
Baku|Haku. Haku rises

May 5th, 2014
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  1. [16:23] * unknownwatcher fires a blowdart at Alchana
  2. [16:24] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Gah!" *pulls out the dart and runs off*
  3. [16:24] <unknownwatcher> "I belive you are going to experience wooziness in a minute my dear"
  4. [16:25] * unknownwatcher just chases after her at a fast walking pasce
  5. [16:25] <unknownwatcher> pace*
  6. [16:26] <unknownwatcher> (man, my typing is shit as of late lol)
  7. [16:27] * unknownwatcher gets ready to fire another bolt at Alchana
  8. [16:27] <unknownwatcher> dart*
  9. [16:28] <Unrelated> Alchana: "You just get the hell away from me!" She throws down a smoke bomb and dives into hiding!
  10. [16:28] <unknownwatcher> "crap!"
  11. [16:29] * unknownwatcher is blinded by the bombs and just fumbles his way around the area trying to push the smoke away
  12. [16:30] <unknownwatcher> bomb*
  13. [16:31] * unknownwatcher starts checking for hiding places after the smoke clears
  14. [16:31] <unknownwatcher> "Oh Alchana, where are ya? I just want to play....."
  15. [16:35] * unknownwatcher drops a bag large coins.....
  16. [16:35] <unknownwatcher> of large coins*
  17. [16:35] <Unrelated> Alchana curls up in the hollowed out tree trunk she's hiding in, knife at the ready...
  18. [16:37] <unknownwatcher> "wait, where did my money go? I hope no one grabs it!"
  19. [16:37] * unknownwatcher keeps an eye on the coins as he tries to find a place to hide
  20. [16:38] <Idoro> Alchana suddenly feels something poking at her butt, underneath her..
  21. [16:39] <Unrelated> Alchana: "hkk!" She shifts to try to see what the heck it is..
  22. [16:39] * unknownwatcher hides on top of a tree near the coins
  23. [16:41] <unknownwatcher> 'now, I wait. I mean, it's a bunc of coins. people love coins, even elves"
  24. [16:41] <unknownwatcher> bunch*
  25. [16:41] <unknownwatcher> ......
  26. [16:41] <unknownwatcher> (really UW?)
  27. [16:41] == Baku|Busy has changed nick to Baku
  28. [16:41] * Baku pats UW
  29. [16:41] <Baku> There, There
  30. [16:41] <Idoro> Akchana seemed to have unwittingly sat on a bed of flailflowers growing in the hollowed trunk.. they instantly react to her presence and begin swinging and bashing at her sides!
  31. [16:42] <unknownwatcher> (lol)
  32. [16:43] <Unrelated> "Akhh!" Alchana flops out of the trunk, falling face-first to the ground!
  33. [16:43] * unknownwatcher hears a noise and looks in the location of the sound
  34. [16:44] <unknownwatcher> 'Oh, there you are!"
  35. [16:45] <Unrelated> Alchana, weakened from the beating and the poison, crawls along the ground slowly..
  36. [16:46] * unknownwatcher walks towards Alchana getting a peice of cloth ready
  37. [16:46] <unknownwatcher> "I think it's time for a nap miss"
  38. [16:48] * unknownwatcher gets closer to Alchana
  39. [16:48] <Unrelated> Alchana rolls to her back.. and throws her knife at unknownwatcher!
  40. [16:49] <Baku> :O
  41. [16:49] <unknownwatcher> The knife hits unknownwatcher in his shoulder making him drop the peice of cloth
  42. [16:50] <unknownwatcher> "owww, why you...."
  43. [16:50] * unknownwatcher kicks Alchana in the ribs
  44. [16:51] <Unrelated> Alchana: "Agh..!" She's rolled back to a face-down position.
  45. [16:53] * unknownwatcher kneels next to Alchana and looks for a healing potion
  46. [16:54] * Baku grabs UW by his shoulder and gives him one
  47. [16:54] <Baku> "Here" :)
  48. [16:54] <unknownwatcher> "Ouch" baku touches UW's bad shoulder by mistake"oh, thanks!"
  49. [16:55] * unknownwatcher drinks the potion
  50. [16:55] * Baku pokes Alchana with a stick
  51. [16:55] <Baku> "What do we do with her?"
  52. [16:55] <Idoro> Suddenly, a voice could be heard from behind... "What is going on here?!"
  53. [16:56] * Baku turns back
  54. [16:56] <unknownwatcher> "oh, we are just helping up this elf"
  55. [16:56] <Baku> "She needs a good doctor and stuff"
  56. [16:56] <Idoro> A woman dressed in heavy plate armor marches up towards them. "Is that right?"
  57. [16:56] == Idoro has changed nick to Elodie
  58. [16:57] <unknownwatcher> "you wouldn't happen to have a doctor around would ya?"
  59. [16:57] <unknownwatcher> "whoa re ya miss?"
  60. [16:57] <Elodie> "Is that why I heard screams and saw you two attacking her earlier?"
  61. [16:57] <unknownwatcher> 'oh...."
  62. [16:57] <unknownwatcher> "well, it was a prank that took a bad turn...."
