primaryWeaponID [0xec0]
  210. DT_TerrorViewModel
  211. DT_FuncRagdollFader
  212. m_bDisabled [0x5d8]
  213. DT_TerrorGameRulesProxy
  214. terror_gamerules_data [0x0]
  215. DT_TerrorGameRules
  216. m_bFreezePeriod [0x20]
  217. m_iRoundTime [0x24]
  218. m_fRoundStartTime [0x28]
  219. m_flGameStartTime [0x2c]
  220. m_bLogoMap [0x36]
  221. m_iSurvivorScore [0x44]
  222. m_iSurvivorScore
  223. m_iCampaignScore [0x4c]
  224. m_iCampaignScore
  225. m_iVersusDistance [0x54]
  226. m_iVersusCompletion [0x58]
  227. m_iVersusHealthBonus [0x5c]
  228. m_iVersusSurvivalMultiplier [0x60]
  229. m_iServerRank [0x70]
  230. m_iServerPlayerCount [0x74]
  231. m_bIsDedicatedServer [0x78]
  232. m_iServerSteamGroupID [0x7c]
  233. m_flHoldoutStartTime [0x64]
  234. m_flHoldoutEndTime [0x68]
  235. m_flHoldoutTeamRecordTime [0x6c]
  236. m_bAreTeamsFlipped [0x80]
  237. m_bInSecondHalfOfRound [0x81]
  238. m_iDLC3Escapees [0x84]
  239. m_iVersusMapScoreTeam1 [0x88]
  240. m_iVersusMapScoreTeam1
  241. m_iVersusMapScoreTeam2 [0x9c]
  242. m_iVersusMapScoreTeam2
  243. m_iVersusMapScoreMax [0xb0]
  244. m_iVersusMapScoreMax
  245. DT_SurvivorPosition
  246. m_order [0x5d8]
  247. DT_PropHealthCabinet
  248. m_isUsed [0x918]
  249. DT_FinaleTrigger
  250. m_triggerState [0x8fc]
  251. m_bDisabled [0x8f8]
  252. DT_ClientPath
  253. m_posX [0x9dc]
  254. m_posX
  255. m_posY [0xddc]
  256. m_posY
  257. m_posZ [0x11dc]
  258. m_posZ
  259. m_posCount [0x15dc]
  260. DT_TerrorPlayerResource
  261. m_maxHealth [0xa40]
  262. m_maxHealth
  263. m_rifle [0xac4]
  264. m_rifle
  265. m_rifleAmmo [0xb48]
  266. m_rifleAmmo
  267. m_pistol [0xbcc]
  268. m_pistol
  269. m_pistolAmmo [0xc50]
  270. m_pistolAmmo
  271. m_grenade [0xcd4]
  272. m_grenade
  273. m_specialItem [0xd58]
  274. m_specialItem
  275. m_specialItemTwo [0xddc]
  276. m_specialItemTwo
  277. m_isGhost [0xe60]
  278. m_isGhost
  279. m_isIncapacitated [0xe81]
  280. m_isIncapacitated
  281. m_wantsToPlay [0xea2]
  282. m_wantsToPlay
  283. m_zombieClass [0xec4]
  284. m_zombieClass
  285. m_tankTickets [0xf48]
  286. m_tankTickets
  287. m_listenServerHost [0xfcc]
  288. m_listenServerHost
  289. m_teamSwitchRule [0xff0]
  290. m_teamSwitchRule
  291. m_flHoldoutRecordTime [0x1074]
  292. m_flHoldoutRecordTime
  293. m_nHoldoutTopMedal [0x10f8]
  294. m_nHoldoutTopMedal
  295. m_flBecomeGhostAt [0x117c]
  296. m_flBecomeGhostAt
  297. m_opponentProgress [0x1200]
  298. m_tankLotteryEntryRatio [0x1204]
  299. m_tankLotterySelectionRatio [0x1208]
  300. m_pendingTankPlayerIndex [0x120c]
  301. m_isFinale [0x1210]
  302. m_isSurvivorTeamReadyTime [0x1211]
  303. m_survivorTeamReadyTime [0x1214]
  304. m_tempoState [0x1218]
  305. m_hasAnySurvivorLeftSafeArea [0x121c]
  306. m_isTeamFrozen [0x121d]
  307. m_missionDuration [0x1220]
  308. m_missionWipes [0x1224]
  309. m_starRating [0x1228]
  310. m_sharedRandomSeed [0x122c]
  311. DT_TerrorPlayer
  312. terrorlocaldata [0x0]
  313. DT_TerrorLocalPlayerExclusive
  314. m_shoveForce [0x1b80]
  315. m_airMovementRestricted [0x1b8c]
  316. m_stunTimer [0x1ba8]
  317. DT_CountdownTimer
  318. m_duration [0x4]
  319. m_timestamp [0x8]
  320. m_isInMissionStartArea [0x1b7c]
  321. m_isCulling [0x196c]
  322. m_isRelocating [0x196d]
  323. m_pushEntity [0x1c78]
  324. m_pushDistance [0x1c7c]
  325. m_ghostSpawnState [0x1970]
  326. m_ghostSpawnClockMaxDelay [0x1974]
  327. m_ghostSpawnClockCurrentDelay [0x1978]
  328. m_flNextShoveTime [0x197c]
  329. m_iShovePenalty [0x1980]
  330. m_dragTarget [0x1c70]
  331. m_lineOfScrimmagePos [0x19a4]
  332. m_lineOfScrimmageAngle [0x19b0]
  333. m_rearLineOfScrimmagePos [0x19d0]
  334. m_rearLineOfScrimmageAngle [0x19dc]
  335. m_scrimmageSphereCenter [0x1988]
  336. m_scrimmageSphereInitialRadius [0x1994]
  337. m_scrimmageStartTime [0x1998]
  338. m_survivorsLineOfScrimmageDistance [0x199c]
  339. m_isAutoCrouchEnabled [0x1b98]
  340. m_autoCrouchTimer [0x1b9c]
  341. DT_IntervalTimer
  342. m_timestamp [0x4]
  343. m_yardLineAngles[0] [0x1a38]
  344. m_yardLineAngles [0x0]
  345. m_yardLinePos[0] [0x19fc]
  346. m_yardLinePos [0x0]
  347. m_noAvoidanceTimer [0x1900]
  348. DT_CountdownTimer
  349. m_duration [0x4]
  350. m_timestamp [0x8]
  351. m_areGrenadesBanned [0x196e]
  352. m_mainSequenceStartTime [0x1814]
  353. m_nSequence [0x840]
  354. m_grenadeLayerSequence [0x1828]
  355. m_fireLayerSequence [0x181c]
  356. m_flinchLayerSequence [0x182c]
  357. m_fidgetLayerSequence [0x1830]
  358. m_reloadLayerSequence [0x1820]
  359. m_reloadAltLayerSequence [0x1824]
  360. m_reloadLayerNumShells [0x1834]
  361. m_grenadeLayerStartTime [0x1844]
  362. m_fireLayerStartTime [0x1838]
  363. m_flinchLayerStartTime [0x1848]
  364. m_fidgetLayerStartTime [0x184c]
  365. m_reloadLayerStartTime [0x183c]
  366. m_reloadAltLayerStartTime [0x1840]
  367. m_hasVisibleThreats [0x18c2]
  368. m_skill [0x18a8]
  369. m_burnPercent [0x18b4]
  370. m_bbqPercent [0x18b8]
  371. m_holdingObject [0x1c80]
  372. m_healthBuffer [0x1c84]
  373. m_healthBufferTime [0x1c88]
  374. m_isGoingToDie [0x1c8c]
  375. m_noiseLevel [0x1c90]
  376. m_noiseLevelTime [0x1c94]
  377. m_bloodyHandsPercent [0x1c98]
  378. m_suicideCountdown [0x1c1c]
  379. DT_CountdownTimer
  380. m_duration [0x4]
  381. m_timestamp [0x8]
  382. m_itTimer [0x1c9c]
  383. DT_CountdownTimer
  384. m_duration [0x4]
  385. m_timestamp [0x8]
  386. m_survivorCharacter [0x1960]
  387. m_zombieClass [0x1964]
  388. m_zombieState [0x1968]
  389. m_isIncapacitated [0x1b7d]
  390. m_isCalm [0x1b8d]
  391. m_healOwner [0x18a0]
  392. m_healTarget [0x18a4]
  393. m_reviveOwner [0x1c64]
  394. m_reviveTarget [0x1c68]
  395. m_tongueVictim [0x1c44]
  396. m_tongueOwner [0x1c48]
  397. m_tongueVictimTimer [0x1c4c]
  398. DT_IntervalTimer
  399. m_timestamp [0x4]
  400. m_initialTonguePullDir [0x1c54]
  401. m_isHangingFromTongue [0x1c60]
  402. m_reachedTongueOwner [0x1c61]
  403. m_isProneTongueDrag [0x1c62]
  404. m_positionEntity [0x1c74]
  405. m_customAbility [0x1ba4]
  406. m_checkpointAwardCounts[0] [0x1cac]
  407. m_checkpointAwardCounts [0x0]
  408. m_missionAwardCounts[0] [0x1efc]
  409. m_missionAwardCounts [0x0]
  410. m_checkpointZombieKills[0] [0x214c]
  411. m_checkpointZombieKills [0x0]
  412. m_missionZombieKills[0] [0x2164]
  413. m_missionZombieKills [0x0]
  414. m_checkpointSurvivorDamage [0x217c]
  415. m_missionSurvivorDamage [0x2180]
  416. m_classSpawnCount[0] [0x2184]
  417. m_classSpawnCount [0x0]
  418. m_iMaxHealth [0x1ca8]
  419. m_maxDeadDuration [0x219c]
  420. m_totalDeadDuration [0x21a0]
  421. m_jumpSupressedUntil [0x21a4]
