

Aug 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Spammer: You look cute 😍🌺😍🌺😍🌺
  2. Me: where are you?
  3. Spammer: Am [assshole] looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with 🌺😍🌺😍
  4. Me: I asked, where are you?
  5. Spammer: New York City and you
  6. [Guy is 5000 miles from NJ, right...]
  7. Me: Gondwanaland.
  8. Spammer: Do you have Google Hangouts application
  9. Me: Yes but I dropped it on the floor and broke it.
  10. Me: One of the splinters got in my foot and I had to go to the hospital.
  11. Me: so I can't use Hangouts anymore.
  12. Spammer: Can you add me on Google Hangouts application now
  13. Me: I don't want to touch all the broken glass.
  14. Spammer: Try it again
  15. Spammer: Just add me
  16. Me: they gave me such weird food at the hospital.
  17. Me: they had this gross stuff that looks like corn but tasted like turnips.
  18. Me: would you eat that?
  19. Spammer: Yes
  20. Spammer: Can you download Google Hangouts application again
  21. Me: I asked them to mail me another one but it's taking some time.
  22. Me: I have a mouthful of turnip corn at the time and maybe they didn't understand me.
  23. Spammer: Give me your text number.
  24. Me: I don't usually give that out, do you really need it?
  25. Spammer: Yes
  26. Me: I feel weird about doing that with someone I haven't met yet... last time someone made me glue gravel to my lampposts...
  27. Spammer: Can you download Google Hangouts application now
  28. Me: oh hang on I just got it...
  29. Me: hold on it just came in the mail.
  30. Spammer: Add me with [asshole]
  31. Spammer: Do you add me finish
  32. Me: give me a minute here...
  33. Spammer: Waiting
  34. Me: oh.
  35. Me: oh crap.
  36. Me: I asked for the left-handed version of the app and they sent me the right-handed version.
  37. Spammer: Do you add me
  38. Spammer: Give me your Gmail account on Google Hangouts application
  39. Me: no I can't install this version, I have to mail it back to them.
  40. Spammer: Download Google Hangouts application
  41. Spammer: Do you add me on Google Hangouts application
  42. Me: they sent it to me but it's not the left-handed version, it won't fit on my phone.
  43. Spammer: Which type of phone do you have
  44. Me: a Quadco Flammenwerfer. it runs Android .5 or so
  45. Spammer: Try it again
  46. Me: okay...
  47. Spammer: Waiting
  48. Me: let me just go get my screwdriver.
  49. Spammer: Do you download it finished
  50. Me: I tried it but it's the right handed version, I need the left-handed version. I'm going to strip the screws if I push it.
  51. Spammer: Give me your number
  52. Me: okay, hold on...
  53. Spammer: Waiting
  54. Me: two.
  55. Spammer: I don't understand
  56. Me: 6...
  57. Me: seven.
  58. Me: (sending the number bit by bit so scammers don't try to steal it.)
  59. Me: (9)
  60. Me: the eighth number...
  61. Me: seven
  62. Me: 42
  63. Me: nine.
  64. Me: 3.
  65. Me: did you get that?
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