
Kid team

Aug 8th, 2015
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  1. 12:01 Shelly was wearing her usual disguise, a gasmask, no skin or fur showing. She sat behind a tree with a small bag, inside, wallets, watches, earrings, anything valuable. She picked up a wallet to look through it. "Jeremy Oro-orrot. Ortolan, laaantis? Lanus?"
  2. 12:06 Dora was sitting down facing a tree whispering words to it. She would turn her head and direct her vision at nothing, as if someone was watching her. "What do you think about this tree, kids? Maybe it has a clue! Say it with me, a clue!" She walks up to the tree and sticks her hand in the trunk. She pulls out a map of Neon with a scribbled on face...
  3. 12:07 Dora ..."Wow kids, we found The Map!" She shouts very loudly, gaining attention from confused adults looking at the loner child talking to herself.
  4. 12:08 Juniper yawned wide as sat idle on a park bench, some few meters away. She looked around, bored, stroking her braid the way someone would a cat. Over in the distance, she heard an exclamation about a map and immediately looked over. What the hell was going on over there?
  5. 12:10 Shelly "EEP!"
  6. 12:10 Shelly panicking from the MAP turned back and climbed the tree up to about half way. still holding the bag but the wallet she was looking at on the ground
  7. 12:11 Dragomir walks into the park, looking around intently. He raises his wrist to talk into his seemingly out of place watch. "Computer Faerie. Where are these magical disturbances I was foretold of? Coin Mage was rather serious when saying the park was in dire danger...Computer Faerie? It seems I am in this alone..." He grips his staff and begins walking around cautiously looking for something that...
  8. 12:11 Dragomir ...wasn't even there.
  9. 12:20 Juniper turned her white eyes from figure to figure slowly, before standing up. The metal of the belt was cold against her skin beneath her shirt as she stood, giving her goosebumps. She draped her braid over her shoulder and gripped it as it brushed her stomach. Some strange characters were always present in the park, but never some around her age. She figured it might be worthwhile to go over and talk. And who knows,
  10. 12:20 Juniper they might be friendly.
  11. 12:26 Shelly looked down from the tree, looking at Dora, confused, turning to June coming near them
  12. 12:27 Dora jumped around with the map. "Hello, map, hello!" She started humming a tune, sounds like she's trying to mimic the sound of a trumpet. "How're you doing, map? I'm doing great! Wanna hear that in Spanish? Estoy muy bien! Gracias!" The adults are concerned, but some play it off as some little girl making up imaginary friends.
  13. 12:34 Shelly "...Uuuh...Hi."
  14. 12:36 Dora suddenly heard another voice. Except it wasn't as blurred, it wasn't as playful. It sounded real. "W... W-wha? What? O-oh... oh. Hi, uh..." Her playful, confident attitude suddenly dissapeared. "Who, who are you, if you'd mind telling me?"
  15. 12:37 Shelly "Well, I'm told not to say but, you seem 'ok.' I'm Shelly"
  16. 12:39 Juniper stopped in her tracks and stood a little bit away from the base of the tree and the two other kids near it. With a small wave, she swept her creepy alien eyes over them and spoke softly. "Hello."
  17. 12:41 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  18. 12:41 Shelly "Hm? Oh H-EYE!"
  19. 12:47 Dragomir notices the group of girls and takes notice to the alien-like one. "Strange. Is she my target? There is a strange air about her..." He points his staff at her and begins conjuring a lethal spell. "One can never be too sure. Ends justifies means as I read in that one book..."
  20. 12:49 Juniper quirks her head to the side, completely oblivious to the magical happenings occurring away from her and the others. The girl who exclaimed held her focus for a moment. "What ever seems to be the problem? Did you get a splinter?"
  21. 12:52 Dragomir breaks his concentration in an instant upon realizing something. "Wait a minute!" The break in focus results in the end of his staff exploding in his face sending him to the ground, smoking.
  22. 12:53 Shelly "n-no no. Just, saw something shocking."
  23. 12:54 Shelly climbed down the tree, trying to keep the bag out of site
  24. 12:56 Dora fumbled the map with her hands curling it into a small cylinder. "What's with the belt?" Dora asks, focusing on the penguin symbol briefly before looking up at Juniper.
