

Aug 18th, 2016
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  2. sergiomasakr33 months ago#1
  3. Since patches are based on online data; if the community coordinates... and lets say:
  5. - Arrange an abnormal number of jigglypuff loses ( or wins with Rosalina ) , do you think 1.1.7 would be plausible?
  7. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  8. TheShinyTrader3 months ago#2
  9. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  10. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  12. Post it...
  13. Official Salty guy of everything.
  14. Paper-Creation is annoying as hell.
  15. coder21213 months ago#3
  16. TheShinyTrader posted...
  17. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  18. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  20. Post it...
  22. I look to Kotaku writers for inspiration when making awful topics
  23. SaturnSnowman3 months ago#4
  24. coder2121 posted...
  25. TheShinyTrader posted...
  26. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  27. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  29. Post it...
  30. I like games and anime. My favorite games include the following: Mother 1-3, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Cross, Zelda LA-ALttP-OoT-MM-ALBW, and Super Smash Bros.
  31. BlackBloodDrago3 months ago#5
  32. SaturnSnowman posted...
  33. coder2121 posted...
  34. TheShinyTrader posted...
  35. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  36. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  38. Post it...
  39. Playing Smash online - For Fun:
  40. Losing your last stock to Bayonettas 0 to death combo:
  41. Blayshy3 months ago#6
  42. BlackBloodDrago posted...
  43. SaturnSnowman posted...
  44. coder2121 posted...
  45. TheShinyTrader posted...
  46. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  47. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  49. Post it...
  50. Uh... A-Are you sure to interact with others?
  51. -Mario, Ganondorf, Sonic, Bowser Jr. / Wendy, Duck Hunt, Marth, Mewtwo Mainer.
  52. Muffinz0rz3 months ago#7
  53. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  54. Since patches are based on online data
  56. Source
  58. sergiomasakr3 posted...
  59. Hidden Topic, I just learned from a reliable source the real reson why Jon Tron left Game Grumps, the theories are ALMOST spot on...but i dont know if i should post the information....
  61. TFW seeing a topic about a group that tries way too hard to be funny and fails miserably at it.
  63. also
  65. Muffinz0rz posted...
  66. Source
  67. Not changing this sig until Pat Benatar is in Super Smash Bros. (Started 8/31/2010)
  68. BRAVELY DEFAULT: 1075 - 0844 - 9134 + FS: Pumkaboo, Lampent, Dusclops.
  69. Paper-Creation3 months ago#8
  70. 5.6% roughly
  71. Official Animea Removal Conference License:
  73. sting__art3 months ago#9
  74. Real reason why John Tron left Game Grumps: he wanted to do his own thing and not follow the thing of someone else.
  76. It's that simple.
  77. sergiomasakr3 (Topic Creator)3 months ago#10
  79. Context: As you probably know GG was previously part of Polaris ( Owned by Maker Studios a subsidiary of Disney Intercative Division ) . GG has a huge fanbase, but a great portion ( very vocal portion of them ) are not aware of the implications of this and why the situation was handled like it was.
  81. Long story short:
  83. - Jon's plan to move to New York with Nicole and focus on his show reasoning is true, that was the plan..BUT... He was nervous about telling Arin about it, he waited until the last possible moment to tell him.
  85. - Jon's Girlfriend Nicole, came from New York to help him to move out. ( Jon's idea was to record more episodes and a special final GG episode )
  87. - The problem came when they got together with Arin and Suzy to tell them the news... Arin did not reacted well, he was angry at Jon for leaving the show and not telling him before hand.
  89. Jon tried to explain his plan about making more episodes, that it was not the end yet, etc etc. But things escalated to the point that Arin got violent and pushed Jon... Nicole intervened and Arin ended up Slapping Her...that when s*** hit the fan.
  91. Jon got very angry but restrained himself from further confrontation and ended up leaving with Nicole.
  93. Both eventually had to discuss the matter with Polaris/Maker and to avoid things getting out of control they settled up in a private matter ( no charges were pressed against Arin )
  95. But they signed a document called NDA ( Non Disclosure Agreement ) in which they were contractually obligated to keep silent about the voilent incident. Breaking an NDA, means a contract dissolution and even legal repercussions, thats why everyone involved acted like they did when questioned about it.
  97. GG Is no longer part of Polaris as of JAN 2016, but Arin obviosly wont reveal the truth. Jon wants to, but he cant bacause of his contract. However, since GG is no longer part of Polaris, Jon has expressed intrest in reviewing the contracts in order to publish an official statement to have a real clousure on this case ( specially for fans )
  99. I Cannot reveal the identity of my source but from what he tells me, the chances of the truth finally revealed this year are high and i hope for this information to get officially published....i used to repect and Admire Egoraptor but after learning this, he deserves to be exposed....
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