
Handyman In Equestria CH 6

Jul 26th, 2013
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  2. “So let's hear this song of yours, Lyra.”
  3. >You make your way to the kitchen, pulling some stuffed mushrooms out of the freezer and tossing them in the oven.
  4. >”Alright. But you have to be honest.”
  5. “You sure about that?”
  6. >You shoot her a sly look
  7. >”Hehe. I'm serious, Anon.”
  8. >You sit down in a stool, lighting another cigarette.
  9. “Alright. I'm no musician, but I'll try my best.”
  10. >Lyra get's ready to begin playing, bringing a hoof to the strings.
  11. >No matter how many times you see it, you're always shocked at how well she manages to play that thing without fingers.
  12. >She plucks and strums like a damn champ.
  13. >How long did it take her to get that good?
  14. >She continues, eyes closed, her face in her trademark, carefree smile.
  15. >The song itself is actually... Really fucking good.
  16. >It's a light hearted melody, you even notice a toe bob up and down.
  17. >It was almost jig-ish.
  18. >She continues, her head starts to bob as she gets more into the song.
  19. >You join her in getting into the music, patting your lap to add some rhythm.
  20. >She takes notice, playing more enthusiastically, her smile growing wider.
  21. >Eventually, the song comes to its conclusion with one final, drawn out strum.
  22. >You respond with light clapping.
  23. “Not bad at all, Lyra! I liked it.”
  24. >She lowers her lyre, blushing at your accolades.
  25. >”Thanks. I just wrote it this morning...”
  26. >She's starting to fidget.
  27. >God that's cute...
  28. “Seriously? Damn, Lyra. I'm impressed.”
  29. >”Hehe. Stop it already.”
  30. “So are you going to play that tomorrow?”
  31. >”Yeah. I think so. To be honest, I'm a little nervous...”
  32. “Seriously? You love playing in front of ponies, don't you?”
  33. >”Yeah, but this is the first time I'm playing in front of so many.”
  34. “I'm sure you'll do just fine.”
  35. >She picks up her Lyra and gives it a flamboyant strum.”
  36. >”You know it!”
  37. >You chuckle at the showing.
  38. “So do you play the tavern at all anymore? I haven't seen you there in months.”
  39. >”I don't usually get to do small gigs as much as I used to. I'm getting a lot of requests for larger shows these days, so I'm pretty busy.”
  40. “I can understand that. Hey, remember the first time you played Barley's tavern? The one where I met you?”
  41. >”Haha! Do you?”
  42. “Of course I do. It wasn't that long ago.”
  43. >”I seem to remember you being pretty... festive that night.”
  44. “Hey... I was adjusting to Canterlot.”
  45. >”By challenging every stallion in the place to a hoof wrestling match?”
  46. ”Undefeated champ, I'll have you know.”
  47. >You puff your chest out.
  48. >Lyra rolls her eyes at you.
  49. >”I also remember you yelling about 'free birds' or something... What was that about?”
  50. >You didn't recall this part, but it did sound like you.
  51. “...Earth joke, forget about it.”
  52. >”Whatever you say, Anon.”
  53. >You both chuckle a little as Lyra packs her instrument back into her bag.
  54. >”So are Barley and Hops still going at it like always?”
  55. >You come to your feet, heading to the kitchen to check on your dinner.
  56. “Pretty much, how did you know?”
  57. >”I was at Bon Bon's today when he came in for a box of chocolates.”
  58. >That fucking guy...
  59. “Heh. Sounds like him.”
  60. >”Yeah. Tell him I said hello if you see him. I'm gonna get going.”
  61. “You leaving already? I made an extra one if you're hungry.”
  62. >She dons her saddle bag before starting to trot to the door.
  63. >”You're the only one in Canterlot that eats dinner at midnight, Anon. I'll pass.”
  64. >She smiles wryly at you.
  65. >Hands up, she's got you there.
  66. “Alright, suit yourself.”
  67. >”I'm going to get a little more practice in before bed. Thanks for listening to the song, Anon.”
  68. >You walk over to the door to see her out.
  69. “Thanks for playing it for me. You'll do great tomorrow.”
  70. >She turns to you, a blush joining her smile.
  71. >”And... Thanks for talking to me. I feel a little less nervous since you're going to be there.”
  72. “Wouldn't miss it-”
  73. >You're cut by a surprise attack hug.
  74. >Lyra wraps her mint colored forelegs around your chest, burying her face into you.
  75. >Your hands stay frozen at shoulder level for a second as the shock washes away from you.
  76. >You put a hand on top of her head, letting the other one fall freely.
  77. >Confounded ponies were too cute for their own good sometimes...
  78. >Lyra breaks the hug after some light nuzzling and returning to the door.
