
5/7/19 Op4l resident/Silvy Dean/Misanthropism resident RPLOG

May 7th, 2019
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  1. [14:44] Fey'Anne Ardel had returned to the harbor office to look over any other orders that needed attention. "Come along Cat" as she opened the door and went inside to take a seat at the desk. She did not bother to look around as she sat down and started to shift papers
  3. [14:45] Kara Grimdottir was sitting quietly, perhaps patiently on the lovely furniture that was provided in the establishment. Once in a while she'd reach up grab hold of Tashink's snout to shake his head and keep him busy. That way he would not chew or spit fire on anything... would be a shame after all. When the doors opened her attention went to the lovely white haired woman. She remained quiet not giving away that someone was there for a moment before longer. "I was told, 'a week'." She said pointedly but calmly.
  5. [14:48] Fey'Anne Ardel upon hearing a voice she jumped from the chair and looked toward the source. Grabbing her chest with one hand. Cat having noticed and wandered over to investigate. "My you scared the demon right out of me" giggling as her heart slowed a bit. "Vedui, how are you?" as she retook her seat. "A week for what?" looking through the orders. Wondering what she missed.
  7. [14:51] Kara Grimdottir didn't seem amused this time around. She watched the woman regain her composure and the closer the cat got the more irritated Tashink seemed to get on her shoulder. His scales and spikes puffing up and hissing would ensue. She reaches up and bumps the little wyvern's chin. "A week for my shipment that I paid half up front for. That was some time ago, for a lot of gold and silver actually. Yet I do not have my topaz or sapphire or any of the other things I've ordered. I gave another week.. still nothing.. My productions have slowed to a halt because of this. It is.. inconvenient." her voice still calm, not nearly as charming as she was before.
  10. [15:01] Fey'Anne Ardel raised her brows at the smith and kept her smile in place. She remembered when she had ordered the items but had thought they had been delivered. Getting up from her chair seeing the displeasure from the wyvern over cats incessant curiosity she would pick him up and put him outside the door. "Go get a fish" giving him a quick pet as she shut the door and returned to the woman. "I am sorry. I wonder if some message might of got cross. I know the harbor master advised he has not been able to obtain the topaz and sapphire yet. We do have in your other materials she said with a smile. I think he was waiting maybe to get all of it in to deliver at once" giving an emphatic smile "I do apologize for the inconvenience. I will lower the price by 1 gold coin and 5 silver so you only owe 1 gold coin now for your items." smiling
  12. [15:07] Kara Grimdottir watches her closely as she puts the cat out. And listens just as closely as she speaks. Tashink seems to settle and bob his head slightly as if posturing. When she is done speaking she seems to consider the offer of a lower price. "The Sapphire and Topaz are top priority at the moment. Everything else is just added bonus at this point. You can have the shipment sent up to the shop and leave a note with myself or Drakkhru. He more than likely will be there to accept the shipment if I am not. I will hold the same two gold and five silver waiting for the topaz and Sapphire. You will only be paid the rest once it has arrived." She pushes herself up from the seat. "The half I paid up front was to show my seriousness.. That -nothing- was delivered made me feel as though perhaps I had been cheated. I suggest that not happen again without notice." She looks over the woman and a smile starts to curl at her lips. "Do let me know when the topaz and Sapphire arrive. I have some Paragons that will take what has
  13. [15:07] Kara Grimdottir: already been waiting for us."
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  16. [15:13] Drakkhru walking through Myrrine with a sense of purpose Drakkhru nears the building next to the docks which he presumes it the harbour masters establishment to discuss trade. He was still agitated from yesterdays bout but he appeared well rested. He clenched his augmented fist and a loud THUD THUD THUD could be heard on the door before slowly opening and peaking inside, he nodded towards the woman in the chair. "I've come to check up on a shipment The Mystic Forge has requested some time ago now. Is there a status update on when it will arrive as it's desperately needed." he stopped for a second and felt a familiar presence in the room, looking to the side he spied Tashink and Kara. "Well... looks like I've been beaten to the task of checking up on this." he closed the door behind him now. "Hello to yous." he said it as a plural, to anyone else he would be speaking to Kara and Tashink but Kara would know what he meant.
