
Hangry time

Mar 30th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey walked into the Cafe, and up to the counter where she was looking at the menu so that she could order something togo, that was easy to eat, so that she could be packing while eating, since she'd be packing for two. She looked over and saw Dori, giving her a wave, "Hey there Dori, You all packed up and ready to leave for the competition?"
  2. Smokeless: Dori smiled having her attention on Kelsey now. "Oh I never unpacked my stuff from when I came back so I'm just going to use that." she shrugged her shoulders some. She sipped her coffee.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Brad pulled up to the cafe in his load pretty car, climbing out in a huff while trying to keep his composure. Hunger doesnt sit well on him. He pushed the door to the cafe open and immediately spotted Kelsey standing just inside, breaking into a whine. "Kelsssss why were you taking so long? I'm starving."-
  4. Covet: Hearing Brad whine behind her as he came in she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, " I just got here, I'm sorry, my mom was super chatty tonight, and I didn't get to leave until an hour later than I wanted. Please don't whine though, that's not how I want this night to start." She told him in a near mom tone. She looked over at Dor and nodded, "Well that's pretty convenient, and handy, Are you going to Tijuana with everyone too?"
  5. Smokeless: She shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know. I just got back and don't have all the details. I mean my vacation with my mom just ended and stuff." she took a deep breath. "I can try though." she gave Brad a faint smile and looked down at her coffee.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "But I'm hungry..." He said in a daringly whiny voice, probably testing Kelsey's patience. "You left me alone to pack. Alone. With no snacks or dinner. How am I supposed to work in that kind of environment?" He asked with an overdramatic sigh, draping his hands over the top of his head before looking at Dori and waving.-
  7. Covet: "Oh, well, not many details to it. There's a timeshare in Tijuana that the school rents, and whoever can make it down there, is more than welcome to come. Just nice to relax on the beach and swim, and enjoy a drink and just get away from all this school life." She said with a laugh, then looked at Brad, " I know you're hungry. Which is why I'm here, I got your messages, all of them." Kelsey said then patted him on the shoulder, "Oh hun, I never expected you to actually pack anything, I know I'll be doing that. I just wanted you to get your clothes together so I could pack them properly....hence why I didn't care about your environment."
  8. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head. "That actually sounds really nice. I think I will have to take a trip there. I could use the beach life right now." she let out a stress filled sigh. She looked at Brad and smiled. "You look like you are dwiddling to nothing you are so hungry."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Well there's a pile of clothes waiting for you then." He said with a bit of attitude to Kelsey because HANGRY. Nodding quickly, he glanced at Dori. "Yeah, nothing else good to do during Spring Break anyway."-
  10. Covet: "Please don't encourage him. He's just fine." Kelsey said with a laugh, then looked at Brad, not giving into his attitude, because if he was so damn hungry he could have figured out his own food. He's a grown man. " You should, it's really nice on the beach at night, because it's warm, and there's the ocean, and the stars."
  11. Smokeless: She smiled and nodded her head. "Sounds romantic." she looked down at her book marking her spot. "Bradsince you are here why don't you just order food? That way yo uare less hungry."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, it's cool." He said to her before looking to Kelsey. "Did you order me food yet?" He asked, reaching for a menu to begin browsing, just in case.-
  13. Covet: "It can be romantic, but it can also just be fun too. Lots of fun." Kelsey said remembering last year, then she sighed, "Because a giant man child, and refuses to do anything for himself when he's like this. I'd probably have to open a snickers for him at this point." She said then watched him look at the menu, "Did you not hear the part where I said, I JUST got here."
  14. Smokeless: Dori chuckled watching the two of them. "I think I will go have some fun. Not like I have other plans for sprng break."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Wait, you have a Snickers?" He asked quickly, looking Kelsey over because he hears what he wants to hear. "Yeah, you just got here, but I didnt know if you ordered yet..."-
  16. Covet: "That's the spirit! Plus, if we do well at the competition this weekend, We'll all totally have something to celebrate." Kelsey said then looked at Brad, "You can't even have a Snickers, Bradley. No.. I haven't ordered, because I just walked in the door. You've looked at the menu longer than I have. So, since you're here, you can just tell me what you want."
  17. Smokeless: She smiled and nodded her head. "I'm pretty sure we will win the competition. You girls have been working really hard from what I can see. " she finished off her coffee.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes and looked down at the menu again, trying to decide what he wanted since he was so hungry and everything looked so good right now. "They look great. There's no one that's going to be better than them and ever since you added the guys to your squad, you're even better."-
  19. Covet: "We have, and, I overheard that Coach wants you joining us for the basketball games, too? I'm sure we'll have plenty of free time to work on it together if you'd like." Kelsey offered politely, then looked at Brad, " I agree, we definitely needed them in order to even stand a chance this year. I was going to just order us some chicken strips and fries."
  20. Smokeless: "I would like that if you have time." she smiled softly. "I know I been away for like ever and need to catch up on everything as quickly as possible."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Chicken strips and fries. Done. Wait, what about a couple of sugar free milkshakes?" He asked her, licking his lips before looking between the two girls. "You should practice at Talon. I'll watch. I can control your music so you don't have to worry about it and I'll watch and make sure you look good."-
  22. Smokeless: [i have to go my pain meds are kicking in]
  23. Covet: [No problem, take care!]
  24. Smokeless: Dori smiled "jsut umm text me ok" she looked at the time as an alarm for her med srang on her phone and she rushed out of the cafe forgetting her book .
  25. Smokeless has left the chat
  26. CovetCovet : "Okay fine, you can have a sugar free milkshake." Kelsey looked at the waitress and got them their food ordered to go and sat down at the bar, waiting for it to be picked up. "I'm sure that's exactly why you want us to practice at Talon." She said with a light shake of her head.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -He waved to Dori on his way out before readjusting his attention to Kelsey. "What? I can't take an interest in your activities and want to help?" He said, a slow grin beginning to creep onto his face.-
  28. Covet: "Oh you most certainly can. I just know that you're not doing it because you want to help. You have ulterior motives.. I know you too well, Hun." She said reaching over to his face to poke his cheek.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "If i have ulterior motives, then tell me just what they are?" He asked her with a cocky grin, sitting up straighter.-
  30. Covet: "To check us out while we're doing our thing. Fantasize about all sorts of lewd things. But.. you're only male, so I guess I can't really hold it against you that much." Kelsey told him with her own smirk.
  31. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Would it make you feel better to know that if you were a guy I would still want to watch?" He asked even though he was just being a coy fuck.-
  32. Covet: Kelsey thought about it for a moment then pursed her lips before tilting her head to the side, "Kinda still makes me feel the same." She told him sticking her tongue out, The waitress brought his milkshake over in a togo cup.
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Without hesitation, he reached out for the milkshake, beginning to suck some down. "Is that bad?"-
  34. Covet: "No. It's not bad, it's not good.. It just is.. It might be flattering a little bit. And makes you sound a little like a whore, but I don't love you any less for it." Kelsey said still taunting him a bit.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -He shrugged off the comment, not caring one way or another. "Hey, it is what it is." Because at one point he was a whore, so he doesnt care. "Is our food almost done? You have a lot of packing to do."-
  36. Covet: "Yeah, should be right out." Kelsey told him then as soon as she said the words, tada the waitress came out with a bag that had their togo boxes in it, handing it over to them. "I'll keep the food with me so you're not distracted while driving." She told him as she grabbed the bag quickly and ran out the door so that he couldn't snatch the food away from her.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "What?" He gawked, grabbing his milkshake and turning to run out the door after her. He was probably going to try to chase her with the food, but he would lose.-
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