  79. >”'Night, Anon!”
  80. >You offer her a half smile and a wave.
  81. >She trots out of the workshop and out of view.
  82. >...
  83. >Cute kid.
  84. >You close the door, heading back to the kitchen.
  85. >Part of you wishes she'd stuck around, but you're glad to have your shop to yourself again.
  86. >The this job wasn't going to finish itself.
  87. >You smash your stuffed mushrooms, putting the extra in the fridge for later.
  88. >The rest of the evening is fairly uneventful, for a change.
  89. >You spend the rest of your night working on the table, saving the chairs for a later date.
  90. >There's a certain bounce to your step after Lyra's little visit. She always did put you in a good mood.
  91. >...
  92. >After some time, you take a look at the clock. Seems the sun is going to be up soon.
  93. >Alright, you're comfortable leaving it here for tonight. You can do the detailing tomorrow.
  94. >you take a second to get the shop swept up. Business should pick up now that Summer Sun thing was over. Hopefully you could sell some of those pieces you made.
  95. >With the shop spiffy enough for your tastes, you carry yourself to the bedroom and fall into the bed.
  96. >It was a good day.
  97. >Sleep comes quickly.
  100. >The following morning comes with a piece of good news to it.
  101. >You've managed to wake up without somep0ny pounding your door like it owed them money.
  102. >Had the curse finally lifted?
  103. >You can only hope it lasts.
  104. >You pull yourself from the bed, relishing the fact that you managed to get a good night's sleep for once.
  105. >You innitiate your morning ritual; shower, shave and the like and heading to the closet for a change of clothes.
  106. >You open the doors to stacks of blue jeans and white t-shirts on hangers.
  107. >Decisions, decisions...
  108. >You grab a combo and get dressed. Time to get to business.
  109. >You walk into the workshop and arrange the pieces in a way that would display them properly.
  110. >With everything set, you head to the kitchen to whip up a little coffee.
  111. >It doesn't take long before you hear the door open. Seems business was back to par after all.
  112. >You let the coffee brew as you walk to greet the customer.
  113. “Welcome! What can I do for...”
  114. >”Morning, Anon.”
  115. >Bon Bon...
  116. >Right. You're in business mode. You should probably keep this professional.
  117. “Morning Bon Bon. What brings you by.
  118. >She stays a quiet, scrubbing a hoof against the floor of your shop.
  119. “You broke a shelf again, didn't you?”
  120. >Nothing. This confirms your suspicions.
  121. “Christ, Bonny. What happened this time? I'm not making these things from card board.”
  122. >”... I might have had a little too much fun at Berry Punches part the other night...”
  123. >The plot thickens as you raise an eyebrow.
  124. “Get a little rowdy that night, Bonny?”
  125. >”A little... Into her coffee table...”
  126. >She's blushing pretty heavily.
  127. “Well you're in luck. I just finished some I can sell you at cost.”
  128. >This seems to bring her out of her funk.
  129. >”Really?”
  130. >Yo turn to an example that would suit Berries flamboyant tastes. Shoot a Bon Bon a quick grin.
  131. “Hell bonny, as much as you tend to break around here, I should be giving you a kick back.”
  132. >Her muzzle scrunches a little.
  133. >You can tell she's rattle through comebacks, but since you were doing her a favor, she bites her tongue.
  134. >”Thanks...”
  135. >Score one for you.
  136. “This one should do the trick.”
  137. >You pull out a small table and bring it to her.
  138. “Let's call it 35 bits and I'll deliver it to her place tomorrow, yeah?”
  139. >Her expression softens into a light grin.
  140. >”No arguments here. Thanks, Anon. You're alright when you're not being a complete ass.”
  141. “Compliments at this hour? Christ, Bonny, you're delirious! Let me get you some coffee.”
  142. >She giggles a little before stepping further into the shop.
  143. >”That actually sounds pretty good. I'll take a cup.”
  144. “Make yourself at home. Cream and sugar, right?”
  145. “Please.”
  146. >You head to the kitchen to grab the mugs.
  147. “Hey, Bon Bon. You didn't happen to notice any orders in my mailbox, did you?”
  148. >She responds from the recliner in your workshop.
  149. >”Nope. Sorry.”
  150. >Balls... Oh well. You figure it's still early.
  151. >You walk back out of the kitchen and over to Bon Bon, handing her the mug.
  152. “So how are things at the shop?”
  153. >”Fine. Lyra's been around a lot talking about the show tonight. I swear she's getting more and more excited by the hour.”
  154. >You think back to her visit last night.
  155. “Yeah, she popped over late yesterday to show me one of the songs she's doing.”
  156. >Bon Bon takes her sip, gaining a curious look.
  157. >“And?”
  158. “And I told her it was great. She said she was stoked and booked.”