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  18. [15:18] Fey'Anne Ardel retains her smile and peruses the woman as she speaks. After she is done with her demands she continues to look at her for a few minutes before responding. Standing slowly to her feet she walks back to the door and lets in the unhappy cat. "come love, I am sorry" turning to the woman and folding her hands in front of her. "I do apologize, but I do think perhaps you have misunderstood" said in a pleasant soft voice. The basic material items you ordered were 4 gold and 10 silver. As the Harbormaster advised we would talk about the topaz and sapphire if and when we could get it in. Now if you like the first order delivered, I will be more than happy to have that done today for you, for the remaining 1 gold I just offered you" dipping her head, "I am sorry you 'felt' cheated, but I assure you, you were not." deciding to hold her tongue from saying anything further. Hearing the knock on the door she moved back from it and watched as the man entered and asked about his order. "Vedui Sir, I will be right w
  19. [15:18] Fey'Anne Ardel as soon as I am finished with this customer"
  21. [15:24] Kara Grimdottir turned to the door a moment when the thuds were heard. She watched as Drakkhru entered then looked over to Fey a moment as he spoke. "Drakkhru, co-owner of the smith in Astreya." She announced him then raised a brow. "Oh really now? That amount of garbage we could make ourselves but only bought from you as a time saver costs that much when the understanding is he would do what he could to get the topaz and Sapphire in at the same time?" She clicks her tongue. Tashink seems to give Drak a sharp upnod as if doing his own thug like thing of saying hello. "That is not at all what I was paying for.. and it wasn't even delivered to me on time. I think the misunderstanding here is.. you were late in your delivery after being paid half upfront. That is nearly three weeks ago. Cutting it down by one gold will not make up for the lack there of service nor the incompetence or understanding of how important those gems were in the deal." She crosses her arms.. and though there was an amused grin upon her lips, no
  23. [15:24] Kara Grimdottir: smile reached her eyes. "I suggest you get the harbor master to clear up his mistake as soon as possible." Irritated was undercutting the mood of the hell hound right now. Voices whispering in her mind that Drak would hear but no one else. Even Tashink seemed to simmer down a peg and look at her as if she were scolding him.
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  25. [15:32] Drakkhru looks puzzled for a moment at the woman whom had addressed him and he gave a slight tilt in his head before looking to Kara with the same confused expression and then returning his gaze to the woman in front of him. "I am actually inquiring about the same order my fellow Astreyan here is asking for. So where is the order, or what is the excuse?" he said that as if to ask both the woman in front of him and Kara. However upon hearing the particular voice whisper in his mind he shook his head, slightly amused as he definitely knew who it was that suggested it to him. "Oh that would definitely not go down well. Perhaps just the skinning? They have nine lives right?" it was unclear of what he was talking about to anyone aside from Kara at this point. But he was making something of a plan in his head. "So the shipment is two weeks late, and is still late considering we don't have what we've already paid half up front for in courtesy, and in return have not had any courtesy back. Seems like Myrrines trade isn't
  27. [15:32] Drakkhru that polite to it's customers, or uphold business deals." with his free hand he stroked his chin through his beard. "What to do about that..." he left it at that, just staring at the woman in front of him, waiting for a response. It was clear Drakkhru was not taking any shit today and was as irritated as Kara at thie point.
  29. [15:36] Fey'Anne Ardel upon Drakkhru being introduced she nodded, "A Pleasure Drakkhru, I am Fey'Anne" giving a nod of her head. Her head swiveled back to Kara as she spoke, "I see" tapping her lip as she listened to her words. "Well then, I will be sure the garbage is not brought up to you. That just would not be good. As for the Topaz and Sapphire, it has not arrived. As was told to you, these are not items that are easily obtained. The cost was /not/ inclusive of them" her own lips upturned in a smile, "I am the assistant to the harbormaster, when he is not available I run this office. And I do remember what was said as I was there the day the order was made" her stare returned to the man as he spoke. "Looking down at Cat and back to the man, indeed they do have nine lives and if any one of his are taken, it will not be pretty for the one that harms one hair on his body" her invisible tail wagging in great agitation even though her lips retained a smile delivering the threat. "Now, do you want your garbage or what do y
  30. [15:37] Fey'Anne Ardel to do?"
