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Aug 16th, 2018
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  1. One leader I consider as my idol and always look up to is Elon Musk. He started his journey from scratch and had to abandon his home country to pursue his education and try to build himself up. During his teenage life, he always faced many challenges like bullying and his parents splitting up but always stood up remained determined to achieve his goal. He never let any of these obstacles block his way to achieving his dreams and making his vision reality. Nowadays, his innovations are changing the way we live and the during my early teenage life I was addicted to playing video games. I would spend the majority of my day in front of my computer playing online video games. This addiction started when I first bought a new pc. in the beginning, I denied my addiction and thought that I am in control of my actions. Then this addiction started growing more and more. I become less social. Sometimes I spent days playing in my room. My grades started falling I nearly failed in school. My friend and family notice this change in my behavior and Advised me to quit playing video games for good. but it wasn't that easy I become so hooked to the game that Sometimes I skip sleeping to play 2 or 3 extra hours. One day, My Father got a notice from my school telling him about my poor grades and the change in my behavior. When I returned home as usual excited to play my favorite game. I didn't find my PC nor the internet Router. At that moment I felt so angry and raged. I tried searching the house but nothing found. Then, my dad told me that he sold the router and took my pc. We fought about this and told him that I will quit this habit but my dad didn't believe me. So this punishment lasted more than 6 months. In these 6 months, I become more social and I joined few clubs in my city but I kept thinking on how to make enough money to buy a new pc and router to be able to play my video game as long as possible without being depended on anyone's money. At that moment I wanted to become a freelancer and have a part-time job while studying. So I noticed that I am interested in creative art ect. i started learning Graphic design. And because I don't have internet access in my house. I would spend hours in coffee shops to be able to use their Wifi for learning. After a few months of learning, I convinced my dad to give me back my laptop. He finally agreed to let me use my pc without internet. So at that moment, I focused on practicing everything I learned in Logo Design. I built my first portfolio and started applying for online jobs. After a few tries I got my first client it was a gig for a price of 45$. this was the first dollars I made online. at that moment I wanted to make more. Also, I regretted all the time I wasted on these online games. I wished I could go back and invest that time in learning new skills. in these 6 months, I changed a lot. I become financially independent. I upgraded my equipment and I paid my own internet bills. Also, my grades started improving.
  2. After this experience, I learned that time is one of the most valuable assets we have and I need to invest it properly. Also, i become more passioned about self-learning. I studied many skills using online courses these skills helped me build my own business.
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