

Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. Describe your character concept in 4 words or less.
  2. Superstrong swordsman for hire
  3. Full Name
  4. Hanar Keslur
  5. Gender
  6. Male
  7. Race
  8. Human [magically enhanced]
  9. Game System (if any)
  10. Class & Archetypes (if any)
  11. Fighter
  12. Physical Appearance
  13. This section will request information pertaining to your character's looks and physical presence.
  14. Height
  15. 6"4'
  16. Build (muscular, chubby, toned etc.)
  17. Muscular, like a bodybuilder.
  18. Hair (color, length, style, etc.)
  19. Dark, short slicked back into small spiky hair with a curl going down the center of his hairline. Neatly trimmed beard.
  20. Eye Color
  21. Green.
  22. Complexion (color, freckles, apparent age, etc.)
  23. Tanned light brown skin(half native, half nordic). Looks a few years older than actual age. (Is actually 26)
  24. Do you have any scars? If so, how did you get them?
  25. X shaped one in the center of his chest, the procedure that grants him superstrength and enhanced physical attributes.
  26. Do you have any tattoos, piercings, or body modifications? If so, where, with/of what, and what do they represent/do for you?
  27. What armaments and gear do you typically carry with you?
  28. Oversized bastard sword. Knife. Sack of gold coins. Food rations. Rope. Sleeping bag. Matches. Usual adventurer/merc crap.
  29. How do you typically dress?
  30. Leather vest with steel pauldrons and belts with pouches on them crossing his chest in an X shape.
  31. How much care do you put into your appearance on a normal day? On a special occasion?
  32. Not much since I always look good.
  33. What is your favorite aspect of your own appearance?
  34. All of it, but especially my bears.
  35. Background Information
  36. This section will ask questions regarding your character's past, family, and relationships.
  38. If you feel any of the questions do not apply to your character, reply "n/a" or leave the question blank.
  39. Aliases
  40. Kelley Hencler
  41. Occupation
  42. Mercenary
  43. Birthplace & Birthdate
  44. The new world 14XX, October 28
  45. What is your social standing like?
  46. Upper middle class
  47. Who are/were your parents? (names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
  48. Magnus Keslur- large viking man, great warrior. Killed a Wendigo, got accepted by my mother's native tribe.
  49. Little Chick Grand Eagle.- kind, crafty, liked to laugh and have fun. Daughter of the Thunderbird tribe's Chief, my grandfather Thunderbird Grand Eagle.
  50. Do you have any siblings? Who are/were they?(names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
  51. No.
  52. Do you have any mentors? Who are/were they?
  53. Rindell Kross.
  54. Do you have any friends? Who are/were they?
  55. Malik Edrin.
  56. Do you have any romantic interests? Who are/were they?
  57. Is there any criminal activity in your past? If so, what?
  58. I was once a street urchin gang leader and thief.
  59. How much schooling or training have you received?
  60. Extensive martial training, just enough formal education to read and count money.
  61. How would you describe your childhood in general?
  62. Hard after being seperated from my parents.
  63. What would you consider the most important moment of your life so far?
  64. Getting caught robbing a noble at 16 and being asked to pick between military service or hanging.
  65. What is your greatest regret of your life so far?
  66. I live without regrets.
  67. How did you fall into your current line of work/adventures?
  68. I'm good at fighting, might as we do it for cash.
  69. Personality/Beliefs
  70. This section will ask questions about your characters mental faculties, emotions, and personal beliefs.
  71. Optimist or pessimist?
  72. Optimist.
  73. Introvert or extrovert?
  74. Extrovert.
  75. Spontaneous or planner?
  76. Spontaneous.
  77. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
  78. I can be loud and brash and might annoy new people but if you have the patience to tolerate me I take care of my friends and am loyal to the end.
  79. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? Why?
  80. Argue. I have to explain why I'm right and they're wrong!
  81. Do you tend to take on leadership positions in social situations? Why or why not?
  82. Yes because I am the loudest and usually the strongest and most handsome person in the room.
  83. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
  84. Aye.
  85. Do you care what others think about you? Why or why not?
  86. Not really, some people just cant tell how awesome I am.
  87. Do you believe in a higher power? If so, do you encourage others to seek religion/spirituality as well? Why or why not?
  88. Sure, I just don't care about what he has to say. I don't care what your god tells you to de but no one tells me what to do unless they're paying me at least 2500 gold.
  89. What are your positive personality traits?
  90. Loyal, Secretly sensitive. Pove children and animals.
  91. What are your negative personality traits?
  92. Arrogant? Me? Please. I'm just stating why I'm a badass.
  93. What is the one things about yourself you are most proud of? Why?
  94. My strength and fighting skill.
  95. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? What is ACTUALLY your greatest weakness?
  96. I have an intense fear of the ocean
  97. we dating sim now
  98. This section is a trash can.
  99. What is your character's sexuality? (hetero-, homo-, bi-, a- etc.)
  100. Hetero, for all you ladies interested.
  101. Have you lost your virginity? If so, when and with who?
  102. A very important classy lady who shall go unnamed.
  103. Do you currently have a lover? If so, who? How did you meet/get together?
  104. I have many lovers across the land since I travel quite a bit for work.
  105. What do you look for in a potential lover?
  106. A nice ass and great rack.
  107. Do you believe in soul mates/true love? Why or why not?
  108. I haven't found mine yet and I don't think I'm meant to stay with one gal anyway.
  109. Do you have any kinks? If so, what are they?
  110. BDSM
  111. Are you more dominant or submissive in sexual situations? Why?
  112. Switch, lost my virginity to an older dom woman, but as my personality blossomed I found out I like to be on top too.
  113. Do you want to have children one day? Why or why not?
  114. Sure, the least I can do the world is leave a legacy.
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