  25. 12:58 Juniper lifted her shirt slightly to look at the belt, "I... don't know, honestly." She furrowed her brow before looking back up at the girl with the map, and then to the girl from the tree. "I've only really just got it like yester-" She was cut off by the sound of a distant popping and a splintering of wood. She looked back to see the smoking child off in the distance, and thumbed over to him. "Think he's alright?"
  26. 13:01 Dora looks over at the small little blue kid who just got smoked from his own staff. "I think he was trying to hurt you." Dora said without hesitation.
  27. 13:01 Shelly "I dont know, I'll go check" Shelly ran off, first on all fours, but then like normal to the kids body. Immediately looking for money or anything valuable
  28. 13:03 Juniper turns to the recently floored little mage and stares for a moment, before looking back to Dora with a nod. "Well, I thank you for your honesty." She lingered for a moment, eyes staring blankly and unblinkingly, before turning around and walking over to check on the other child. "Might as well check if he's alright before I call the police, right?"
  29. 13:05 Dragomir is nudged by a miniature black dragon that came seemingly out of nowhere. He was tearing up, clutching his broken staff, laying on the floor. His clothes were black with smoke but not damaged.
  30. 13:06 Shelly "Oh, you're awake. *Gasp* what a cute little lizard!'
  31. 13:11 Shelly ignores the crying Drago to pet the little dragon
  32. 13:12 Dragomir "This was деда's..."
  33. 13:14 Juniper "I would not suggest that." Juniper says as she stands over Drago with a look of pity on her face. "Familiars can be rather antsy about their masters when they are vulnerable, like this one." She gave her shorts a tug up and dropped to a crouch beside Drago, wrapping her braid around her neck like a scarf. "Are you alright, little sorcerer?"
  34. 13:16 Dragomir was staring into the sky, tears streaming from his face. "I broke деда's staff..."
  35. 13:17 Shelly was scratching gently behind the dragons ears [or horns, not sure how he looks besides black] stopping after what June said
  36. 13:18 Dora "We can fix it, probably, what's the staff made out of?" Dora finally walked over grasping the map very tightly.
  37. 13:18 Shelly "its ok, I break stuff all the time. Mainly others stuff."
  38. 13:19 Dragomir got up angrily. "Fools! One cannot replicate a priceless treasure so easily!" He wiped his face. "None of you know anything..."
  39. 13:21 Shelly "looks like a stick to me"
  40. 13:21 Dora "Yeah, just tie a bulb to it or something."
  41. 13:23 Juniper looked to the other kids before saying, "Or you could, like, search for a mending cantrip of some sort. Wouldn't be too hard to find, I'm sure there is a shop around here that could just tell you."
  42. 13:28 Dragomir grabbed what remained of his mentor's memory and looked at Juniper. "Where can I-no....W-What do you know about fixing a staff?"
  43. 13:30 Juniper stood up straight and flipped her braid to her back. "Well, I've never quite used one, but I did read quite a bit of maintenance and repair. Just in case, you know?"
  44. 13:31 Shelly "You sure tape won't fix it?"
  45. 13:32 Juniper "I mean, If you like having your face melted, then yeah. Totally viable."
  46. 13:33 Shelly looked at Drago's face. 'Were you trying to use tape?"
  47. 13:33 Dragomir "No...simple tape would not suffice..." He got to his feet. "But the advice is appreciated." He looked at June more intently. "You. You are unique. Strange even. All of you actually..."
  48. 13:34 Shelly "W-What?! Nonononp, just a normal girl here"
  49. 13:34 Juniper "Ditto."
  50. 13:35 Dora "My mommy says I'm special in ways."
  51. 13:37 Dragomir "That natural forces that be touch all in this world. We are all capable of exhibiting sick majicks. Except you." He pointed at Juniper. "How can this be? And you." He looks at Dora. "You are touched far too much..." And you. " He looks at Shelly. "You are rather normal actually..."
  52. 13:38 Shelly "Yep, told you, I gotta go to...uh....somewhere"
  53. 13:51 Shelly turned around to go to the tree, forgetting the bag
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