
Outdated aloalo

Nov 3rd, 2023
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  3. I'm not keeping the strats below updated, but im leaving it in bc it goes into greater detail of how the mechs work, please dont use the strats below just use the info to understand the mechs
  5. First Adds - 4 packs, kill 2 SE and 2 NW to give easy tornado dodges
  6. Boss 1 - Ketuduke
  8. Spring Crystals: 4 crystals spawn in the room, to solve the aoes find the crystal in the middle and its partner. Project + shapes aoes from these two crystals to identify the 4 safe squares. For example if the crystal in the middle is - shaped, both - crystals will tell you the safe spots.
  9. Roots and bubbles: Both supports get 1 debuff and both dps get the other. Roots will lock you in place, bubbles will move you along the wind knockbacks. Bubbles can always start in the 2 quadrant and get pushed to a 1 quadrant, roots need to check if it is stack (start in 1) or spread (start in 2). You will always start on your half of the room, not try to resolve on that half of the room meaning bubbles will swap sides with the kbs.
  11. Blowing Bubbles: These are exaflares pretty much, there are only 2 patterns (1 pattern mirrored), you will dodge these along with a series of baited puddles while resolving a stack/spread with your partner as per below
  12. Stack > Spread - Start middle, dodge to safe corner for stack, ranged stays for spread, melees runs far
  13. Spread > Stack - Start in the two safe squared in your quadrant, melees N/S and ranged E/W, meeting mid for stack
  14. Strewn Bubbles: Another pair stack mechanic with a dynamo/chariot and some ground aoes. You can always resolve this N/S
  15. Encroaching is dynamo first
  16. Receding is chariot first
  17. Adds: 4 adds spawn on the cardinals that will later bait towards the closest player and do a 180 cleave in front of them. Along side this, players get the root/bubble debuffs from earlier and two of the adds get bubbled. The goal is to have the root players bait bubble adds and bubble players bait root adds making them face outwards on their cardinals as to not cleave anyone.
  18. There will be crystals on the ground, the safe spots can be the 4 far corners, the middle 2 north and south squares, or the middle two east and west squares. Use a snake prior system (HM N cw/TR W ccw, TM swap if duplicate bubble/root in pair) to assign each player an add then color match your add to your safe spot using the waymarks. After the crystals explode, quickly run to your cardinal to face your add out
  19. Angry Seas: The boss will cleave the middle of the room splitting it into two safe sides. Resolve stack/spreads in your pairs on each side. Towers and some orbs will spawn. The orbs will be chariot aoes. Bubbles will appear, picking up some orbs and a couple extra bubbles for a player to use. There will be 3 towers on one side, so one player will need to cross over using a bubble. Note that only one bubble will be safe, there are a couple that will bait you but land you in an orb aoe. After the bubbles move and the orbs go off, step into your towers. The safe bubble will either be north or south, let the closer player from where you just spread take the bubble
  21. Raidplan:
  22. Doesnt 1:1 match above strats, but provides good visuals
  24. Spring Crystals repeat
  25. Strewn Bubbles repeat
  27. Second Adds -
  29. Boss 2 - Lala
  30. Angular Addition: Gives the boss or player a V or III debuff. This will affect the next rotation mechanic turning that many times (five 90 degree turns or three 90 degree turns). You can think about it as a V meaning you only turn one time the shown direction and a III meaning you turn once the opposite direction
  31. Analysis: Players each receive a Mustadio style safe spot on them. Some exa like aoes will appear and move along the ground creating one safe row or column. Additionally the exas will hit orbs in their path cause explosions that you resolve with your safe side. The player will also receive an angular addition debuff indicating their safe side will turn for a hit from the boss at the end.
  32. Orb blows up (show safe side)
  33. Dodge boss cleave
  34. 2nd orb (show safe side)
  35. Player safe side turn (show safe side to boss)
  36. Planar Tactics: Players receive a numbered debuff indicating how many instances of damage they need to take, a forced march, and an angular addition. Two players also receive stacks. You orient yourself such that you each march across the number of squares needed for your debuff and so you end up in pairs to resolve the stacks. 1 and 3 are static, the 2s will need to check the stacks to see which 2 spot they take. Another note is that 3s should start as close to the square as possible while everyone is a little bit out, so that they take their 3rd square before their 2 partner reaches them.
  37. Spatial Tactics: Another set of numbered debuffs go out on the players as exas and orange cubes spawn. The cubes will be + shaped aoes when the exas hit them. There is also one orb that will always hit everyone. Get hit so that you reduce your debuff to 0.
  38. Symmetric Surge: Some more exas spawn that create a 2x4 safe space in the middle of the room. Adds will spawn along 1 wall cleaving two of the safe rows. Players will receive an indicator over their head to bait an addition blue square on the ground, start in the safe spot then dodge into the add cleaves as they go off to resolve the first baits. Next everyone gets spread aoes that you want to drop far apart so there is a little safe space left in the two squares you and your partner are in. Then move into the safe spot to resolve the stack.
  39. Analysis repeat
  41. Boss 3 - Statice
  43. Trick Reload: The boss loads 8 bullets 6 go in the gun and 2 miss (the miss has a sound effect that i find easier to listen to than looking sometimes, ty titans fat ass blocking the boss). Bullets 1 & 8 going in the gun indicate a stack or spread, 1 means it is spread and then a stack later, 8 means stack first then spread. Bullets 2-7 indicate which of the 1-6 numbered safe spots later will be unsafe. You want to listen for the two that are missed to know if its stack/spread and which spot is safe. For an example if the pattern goes like xooooxoo it would be stack first and 5 safe, ooxoooox is spread first and 2 safe.
  44. Bombs: Two sets of 3 bombs tethered together appear. One bomb will start flashing, it and the 2 tethered to it will explode, the other set of bombs is fake
  45. Dartboard 1: The floor changes to a dart board as another set of bombs spawns and spins. 3 players receive a debuff. They need to each stand on a different color of the board when the debuff expired. You resolve this along with the bombs exploding and a stack/spread from trick reload. Note; if you are stacking and there is a bomb middle, the bomb explodes just before the debuffs expire, so theres time to step in to your color after the bomb.
  46. Balloons: Two balloons spawn e/w and 4 darts spawn north. The darts will shoot across the room (nw to e) in the order they spawn. This indicated which balloon will pop first. When the balloons pop they knock back (can be resisted). The order of operations is balloon 1 pops, trick reload numbered dodge (be in the correct 1-6 zone), balloon 2 pops, forced march into trick reload stack/spread
  47. Tethers and Bombs: Lots of stuff spawns. Each player will be tethered to something, 2 to rockets at the edge of the room, 2 to hands near the center
  48. Rockets: These players will also receive bramble chains, stack middle before spreading out to break the chain and drop your massive aoes away from the other players
  49. Hands: The hands will chase you and kill you if they reach you. One player will have an enumeration stack. Hand players kite their adds and stack together
  50. Dartboard 2: Another dartboard this time with only 2 players getting a dart debuff. There will be an orb on a color showing which color players do not need to hit with their darts. There are also 3 rotating line aoes, the same rockets and chains from the earlier mechanic, and an enum for the non-rocket players.
  51. Present Box: Order of mechanics resolving is
  52. Stack/spread > Forced March 1 + Pizza slice > Forced March 2 + Bombs + Spread/stack
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