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Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. NAME - Aaron Horatio Hill
  2. HEIGHT/WEIGHT/BUILD - 5'2"/100lb/ average build. Before his manifestation, Aaron was a small skinny and underdeveloped boy, but since he is part exemplar he has shot up in height and build compared to others
  3. AGE - 14 (15/6/1992)
  4. HAIR - Light Brown shoulder length hair
  5. EYES - dark green eyes
  6. GENDER - Male
  7. RACE/ETHNICITY/RELIGION - Caucasian, Atheist
  8. PLACE OF BIRTH/NATIONALITY - Born in Boston, MA. Lived in Toronto, CA. Canadian nationality
  10. APPEARANCE - Aaron is quite handsome, but has a quite womanly face, he wears a red long sleeved top showing a chinese dragon going around it and wears a Blue shirt with a yin-yang symbol over the heart. His hair is shoulder length and in a side parting, with no fringe. He has no blemishes or much body hair which would be normal for his age.
  13. Aaron was the eldest of his family, but he was quite a gifted child, but with his parents earnings they couldn't send him to any special school, they just supplied him with whatever books he would want to read. His younger brother Cody always fitted in better than him, being a member of the school football team and a complete jock, this made Aaron feel quite inferior to his younger brother and he got teased even at home.
  14. During school, he was a victim of bullying as most of the guys in his school were mean to him for being a bookworm, however he made quite a few friends because of his intelligence and tutored quite a few people in the school.
  15. For his 14th birthday Aaron received a set of books that his parents had spent quite a while looking for, the romance of the three kingdoms, and during a rather pivital battle, Aaron began to project the illusion of the battle around him, causing widespread panic in the school grounds.
  17. After this, he had tests done on him and was confirmed as a mutant, much to his own dismay. However, what surprised them was that the mutant genome had been active for a few years, specifically since a car crash where Aaron was cycling home from school when he was hit by a careless driver quite close to his house.
  18. When he returned to school, the bullying got worse. Aaron started to notice physical changes in himself and more female attention, however in a completely out of character bout of anger he blasted a wall behind one of the bullies and noticed that he was flying above the building!
  19. After this, he noticed his parents relationship straining, and couldn't help but feel responsible, at the end of the school year he ran away from home to his aunties in Boston. When his Aunt Ruth welcomed him in, he explained what had happened, because his parents kept the mutation in the immediate family, but she took it surprisingly well, and told him that a cousin of his had some of the same troubles.
  20. His cousin Nicola was then called over to talk to him about his emerging powers, being an Alumni of whateley and a minor superheroine, she suggested that he attend the school.
  22. POWERS - Aaron can use the powers of fae magic currently, but will develop a more demonic twist to his abilities at some point, he summons small fae who take the form of anything aaron can imagine (however he has a psycological limit of historical or fantasy creatures). He has a spell that could be called a magic missile, a very accurate magical blast. Aaron can fly which at the moment is distracting for him, but later on when his powers develop will turn into a set of wings.
  23. Aaron can create illusions of backgrounds around him, creating specific places or just disturbing people by turning the area into a graveyard. He is also quite smart and physically superior, which was one of the first obvious things of his change. When his power develops he will have 3 possibilities for fully developed depending on his personality throughout the story:
  25. 1. Fae
  26. Aaron's powers will solely come from the fae spirit he channels, giving him faerie wings, and having more mind based spells, like detecting emotions and interacting with magic in subtle ways.
  28. 2. Demon
  29. Aaron will have given into his dark side and taken on a more demonic form, growing horns and claws, getting very resilient and his wings would become demon style.
  31. 3. Dragon
  32. Unbeknownst to Aaron, there is a third spirit watching him, which is a spirit of a dragon, currently the Fae and Demon sides are both trying to push him to their sides, but this third side is waiting, if Aaron ever decides to create his own path and utilise both spirits for his own ends, they will both be disipated and devoured by the spirit of a dragon.
  33. This will change his powers significantly, his core powers of the blast and summons will still be there, but he will develop dragon wings and potentially a spell to create the claws temporarily, eventually gaining a magical fire breath and greater presence in the mortal world.
  35. SKILLS - Aaron is quite intelligent, charismatic and well learned.
  36. His hobbys are reading, and playing video games.
  37. He knows military history quite well after learning from his father, and general history is his passion.
  38. He also plays the flute, although just before leaving Canada he had been given an Ocarina by a immigrant Japanese friend of his via post, who he has never seen
  41. Aaron is a methodical thinker, who will take his time to find a solution to a problem, unless he is in a hurry.
  42. When he is in a hurry he becomes a quick thinker and manages to come up with great ideas and isn't shy in sharing them.
  43. If someone is upset or injured he will be the first person to ask them what is wrong, and if they need any help and will do anything he can to help as well, he gets upset himself if he cannot help.
  44. He is an emotional person deep inside but can come across as ignorant and cold, but that is a result of his bullying.
  46. He is a patient person who will always attempt to study his opponent in any case and will spent time on his homework, not just fly through it quickly.
  47. He takes to people weirdly, some people he will like and trust quite quickly, whereas others it will take him quite a while, there is no pattern to it that people have noticed.
  51. His bullied past makes him quite susceptible to insults from people and will take them personally, also having a younger brother who was on the school football team and made him feel bad makes this worse.
  52. His powers have no real weaknesses yet as he is still developing, he will most likely gain a weakness to whatever metal his form is normally weak to later on. (Cold Iron/Fae and demon) (unsure for dragon)
  53. As he doesn't know how his powers work he will be unable to create new spells for quite a while, until such a revelation occurs
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