  422. m_checkpointMedkitsUsed [0x21a8]
  423. m_checkpointPillsUsed [0x21b0]
  424. m_missionMedkitsUsed [0x21ac]
  425. m_missionPillsUsed [0x21b4]
  426. m_checkpointMolotovsUsed [0x21b8]
  427. m_missionMolotovsUsed [0x21bc]
  428. m_checkpointPipebombsUsed [0x21c0]
  429. m_missionPipebombsUsed [0x21c4]
  430. m_checkpointDamageTaken [0x21c8]
  431. m_missionDamageTaken [0x21cc]
  432. m_checkpointReviveOtherCount [0x21d0]
  433. m_missionReviveOtherCount [0x21d4]
  434. m_checkpointFirstAidShared [0x21d8]
  435. m_missionFirstAidShared [0x21dc]
  436. m_checkpointIncaps [0x21e0]
  437. m_missionIncaps [0x21e4]
  438. m_checkpointDamageToTank [0x21e8]
  439. m_checkpointDamageToWitch [0x21ec]
  440. m_checkpointHeadshots [0x21f0]
  441. m_checkpointHeadshotAccuracy [0x21f4]
  442. m_missionHeadshotAccuracy [0x21f8]
  443. m_missionAccuracy [0x2200]
  444. m_checkpointDeaths [0x2204]
  445. m_missionDeaths [0x2208]
  446. m_checkpointPZIncaps [0x220c]
  447. m_checkpointPZTankDamage [0x2210]
  448. m_checkpointPZHunterDamage [0x2214]
  449. m_checkpointPZSmokerDamage [0x2218]
  450. m_checkpointPZBoomerDamage [0x221c]
  451. m_checkpointPZKills [0x2220]
  452. m_checkpointPZPounces [0x2224]
  453. m_checkpointPZPushes [0x2228]
  454. m_checkpointPZTankPunches [0x222c]
  455. m_checkpointPZTankThrows [0x2230]
  456. m_checkpointPZHung [0x2234]
  457. m_checkpointPZPulled [0x2238]
  458. m_checkpointPZBombed [0x223c]
  459. m_checkpointPZVomited [0x2240]
  460. m_isHangingFromLedge [0x2250]
  461. m_isFallingFromLedge [0x2251]
  462. m_hangTimer [0x2254]
  463. DT_IntervalTimer
  464. m_timestamp [0x4]
  465. m_hangAirPos [0x225c]
  466. m_hangPos [0x2268]
  467. m_hangStandPos [0x2274]
  468. m_hangNormal [0x2280]
  469. m_frustration [0x22d4]
  470. m_clientIntensity [0x1b94]
  471. m_pounceVictim [0x2368]
  472. m_pounceAttacker [0x236c]
  473. m_knockdownReason [0x2388]
  474. m_knockdownTimer [0x238c]
  475. DT_IntervalTimer
  476. m_timestamp [0x4]
  477. m_staggerTimer [0x1910]
  478. DT_CountdownTimer
  479. m_duration [0x4]
  480. m_timestamp [0x8]
  481. m_staggerStart [0x191c]
  482. m_staggerDir [0x1928]
  483. m_staggerDist [0x1934]
  484. m_tugTimer [0x1938]
  485. DT_CountdownTimer
  486. m_duration [0x4]
  487. m_timestamp [0x8]
  488. m_tugStart [0x1944]
  489. m_tugDir [0x1950]
  490. m_tugDist [0x195c]
  491. m_currentReviveCount [0x1b90]
  492. m_overriddenRenderYaw [0x190c]
  493. m_music [0x22d8]
  494. DT_Music
  495. nv_m_CIDamageDuck [0x8]
  496. nv_m_CIDamageMob [0xc]
  497. nv_m_zombatMusic2 [0x14]
  498. nv_m_zombatMusic3 [0x18]
  499. nv_m_inCheckpoint [0x30]
  500. nv_m_ambientVolume [0x24]
  501. nv_m_witchRage [0x20]
  502. m_usingMinigun [0x1b8e]
  503. m_usingMountedWeapon [0x1b8f]
  504. m_isGhost [0x196f]
  505. m_bWasPresentAtHoldoutStart [0x251c]
  506. m_vocalizationSubject [0x18f0]
  507. m_vocalizationSubjectTimer [0x18f4]
  508. DT_CountdownTimer
  509. m_duration [0x4]
  510. m_timestamp [0x8]
  511. m_pounceStartPosition [0x2374]
  512. m_isAttemptingToPounce [0x2370]
  513. m_vomitStart [0x2410]
  514. m_vomitFadeStart [0x2418]
  515. m_bashedStart [0x241c]
  516. m_salivaStart [0x2420]
  517. m_upgradeBitVec [0x24f0]
  518. m_iVersusTeam [0x2514]
  519. m_scrimmageType [0x19a0]
  520. m_lookatPlayer [0x2518]
  521. DT_SurvivorRescue
  522. m_survivor [0xcd8]
  523. DT_WeaponAmmoSpawn
  524. DT_WeaponSpawn
  525. m_weaponID [0x8f0]
  526. DT_PropGlowingObject
  527. m_bIsGlowing [0x918]
  528. m_nGlowForTeam [0x91c]
  529. DT_EnvWeaponFire
  530. m_iWeaponType [0x5d8]
  531. m_iShotsTaken [0x5dc]
  532. m_vecShotDest [0x5e0]
  533. DT_WeaponCSBaseGun
  534. DT_WeaponCSBase
  535. m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo [0x9b8]
  536. DT_BaseCSGrenade
  537. m_bRedraw [0xc68]
  538. m_bPinPulled [0xc69]
  539. m_fThrowTime [0xc6c]
  540. m_isGoingToRoll [0xc70]
  541. DT_CSGameRulesProxy
  542. cs_gamerules_data [0x0]
  543. DT_CSGameRules
  544. m_bFreezePeriod [0x20]
  545. m_iRoundTime [0x24]
  546. m_fRoundStartTime [0x28]
  547. m_flGameStartTime [0x2c]
  548. m_iHostagesRemaining [0x30]
  549. m_bMapHasBombTarget [0x34]
  550. m_bMapHasRescueZone [0x35]
  551. m_bLogoMap [0x36]
  552. m_bBlackMarket [0x37]
  553. DT_WeaponCubemap
  554. DT_WeaponCycler
  555. DT_PlantedC4
  556. m_bBombTicking [0x8f0]
  557. m_flC4Blow [0x8fc]
  558. m_flTimerLength [0x900]
  559. m_flDefuseLength [0x904]
  560. m_flDefuseCountDown [0x908]
  561. DT_CSTeam
  562. DT_CSPlayer
  563. cslocaldata [0x0]
  564. DT_CSLocalPlayerExclusive
  565. m_flStamina [0x1628]
  566. m_iDirection [0x162c]
  567. m_iShotsFired [0x1630]
  568. m_flVelocityModifier [0x163c]
  569. m_duckUntilOnGround [0x1634]
  570. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  571. m_vecOrigin[2] [0x104]
  572. m_vecViewOffset[0] [0xcc]
  573. m_vecViewOffset[1] [0xd0]
  574. m_vecViewOffset[2] [0xd4]
  575. csnonlocaldata [0x0]
  576. DT_CSNonLocalPlayerExclusive
  577. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  578. m_vecOrigin[2] [0x104]
  579. m_vecViewOffset[0] [0xcc]
  580. m_vecViewOffset[1] [0xd0]
  581. m_vecViewOffset[2] [0xd4]
  582. m_iAddonBits [0x15f4]
  583. m_iPrimaryAddon [0x15f8]
  584. m_iSecondaryAddon [0x15fc]
  585. m_iThrowGrenadeCounter [0x15f0]
  586. m_iPlayerState [0x15e8]
  587. m_iAccount [0x16e4]
  588. m_bInBombZone [0x15ed]
  589. m_bInBuyZone [0x15ee]
  590. m_iClass [0x16ec]
  591. m_ArmorValue [0x16f0]
  592. m_angEyeAngles[0] [0x16f4]
  593. m_angEyeAngles[1] [0x16f8]
  594. m_flStamina [0x1628]
  595. m_bHasDefuser [0x1700]
  596. m_bNightVisionOn [0x1635]
  597. m_bHasNightVision [0x1636]
  598. m_iNightVisionScale [0x1638]
  599. m_bInHostageRescueZone [0x1701]
  600. m_ArmorValue [0x16f0]
  601. m_bIsDefusing [0x15ec]
  602. m_bHasHelmet [0x16e8]
  603. m_vecRagdollVelocity [0x1708]
  604. m_flFlashDuration [0x1660]
  605. m_flFlashMaxAlpha [0x165c]
  606. m_iProgressBarDuration [0x1600]
  607. m_flProgressBarStartTime [0x1624]
  608. m_progressBarText [0x1604]
  609. m_hRagdoll [0x1644]
  610. m_cycleLatch [0x17fc]
  611. m_lastLadderNormal [0x16a4]
  612. DT_CSRagdoll
  613. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  614. m_vecRagdollOrigin [0x968]
  615. m_hPlayer [0x958]
  616. m_nModelIndex [0x118]
  617. m_nForceBone [0x644]
  618. m_vecForce [0x638]
  619. m_vecRagdollVelocity [0x95c]
  620. m_iDeathPose [0x974]
  621. m_iDeathFrame [0x978]
  622. m_iTeamNum [0xbc]
  623. m_bClientSideAnimation [0x818]
  624. m_bOnFire [0x97c]
  625. m_bInterpOrigin [0x97d]
  626. m_ragdollType [0x980]
  627. m_zombieClass [0x984]
  628. m_survivorCharacter [0x988]