  32. [15:37] OPAL (Op4l Resident): *you wish to do?" ))
  33. [15:40] Kara Grimdottir that smile seeped into her eyes. "Then you will pay back the two gold and five silver along with another gold for wasting our time." She states as fact rather than as an offer. "The garbage shipment can go to another less capable smith then at that idiotic price." She takes a step forward and the cat would definitely feel that unnatural heat radiating off of the Paragon first. "Since you are in charge, you will deal with this now then. The topaz and sapphire I will get myself in trade in Sar'Skri since you and your company are so ill equipped to handle such a simple task."
  36. [15:48] Drakkhru "Hmm." was all he said in response to the woman but he then began pulling on his inner magic unnoticeable for now as he listened to Karas offer go across to the woman in front of him. "I think that is the only just course of action, since there has been no services provided by yourselves, also a general discourtesy between businesses is never favourable or tasteful." he began to rest his forearm on the stub of his sword, looking between the woman and the cat. "As you said, you're in charge when the harbor master is not around so it is up to you currently to clear this... messy affair."
  38. [15:51] Fey'Anne Ardel raised her brows as she heard her response. Not being able to help it a soft giggle escaped her. "I tell you what, Ms Kara. Once I have sold these to a 'less' capable smith." looking her over as if to insinuate she might be one of those. "I will the send you the 2 gold and 5 silver. Until such time, we ordered your items and paid for them" as moved toward her she did feel the heat and knew Cat would too. Bending to pick him up and moved to the door to open it, "If that is all, I will wish you both a good day" feeling the energy coming off the man she gave him a smile, "I shall call the guards if you two do not leave now that our business is done" giving him a cool look.
  40. [15:55] Kara Grimdottir stepped in front of her the moment she moved toward the door. "Do not make me put my hands upon you. I will not be scammed by an establishment that came to -my- shop offering less than worth while items that i bought simply to amuse you in hopes you would get the shipment of gems I wanted." That heat would become unbearable to walk any closer to. In fact, even Tashink seemed to be sparking up at the mouth, scales puffed. If that cat didn't freak out at the sudden bestial energy already it no doubt would now. "My money or both you and cat here pay far worse with charred flesh." Her voice wasn't natural now, a glow in her mouth even as she spoke. "I should not be punished for your late deliveries or incompetence in business management. Neither should you for the Harbor master's attempt to scam me." Her last warning.
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  44. [16:00] Drakkhru remained standing where he was. "So you're going to call the guards of the city to a situation where your company has failed to provide a service that we prepaid for, and failed to even provide us with a note that it would be late." Drakkhru opened his book now and the pages flipped by themselves, they landed on an empty page and ink began writing down on the pages in what seemed like a list. He snapped the book shut once he was done and his eyes returned to the woman, unamused by her foolishness on threatening them. He looked ot Kara now and he smirked looking to the woman whom had been blocked from opening the door. "I really wouldn't cause a scene here. Just return the money and we'll be on our way." Drakkhru was now acting as protection for Karas flanks, the energy within him would still be unnoticed by anyone in the room as he was not casting and it just appeared like a natural source of arcana that was typically around his augmented arms anyway.
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  47. [16:12] Fey'Anne Ardel raised her brows as the woman stepped in front of her. Cat hissed loudly. It was not so much the heat as being who she was it did not bother her. Setting Cat down she pointed to the open window. "Legion, Cat, find Orli or Bad" watching as he scampered out the window. "We do not need your amusement. And it seems to me you are making such a fuss over these gems. I do believe you have not been able to obtain from this other place" giving a tilt of her lips in wry amusement. Feeling her own energies begin to move through her. "I truly do not think Astreya would like to make Myrrine an enemy. I have offered to waive part of the price of the shipment you did order. No matter your reasoning. We on good faith took half the price of the order. And for the miscommunication on the delivery of said items I agreed to lower the price. But I will not be threatened to pay you..." pausing and biting her lips she thought, hmm, customer service. "You know what. I will have no trouble selling that order. "I will give y
  48. [16:12] Fey'Anne Ardel gold and silver you paid" holding up her finger with a glint in her eye, "but no more" looked to the man as he opened his book, "indeed right down how naughty I am" finding quiet amusement. "Indeed this is a business within Myrrine and under protection. Besides who is threatening whom?" eyes of steel will looking at him and back to Kara, "Now, are we done here?"
