
~1300 Personality Adjectives

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. able
  2. abrasive
  3. abrupt
  4. absent-minded
  5. abusive
  6. accepting
  7. accessible
  8. accident-prone
  9. accommodating
  10. accomplished
  11. accountable
  12. accurate
  13. action-oriented
  14. active
  15. adaptable
  16. admirable
  17. adventuresome
  18. adventurous
  19. aesthetic
  20. affable
  21. affected
  22. affectionate
  23. affirming
  24. afraid
  25. aggressive
  26. agnostic
  27. agonizing
  28. agreeable
  29. aimless
  30. airy
  31. alert
  32. allocentric
  33. alluring
  34. alone
  35. aloof
  36. altruistic
  37. ambitious
  38. amiable
  39. amicable
  40. amoral
  41. amusing
  42. anal-retentive
  43. analytical
  44. angry
  45. animated
  46. annoyed
  47. annoying
  48. anticipative
  49. antisocial
  50. anxious
  51. apathetic
  52. apologetic
  53. appreciative
  54. apprehensive
  55. approachable
  56. arbitrary
  57. argumentative
  58. aristocratic
  59. arrogant
  60. artful
  61. articulate
  62. artificial
  63. artistic
  64. ascetic
  65. asocial
  66. aspiring
  67. assertive
  68. astigmatic
  69. astonished
  70. atheistic
  71. athletic
  72. attentive
  73. attractive
  74. audacious
  75. austere
  76. authentic
  77. authoritarian
  78. authoritative
  79. available
  80. average
  81. aware
  82. awkward
  83. babyish
  84. bad
  85. balanced
  86. barbaric
  87. bashful
  88. belligerent
  89. benevolent
  90. bewildered
  91. big-headed
  92. big-thinking
  93. bitchy
  94. bizarre
  95. bland
  96. blasé
  97. blue
  98. blunt
  99. boastful
  100. boisterous
  101. bold
  102. bone-idle
  103. boorish
  104. bored
  105. boring
  106. bossy
  107. boyish
  108. bragging
  109. brainy
  110. brave
  111. brazen
  112. breezy
  113. bright
  114. brilliant
  115. brittle
  116. broad-minded
  117. brutal
  118. brutish
  119. businesslike
  120. busy
  121. calculating
  122. callous
  123. calm
  124. candid
  125. cantankerous
  126. capable
  127. captivating
  128. carefree
  129. careful
  130. careless
  131. caring
  132. casual
  133. caustic
  134. cautious
  135. cerebral
  136. challenge-loving
  137. challenging
  138. changeable
  139. chaotic
  140. charismatic
  141. charitable
  142. charming
  143. charmless
  144. chaste
  145. cheerful
  146. childish
  147. choosy
  148. chummy
  149. circumspect
  150. civilized
  151. classy
  152. clean
  153. clean-cut
  154. clear-headed
  155. clever
  156. clinging
  157. clownish
  158. clumsy
  159. coarse
  160. cocky
  161. cognizant
  162. cold
  163. cold-hearted
  164. colorful
  165. colorless
  166. comforting
  167. comical
  168. committed
  169. communicative
  170. companionable
  171. compassionate
  172. competent
  173. competitive
  174. complacent
  175. complaining
  176. complaintive
  177. complex
  178. compliant
  179. composed
  180. compulsive
  181. conceited
  182. concerned
  183. conciliatory
  184. condemnatory
  185. condescending
  186. confident
  187. confidential
  188. conforming
  189. conformist
  190. confrontational
  191. confused
  192. congenial
  193. conscientious
  194. conservative
  195. considerate
  196. consistent
  197. constant
  198. constructive
  199. contemplative
  200. contemptible
  201. content
  202. contented
  203. contradictory
  204. contrite
  205. controlling
  206. conventional
  207. convincing
  208. convivial
  209. cool-headed
  210. cooperative
  211. cordial
  212. courageous
  213. courteous
  214. coward
  215. cowardly
  216. crafty
  217. cranky
  218. crass
  219. crazy
  220. creative
  221. criminal
  222. crisp
  223. critical
  224. cross
  225. crude
  226. cruel
  227. cultured
  228. cunning
  229. curious
  230. cute
  231. cynical
  232. daffy
  233. dainty
  234. dangerous
  235. daring
  236. dark
  237. dauntless
  238. daydreamer
  239. debonair
  240. decadent
  241. deceitful
  242. decent
  243. deceptive
  244. decisive
  245. dedicated
  246. deep
  247. deferential
  248. defiant
  249. deliberate
  250. delicate
  251. demanding
  252. dependable
  253. dependent