  629. DT_TEPlayerAnimEvent
  630. m_hPlayer [0x10]
  631. m_iEvent [0x14]
  632. m_nData [0x18]
  633. DT_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
  634. m_vInitialVelocity [0xea0]
  635. DT_TestTraceline
  636. m_clrRender [0x5c]
  637. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  638. m_angRotation[0] [0xf0]
  639. m_angRotation[1] [0xf4]
  640. m_angRotation[2] [0xf8]
  641. moveparent [0x10c]
  642. DT_TEWorldDecal
  643. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  644. m_nIndex [0x1c]
  645. DT_TESpriteSpray
  646. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  647. m_vecDirection [0x1c]
  648. m_nModelIndex [0x28]
  649. m_fNoise [0x30]
  650. m_nCount [0x34]
  651. m_nSpeed [0x2c]
  652. DT_TESprite
  653. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  654. m_nModelIndex [0x1c]
  655. m_fScale [0x20]
  656. m_nBrightness [0x24]
  657. DT_TESparks
  658. m_nMagnitude [0x1c]
  659. m_nTrailLength [0x20]
  660. m_vecDir [0x24]
  661. DT_TESmoke
  662. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  663. m_nModelIndex [0x1c]
  664. m_fScale [0x20]
  665. m_nFrameRate [0x24]
  666. DT_TEShowLine
  667. m_vecEnd [0x1c]
  668. DT_TEProjectedDecal
  669. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  670. m_angRotation [0x1c]
  671. m_flDistance [0x28]
  672. m_nIndex [0x2c]
  673. DT_TEPlayerDecal
  674. m_vecOrigin [0x14]
  675. m_nEntity [0x20]
  676. m_nPlayer [0x10]
  677. DT_TEPhysicsProp
  678. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  679. m_angRotation[0] [0x1c]
  680. m_angRotation[1] [0x20]
  681. m_angRotation[2] [0x24]
  682. m_vecVelocity [0x28]
  683. m_nModelIndex [0x34]
  684. m_nFlags [0x3c]
  685. m_nSkin [0x38]
  686. m_nEffects [0x40]
  687. DT_TEParticleSystem
  688. m_vecOrigin[0] [0x10]
  689. m_vecOrigin[1] [0x14]
  690. m_vecOrigin[2] [0x18]
  691. DT_TEMuzzleFlash
  692. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  693. m_vecAngles [0x1c]
  694. m_flScale [0x28]
  695. m_nType [0x2c]
  696. DT_TELargeFunnel
  697. m_nModelIndex [0x1c]
  698. m_nReversed [0x20]
  699. DT_TEKillPlayerAttachments
  700. m_nPlayer [0x10]
  701. DT_TEImpact
  702. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  703. m_vecNormal [0x1c]
  704. m_iType [0x28]
  705. m_ucFlags [0x2c]
  706. DT_TEGlowSprite
  707. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  708. m_nModelIndex [0x1c]
  709. m_fScale [0x20]
  710. m_fLife [0x24]
  711. m_nBrightness [0x28]
  712. DT_TEShatterSurface
  713. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  714. m_vecAngles [0x1c]
  715. m_vecForce [0x28]
  716. m_vecForcePos [0x34]
  717. m_flWidth [0x40]
  718. m_flHeight [0x44]
  719. m_flShardSize [0x48]
  720. m_nSurfaceType [0x50]
  721. m_uchFrontColor[0] [0x54]
  722. m_uchFrontColor[1] [0x55]
  723. m_uchFrontColor[2] [0x56]
  724. m_uchBackColor[0] [0x57]
  725. m_uchBackColor[1] [0x58]
  726. m_uchBackColor[2] [0x59]
  727. DT_TEFootprintDecal
  728. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  729. m_vecDirection [0x1c]
  730. m_nEntity [0x34]
  731. m_nIndex [0x38]
  732. m_chMaterialType [0x3c]
  733. DT_TEFizz
  734. m_nEntity [0x10]
  735. m_nModelIndex [0x14]
  736. m_nDensity [0x18]
  737. m_nCurrent [0x1c]
  738. DT_TEExplosion
  739. m_nModelIndex [0x1c]
  740. m_fScale [0x20]
  741. m_nFrameRate [0x24]
  742. m_nFlags [0x28]
  743. m_vecNormal [0x2c]
  744. m_chMaterialType [0x38]
  745. m_nRadius [0x3c]
  746. m_nMagnitude [0x40]
  747. DT_TEEnergySplash
  748. m_vecPos [0x10]
  749. m_vecDir [0x1c]
  750. m_bExplosive [0x28]
  751. DT_TEEffectDispatch
  752. m_EffectData [0x10]
  753. DT_EffectData
  754. m_vOrigin[0] [0x0]
  755. m_vOrigin[1] [0x4]
  756. m_vOrigin[2] [0x8]
  757. m_vStart[0] [0xc]
  758. m_vStart[1] [0x10]
  759. m_vStart[2] [0x14]
  760. m_vAngles [0x24]
  761. m_vNormal [0x18]
  762. m_fFlags [0x30]
  763. m_flMagnitude [0x3c]
  764. m_flScale [0x38]
  765. m_nAttachmentIndex [0x44]
  766. m_nSurfaceProp [0x48]
  767. m_iEffectName [0x5c]
  768. m_nMaterial [0x4c]
  769. m_nDamageType [0x50]
  770. m_nHitBox [0x54]
  771. entindex [0x0]
  772. m_nColor [0x58]
  773. m_flRadius [0x40]
  774. DT_TEDynamicLight
  775. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  776. r [0x20]
  777. g [0x24]
  778. b [0x28]
  779. exponent [0x2c]
  780. m_fRadius [0x1c]
  781. m_fTime [0x30]
  782. m_fDecay [0x34]
  783. DT_TEDecal
  784. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  785. m_vecStart [0x1c]
  786. m_nEntity [0x28]
  787. m_nHitbox [0x2c]
  788. m_nIndex [0x30]
  789. DT_TEClientProjectile
  790. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  791. m_vecVelocity [0x1c]
  792. m_nModelIndex [0x28]
  793. m_nLifeTime [0x2c]
  794. m_hOwner [0x30]
  795. DT_TEBubbleTrail
  796. m_vecMins [0x10]
  797. m_vecMaxs [0x1c]
  798. m_nModelIndex [0x2c]
  799. m_flWaterZ [0x28]
  800. m_nCount [0x30]
  801. m_fSpeed [0x34]
  802. DT_TEBubbles
  803. m_vecMins [0x10]
  804. m_vecMaxs [0x1c]
  805. m_nModelIndex [0x2c]
  806. m_fHeight [0x28]
  807. m_nCount [0x30]
  808. m_fSpeed [0x34]
  809. DT_TEBSPDecal
  810. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  811. m_nEntity [0x1c]
  812. m_nIndex [0x20]
  813. DT_TEBreakModel
  814. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  815. m_angRotation[0] [0x1c]
  816. m_angRotation[1] [0x20]
  817. m_angRotation[2] [0x24]
  818. m_vecSize [0x28]
  819. m_vecVelocity [0x34]
  820. m_nModelIndex [0x44]
  821. m_nRandomization [0x40]
  822. m_nCount [0x48]
  823. m_fTime [0x4c]
  824. m_nFlags [0x50]
  825. DT_TEBloodStream
  826. m_vecDirection [0x1c]
  827. r [0x28]
  828. g [0x2c]
  829. b [0x30]
  830. a [0x34]
  831. m_nAmount [0x38]
  832. DT_TEBloodSprite
  833. m_vecOrigin [0x10]
  834. m_vecDirection [0x1c]
  835. r [0x28]
  836. g [0x2c]
  837. b [0x30]
  838. a [0x34]
  839. m_nSprayModel [0x3c]
  840. m_nDropModel [0x38]
  841. m_nSize [0x40]
  842. DT_TEBeamSpline
  843. m_nPoints [0xd0]
  844. m_vecPoints[0] [0x10]
  845. m_vecPoints [0x0]
  846. DT_TEBeamRingPoint
  847. m_vecCenter [0x4c]
  848. m_flStartRadius [0x58]
  849. m_flEndRadius [0x5c]
  850. DT_TEBeamRing
  851. m_nStartEntity [0x4c]
  852. m_nEndEntity [0x50]
  853. DT_TEBeamPoints
  854. m_vecStartPoint [0x4c]
  855. m_vecEndPoint [0x58]
  856. DT_TEBeamLaser
  857. m_nStartEntity [0x4c]
  858. m_nEndEntity [0x50]
  859. DT_TEBeamFollow
  860. m_iEntIndex [0x4c]
  861. DT_TEBeamEnts
  862. m_nStartEntity [0x4c]
  863. m_nEndEntity [0x50]
  864. DT_TEBeamEntPoint
  865. m_nStartEntity [0x4c]
  866. m_nEndEntity [0x50]
  867. m_vecStartPoint [0x54]
  868. m_vecEndPoint [0x60]