  51. [16:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Op4l Resident has rolled... 67 on a d100
  52. [16:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Silvy Dean has rolled... 30 on a d100
  53. [16:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Misanthropisme Resident has rolled... 98 on a d100
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  55. [16:17] Kara Grimdottir would shrug Tashink off her shoulder to fly, more than likely he would sweep down after the cat but miss. She herself Turned her attention toward Fey opening that mouth having fire lick at her lips. "You shouldn't have sent the cat." She shrugs slightly. "Refund or you and the cat pay with flesh. Your choice." As if to try and drive the point home she swings her fist out to deck the woman for her attempt.
  57. [16:17] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Silvy Dean has rolled... 95 on a d100
  59. [16:19] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Op4l Resident has rolled... 49 on a d100
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  61. [16:22] Drakkhru did not find any amusement at the moment. "The way Myrrines docks handles it's business is discourteous and quite rude." upon hearing the words of the woman in front of him his attention span to the cat and he immediately blocked it's path with a slam of his foot enough to scare the thing back, Drakkhru continued to stand there blocking the only window in this establishment. "That was stupid." he then watched as Kara, clearly also annoyed at the general rudeness this person had given them both had clocked her hard with a fist. He then looked down at the cat. "Refund or it'll just get worse." he just stood there expressionless now before going to give the cat a swift kick.
  62. [16:22] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Misanthropisme Resident has rolled... 32 on a d100
  63. [16:23] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Op4l Resident has rolled... 52 on a d100
  64. [16:23] Silvy Dean: ((no kicking the cat >.>))
  65. [16:23] Misanthropism (Misanthropisme Resident): ((It failed. >.>))
  66. [16:23] OPAL (Op4l Resident): now he is fucked LOL ))
  68. [16:33] Fey'Anne Ardel watched as Cat went to run off and was stopped by the man. Calling Cat back as he swung his foot out at Cat catching him in his hind leg as he came running back to her, his ears flattened and back arched as he hissed. Raising her hands above her head as she was going to cast a fireball at him for his stupidness, when she was punched in the face. Falling backwards as she grabbed her cheek. Any trace of amusement long gone. "I damn told you i would give back the funds she has paid and NO MORE!" screaming out the last words. Opening the box on the desk she extracted the coins and placed them on the desk. "There it is. take it and leave now!"
  70. [16:37] Kara Grimdottir growled deeply. "Then pay it back. Don't try getting the legion in on your bad business." It -had- to be clear at this point that she wasn't playing games nor even asking for the extra gold any further. She steps up to the desk watching the woman. "Next time you attempt to even slightly scam or be late to another customer with their shipments, -remember- this. You're no longer welcome near the smith in Astreya. Not without a peace offering for this inconvenience." She winks with a curl of her lips. "Have a good rest of your day." She throws out her arm calling Tashink back to her after pocketing the gold and silver. She'd turn her back letting Drak cover her in case the woman had ideas of retaliation.
  72. [16:40] Drakkhru stood there now watching as the woman fell to the floor and the cat retreated, Drakkhru still and stoic just standing there in front of the window letting Kara take the lead completely now and do all the talking for a moment while he heard the offer the woman had made. Drakkhru indeed walked to the side now keeping his eyes on the woman as he approached the door way behind Kara. "Have a pleasant day." he said fare well to the woman on the floor before walking through the already opened door, stepping out and closing it behind him.
  74. [16:47] Fey'Anne Ardel looked at them both with a glare in her eyes. Watching the woman as she collected the coins with a bit of cockiness. Oh this was far from over. She remembered long and deep and indiscretions upon her or ones she loved. "This was not bad business. And you best believe the legion will hear about this. As well as others" scoffing at being told she was no longer welcome. "trust me I shall not want to enter a less than satisfactory smith. We have our own" Looking to the man with heated glare. Cat started to run toward him as soon as his back began to turn. Having to grab him by the tail "NO! another time my friend" snatching him fully up. "may the rest of your day find troubles" wishing a curse upon them.
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