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Jul 15th, 2013
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  1. [Assuming you have a model]
  3. Grab a body tso file and drag/drop it into the first tab of tso2mqo.
  4. Then take a look at how tso2mqo makes directories for disassembled mods. You have:
  5. - The textures
  6. - An mqo file named after the disassembled tso's filename
  7. - An xml file named after the disassembled tso's filename
  8. - The toonshader cgfx file, which is a global shader configuration thing or something. I think they're all the same.
  9. - Files without an extension are the material shaders. They are named after the materials listed in the mqo file.
  10. - The SHADETEX image, whether it actually has any significant data or is just a 16x16 pixel white block [its "Textures Name" is referenced by the material shader's SHADETEX field, more on that later]. It's the texture that is overlayed as "shading". So if you want metal, make a metal gradient and use that.
  13. Now make a similar directory, with any filename.
  14. Place your textures and your mqo into the folder. Folder name and mqo filename must coincide. Oh, and don't forget to turn your model into tris. In 3dsmax, you can do this using the TurnToPoly modifier, by setting the vert limit thing to 3. Quads won't render at all.
  15. Your textures can only be TGA and bmp, I think. If you use TGA, make SURE it's not RLE compressed. Bmps can only be 32bit (I think, try 24 if something goes wrong), and they must have an alpha channel. If you use gimp, right click on the layer and click "add alpha channel" if it's avaliable (do the same for TGA). May or may not need to tick "write color space information". I always forget. If something's wrong with the images, either tso2mqo will complain or the textures won't render properly. It's easier to just use TGA because less things can go wrong.
  16. Open your mqo using meta and sort the materials, as there's likely a mess in there. You'll need to re-locate the textures that are within the directory for each material.
  17. Make/steal a SHADETEX texture image. I think it can only be bmp, same limitations as normal textures apply.
  18. Now copy: a shader file (one without an extension), the toonshader cgfx file and the xml file from your previously disassembled tso into your new directory.
  19. Xml filename must coincide with folder name, so rename it.
  20. The contents of the xml file need to list all textures including the SHADETEX thing (<Textures Name=...) and all shader files (<Materials Name=...).
  21. For textures, BytesPerPixel is always 4. You just need to assign a "Textures Name" to each one - make it coincide with the filename sans extension for simplicity's sake. Then list its actual filename with the extension under "File=" (you can omit the full directory, though it will be re-added every time you run it through tso2mqo), and then input the dimensions of the image in question.
  22. For materials, modify their names to coincide with all materials listed in the mqo file.
  23. Now, the shader files. For each material listed in the mqo, you need a separate shader file, so make as many copies as you need. Edit them in notepad to point to your SHADETEX texture. You can also modify different settings. I'll list what each field does at the end.
  24. Lastly, copy normal body .tso file into the directory.
  26. Now launch tso2mqo, switch to the MQO->TSO tab.
  27. 入力MQO=input MQO. Input your mqo's filename with its full directory here.
  28. 参照TSO=reference TSO. This tso file will be used as reference for automatically assigning weights. I think the weights are transferred 1:1 (not scaled for distance like "envelopes"), judging by whichever vertex is closer. So a high poly body .tso is probably what you want if you're making clothes, I guess?
  29. 出力TSO=output TSO. Your new tso's filename with its full directory goes here. Don't overwrite your reference tso by accident.
  30. You don't really need to click on anything else, but the buttons are: 自動的にボーンを割り当てる=assign bones automatically; 1ボーンに割り当てる=assign to 1 bone; マトリアル設定を表示する=display material creation. No idea what it does, I always leave it uncheched. ボーン指定=Select bone. mqoオブジェクト=mqo object. 割り当て=assign. すべて選択=select all. すべて不選択=unselect all.
  31. To process, click TSOファイル作成.
  35. Shader files are like this:
  36. First 2 lines are always the same.
  37. The "string technique =" part lets you choose the way the models are shaded. [] has some previews. There are some non-listed "techniques" that come with new versions of toonshader. I assume the fur "technique" is one of them. I do know that the uv scrolling "techniques" are there, I used one to make an "animated" rainy window once. Toonshader mods sometimes come with preview models showing off the effects, so you can get them from there.
  38. The "LightDir*" parts are irrelevant. Japanese wiki says it's unknown what they do.
  39. The "ShadeTex" lists the chosen shading image's "Textures Name" for this particular material. This is the main thing you want to edit.
  40. "ShadowColor" = no idea. Shadow color when a blank shadetex is used?
  41. "ColorTex" is the "Textures Name" of your normal texture. You could edit it, but I think it automatically corrects when you run it through tso2mqo.
  42. "HighLight" determines how *bright* the white highlights are. Default is 29.5, range is -100 to 100.
  43. "HighLightPower" determines how *wide* the white highlights are. 0-1000, default is apparently 1000. Wiki says to not set it to 0.
  44. "PenColor" is the second thing you want to edit. It's the color of the outline, if you have any. The last number is a boolean: whether to use the outline or not. Note that having an outline means that backfaced faces will not be see-through, but instead the color of the outline. You can't have an outline if you want faces to be see-through from one side.
  45. "Thickness" is the thickness of the pen outline if you have any.
  46. "ColorBlend/HighLightBlend/ShadeBlend" is apparently how the shading, the texture and the highlights blend with each other. Wiki says it's ("Texture" * ColorBlend * 0.1) * ("Shading texture" * ShadeBlend * 0.1) * HighLightBlend * 0.1.
  47. "Ambient" ranges from 0-100. Default is 50. It's how far the shadetex is shifted when used for shading. Bigger value=shifted back=less shade. Lesser value=shifted forward=more shade.
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