

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. [X] 3 A feudal-style world, where men, women and children mercenaries alike stalked the shadows and wielded the forces of nature to complete their mission. Nine terrifying beasts, sealed in human hosts, waiting to be unleashed upon their foes. Naruto.: (fitzgerald, ReinZero, Emral282)
  2. [X] 1 A school of monsters. (Rosario+Vampire): (Selias)
  3. [X] 1 A slime-man, its lean and muscled body capable of shifting shapes and sizes whenever it wanted. The concentration required to maintain your current form made you more than capable at shaping and channeling the very winds of magic, casting spells of biblical proportions.: (Nekraa)
  4. [X] 1 A version of Japan's past, with a powerful magical artifact. (Inuyasha): (Selias)
  5. [X] 3 A world borne of hope and despair, one raven-haired girl repeating the same month over and over again, all to protect her one true love.: (Wing101, Robotninja, skaro)
  6. [X] 1 Royalty oozing out of you. You are majesty and perfection incarnate, skin without blemish, yet capable to withstand attacks that would kill a mortal. An optimized physique that allows you to strike fast and hard, your sharp wits and magical powers capable of destroying an army at ease. However, it is your mind and charisma that is truly frightening.: (Selias)
  7. [X] 4 Royalty oozing out of you. You are majesty and perfection incarnate, skin without blemish, yet capable to withstand attacks that would kill a mortal. An optimized physique that allows you to strike fast and hard, your sharp wits and magical powers capable of destroying an army at ease. However, it is your mind and charisma that is truly frightening. Has bonus from first three choices, though not as broken as their respective high tiers. But can use telekinesis, illusion tricks, mind control and other psychic stuff. Higher levels? Kyoka Suigetsu.: (Wing101, skaro, fitzgerald, ReinZero)
  8. [X] 1 The shadows and the woods made sentient. Where once you were but a lithely built humanoid which the humans had called Slenderman, you are now the manifestation of shadows and skill. Binding attacks similar to a tentacle monster, access to various types of poisons, can manipulate plants and darkness, and superior stealth capabilities, at higher tier similar to Imp from Worm in terms of stealth abilities. Also bonus towards training and researching skills.: (Emral282)
  9. [X] 1 Two aspects of the world, separated by an ever twisting landscape between both planes. One spiritual, one physical. There, warriors wielding aspects of their souls fought against monsters made of soul-flesh that preyed upon the souls of humans and each other.: (Nekraa)
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