  254. depressed
  255. desiccated
  256. desperate
  257. despicable
  258. despondent
  259. destructive
  260. detached
  261. determined
  262. devious
  263. devoted
  264. difficult
  265. dignified
  266. diligent
  267. dim-witted
  268. diplomatic
  269. direct
  270. directed
  271. dirty
  272. disaffected
  273. disagreeable
  274. discerning
  275. disciplined
  276. disconcerting
  277. discontent
  278. discontented
  279. discouraged
  280. discouraging
  281. discourteous
  282. discreet
  283. discriminating
  284. disgusting
  285. dishonest
  286. dishonorable
  287. disillusioned
  288. dislikeable
  289. disloyal
  290. dismayed
  291. disobedient
  292. disorderly
  293. disorganized
  294. disparaging
  295. disputatious
  296. disrespectful
  297. disruptive
  298. dissatisfied
  299. dissolute
  300. dissonant
  301. distant
  302. distractable
  303. distraught
  304. distressed
  305. distrustful
  306. disturbed
  307. disturbing
  308. dogmatic
  309. dominating
  310. domineering
  311. doubtful
  312. dowdy
  313. down-hearted
  314. downtrodden
  315. dramatic
  316. dreamy
  317. driving
  318. droll
  319. dry
  320. dull
  321. dumb
  322. dutiful
  323. dynamic
  324. eager
  325. earnest
  326. earthy
  327. easily discouraged
  328. easy-going
  329. ebullient
  330. eccentric
  331. eclectic
  332. educated
  333. effective
  334. effeminate
  335. effervescent
  336. efficient
  337. egocentric
  338. egotistic
  339. egotistical
  340. elegant
  341. eloquent
  342. elusive
  343. embarrassed
  344. embittered
  345. emotional
  346. empathetic
  347. encouraging
  348. energetic
  349. enervated
  350. engaged
  351. enigmatic
  352. enterprising
  353. entertaining
  354. enthused
  355. enthusiastic
  356. envious
  357. equable
  358. equitable
  359. erratic
  360. escapist
  361. ethical
  362. evil
  363. exacting
  364. exaggerated
  365. excessive
  366. excitable
  367. excited
  368. exciting
  369. exotic
  370. expedient
  371. experienced
  372. experimental
  373. expressive
  374. extraordinary
  375. extravagant
  376. extreme
  377. extroverted
  378. exuberant
  379. facetious
  380. fair
  381. fair-minded
  382. faithful
  383. faithless
  384. false
  385. familial
  386. fanatical
  387. fanciful
  388. fancy
  389. far-sighted
  390. fashionable
  391. fatalistic
  392. fault-finding
  393. fawning
  394. fearful
  395. fearless
  396. feisty
  397. felicific
  398. ferocious
  399. fickle
  400. fidelious
  401. fidgety
  402. fierce
  403. fiery
  404. finicky
  405. firm
  406. fixed
  407. flamboyant
  408. flexible
  409. flippant
  410. flirtatious
  411. flustered
  412. focused
  413. folksy
  414. foolhardy
  415. foolish
  416. forceful
  417. forgetful
  418. forgiving
  419. formal
  420. forthright
  421. fortunate
  422. forward
  423. foul
  424. fragile
  425. frank
  426. fraudulent
  427. free-wheeling
  428. free-thinking
  429. fresh
  430. friendly
  431. frightened
  432. frightening
  433. frigid
  434. frivolous
  435. frugal
  436. frustrated
  437. fun-loving
  438. funny
  439. furious
  440. fussy
  441. gallant
  442. garrulous
  443. gaudy
  444. gay
  445. generous
  446. gentle
  447. genuine
  448. giddy
  449. gives up easily
  450. giving
  451. glamorous
  452. gloomy
  453. glum
  454. goal-oriented
  455. godly
  456. good
  457. good-humored
  458. good-natured
  459. good-tempered
  460. gossipy
  461. graceful
  462. graceless
  463. gracious
  464. grand
  465. grandiose
  466. grateful
  467. greedy
  468. gregarious
  469. grim
  470. grotesque
  471. grouchy
  472. grumpy
  473. guileless
  474. guilty
  475. gullible
  476. haggard
  477. happy
  478. hard-hearted
  479. hard-working
  480. hardy
  481. harried
  482. harsh
  483. hateful
  484. haughty
  485. headstrong
  486. healthy
  487. heartbroken
  488. heartless
  489. hearty
  490. hedonistic
  491. helpful
  492. helpless
  493. heroic
  494. hesitant
  495. hidebound
  496. high-handed
  497. high-minded
  498. high-spirited
  499. high-strung
  500. holy
  501. honest
  502. honorable
  503. hopeful
  504. hopeless
