

Jan 26th, 2019
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  1. Name: Lisa Auburn White
  3. Gender: Female
  5. Age: 17
  7. Physical Appearance:
  9. She is a red head, with medium length curly red hair. She has red freckles on her face, brown eyes black framed glasses, wears a maroon coat with a white stripe down the side of the zipper, with the zipper being black. She has a set of jeans with a red belt done around her waste, underneath the jacket. She wears black shoes with a white bottom, running shoes. She has an orange backpack.
  11. Backstory:
  13. (The years are since the fall of the Alasian Empire, a massive empire, similar to Rome that once existed in Lisa's world)
  15. In the year 2109, a son was born to the family of which that had built the Limley generational home, in Presson, nation of Emmen. The son was fostered by his parents success and lived in a life of richness, however as he grew up he realized that he wasn't going to get known for simply being rich, and so he opened up a business in the year 2125 with intentions of spreading his name far and wide, and selling magitech equipment to the public. This generation that he was born into, was the generation that started to use magitech in full swing, allowing many inventors and such to make their ideas, however this man was not an inventor, he was the entrepreneur to fund, and sell the invented. His name was Charles P. Limley, the founder of Standard Magicorp, which came to be in the top 30 largest corporations of the time, at the height of invention, and selling said invention.
  17. Charles P. Limley may have seemed like an honest man from a first glance, but looking deep within him, he was greedy for power, and more money. He wanted to sell more and more, and eventually become the largest corporation owner in all of the nation of Emmen, and why stop there, why not the world too? He tried by rigging prices, buying out competition with behind the doors deals, subliminal messaging,, and failed to do such a thing, due to being out-competed, however his business tactics and his writhing speeches about his products was quite remarkable at the time. Unfortunately for him, and his few large competitors, they along with his company were split off into smaller companies, creating many new companies and curtailing corporate power through a series of government regulations.
  19. In the year 2138, he met his soon to be, wife, Bonnie Sullivan. His greed and lust for power began to fade away as it was slowly replaced with love, and care. His company declined a bit with the ages, and it needed a new face at the head of it all, and so another son would be born in the year 2135. Michael L. Limley, Lisa's father.
  21. Being raised by his father, Michael he was quite eager for the life ahead of him. However, unlike his father he wanted to build the company up through honesty, and hard work. Hard work always paid off for him, so why wouldn't he and his future-company succeed through hard work? He knew his father wouldn't approve, but he didn't care. The chairmanship was passed off to him, in 2158. Through the months his father began to grow angry. He wasn't running the company by HIS example, HIS ways, the ways of when he did things back in the good old days. He began to argue with his son, eventually the 2 of them parted ways for a long time, during which Michael met his future wife of Nicole Brusso, in 2162. They would bear a daughter, Lisa Limley in 2163.
  23. She was a rather decent student and didn't have much issues, and being in school allowed her to plan and be away from her parents. She forged friendships, and learned how to be a better person in school, rather than being taught by her parents, who didn't really seem to care.
  25. Lisa was never intended to succeed in the company, as Michael had planned to hand the chairmanship off to his best friend, Ryan R. Moore. This further infuriated his father, who heard of the news in the newspaper one day. Though, eventually the 2 would somewhat reconcile as they both agreed that at times when both of Michael and his wife wouldn't be around, Charles would watch over Lisa. Charles understood Lisa's want for more things, and told Lisa, in secret about the good old days of when he ran the company. Lisa, being young at the time didn't fully understand, though she knew that she didn't want to lead such a corporation, since there would be many people all around, knowing her name, and she was rather shy at the time and didn't really want that, however she wanted more and more things, such a thing was called magic.
  27. Magic was what some of her friends had been able to do, if a bit haphazardly and at a beginner level at most, her friends were children afterall, as was she.However, she was never intended to be in the chairmanship of the company, as Michael was still eligible, and young enough to lead it, and so he continued doing so. She wanted to be like her friends and do those cool things too, and so she located a signup letter for the magic school they went to, Lessier Halberd, the school. Charles signed her up for it, and even knowing of Lisa's want for more things, he understood, afterall, he was the one back in the day who wanted all the corporations to himself, but he now, a frail old man would never be able to see such things come to fruition.