  869. DT_BaseBeam
  870. m_nModelIndex [0x10]
  871. m_nHaloIndex [0x14]
  872. m_nStartFrame [0x18]
  873. m_nFrameRate [0x1c]
  874. m_fLife [0x20]
  875. m_fWidth [0x24]
  876. m_fEndWidth [0x28]
  877. m_nFadeLength [0x2c]
  878. m_fAmplitude [0x30]
  879. m_nSpeed [0x44]
  880. r [0x34]
  881. g [0x38]
  882. b [0x3c]
  883. a [0x40]
  884. m_nFlags [0x48]
  885. DT_TEArmorRicochet
  886. DT_TEMetalSparks
  887. m_vecPos [0x10]
  888. m_vecDir [0x1c]
  889. DT_SteamJet
  890. m_SpreadSpeed [0x6c4]
  891. m_Speed [0x6c8]
  892. m_StartSize [0x6cc]
  893. m_EndSize [0x6d0]
  894. m_Rate [0x6d4]
  895. m_JetLength [0x6d8]
  896. m_bEmit [0x6dc]
  897. m_bFaceLeft [0x6e4]
  898. m_nType [0x6e0]
  899. m_spawnflags [0x6e8]
  900. m_flRollSpeed [0x6ec]
  901. m_NoiseStart [0x6f0]
  902. DT_SmokeStack
  903. m_SpreadSpeed [0x714]
  904. m_Speed [0x718]
  905. m_StartSize [0x71c]
  906. m_EndSize [0x720]
  907. m_Rate [0x724]
  908. m_JetLength [0x728]
  909. m_bEmit [0x72c]
  910. m_flBaseSpread [0x730]
  911. m_flTwist [0x784]
  912. m_flRollSpeed [0x7c0]
  913. m_iMaterialModel [0x788]
  914. m_AmbientLight.m_vPos [0x734]
  915. m_AmbientLight.m_vColor [0x740]
  916. m_AmbientLight.m_flIntensity [0x74c]
  917. m_DirLight.m_vPos [0x750]
  918. m_DirLight.m_vColor [0x75c]
  919. m_DirLight.m_flIntensity [0x768]
  920. m_vWind [0x778]
  921. DT_DustTrail
  922. m_SpawnRate [0x6c4]
  923. m_Color [0x6c8]
  924. m_ParticleLifetime [0x6d8]
  925. m_StopEmitTime [0x6e0]
  926. m_MinSpeed [0x6e4]
  927. m_MaxSpeed [0x6e8]
  928. m_MinDirectedSpeed [0x6ec]
  929. m_MaxDirectedSpeed [0x6f0]
  930. m_StartSize [0x6f4]
  931. m_EndSize [0x6f8]
  932. m_SpawnRadius [0x6fc]
  933. m_bEmit [0x70c]
  934. m_Opacity [0x6d4]
  935. DT_FireTrail
  936. m_nAttachment [0x6c4]
  937. m_flLifetime [0x6c8]
  938. DT_SporeTrail
  939. m_flSpawnRate [0x6cc]
  940. m_vecEndColor [0x6c0]
  941. m_flParticleLifetime [0x6d0]
  942. m_flStartSize [0x6d4]
  943. m_flEndSize [0x6d8]
  944. m_flSpawnRadius [0x6dc]
  945. m_bEmit [0x6ec]
  946. DT_SporeExplosion
  947. m_flSpawnRate [0x6c4]
  948. m_flParticleLifetime [0x6c8]
  949. m_flStartSize [0x6cc]
  950. m_flEndSize [0x6d0]
  951. m_flSpawnRadius [0x6d4]
  952. m_bEmit [0x6dc]
  953. m_bDontRemove [0x6dd]
  954. DT_RocketTrail
  955. m_SpawnRate [0x6c4]
  956. m_StartColor [0x6c8]
  957. m_EndColor [0x6d4]
  958. m_ParticleLifetime [0x6e4]
  959. m_StopEmitTime [0x6e8]
  960. m_MinSpeed [0x6ec]
  961. m_MaxSpeed [0x6f0]
  962. m_StartSize [0x6f4]
  963. m_EndSize [0x6f8]
  964. m_SpawnRadius [0x6fc]
  965. m_bEmit [0x70c]
  966. m_nAttachment [0x710]
  967. m_Opacity [0x6e0]
  968. m_bDamaged [0x70d]
  969. m_flFlareScale [0x720]
  970. DT_SmokeTrail
  971. m_SpawnRate [0x6c4]
  972. m_StartColor [0x6c8]
  973. m_EndColor [0x6d4]
  974. m_ParticleLifetime [0x6e4]
  975. m_StopEmitTime [0x6e8]
  976. m_MinSpeed [0x6ec]
  977. m_MaxSpeed [0x6f0]
  978. m_MinDirectedSpeed [0x6f4]
  979. m_MaxDirectedSpeed [0x6f8]
  980. m_StartSize [0x6fc]
  981. m_EndSize [0x700]
  982. m_SpawnRadius [0x704]
  983. m_bEmit [0x714]
  984. m_nAttachment [0x718]
  985. m_Opacity [0x6e0]
  986. DT_PropVehicleDriveable
  987. m_hPlayer [0x8f4]
  988. m_nSpeed [0x8f8]
  989. m_nRPM [0x8fc]
  990. m_flThrottle [0x900]
  991. m_nBoostTimeLeft [0x904]
  992. m_nHasBoost [0x908]
  993. m_nScannerDisabledWeapons [0x90c]
  994. m_nScannerDisabledVehicle [0x910]
  995. m_bEnterAnimOn [0x930]
  996. m_bExitAnimOn [0x931]
  997. m_bUnableToFire [0x97d]
  998. m_vecEyeExitEndpoint [0x970]
  999. m_bHasGun [0x97c]
  1000. m_vecGunCrosshair [0x938]
  1001. DT_ParticleSmokeGrenade
  1002. m_flSpawnTime [0x6d4]
  1003. m_FadeStartTime [0x6d8]
  1004. m_FadeEndTime [0x6dc]
  1005. m_CurrentStage [0x6c4]
  1006. DT_ParticleFire
  1007. m_vOrigin [0x6cc]
  1008. m_vDirection [0x6d8]
  1009. DT_MovieExplosion
  1010. DT_TEGaussExplosion
  1011. m_nType [0x1c]
  1012. m_vecDirection [0x20]
  1013. DT_QuadraticBeam
  1014. m_targetPosition [0x5d8]
  1015. m_controlPosition [0x5e4]
  1016. m_scrollRate [0x5f0]
  1017. m_flWidth [0x5f4]
  1018. DT_Embers
  1019. m_nDensity [0x5d8]
  1020. m_nLifetime [0x5dc]
  1021. m_nSpeed [0x5e0]
  1022. m_bEmit [0x5e4]
  1023. DT_EnvWind
  1024. m_EnvWindShared [0x5d8]
  1025. DT_EnvWindShared
  1026. m_iMinWind [0xc]
  1027. m_iMaxWind [0x10]
  1028. m_windRadius [0x14]
  1029. m_iMinGust [0x18]
  1030. m_iMaxGust [0x1c]
  1031. m_flMinGustDelay [0x20]
  1032. m_flMaxGustDelay [0x24]
  1033. m_iGustDirChange [0x2c]
  1034. m_iWindSeed [0x8]
  1035. m_location [0x30]
  1036. m_iInitialWindDir [0x54]
  1037. m_flInitialWindSpeed [0x58]
  1038. m_flStartTime [0x4]
  1039. m_flGustDuration [0x28]
  1040. DT_Precipitation
  1041. m_nPrecipType [0x600]
  1042. m_minSpeed [0x60c]
  1043. m_maxSpeed [0x610]
  1044. DT_PrecipitationBlocker
  1045. DT_BaseTempEntity
  1046. DT_HandleTest
  1047. m_Handle [0x5d8]
  1048. m_bSendHandle [0x5dc]
  1049. DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy
  1050. teamplayroundbased_gamerules_data [0x0]
  1051. DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRules
  1052. m_iRoundState [0x28]
  1053. m_bInWaitingForPlayers [0x38]
  1054. m_iWinningTeam [0x30]
  1055. m_bInOvertime [0x2c]
  1056. m_bInSetup [0x2d]
  1057. m_bSwitchedTeamsThisRound [0x2e]
  1058. m_bAwaitingReadyRestart [0x39]
  1059. m_flRestartRoundTime [0x3c]
  1060. m_flMapResetTime [0x40]
  1061. m_flNextRespawnWave [0x44]
  1062. m_flNextRespawnWave
  1063. m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes [0xc4]
  1064. m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes
  1065. DT_SpriteTrail
  1066. m_flLifeTime [0xc6c]
  1067. m_flStartWidth [0xc70]
  1068. m_flEndWidth [0xc74]
  1069. m_flStartWidthVariance [0xc78]
  1070. m_flTextureRes [0xc7c]
  1071. m_flMinFadeLength [0xc80]
  1072. m_vecSkyboxOrigin [0xc84]
  1073. m_flSkyboxScale [0xc90]
  1074. DT_SpriteOriented
  1075. DT_Sprite
  1076. m_hAttachedToEntity [0x5e8]
  1077. m_nAttachment [0x5ec]
  1078. m_flScaleTime [0x608]
  1079. m_flSpriteScale [0x604]
  1080. m_flSpriteFramerate [0x5f0]
  1081. m_flGlowProxySize [0x610]
  1082. m_flHDRColorScale [0x614]
  1083. m_flFrame [0x5f4]
  1084. m_flBrightnessTime [0x600]
  1085. m_nBrightness [0x5fc]
  1086. m_bWorldSpaceScale [0x60c]
  1087. DT_Ragdoll_Attached
  1088. m_boneIndexAttached [0xc28]
  1089. m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex [0xc24]
  1090. m_attachmentPointBoneSpace [0xc00]
  1091. m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace [0xc18]
  1092. DT_Ragdoll
  1093. m_ragAngles[0] [0xa10]
  1094. m_ragAngles [0x0]
  1095. m_ragPos[0] [0x8f0]
