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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. o ea/ wrd srch: ??????????
  2. layover: print out the sheets and fold them into the airplane denoted by the boxed picture, you'll see some resulting image on the wings
  3. make your own fillomino: just do what it says, seems really tedious
  4. exception expedition: briefly going over it, i see words like first second third in each paragraph
  5. lips are moving: each video corresponds to a song probably? need to fucking lip read to figure it out, there always some sort of hint portion in the video and as the people are singing random (!) appear on their mouths corresponding to the lyric they sang
  6. cookie clicker: ??????????
  7. calm portals: ??????????
  9. Overtime: we're almost done with this, just need to do a subpuzzle of every puzzle from last years
  10. anagram solver: stuck on this... check google sheet
  11. destructive interference: isolate the drum parts in the "answer" portion and interpret hihat and snare as morse code? crash can denote word seperation. If meant to be done as numerical, can get an ordering from order in which parts enter
  12. Visitor's guide: ?????????
  13. adventure: ?????????
  14. missing pieces: getting started seems straightforward, note there's 8 missing pieces from each color
  15. light box: find hidden blocks based on time traveled
  16. tabloid news: ????????????
  18. earth shattering: hard cryptic crossword?????
  19. unusual puzzle collection: each puzzle is slightly wrong in some way???
  20. third rail: has to do with ticket to ride and third rail (electricity)
  21. now get ready for: has to do with the elf on the shelf rhyming meme
  22. pride and accomplishment: normal lootboxes give you a 5 term item, each term probably has a value, map all the values and then the key for premium is a word
  23. cryptid command: seems straight forward but cryptic crosswords are hard
  24. split the reference: start with answering the straight forward star wars references and index by the given number?
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