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a guest
Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. {
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  3. it = '\\textit{$1} ';
  4. bf = '\\textbf{$1} ';
  5. tt = '\\texttt{$1} ';
  6. sf = '\\textsf{$1} ';
  7. sc = '\\textsc{$1} ';
  8. em = '\\emph{$1} ';
  9. fc = '\\footcite{$1} ';
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  28. lim = '\\lim_{$1} $0';
  29. s = '\\sum_\{${1:bot}\}^{$2} $0';
  30. sum = '\\sum_\{${1:bot}\}^{$2} $0';
  31. p = "\\prod_\{${1:bot}\}^{$2} $0";
  32. prod = "\\prod_\{${1:bot}\}^{$2} $0";
  34. put = "\\put(${1:0},${2:0}){$0}";
  35. mp = "\\multiput(${1:0},${2:0})(${3:5},${4:0}){${5:2}}{$0}";
  36. mput = "\\multiput(${1:0},${2:0})(${3:5},${4:0}){${5:2}}{$0}";
  37. multiput = "\\multiput(${1:0},${2:0})(${3:5},${4:0}){${5:2}}{$0}";
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  39. cir = "\\circle${1:[*]}{$0}";
  40. circle = "\\circle${1:[*]}{$0}";
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  45. o = "\\only<${1:+-}>{$2} ";
  46. only = "\\only<${1:+-}>{$2} ";
  48. };
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  50. itemize = {
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  52. content = '\\item ';
  53. };
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  56. content = '\\item ';
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  66. equation = {
  67. triggers = ( eq, eqn, equation );
  68. };
  69. eqnarray = {
  70. triggers = ( eqa, equation );
  71. };
  73. theorem = {
  74. triggers = ( thm, theorem );
  75. zero_line = "\\label{thm:$1}";
  76. };
  77. lemma = {
  78. triggers = ( lem, lemma );
  79. zero_line = "\\label{lem:$1}";
  80. };
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  82. triggers = ( cor, corollary );
  83. zero_line = "\\label{cor:$1}";
  84. };
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  86. triggers = ( pro, proposition );
  87. zero_line = "\\label{pro:$1}";
  88. };
  89. definition = {
  90. triggers = ( def, definition );
  91. zero_line = "\\label{def:$1}";
  92. };
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  96. };
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  99. content = "\\question ";
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  136. ;
  137. };
  138. };
  139. environments_beamer = {
  140. itemize = {
  141. triggers = ( 'it', 'item', 'itemize');
  142. content = '\\item<${1:+-}> $2';
  143. };
  144. enumerate = {
  145. triggers = ( 'en', 'enum', 'enumerate');
  146. content = '\\item<${1:+-}> $2';
  147. };
  148. description = {
  149. triggers = ( 'desc', 'description');
  150. content = '\\item<${1:+-}>[$2] $3';
  151. };
  152. frame = {
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  159. $3
  160. \\end{column}";
  161. };
  162. column = {
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  165. };
  166. block = {
  167. triggers = ( bl, block);
  168. zero_line = "{$1}";
  169. };
  170. };
  171. }
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