  1096. m_ragPos [0x0]
  1097. m_hUnragdoll [0xbec]
  1098. m_flBlendWeight [0xbf0]
  1099. m_nOverlaySequence [0xbf8]
  1100. DT_PredictedViewModel
  1101. DT_PoseController
  1102. m_hProps [0x5d8]
  1103. m_hProps
  1104. m_chPoseIndex [0x5e8]
  1105. m_chPoseIndex
  1106. m_bPoseValueParity [0x5ec]
  1107. m_fPoseValue [0x5f0]
  1108. m_fInterpolationTime [0x5f4]
  1109. m_bInterpolationWrap [0x5f8]
  1110. m_fCycleFrequency [0x5fc]
  1111. m_nFModType [0x600]
  1112. m_fFModTimeOffset [0x604]
  1113. m_fFModRate [0x608]
  1114. m_fFModAmplitude [0x60c]
  1115. DT_GameRulesProxy
  1116. DT_FuncSimpleLadder
  1117. m_climbableNormal [0x5d8]
  1118. DT_InfoLadderDismount
  1119. DT_FuncLadder
  1120. m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop [0x5f8]
  1121. m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom [0x604]
  1122. m_vecLadderDir [0x5d8]
  1123. m_bFakeLadder [0x611]
  1124. DT_TEFoundryHelpers
  1125. m_iEntity [0x10]
  1126. DT_DetailController
  1127. m_flFadeStartDist [0x5d8]
  1128. m_flFadeEndDist [0x5dc]
  1129. DT_World
  1130. m_flWaveHeight [0x5d8]
  1131. m_WorldMins [0x5dc]
  1132. m_WorldMaxs [0x5e8]
  1133. m_bStartDark [0x5f4]
  1134. m_flMaxOccludeeArea [0x5f8]
  1135. m_flMinOccluderArea [0x5fc]
  1136. m_flMaxPropScreenSpaceWidth [0x604]
  1137. m_flMinPropScreenSpaceWidth [0x600]
  1138. m_iszDetailSpriteMaterial [0x609]
  1139. m_bColdWorld [0x608]
  1140. DT_WaterLODControl
  1141. m_flCheapWaterStartDistance [0x5d8]
  1142. m_flCheapWaterEndDistance [0x5dc]
  1143. DT_WaterBullet
  1144. DT_VoteController
  1145. m_activeIssueIndex [0x5e4]
  1146. m_onlyTeamToVote [0x5e8]
  1147. m_votesYes [0x5ec]
  1148. m_votesNo [0x5f0]
  1149. m_potentialVotes [0x5f4]
  1150. DT_VGuiScreen
  1151. m_flWidth [0x5e0]
  1152. m_flHeight [0x5e4]
  1153. m_fScreenFlags [0x60c]
  1154. m_nPanelName [0x5e8]
  1155. m_nAttachmentIndex [0x604]
  1156. m_nOverlayMaterial [0x608]
  1157. m_hPlayerOwner [0x668]
  1158. DT_PropJeep
  1159. m_bHeadlightIsOn [0xa3c]
  1160. DT_PropVehicleChoreoGeneric
  1161. m_hPlayer [0x91c]
  1162. m_bEnterAnimOn [0x924]
  1163. m_bExitAnimOn [0x925]
  1164. m_vecEyeExitEndpoint [0x928]
  1165. m_vehicleView.bClampEyeAngles [0x9b4]
  1166. m_vehicleView.flPitchCurveZero [0x9b8]
  1167. m_vehicleView.flPitchCurveLinear [0x9bc]
  1168. m_vehicleView.flRollCurveZero [0x9c0]
  1169. m_vehicleView.flRollCurveLinear [0x9c4]
  1170. m_vehicleView.flFOV [0x9c8]
  1171. m_vehicleView.flYawMin [0x9cc]
  1172. m_vehicleView.flYawMax [0x9d0]
  1173. m_vehicleView.flPitchMin [0x9d4]
  1174. m_vehicleView.flPitchMax [0x9d8]
  1175. DT_FuncPlayerInfectedClip
  1176. DT_TriggerPlayerMovement
  1177. DT_BaseTrigger
  1178. m_bClientSidePredicted [0x5d8]
  1179. m_spawnflags [0x1a4]
  1180. DT_ProxyToggle
  1181. blah [0x0]
  1182. DT_ProxyToggle_ProxiedData
  1183. m_WithProxy [0x5d8]
  1184. DT_BaseTeamObjectiveResource
  1185. m_iTimerToShowInHUD [0x5d8]
  1186. m_iNumControlPoints [0x5dc]
  1187. m_bPlayingMiniRounds [0x5e4]
  1188. m_bControlPointsReset [0x5e5]
  1189. m_iUpdateCapHudParity [0x5e8]
  1190. m_vCPPositions[0] [0x5f0]
  1191. m_vCPPositions [0x0]
  1192. m_bCPIsVisible [0x650]
  1193. m_bCPIsVisible
  1194. m_flLazyCapPerc [0x658]
  1195. m_flLazyCapPerc
  1196. m_iTeamIcons [0x698]
  1197. m_iTeamIcons
  1198. m_iTeamOverlays [0x798]
  1199. m_iTeamOverlays
  1200. m_iTeamReqCappers [0x898]
  1201. m_iTeamReqCappers
  1202. m_flTeamCapTime [0x998]
  1203. m_flTeamCapTime
  1204. m_iPreviousPoints [0xa98]
  1205. m_iPreviousPoints
  1206. m_bTeamCanCap [0xd98]
  1207. m_bTeamCanCap
  1208. m_iTeamBaseIcons [0xdd8]
  1209. m_iTeamBaseIcons
  1210. m_iBaseControlPoints [0xe58]
  1211. m_iBaseControlPoints
  1212. m_bInMiniRound [0xed8]
  1213. m_bInMiniRound
  1214. m_bWarnOnCap [0xee0]
  1215. m_bWarnOnCap
  1216. m_iszWarnSound[0] [0xee8]
  1217. m_iszWarnSound [0x0]
  1218. m_iNumTeamMembers [0x16e0]
  1219. m_iNumTeamMembers
  1220. m_iCappingTeam [0x17e0]
  1221. m_iCappingTeam
  1222. m_iTeamInZone [0x1800]
  1223. m_iTeamInZone
  1224. m_bBlocked [0x1820]
  1225. m_bBlocked
  1226. m_iOwner [0x1828]
  1227. m_iOwner
  1228. m_pszCapLayoutInHUD [0x18b0]
  1229. DT_Team
  1230. m_iTeamNum [0x620]
  1231. m_iScore [0x60c]
  1232. m_iRoundsWon [0x610]
  1233. m_szTeamname [0x5ec]
  1234. player_array_element [0x0]
  1235. "player_array" [0x0]
  1236. DT_Flare
  1237. m_flTimeBurnOut [0xf88]
  1238. m_flScale [0xf8c]
  1239. m_bLight [0xf90]
  1240. m_bSmoke [0xf91]
  1241. m_bPropFlare [0xf92]
  1242. DT_Sun
  1243. m_clrRender [0x5c]
  1244. m_clrOverlay [0x728]
  1245. m_vDirection [0x734]
  1246. m_bOn [0x740]
  1247. m_nSize [0x72c]
  1248. m_nOverlaySize [0x730]
  1249. m_nMaterial [0x744]
  1250. m_nOverlayMaterial [0x748]
  1251. HDRColorScale [0x0]
  1252. DT_ParticlePerformanceMonitor
  1253. m_bMeasurePerf [0x5d9]
  1254. m_bDisplayPerf [0x5d8]
  1255. DT_SpotlightEnd
  1256. m_flLightScale [0x5d8]
  1257. m_Radius [0x5dc]
  1258. DT_SlideshowDisplay
  1259. m_bEnabled [0x5d8]
  1260. m_szDisplayText [0x5d9]
  1261. m_szSlideshowDirectory [0x659]
  1262. m_chCurrentSlideLists [0x6f0]
  1263. m_chCurrentSlideLists
  1264. m_fMinSlideTime [0x708]
  1265. m_fMaxSlideTime [0x70c]
  1266. m_iCycleType [0x714]
  1267. m_bNoListRepeats [0x718]
  1268. DT_ShadowControl
  1269. m_shadowDirection [0x5d8]
  1270. m_shadowColor [0x5e4]
  1271. m_flShadowMaxDist [0x5e8]
  1272. m_bDisableShadows [0x5ec]
  1273. m_bEnableLocalLightShadows [0x5ed]
  1274. DT_SceneEntity
  1275. m_nSceneStringIndex [0x5e8]
  1276. m_bIsPlayingBack [0x5dc]
  1277. m_bPaused [0x5dd]
  1278. m_bMultiplayer [0x5de]
  1279. m_flForceClientTime [0x5e4]
  1280. m_hActorList [0x0]
  1281. _ST_m_hActorList_16
  1282. lengthproxy [0x0]
  1283. _LPT_m_hActorList_16
  1284. lengthprop16 [0x0]
  1285. DT_RopeKeyframe
  1286. m_nChangeCount [0x8c4]
  1287. m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex [0x614]
  1288. m_hStartPoint [0x8a4]
  1289. m_hEndPoint [0x8a8]
  1290. m_iStartAttachment [0x8ac]
  1291. m_iEndAttachment [0x8ae]
  1292. m_fLockedPoints [0x8c0]
  1293. m_Slack [0x8b8]
  1294. m_RopeLength [0x8b4]
  1295. m_RopeFlags [0x610]
  1296. m_TextureScale [0x8bc]
  1297. m_nSegments [0x8a0]
  1298. m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints [0x948]
  1299. m_Subdiv [0x8b0]
  1300. m_Width [0x8c8]
  1301. m_flScrollSpeed [0x60c]
  1302. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1303. moveparent [0x10c]
  1304. m_iParentAttachment [0x1d0]
  1305. m_nMinCPULevel [0x58c]
  1306. m_nMaxCPULevel [0x58d]
  1307. m_nMinGPULevel [0x58e]
  1308. m_nMaxGPULevel [0x58f]