  63. [16:57] <Baku> "Busted!"
  64. [16:57] <Unrelated> Alchana barely lifts her head from the dirt. "H..elp.."
  65. [16:58] * Elodie puts a hand on the grip of her sword. "Step away from her, now."
  66. [16:58] * Baku throws a potion at the knighted woman.
  67. [16:58] <Baku> "Grab her and let's move"
  68. [16:58] * unknownwatcher takes a step back "what are your intentions with her?"
  69. [16:58] * Elodie brings her shield up to protect against the projectile! "What the.."
  70. [16:59] <unknownwatcher> "he's not with me" unknownwatcher backs away
  71. [16:59] <Baku> "Come on!"+
  72. [16:59] * Elodie rushes towards Baku, seeking to bash into him with her shield!
  73. [17:00] * unknownwatcher just watches
  74. [17:00] <unknownwatcher> 'I don't want a peice of that"
  75. [17:00] * Baku jumps backwards evading Eloide's attack
  76. [17:00] <Baku> "FINE! AFTER I'm DONE WITH HER YOU ARE NEXT"
  77. [17:01] * Baku drinks a green potion
  78. [17:01] * Elodie draws her sword. "Who are you people?!"
  79. [17:01] * unknownwatcher tries to grab Alchana and leave with her in the confusion
  80. [17:01] == Baku has changed nick to Haku
  81. [17:01] * Elodie turns around and spots UW. She growls and mutters "Oh no you don't.."
  82. [17:02] * Haku changes. He is now a rather large man and jumps at Elodie growling like a madman
  83. [17:02] * Elodie hurls a bolt of holy energy at UW's back... before she is suddenly pounced on!
  84. [17:02] <Elodie> "Gargh!"
  85. [17:03] * Haku grabs Eloide by her leg and rises her up. He is strong enough to lift her up and smash her agaist the ground
  86. [17:03] <unknownwatcher> as unknownwatcher tries to leave with Alchana, he is knocked down by the energy
  87. [17:03] <unknownwatcher> 'Gaah!"
  88. [17:03] <Haku> "As far as you are concerned the name is Haku"
  89. [17:04] * unknownwatcher then sees his companion and freaks out at his size"
  90. [17:04] <Elodie> "WhoOOOA!!" Elodie cries out and is slammed into the ground by her leg hard..
  91. [17:04] * unknownwatcher gets back up and tries to get Alchana oh her feet
  92. [17:04] <Elodie> She coughs out and looks up at her assailant. "H-how is this.."
  93. [17:04] * Haku stomps on Eloide 's stomach
  94. [17:04] <unknownwatcher> 'hey, I need your help"
  95. [17:05] <Elodie> "HWOOAGH!!"
  96. [17:05] <Haku> "Were-Wolf extract, I have some of their strenghts"
  97. [17:05] <Haku> "None of their weaknesses"
  98. [17:05] <Elodie> Elodie coughs again and tries swinging out at Haku's torso with her sword!
  99. [17:05] * Haku digs his foot further into Elodie's stomach
  100. [17:05] * unknownwatcher sees the peice of cloth he dropped and rushes to it after trying to wake up Alchana
  101. [17:06] <Haku> "Aaargh!"
  102. [17:06] * Haku steps back from Elodie
  103. [17:06] * unknownwatcher gets the cloth and jumps on Haku's back
  104. [17:06] <Haku> "What the..."
  105. [17:06] <unknownwatcher> "okay, it's nap time buddy!"
  106. [17:06] * Haku slams UW to the floor
  107. [17:06] * Elodie crawls backwards on her elbowes, holding her sword out. "S-stay back!"
  108. [17:07] <Haku> "Indeed, Nap time"
  109. [17:07] <unknownwatcher> "Fuck", the unknownwatcher is slammed hard on the floor knocking the wind from him
  110. [17:07] * Elodie gets to her feet and looks around...
  111. [17:08] * unknownwatcher looks the armored warrior "you need to tire him out!"
  112. [17:08] * Haku grabs UW by the shoulder and throws him at Elodie
  113. [17:08] <unknownwatcher> "oh, fuck! look out!"
  114. [17:08] * Elodie gasps and ducks out to the side!
  115. [17:09] <Unrelated> Alchana slowly rolls off behind a tree, sitting up behind it..
  116. [17:10] * unknownwatcher crashes to the floor. cuts are formed on his arm and face
  117. [17:10] * Haku starts to grow sharpened teeth
  118. [17:11] <Haku> "I see..."
  119. [17:11] <unknownwatcher> "okay, we need to put this guy down fast"
  120. [17:11] <Haku> "The longer I am on this state the more I become like a werewolf..."
  121. [17:11] * Haku runs towards Alchana
  122. [17:11] <Elodie> "..Hey!"
  123. [17:11] * Elodie pursues Haku and attempts to ram into his side with her shield!
  124. [17:12] * unknownwatcher grabs the female soldier and gives her a vial "use this on your sword
  125. [17:12] <unknownwatcher> "*
  126. [17:12] * Haku is trackled and reels backwards
  127. [17:12] <Haku> "Arrgh!"
  128. [17:14] * unknownwatcher shoots a dart a haku "nap time doggie!"