  29. When Lisa's parents found out about this, they allowed it. They didn't want to fight or argue infront of Lisa, that might scare or scar her, and so they would allow it, as an argument would ruin father and son's relationship, while in the last years of the father being alive.
  31. Lisa decided to take magic lessons on the side, most notably stealth related magics, and gravity manipulation that would be useful in gymnastics, as she always felt out competed by other girls, now at an even, perhaps greater level than them, she was rather eager to learn magic.
  33. However many years later, there was an attack on the treasury in the town by a group of radicals. These radicals were native radicals, and were very nationalistic, and were quite racist against those who inhabited the formerly native land. Their land was conquered by the Alasian Empire hundreds of years ago, before it fell apart due to economic, social and political stagnation and internal rot, aswell as overextension of their empire. It's various regions became independent nations, afterwards, the nation of Emmen was founded soon after, where Lisa lives. The nation is mainly on the eastern side of North America, extending from Cuba to Greenland, and going as far west as what we call the Mississippi river. On the western side, was majority native. The nation of Emmen began various wars and expansions into the western side, beating back the natives, taking their land, and sometimes using them as slaves.
  35. The various tribal people of the west began to form alliances, to combat the Emmens, these alliances turned into nations, and those nations united the entire western side of the continent against that of the Emmens. Due to superior technology, the Emmens were able to conquer the west and enforce their culture over that of the Natives. This worked for a time, until there were large rebellions, and a civil war was caused. West against East. The West had won this civil war, and beat back the Emmens to the other side of the river, though initially relations were cold, as time grew on both nations evolved and changed, becoming gradually more close, as time went by. However some people stuck to the old ways of the past, nothing more than fringe groups, until one group would come to dominate these fringe groups. The Nativist Front, lead by a strong willed commander, and his allies arose in the criminal underworld, and began to slowly invite people to it's ranks. However they couldn't go anywhere with their numbers and current state, they began to collect more and more to their ranks, eventually numbering in the hundreds, perhaps a thousand at most. They set their sights on a national treasury, in the town of where Lisa lived, Herada. They gathered up their men, cannons, and guns and marched on the treasury suddenly one day, after the leader organized the group.
  37. The defenses of the treasury put up a good fight, though the men managed to overtake the treasury, destroying much of the defenses. They stormed the treasury, killed or took the guards inside as prisoners as they looted and ransacked the place of anything valuable they could find. They then began to march on the town, and engage in direct conflict with the town's police and militia. The leader managed to secure 2 artifacts, the Shield Bracelet, and the Reality Ring, which were made by the Alasian Empire, around 1000 years ago aid in the conquest of other nations and lands.
  39. However due to his lack of knowledge of how the shield work, he was unable to use it to his maximum effectiveness. A few minutes passed, and the Nativists were just about to secure the city, the police and the militia were firing cannons, one of the cannons fired and missed the Nativists, instead veering off to right and colliding the side of a government building, sending shrapnel and debris everywhere, the debris managed to take out a few soldiers, and unfortunately for the Nativists, the leader was killed. The 2nd in command responded by ordering some to go back and find their leader, and secure the artifacts. Only one soldier went back to do so.
  41. In the meanwhile, Lisa was hiding around the other side of the building, she hid there and watched the battle that ensued, focusing on the leader with the shield. When she saw that he was blasted back, and apparently killed, without hesitation she ran up to him, and removed the ring and bracelet from his lifeless body, barely able to see through the dust, though she made it and ran to the other side of the building.
  43. The soldier was unable to secure the artifacts, and the leader was dead. He went back to the fight, and brought the news to the others, though they were saddened, and angered by the loss of the leader they continued on, to secure the city. Meanwhile, when Lisa had went around to the other side, there were more Nativists on the other side who were currently raiding the government building and taking people hostage, and killing them. Lisa was spotted and a few of them ran after her, and she had no choice but to use the ring, and so she vanished from the conflict, this confused those people.