  1309. DT_RagdollManager
  1310. m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount [0x5d8]
  1311. DT_PhysBoxMultiplayer
  1312. m_iPhysicsMode [0x5e4]
  1313. m_fMass [0x5e8]
  1314. DT_PropDoorRotatingCheckpoint
  1315. m_spawnflags [0x91c]
  1316. m_eDoorState [0x918]
  1317. m_bLocked [0x921]
  1318. m_isRescueDoor [0x922]
  1319. DT_BasePropDoor
  1320. m_spawnflags [0x91c]
  1321. m_eDoorState [0x918]
  1322. m_bLocked [0x921]
  1323. m_isRescueDoor [0x922]
  1324. m_hMaster [0x924]
  1325. DT_DynamicProp
  1326. m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox [0x8f8]
  1327. DT_PostProcessController
  1328. m_fLocalContrastStrength [0x5d8]
  1329. m_fLocalContrastEdgeStrength [0x5dc]
  1330. m_fVignetteStart [0x5e0]
  1331. m_fVignetteEnd [0x5e4]
  1332. m_fVignetteBlurStrength [0x5e8]
  1333. m_fFadeToBlackStrength [0x5ec]
  1334. m_fFadeTime [0x5f0]
  1335. m_bMaster [0x5f4]
  1336. DT_PointCommentaryNode
  1337. m_bActive [0x8f0]
  1338. m_flStartTime [0x8f4]
  1339. m_iszCommentaryFile [0x8f8]
  1340. m_iszCommentaryFileNoHDR [0x9fc]
  1341. m_iszSpeakers [0xb00]
  1342. m_iNodeNumber [0xc00]
  1343. m_iNodeNumberMax [0xc04]
  1344. m_hViewPosition [0xc0c]
  1345. DT_PlayerResource
  1346. m_iPing [0x660]
  1347. m_iPing
  1348. m_iScore [0x6e4]
  1349. m_iScore
  1350. m_iTankTickets [0x768]
  1351. m_iTankTickets
  1352. m_iDeaths [0x7ec]
  1353. m_iDeaths
  1354. m_bConnected [0x870]
  1355. m_bConnected
  1356. m_iTeam [0x894]
  1357. m_iTeam
  1358. m_bAlive [0x918]
  1359. m_bAlive
  1360. m_iHealth [0x93c]
  1361. m_iHealth
  1362. DT_Plasma
  1363. m_flStartScale [0x5d8]
  1364. m_flScale [0x5dc]
  1365. m_flScaleTime [0x5e0]
  1366. m_nFlags [0x5e4]
  1367. m_nPlasmaModelIndex [0x5e8]
  1368. m_nPlasmaModelIndex2 [0x5ec]
  1369. m_nGlowModelIndex [0x5f0]
  1370. DT_PhysMagnet
  1371. DT_PhysicsProp
  1372. m_bAwake [0x8f8]
  1373. m_hasTankGlow [0x8fa]
  1374. m_isCarryable [0x8fb]
  1375. m_spawnflags [0x900]
  1376. DT_Breakable
  1377. DT_PhysBox
  1378. m_mass [0x5d8]
  1379. DT_ParticleSystem
  1380. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1381. m_hOwnerEntity [0x110]
  1382. moveparent [0x10c]
  1383. m_iParentAttachment [0x1d0]
  1384. m_angRotation [0xf0]
  1385. m_iEffectIndex [0x5d8]
  1386. m_bActive [0x5dc]
  1387. m_flStartTime [0x5e0]
  1388. m_hControlPointEnts [0x5e4]
  1389. m_hControlPointEnts
  1390. m_iControlPointParents [0x6e0]
  1391. m_iControlPointParents
  1392. DT_MaterialModifyControl
  1393. m_szMaterialName [0x5d8]
  1394. m_szMaterialVar [0x6d7]
  1395. m_szMaterialVarValue [0x7d6]
  1396. m_iFrameStart [0x8e0]
  1397. m_iFrameEnd [0x8e4]
  1398. m_bWrap [0x8e8]
  1399. m_flFramerate [0x8ec]
  1400. m_bNewAnimCommandsSemaphore [0x8f0]
  1401. m_flFloatLerpStartValue [0x8f4]
  1402. m_flFloatLerpEndValue [0x8f8]
  1403. m_flFloatLerpTransitionTime [0x8fc]
  1404. m_bFloatLerpWrap [0x900]
  1405. m_nModifyMode [0x908]
  1406. DT_LightGlow
  1407. m_clrRender [0x5c]
  1408. m_nHorizontalSize [0x5d8]
  1409. m_nVerticalSize [0x5dc]
  1410. m_nMinDist [0x5e0]
  1411. m_nMaxDist [0x5e4]
  1412. m_nOuterMaxDist [0x5e8]
  1413. m_spawnflags [0x5ec]
  1414. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1415. m_angRotation [0xf0]
  1416. moveparent [0x10c]
  1417. m_flGlowProxySize [0x6bc]
  1418. HDRColorScale [0x0]
  1419. DT_InfoOverlayAccessor
  1420. m_iTextureFrameIndex [0x590]
  1421. m_iOverlayID [0x5d8]
  1422. DT_FuncTrackTrain
  1423. DT_FuncSmokeVolume
  1424. m_Color1 [0x6c4]
  1425. m_Color2 [0x6c8]
  1426. m_MaterialName [0x6cc]
  1427. m_ParticleDrawWidth [0x7cc]
  1428. m_ParticleSpacingDistance [0x7d0]
  1429. m_DensityRampSpeed [0x7d4]
  1430. m_RotationSpeed [0x7d8]
  1431. m_MovementSpeed [0x7dc]
  1432. m_Density [0x7e0]
  1433. m_maxDrawDistance [0x7e4]
  1434. m_spawnflags [0x7e8]
  1435. m_Collision [0x1f4]
  1436. DT_CollisionProperty
  1437. m_vecMins [0x8]
  1438. m_vecMaxs [0x14]
  1439. m_nSolidType [0x22]
  1440. m_usSolidFlags [0x20]
  1441. m_nSurroundType [0x2a]
  1442. m_triggerBloat [0x23]
  1443. m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins [0x2c]
  1444. m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs [0x38]
  1445. DT_FuncRotating
  1446. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1447. m_angRotation[0] [0xf0]
  1448. m_angRotation[1] [0xf4]
  1449. m_angRotation[2] [0xf8]
  1450. m_flSimulationTime [0x128]
  1451. DT_FuncReflectiveGlass
  1452. DT_FuncOccluder
  1453. m_bActive [0x5dc]
  1454. m_nOccluderIndex [0x5d8]
  1455. DT_FuncMoveLinear
  1456. m_vecVelocity [0xd8]
  1457. m_fFlags [0xc8]
  1458. DT_FuncMonitor
  1459. DT_Func_LOD
  1460. m_nDisappearMinDist [0x5d8]
  1461. m_nDisappearMaxDist [0x5dc]
  1462. DT_FuncElevator
  1463. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1464. m_acceleration [0x5e8]
  1465. m_currentSpeed [0x5ec]
  1466. m_movementStartTime [0x5f0]
  1467. m_movementStartSpeed [0x5f4]
  1468. m_movementStartZ [0x5f8]
  1469. m_destinationFloorPosition [0x5fc]
  1470. m_maxSpeed [0x5e4]
  1471. m_isMoving [0x600]
  1472. DT_TEDust
  1473. m_flSize [0x1c]
  1474. m_flSpeed [0x20]
  1475. m_vecDirection [0x24]
  1476. DT_Func_Dust
  1477. m_Color [0x5d8]
  1478. m_SpawnRate [0x5dc]
  1479. m_flSizeMin [0x5e0]
  1480. m_flSizeMax [0x5e4]
  1481. m_LifetimeMin [0x5ec]
  1482. m_LifetimeMax [0x5f0]
  1483. m_DustFlags [0x5fc]
  1484. m_SpeedMax [0x5e8]
  1485. m_DistMax [0x5f4]
  1486. m_nModelIndex [0x118]
  1487. m_FallSpeed [0x5f8]
  1488. m_Collision [0x1f4]
  1489. DT_CollisionProperty
  1490. m_vecMins [0x8]
  1491. m_vecMaxs [0x14]
  1492. m_nSolidType [0x22]
  1493. m_usSolidFlags [0x20]
  1494. m_nSurroundType [0x2a]
  1495. m_triggerBloat [0x23]
  1496. m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins [0x2c]
  1497. m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs [0x38]
  1498. DT_FuncConveyor
  1499. m_flConveyorSpeed [0x5d8]
  1500. DT_FuncBrush
  1501. DT_BreakableSurface
  1502. m_nNumWide [0x5dc]
  1503. m_nNumHigh [0x5e0]
  1504. m_flPanelWidth [0x5e4]
  1505. m_flPanelHeight [0x5e8]
  1506. m_vNormal [0x5ec]
  1507. m_vCorner [0x5f8]
  1508. m_bIsBroken [0x604]
  1509. m_nSurfaceType [0x608]
  1510. m_noGhostCollision [0xa08]
  1511. m_RawPanelBitVec [0x62c]
  1512. m_RawPanelBitVec
  1513. DT_FuncAreaPortalWindow
  1514. m_flFadeStartDist [0x5d8]
  1515. m_flFadeDist [0x5dc]
  1516. m_flTranslucencyLimit [0x5e0]
  1517. m_iBackgroundModelIndex [0x5e4]
  1518. DT_CFish
  1519. m_poolOrigin [0x950]
  1520. m_x [0x938]
  1521. m_y [0x93c]
  1522. m_z [0x940]
  1523. m_angle [0x948]
  1524. m_nModelIndex [0x118]
  1525. m_lifeState [0x11f]
