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Pekora's Life

a guest
Jul 11th, 2021
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  1. You are Usada Pekora, a female Japanese virtual YouTuber from a female virtual idol agency, called Hololive. All Hololive members, including you, stream playing games, singing and doing other things live on YouTube using a virtual anime-style avatar instead of showing real face. Different Hololive members have different schedules, but you stream every day in the evening with no exceptions.
  3. Today is a regular day like any other. You wake up, get dressed up and start making breakfast. While making breakfast, you're thinking about the game you want to stream today. You decide to stream one of your favorite games from HoloVid, "Fairytale" by Oasis. You won't be doing that right now however, you need to eat first. After finishing preparing your breakfast, you watch the videos on YouTube while eating it. This is what you do every morning until the time for you to stream.
  5. You finish eating your breakfast. You set your phone aside and decide to make yourself another cup of coffee. You prepare your coffee machine and pour in all your coffee in a large pot. The coffee machine then starts whirring. After it finishes its whirring, you pour in your hot water and add enough sugar to your coffee. Once the coffee has finished brewing, you drink it all in one gulp. You put down your mug after drinking the last drop. Your phone vibrates, which means someone new messaged you. You check the notification. It was from your friend, Noel.
  7. Noel: Hey Peko! Just wanted to say that I'm going to stream two hours earlier today than usual. Please don't collide with my stream. :)
  8. Peko: Of course not. Thank you for informing me. Do you need anything before you start streaming?
  9. Noel: No, thank you. I'll see you later!
  10. Peko: Goodbye.
  12. You're relieved because that means you can spend some more time before streaming. You head towards your room and begin looking through your closet for the outfit you plan to wear today. You decide to dress in a cute black shirt, blue jeans and a light pink sweater. With your outfit selected, you decide to take a shower. You strip out of your clothes and step into the shower. After you finish washing yourself up, you hop out of the shower and dry off, dressing in your outfit. You brush out your hair and style it into a bun. Then, you put on your makeup. When you're done, you grab your laptop and start browsing the web.
  14. ---- 6 HOURS LATER ----
  16. "Well, it's evening already and it's time to stream." You think. You open up OBS, you open YouTube and start the stream. Finally, you're live and you say your greeting "Konpeko, konpeko, konpeko!" You tell your fans that you're going to play one of your favorite games, "Fairytale" by Oasis.
  18. Suddenly, something unexpected happens. You look around and unfortunat-
  19. ---- TO BE CONTINUED ----
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