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Jul 12th, 2020
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  1. [18:35] The ratkin simply stares at the woman speaking with a blank expression. There is something about this political stuff that goes over his head. Maybe it was because his entire worldview was based around living in a sewer, but a lot of what she said seemed to lead to the prospect of open warfare. Of armies marching on the field and clashing against each other.
  3. In this case, that the city was the underdog by all accounts. That they were outmatched by the others and would likely end up in a bad spot. His voice was, for once in his miserable life, rather quiet as he raised his grimy, clawed hand.
  5. "Why an army? Why not trickery and stealth-sneak? If others kill-killed many here, why fight openly? City is underrat, yes-yes? Why not cheat-trick to win?"
  6. (Trik Gutterrunner)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [18:45] The question was answered, and Cassiopeia was...satisfied. Well, perhaps a little concerned. 'Ruthless' recruitment methods sounded potentially problematic, but if it resulted in the city regaining its lost glory, she was for it.
  11. Cassie hadn't been in Osrona during the war, instead a small child near to Hessalia who had felt the sting of the Teraphim advance. It had not been a pleasant experience, in any manner, but had hardly instilled the anti-monarchist ideals she'd seen. Frankly, so long as her work was permitted unabated, she could care less. Speaking of...
  13. "Military strength has its merits, but I feel that militarism cannot wholly achieve the aim of returning the city to greatness. What about research and development? How will you encourage crafters to work towards improving the city? Will you aim to relax any of the current restrictions on such?"
  14. (Cassiopeia Lykos)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [18:51] "We've already sat on our hands and tried to hide in the shadows. We've bided our time and pretended that the threat outside our walls don't exist, until now, they pry to get inside of our walls. Walter, how many of our friends have been slaughtered by demons and their occultist puppets? You know better than anyone else, and could tell our mouse-like friend here precisely why stealth can only work for so long."
  19. Her gaze wanders to Walter, then back towards Trik. Her lips are curled into a faint frown.
  21. "The fact of the matter is that without a defensive force; Perhaps not an army, but a sect of guard aimed for our own purposeful defense and not just a policing force that we have currently, Osrona stands itself at risk for disaster, just as what happened with Asta and the Teraphim. If we sit idly by, we'll see Osrona fall a second time. And this time could be the last."
  23. Her eyes move to Cassiopeia then, and with rather certain movements, she nods. She'd thought of this before, and had included it prior. Her lips purse, and after a quick inhale, she speaks.
  25. "As said, there's only so much we can do to assist our craftsmen and traders. My immediate idea would be to aid them in terms of better patrols and personal guards to ensure they can retrieve materials at a more effective pace, much more safely, but without a proper guarding force, I do not believe this to be feasible."
  27. A finger raises upwards, tapping idly against her chin. She hums, quietly, thinking.
  29. "I've heard the idea of hiring mercenaries through the use of whatever coin Osrona has available in its coffers, but I am of the stance that Osronan blood is what will win Osrona and its borders; And relying on sellswords will end only in us becoming reliant on the outside world as a whole. The proper answer, then, is just that; I believe our current restrictions to be applicable. Allowing free trade to cities we aren't currently having conflict with allows autonomy and an open market."
  31. She nods, gently.
  33. "...And the sooner we can protect and guard these caravans and merchants, the easier trade will become in the future."
  34. (Tanya Volkov)
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