  1526. m_waterLevel [0x95c]
  1527. DT_EntityFlame
  1528. m_hEntAttached [0x5e4]
  1529. DT_FireSmoke
  1530. m_flStartScale [0x5d8]
  1531. m_flScale [0x5dc]
  1532. m_flScaleTime [0x5e0]
  1533. m_nFlags [0x5e4]
  1534. m_nFlameModelIndex [0x5e8]
  1535. m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex [0x5ec]
  1536. DT_EnvTonemapController
  1537. m_bUseCustomAutoExposureMin [0x5d8]
  1538. m_bUseCustomAutoExposureMax [0x5d9]
  1539. m_bUseCustomBloomScale [0x5da]
  1540. m_flCustomAutoExposureMin [0x5dc]
  1541. m_flCustomAutoExposureMax [0x5e0]
  1542. m_flCustomBloomScale [0x5e4]
  1543. m_flCustomBloomScaleMinimum [0x5e8]
  1544. m_flBloomExponent [0x5ec]
  1545. m_flBloomSaturation [0x5f0]
  1546. DT_EnvScreenEffect
  1547. m_flDuration [0x5d8]
  1548. m_nType [0x5dc]
  1549. DT_EnvScreenOverlay
  1550. m_iszOverlayNames[0] [0x5d8]
  1551. m_iszOverlayNames [0x0]
  1552. m_flOverlayTimes[0] [0xfd0]
  1553. m_flOverlayTimes [0x0]
  1554. m_flStartTime [0xff8]
  1555. m_iDesiredOverlay [0xffc]
  1556. m_bIsActive [0x1000]
  1557. DT_EnvProjectedTexture
  1558. m_hTargetEntity [0x5dc]
  1559. m_bState [0x5e0]
  1560. m_flLightFOV [0x5e4]
  1561. m_bEnableShadows [0x5e8]
  1562. m_bLightOnlyTarget [0x5e9]
  1563. m_bLightWorld [0x5ea]
  1564. m_bCameraSpace [0x5eb]
  1565. m_LinearFloatLightColor [0x5ec]
  1566. m_flAmbient [0x5f8]
  1567. m_SpotlightTextureName [0x604]
  1568. m_nSpotlightTextureFrame [0x708]
  1569. m_flNearZ [0x5fc]
  1570. m_flFarZ [0x600]
  1571. m_nShadowQuality [0x70c]
  1572. DT_EnvParticleScript
  1573. m_flSequenceScale [0x9d4]
  1574. DT_FogController
  1575. m_fog.enable [0x61c]
  1576. m_fog.blend [0x61d]
  1577. m_fog.dirPrimary [0x5dc]
  1578. m_fog.colorPrimary [0x5e8]
  1579. m_fog.colorSecondary [0x5ec]
  1580. m_fog.start [0x5f8]
  1581. m_fog.end [0x5fc]
  1582. m_fog.farz [0x600]
  1583. m_fog.maxdensity [0x604]
  1584. m_fog.colorPrimaryLerpTo [0x5f0]
  1585. m_fog.colorSecondaryLerpTo [0x5f4]
  1586. m_fog.startLerpTo [0x608]
  1587. m_fog.endLerpTo [0x60c]
  1588. m_fog.maxdensityLerpTo [0x610]
  1589. m_fog.lerptime [0x614]
  1590. m_fog.duration [0x618]
  1591. m_fog.HDRColorScale [0x620]
  1592. DT_EnvDOFController
  1593. m_bDOFEnabled [0x5d8]
  1594. m_flNearBlurDepth [0x5dc]
  1595. m_flNearFocusDepth [0x5e0]
  1596. m_flFarFocusDepth [0x5e4]
  1597. m_flFarBlurDepth [0x5e8]
  1598. m_flNearBlurRadius [0x5ec]
  1599. m_flFarBlurRadius [0x5f0]
  1600. DT_EntityParticleTrail
  1601. m_iMaterialName [0x6c0]
  1602. m_Info [0x6c4]
  1603. DT_EntityParticleTrailInfo
  1604. m_flLifetime [0x8]
  1605. m_flStartSize [0xc]
  1606. m_flEndSize [0x10]
  1607. m_hConstraintEntity [0x6d8]
  1608. DT_EntityDissolve
  1609. m_flStartTime [0x5dc]
  1610. m_flFadeOutStart [0x5e0]
  1611. m_flFadeOutLength [0x5e4]
  1612. m_flFadeOutModelStart [0x5e8]
  1613. m_flFadeOutModelLength [0x5ec]
  1614. m_flFadeInStart [0x5f0]
  1615. m_flFadeInLength [0x5f4]
  1616. m_nDissolveType [0x5f8]
  1617. m_vDissolverOrigin [0x600]
  1618. m_nMagnitude [0x60c]
  1619. DT_DynamicLight
  1620. m_Flags [0x5d8]
  1621. m_LightStyle [0x5d9]
  1622. m_Radius [0x5dc]
  1623. m_Exponent [0x5e0]
  1624. m_InnerAngle [0x5e4]
  1625. m_OuterAngle [0x5e8]
  1626. m_SpotRadius [0x5ec]
  1627. DT_ColorCorrectionVolume
  1628. m_bEnabled [0x5f0]
  1629. m_MaxWeight [0x5f4]
  1630. m_FadeDuration [0x5f8]
  1631. m_lookupFilename [0x600]
  1632. DT_ColorCorrection
  1633. m_vecOrigin [0x5d8]
  1634. m_minFalloff [0x5e4]
  1635. m_maxFalloff [0x5e8]
  1636. m_flCurWeight [0x5f8]
  1637. m_flMaxWeight [0x5f4]
  1638. m_flFadeInDuration [0x5ec]
  1639. m_flFadeOutDuration [0x5f0]
  1640. m_netLookupFilename [0x5fc]
  1641. m_bEnabled [0x700]
  1642. m_bMaster [0x701]
  1643. m_bClientSide [0x702]
  1644. m_bExclusive [0x703]
  1645. DT_BreakableProp
  1646. m_noGhostCollision [0x8f0]
  1647. m_bClientPhysics [0x8f1]
  1648. DT_BeamSpotlight
  1649. m_nHaloIndex [0x5d8]
  1650. m_nBeamIndex [0x5dc]
  1651. m_bSpotlightOn [0x5e8]
  1652. m_bHasDynamicLight [0x5e9]
  1653. m_flSpotlightMaxLength [0x5ec]
  1654. m_flSpotlightGoalWidth [0x5f0]
  1655. m_flHDRColorScale [0x5f4]
  1656. m_nRotationAxis [0x5e0]
  1657. m_flRotationSpeed [0x5e4]
  1658. DT_BaseButton
  1659. m_glowEntity [0x5d8]
  1660. m_usable [0x5dc]
  1661. DT_BaseToggle
  1662. DT_BasePlayer
  1663. localdata [0x0]
  1664. DT_LocalPlayerExclusive
  1665. m_Local [0xf0c]
  1666. DT_Local
  1667. m_chAreaBits [0x4]
  1668. m_chAreaBits
  1669. m_chAreaPortalBits [0x24]
  1670. m_chAreaPortalBits
  1671. m_iHideHUD [0x48]
  1672. m_flFOVRate [0x44]
  1673. m_bDucked [0x78]
  1674. m_bDucking [0x79]
  1675. m_bInDuckJump [0x7a]
  1676. m_nDuckTimeMsecs [0x4c]
  1677. m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs [0x50]
  1678. m_nJumpTimeMsecs [0x54]
  1679. m_flFallVelocity [0x58]
  1680. m_vecPunchAngle [0x60]
  1681. m_vecPunchAngleVel [0x6c]
  1682. m_bDrawViewmodel [0x7b]
  1683. m_bWearingSuit [0x7c]
  1684. m_bPoisoned [0x7d]
  1685. m_flStepSize [0x5c]
  1686. m_bAllowAutoMovement [0x7e]
  1687. m_bAutoAimTarget [0xe4]
  1688. m_skybox3d.scale [0xec]
  1689. m_skybox3d.origin [0xf0]
  1690. m_skybox3d.area [0xfc]
  1691. m_skybox3d.fog.enable [0x144]
  1692. m_skybox3d.fog.blend [0x145]
  1693. m_skybox3d.fog.dirPrimary [0x104]
  1694. m_skybox3d.fog.colorPrimary [0x110]
  1695. m_skybox3d.fog.colorSecondary [0x114]
  1696. m_skybox3d.fog.start [0x120]
  1697. m_skybox3d.fog.end [0x124]
  1698. m_skybox3d.fog.maxdensity [0x12c]
  1699. m_skybox3d.fog.HDRColorScale [0x148]
  1700. m_audio.localSound[0] [0x150]
  1701. m_audio.localSound[1] [0x15c]
  1702. m_audio.localSound[2] [0x168]
  1703. m_audio.localSound[3] [0x174]
  1704. m_audio.localSound[4] [0x180]
  1705. m_audio.localSound[5] [0x18c]
  1706. m_audio.localSound[6] [0x198]
  1707. m_audio.localSound[7] [0x1a4]
  1708. m_audio.soundscapeIndex [0x1b0]
  1709. m_audio.localBits [0x1b4]
  1710. m_audio.entIndex [0x1b8]
  1711. m_flFriction [0x108]
  1712. m_iAmmo [0xcdc]
  1713. m_iAmmo
  1714. m_fOnTarget [0x1168]
  1715. m_nTickBase [0x1248]
  1716. m_nNextThinkTick [0xc0]
  1717. m_hLastWeapon [0x115c]
  1718. m_vecVelocity[0] [0xd8]
  1719. m_vecVelocity[1] [0xdc]
  1720. m_vecVelocity[2] [0xe0]
  1721. m_vecBaseVelocity [0xe4]
  1722. m_hConstraintEntity [0x117c]
  1723. m_vecConstraintCenter [0x1180]
  1724. m_flConstraintRadius [0x118c]
  1725. m_flConstraintWidth [0x1190]
  1726. m_flConstraintSpeedFactor [0x1194]
  1727. m_bConstraintPastRadius [0x1198]
  1728. m_flDeathTime [0x11c0]
  1729. m_nWaterLevel [0x11e]
  1730. m_flLaggedMovementValue [0x13a0]
  1731. m_hTonemapController [0x10cc]