  129. [17:14] * Haku smiles
  130. [17:15] <Haku> "You'll need bigger"
  131. [17:15] <Haku> "Too bad I don't have my bag. I have somthing better!"
  132. [17:15] * unknownwatcher smiles "not really"
  133. [17:15] * Haku jumps at UW
  134. [17:15] <Unrelated> (afk a bit)
  135. [17:15] <Haku> :(
  136. [17:15] <unknownwatcher> "shit!" jumps away from Haku
  137. [17:17] * Haku grows large nails. "What's the matter? Can't take a little heat?"
  138. [17:17] * Haku tries to bite Uw
  139. [17:17] <unknownwatcher> "heh, funny you should mention heat"
  140. [17:18] * unknownwatcher struggles to push haku's mouth away with his hands
  141. [17:19] <unknownwatcher> "you know that dart I hit ya with?"
  142. [17:19] * Elodie backs off a bit...
  143. [17:19] * Haku is drooling some of it falls on UW
  144. [17:19] <unknownwatcher> 'eww, nasty"
  145. [17:19] * Haku can't talk. Trying to bite
  146. [17:20] <unknownwatcher> 'that dart is a special dart that's designed to cancel other potions"
  147. [17:21] <unknownwatcher> "give it a minute or so"
  148. [17:21] * unknownwatcher is still trying to push Haku's moth away
  149. [17:21] <unknownwatcher> mouth*
  150. [17:21] <unknownwatcher> "granted, it's experimental so..."
  151. [17:22] <unknownwatcher> "hey, where's the warrior lady?" unknownwatcher wonders
  152. [17:23] <unknownwatcher> (I'll need to go and take a shower soon)
  153. [17:23] * Haku 's mouth grows smalled
  154. [17:23] * Haku punches UW
  155. [17:24] * unknownwatcher gets knocked back by the punch
  156. [17:24] <unknownwatcher> "uuummmppphhhhh"
  157. [17:24] <Haku> ( Have fun I guess)
  158. [17:24] <unknownwatcher> (ah, I still have time)
  159. [17:24] <Haku> ( :O )
  160. [17:24] <unknownwatcher> "that's some punch!"
  161. [17:25] <unknownwatcher> (6 more minutes)]
  162. [17:25] * Haku grows smaller
  163. [17:25] <Haku> "Fine, Then I'll have to kick you on the small time i have"
  164. [17:25] <unknownwatcher> 'wow, it works! I finally made a working potion!"
  165. [17:26] * Haku punches UW again. And again.
  166. [17:26] <Haku> "I still have some left genious!"
  167. [17:26] * unknownwatcher alughs
  168. [17:26] <unknownwatcher> laughs*
  169. [17:27] * unknownwatcher headbutts haku
  170. [17:27] * Haku let's himself be headbutted. He is fine
  171. [17:27] <Haku> "I told you I had some left"
  172. [17:28] <unknownwatcher> "hmmmmm......."
  173. [17:28] == Unregistered [] has joined #ryonani
  174. [17:28] <unknownwatcher> "well, thanks to you. my quarry is gone!"
  175. [17:28] * unknownwatcher points to empty space
  176. [17:28] == Raden|workin has changed nick to Raden
  177. [17:28] * Raden is back (gone 04:45:37)
  178. [17:28] <unknownwatcher> hail Raden
  179. [17:29] <Raden> HAIL
  180. [17:29] <Unregistered> Hello everyone
  181. [17:29] <Haku> "....."
  182. [17:29] <Haku> "I was helping you getting her"
  183. [17:29] <unknownwatcher> hail unregistered
  184. [17:29] <Haku> Hail, Hail!
  185. [17:29] <unknownwatcher> "and you freaked me out with that potion!"
  186. [17:29] <Unregistered> Hail Unknownwatcher
  187. [17:30] <Haku> "You were the one to jump the wagon when misses armor poped up"
  188. [17:30] <Haku> "Where is she anyway?"
  189. [17:30] <unknownwatcher> "I freaked, it happens"
  190. [17:30] <unknownwatcher> "I dunno, she ran away too. man, I wanted an elf for my collection"
  191. [17:30] * unknownwatcher pouts and sits next to a tree
  192. [17:31] * unknownwatcher gets back up
  193. [17:31] <unknownwatcher> "eh, I'm still tracking her. she won't get that far"
  194. [17:31] <Unrelated> (back)
  195. [17:31] <unknownwatcher> "hopefully that soldier won't show up again"
  196. [17:32] <unknownwatcher> (brb, shower time)
  197. [17:32] * Haku leaves
  198. [17:32] <Unrelated> ohai people
  199. [17:32] <Haku> (Bye Bye])
  200. [17:32] <unknownwatcher> (hi Unrelated)
  201. [17:32] <unknownwatcher> (bye haku!)
  202. [17:32] <Haku> (So, We have the Unregister, The Unrelated and the Unknown)
  203. [17:32] <unknownwatcher> (that was fun :) )
  204. [17:32] <Haku> (Bye)
  205. [17:32] <Haku> (Indeed)
  206. [17:32] <Haku> (:) )
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