  159. >”Right... You're still coming tonight, right?”
  160. >You pause for a second, shooting her a confused gaze.
  161. “Well, yeah.”
  162. >”Good. She's looking forward to having you show up for once.”
  163. >There's that classic Bon Bon sarcasm you know and loathe.
  164. “Come on, Bonny. I said I'm going.”
  165. >”You said the same thing for the last Hearth's Warming Eve show she did.”
  166. >And today was starting so well for you.
  167. “I told the both of you that something came up.”
  168. >Bon Bon sighs.
  169. >”I remember. Look, just make sure you to this one. Lyra is going to freak out if you flake on her again.”
  170. >There was no way you were going to blow off Luna, either.
  171. “Don't worry about it, Bonny. I'll be there.”
  172. >She smiles a little, finishing off the cup and heading back to the door to the bag she left when she entered, pulling out a bag of bits.
  173. >”Here's 45. Try to wear something nice tonight, please.”
  174. >You smile, Taking the bits and tossing them in your safe.
  175. “I'll be sure to starch my finest underwear.”
  176. >She grins, rolling her eyes.
  177. >”See you tonight, Anon.”
  178. “Later.”
  179. >That went well, you think to yourself.
  181. >The rest of the day is pretty uneventful.
  182. >A handful of p0nies came by looking for miscellaneous furnishings. You sold what you could and placed the rest on your projects list.
  183. >Seems you were going to busy this week afterall.
  184. >Soon enough though, the day starts to come to a close as the sun makes it's usual decent.
  185. >By now, that leftover stuffed mushroom is but a memory.
  186. >A good day for business, your pockets a little heavier than when you started.
  187. >With that, your attention turns to your date.
  188. >...
  189. >Fuck. You just called it a date...
  190. >You ponder it for a second, considering the gravity of your mental verbiage.
  191. >Maybe Dash had a point.
  192. >You were going to see a show with a mare. She may have been royalty, but she's still a mare.
  193. >Fuck it, you bagged a date with a princess.
  194. >Tonight was going to be a lot of fun.
  195. >You head to the bathroom to freshen up before heading out.
  196. >You walk back into the workshop flossy, dipped, buttered, suited and booted in your finest white t-shirt and jeans.
  197. >Same boots, but how often do you ever look at someone's feet?
  198. >It'll do. You grad your smokes, passport, and a fistful of bits just in case.
  199. >You then pull the moon stone Luna gave you as a way to get her attention in the castle and pocket it.
  200. >Heading to the door, you open it to a calm summer breeze.
  201. >It was perfect outside. That familiar blue glow from the alabaster stone of the city giving you a sense of nostalgia.
  202. >You always did prefer the city at night. It had more charm to it.
  203. >You close the door behind you, lighting a cigarette and making for the castle garden to meet your date.
  204. >Excitement starts to take hold the closer you get. You're almost shocked at how this played out.
  205. >After a short stroll, you're at the south end of the castle, back in the familiar garden, your gaze turned up to the balcony.
  206. >You notice a faint light from Luna's room.
  207. >You pull out stone.
  208. >Probably not a good idea to chuck it up there like last time.
  209. “Right. Now how does this thing work...”
  210. >You recall Luna mentioning that you were supposed to talk into it.
  211. >Bringing the stone close to your mouth, you try to call Luna.
  212. “Uhh. Is this thing on?”
  213. >...
  214. >Bupkis.
  215. >Is it suppose to be on a certain frequency or something?
  216. >You fiddle with it for a second before you notice a pale glow come from the stone.
  217. “Dafuq is this?”
  218. >”Is that you, Anonymous?”
  219. >This fucking rock just spoke to you in Luna's voice. Is this thing a two way?
  220. >You pull it back to your mouth and continue.
  221. “Yeah. The show should be starting soon. You ready to go?”
  222. >It starts to glow again.
  223. >”Yes. Please give me a moment.”
  224. “Take your time.”
  225. >You pocet the stone and take a seat on a nearby bench in plain view of the balcony.
  226. >After a few minutes, the dark blue mare comes to edge of the balcony, taking notice of you.
  227. >She proceeds to dive from the balcony and shoots over to you, fluttering herself steady, making a deft landing in front of you.”
  228. >”Good evening, Anon.”
  229. “Likewise, Luna. You look great.”
  230. >She always looked great. Her taller, sleeker frame gave her a regal beauty the other skittle ponies lacked.
  231. >”I hope you didn't have to wait too long. I wasn't expecting you so soon.”
  232. “Not at all. I figured I'd come by so we could head to the show together. Shall we?”
  233. >Luna widens her eyes at you. A slight blush creeps in.
  234. >”Yes. Lead the way”
  235. >This was going to be fun.
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