  1732. pl [0x10d0]
  1733. DT_PlayerState
  1734. deadflag [0x4]
  1735. m_vecViewOffset[0] [0xcc]
  1736. m_vecViewOffset[1] [0xd0]
  1737. m_vecViewOffset[2] [0xd4]
  1738. m_iFOV [0x10e4]
  1739. m_iFOVStart [0x10e8]
  1740. m_flFOVTime [0x1108]
  1741. m_iDefaultFOV [0x116c]
  1742. m_hZoomOwner [0x1154]
  1743. m_hVehicle [0x1158]
  1744. m_hUseEntity [0x11fc]
  1745. m_hViewEntity [0x1178]
  1746. m_hGroundEntity [0x114]
  1747. m_hElevator [0x11c4]
  1748. m_flHeightAboveElevator [0x11f4]
  1749. m_iHealth [0xc4]
  1750. m_lifeState [0x11f]
  1751. m_iBonusProgress [0x1148]
  1752. m_iBonusChallenge [0x114c]
  1753. m_flMaxspeed [0x1150]
  1754. m_fFlags [0xc8]
  1755. m_iObserverMode [0x119c]
  1756. m_hObserverTarget [0x11a0]
  1757. m_hViewModel[0] [0x1160]
  1758. m_hViewModel [0x0]
  1759. m_szLastPlaceName [0x13c0]
  1760. m_vecLadderNormal [0x111c]
  1761. m_ladderSurfaceProps [0x1100]
  1762. m_ubEFNoInterpParity [0x13e4]
  1763. m_hPostProcessCtrl [0x157c]
  1764. m_hColorCorrectionCtrl [0x1580]
  1765. m_PlayerFog.m_hCtrl [0x1588]
  1766. DT_BaseFlex
  1767. m_flexWeight [0x990]
  1768. m_flexWeight
  1769. m_blinktoggle [0xb3c]
  1770. m_viewtarget [0x958]
  1771. DT_BaseEntity
  1772. AnimTimeMustBeFirst [0x0]
  1773. DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst
  1774. m_flAnimTime [0x120]
  1775. m_flSimulationTime [0x128]
  1776. m_flCreateTime [0x130]
  1777. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1778. m_angRotation [0xf0]
  1779. m_nModelIndex [0x118]
  1780. m_fEffects [0xb8]
  1781. m_nRenderMode [0x11b]
  1782. m_nRenderFX [0x11a]
  1783. m_clrRender [0x5c]
  1784. m_iTeamNum [0xbc]
  1785. m_CollisionGroup [0x324]
  1786. m_flElasticity [0x274]
  1787. m_flShadowCastDistance [0x278]
  1788. m_hOwnerEntity [0x110]
  1789. m_hEffectEntity [0x59c]
  1790. moveparent [0x10c]
  1791. m_iParentAttachment [0x1d0]
  1792. movetype [0x0]
  1793. movecollide [0x0]
  1794. m_Collision [0x1f4]
  1795. DT_CollisionProperty
  1796. m_vecMins [0x8]
  1797. m_vecMaxs [0x14]
  1798. m_nSolidType [0x22]
  1799. m_usSolidFlags [0x20]
  1800. m_nSurroundType [0x2a]
  1801. m_triggerBloat [0x23]
  1802. m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins [0x2c]
  1803. m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs [0x38]
  1804. m_iTextureFrameIndex [0x590]
  1805. m_bSimulatedEveryTick [0x589]
  1806. m_bAnimatedEveryTick [0x58a]
  1807. m_bAlternateSorting [0x58b]
  1808. m_fadeMinDist [0x1c0]
  1809. m_fadeMaxDist [0x1c4]
  1810. m_flFadeScale [0x1c8]
  1811. m_nMinCPULevel [0x58c]
  1812. m_nMaxCPULevel [0x58d]
  1813. m_nMinGPULevel [0x58e]
  1814. m_nMaxGPULevel [0x58f]
  1815. DT_BaseDoor
  1816. m_flWaveHeight [0x5d8]
  1817. DT_BaseCombatCharacter
  1818. bcc_localdata [0x0]
  1819. DT_BCCLocalPlayerExclusive
  1820. m_flNextAttack [0xcd8]
  1821. m_hActiveWeapon [0xe1c]
  1822. m_hMyWeapons [0xd5c]
  1823. m_hMyWeapons
  1824. DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay
  1825. overlay_vars [0x0]
  1826. DT_OverlayVars
  1827. m_AnimOverlay [0x0]
  1828. _ST_m_AnimOverlay_15
  1829. lengthproxy [0x0]
  1830. _LPT_m_AnimOverlay_15
  1831. lengthprop15 [0x0]
  1832. DT_BoneFollower
  1833. m_modelIndex [0x5d8]
  1834. m_solidIndex [0x5dc]
  1835. DT_BaseAnimating
  1836. m_nSequence [0x840]
  1837. m_nForceBone [0x644]
  1838. m_vecForce [0x638]
  1839. m_nSkin [0x604]
  1840. m_nBody [0x608]
  1841. m_nHitboxSet [0x5e0]
  1842. m_flModelWidthScale [0x6c4]
  1843. m_flPoseParameter [0x6c8]
  1844. m_flPoseParameter
  1845. m_flPlaybackRate [0x600]
  1846. m_flEncodedController [0x614]
  1847. m_flEncodedController
  1848. m_bClientSideAnimation [0x818]
  1849. m_bClientSideFrameReset [0x678]
  1850. m_bClientSideRagdoll [0x13d]
  1851. m_nNewSequenceParity [0x60c]
  1852. m_nResetEventsParity [0x610]
  1853. m_nMuzzleFlashParity [0x624]
  1854. m_hLightingOrigin [0x8c8]
  1855. serveranimdata [0x0]
  1856. DT_ServerAnimationData
  1857. m_flCycle [0x5fc]
  1858. DT_AI_BaseNPC
  1859. m_lifeState [0x11f]
  1860. m_bPerformAvoidance [0xe94]
  1861. m_bIsMoving [0xe95]
  1862. m_bFadeCorpse [0xe96]
  1863. m_iDeathPose [0xe84]
  1864. m_iDeathFrame [0xe88]
  1865. m_iSpeedModRadius [0xe8c]
  1866. m_iSpeedModSpeed [0xe90]
  1867. m_bSpeedModActive [0xe97]
  1868. m_bImportanRagdoll [0xe98]
  1869. m_flTimePingEffect [0xe80]
  1870. DT_Beam
  1871. m_nBeamType [0x5f4]
  1872. m_nBeamFlags [0x5f8]
  1873. m_nNumBeamEnts [0x5e8]
  1874. m_hAttachEntity [0x5fc]
  1875. m_hAttachEntity
  1876. m_nAttachIndex [0x624]
  1877. m_nAttachIndex
  1878. m_nHaloIndex [0x5f0]
  1879. m_fHaloScale [0x658]
  1880. m_fWidth [0x64c]
  1881. m_fEndWidth [0x650]
  1882. m_fFadeLength [0x654]
  1883. m_fAmplitude [0x65c]
  1884. m_fStartFrame [0x660]
  1885. m_fSpeed [0x664]
  1886. m_flFrameRate [0x5d8]
  1887. m_flHDRColorScale [0x5dc]
  1888. m_clrRender [0x5c]
  1889. m_nRenderFX [0x11a]
  1890. m_nRenderMode [0x11b]
  1891. m_flFrame [0x668]
  1892. m_vecEndPos [0x66c]
  1893. m_nModelIndex [0x118]
  1894. m_vecOrigin [0xfc]
  1895. moveparent [0x10c]
  1896. DT_BaseViewModel
  1897. m_nModelIndex [0x118]
  1898. m_nSkin [0x604]
  1899. m_nBody [0x608]
  1900. m_nSequence [0x840]
  1901. m_nLayerSequence [0x96c]
  1902. m_nLayer [0x970]
  1903. m_nViewModelIndex [0x964]
  1904. m_flPlaybackRate [0x600]
  1905. m_fEffects [0xb8]
  1906. m_nAnimationParity [0x968]
  1907. m_hWeapon [0x978]
  1908. m_hOwner [0x97c]
  1909. m_nNewSequenceParity [0x60c]
  1910. m_nResetEventsParity [0x610]
  1911. m_nMuzzleFlashParity [0x624]
  1912. m_flLayerStartTime [0x974]
  1913. m_flPoseParameter[0] [0x6c8]
  1914. m_flPoseParameter [0x0]
  1915. DT_BaseParticleEntity
  1916. DT_BaseGrenade
  1917. m_flDamage [0xe90]
  1918. m_DmgRadius [0xe84]
  1919. m_bIsLive [0xe81]
  1920. m_hThrower [0xe98]
  1921. m_vecVelocity [0xd8]
  1922. m_fFlags [0xc8]
  1923. DT_BaseCombatWeapon
  1924. LocalWeaponData [0x0]
  1925. DT_LocalWeaponData
  1926. m_iClip1 [0x91c]
  1927. m_iClip2 [0x920]
  1928. m_iPrimaryAmmoType [0x914]
  1929. m_iSecondaryAmmoType [0x918]
  1930. m_nViewModelIndex [0x8f4]
  1931. LocalActiveWeaponData [0x0]
  1932. DT_LocalActiveWeaponData
  1933. m_flNextPrimaryAttack [0x8f8]
  1934. m_flNextSecondaryAttack [0x8fc]
  1935. m_nNextThinkTick [0xc0]
  1936. m_flTimeWeaponIdle [0x928]
  1937. m_nQueuedAttack [0x900]
  1938. m_flTimeAttackQueued [0x904]
  1939. m_bOnlyPump [0x924]
  1940. m_iViewModelIndex [0x908]
  1941. m_iWorldModelIndex [0x90c]
  1942. m_iState [0x910]
  1943. m_hOwner [0x8f0]
  1944. m_bInReload [0x955]
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