  45. The Nativists would soon be defeated by reinforcements from other areas. Those who weren't killed in the fight, were taken hostage, some of them refused to back down and were killed, while others surrendered or escaped. The 2nd in command surrendered, and the 3rd in command was killed in action. The 2nd in command would forever be seen as a traitor, in the eyes of those who escaped. It wouldn't be long before those who escaped were rounded up too, and arrested by law enforcement, and hauled off to the most secure of Emmen's jail centers. The city was heavily damaged by the conflict, and so long periods of rebuilding would take place. Lisa's parents and her friends were saddened at the 'loss' of Lisa, who was presumed dead, though a body would never be found, as she was somewhere else entirely.
  47. She found herself in a place she didn't know, and the question arose, where was she? She turned around, to see massive skyscrapers and a city skyline, under a moonlit night. She was next to a large road, a highway. I-95, leading into New York City, in June of 2019, she had expended the ring's supply of magic, and would proceed to explore around the city of New York, unsure as to where exactly she had ended up, here and there, she would use the ring to go back and forth between the New York City, and her town of Herada, though not for long. She would find out more information, about the place she had ended up in, eager to know more.
  49. Personality:
  51. She is a rather curious individual, always eager to know more about others and things in general. She's rather kind, though she is rather quiet a times, preferring to observe her surroundings while not saying much. Actions speak louder than words, at least in her view anyway. She keeps the items she has a secret, and doesn't tell anyone about what had happened with the Nativists, or what happened back in her world, in general.
  53. Items:
  55. She carries a backpack which has a spare change of clothes, a water bottle and various other unimportant things. Her jacket has many pockets and zippers, allowing her to keep stolen things inside of, aswell as a lock pick set among other such things. The most important of which is the Shield Bracelet, and the Reality ring. The reality ring is also stored in her jacket, and she doesn't wear it to avoid losing it and possibly getting asked uncomfortable questions about it. It's gold, with a green inter crossing line pattern on it. She also has a kitchen knife in her jacket.
  57. The Reality ring allows her to travel between dimensions, though it has a time limit on it, and only allows her to do so once every week to a month or so, while the Shield Bracelet raises a shield around her, that gets stronger with the more focus she applies to it. This will not be allowed to be used in the rp, and will just fail to work, for her.
  59. She also has a bit of a large amount of cash in her backpack, Emmen Currency. One 100 dollar bill, a few 10s, and 1s. The 100 dollar bill is red in color, and has the coat of arms of the nation of Emmen on it which is a large seedling plant, with the flag of the nation waving behind it. The 10s are green in color, and the 1s are yellow in color, but are in other ways similar to the 100 dollar bill.
  61. Abilities:
  63. On top of what her items grant her, she has a few abilities aswell, that she learned through the years. While the abilities were taught to her, they were fairly innocent hiding and stealth abilities, useful in the case you wanted to be out of sight and out of mind, though whenever she was alone, she would gradually change and warp them to suit her interest. She is able to blend in with the shadows, slip into tight spaces as if a shadow, walk without any sound at all, avoid detection from guards, and essentially escape without leaving behind any evidence.
  65. Her gravity manipulation started out fairly innocent aswell, though just like with the other abilities, she warped it to serve her own interests with time, and patience. She can jump great heights, fly like a bird and pull things down to the ground with crushing pressure, aswell as make objects be attracted to a certain person or place.
  67. Combat prowess:
  69. Given the fact she is not skilled at combat, and her abilities are not made for such things, she would much rather run from such situations, though if she needed to fight she would put up as much as she can. With all of her abilities, such as her stealth and gravity manipulation, she has to keep a certain degree of focus. If she can't, well, she won't be able to use those abilities as good or at all. And her shield only blocks physical attacks, not magical attacks, which would go right through the shield.
  71. Stealth puts her in a position of being hard to catch, hit and run tactics would be her best when cornered, like hiding until an opponent is so covered in objects they can't move due to the gravity pull, most of that strength they'd otherwise have to catch up would be lost which allows her to be more mobile than her opponents. This all requires focus, and the more things and distance from it, the harder she has to focus to keep it up.
  73. Her shield is costly and when shattered it does actually take time to come back, usually. She does not usually think things through while in battle, and proceeds to just go with the flow and do whatever, her focus on things, over-focus can be considered a weakness. She would only ever use the ring in really bad situations, where its certain she wouldn't win, or if things are very dangerous and she needs to get out of an area quickly. She is also capable of healing herself, the larger the burn, the larger it will take to heal, however the pain will remain, until it fades away a bit faster than normal.
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