  505. hospitable
  506. hostile
  507. hot-headed
  508. hot-tempered
  509. humble
  510. humorless
  511. humorous
  512. hurried
  513. hypnotic
  514. hypochondriacal
  515. hypocritical
  516. hysterical
  517. iconoclastic
  518. idealistic
  519. idiosyncratic
  520. idiotic
  521. ignorant
  522. ill-bred
  523. ill-mannered
  524. ill-tempered
  525. illogical
  526. imaginative
  527. imitative
  528. immaculate
  529. immature
  530. immobile
  531. immodest
  532. impartial
  533. impassive
  534. impatient
  535. impeccable
  536. impersonal
  537. impolite
  538. impractical
  539. impressionable
  540. impressive
  541. imprudent
  542. impudent
  543. impulsive
  544. inaccurate
  545. inactive
  546. inattentive
  547. incisive
  548. incoherent
  549. incompetent
  550. inconsiderate
  551. inconsistent
  552. incorruptible
  553. incurious
  554. indecisive
  555. independent
  556. indifferent
  557. indiscreet
  558. indiscriminate
  559. individualistic
  560. indolent
  561. indulgent
  562. industrious
  563. inefficient
  564. inept
  565. inert
  566. inexperienced
  567. infantile
  568. inflexible
  569. informal
  570. informed
  571. ingenious
  572. inhibited
  573. inhumane
  574. inimitable
  575. innocent
  576. innovative
  577. inoffensive
  578. inquisitive
  579. insecure
  580. insensitive
  581. insightful
  582. insincere
  583. insipid
  584. insistent
  585. insolent
  586. insouciant
  587. insulting
  588. intellectual
  589. intelligent
  590. intense
  591. interesting
  592. interfering
  593. intimidating
  594. intolerant
  595. intrepid
  596. introspective
  597. introverted
  598. intuitive
  599. inventive
  600. invisible
  601. invulnerable
  602. irascible
  603. irrational
  604. irreligious
  605. irresponsible
  606. irreverent
  607. irritable
  608. irritating
  609. jealous
  610. jolly
  611. jovial
  612. joyful
  613. judgemental
  614. jumpy
  615. just
  616. keen
  617. kind
  618. kind-hearted
  619. kindly
  620. knowledgeable
  621. lackadaisical
  622. languid
  623. lascivious
  624. lazy
  625. leaderly
  626. left-brain
  627. leisurely
  628. lethargic
  629. level-headed
  630. lewd
  631. liberal
  632. libidinous
  633. licentious
  634. lifeless
  635. light
  636. light-hearted
  637. likeable
  638. limited
  639. listless
  640. literary
  641. lively
  642. logical
  643. lonely
  644. lonesome
  645. loquacious
  646. loud
  647. loud-mouthed
  648. lovable
  649. loves challenge
  650. loving
  651. loyal
  652. lucky
  653. lyrical
  654. machiavellian
  655. macho
  656. magnanimous
  657. maladjusted
  658. malicious
  659. maniacal
  660. manipulative
  661. mannerless
  662. mannered
  663. mannerly
  664. many-sided
  665. masculine / manly
  666. masochistic
  667. materialistic
  668. maternal
  669. mathematical
  670. mature
  671. mawkish
  672. mealy-mouthed
  673. mean
  674. mechanical
  675. meddlesome
  676. mediocre
  677. meditative
  678. meek
  679. melancholic
  680. melancholy
  681. mellow
  682. melodramatic
  683. merciful
  684. meretricious
  685. messy
  686. methodical
  687. meticulous
  688. mischievous
  689. miserable
  690. miserly
  691. misfit
  692. misguided
  693. mistaken
  694. moderate
  695. modern
  696. modest
  697. money-minded
  698. monstrous
  699. moody
  700. moral
  701. moralistic
  702. morbid
  703. muddle-headed
  704. multi-levelled
  705. mundane
  706. mysterious
  707. mystical
  708. nagging
  709. naive
  710. narcissistic
  711. narrow-minded
  712. nasty
  713. natty
  714. naughty
  715. naïve
  716. neat
  717. negative
  718. neglectful
  719. negligent
  720. nervous
  721. neurotic
  722. neutral
  723. nice
  724. nihilistic
  725. noble
  726. noisy
  727. non-authoritarian
  728. non-committal
  729. non-committing
  730. non-competitive
  731. nonchalant
  732. nonconforming
  733. normal
  734. nosey
  735. nostalgic
  736. nurturing
  737. obedient
  738. obese
  739. objective
  740. obliging
  741. obnoxious
  742. obscene
  743. obsequious
  744. observant
  745. obsessive
  746. obstinate
  747. obvious
  748. odd
  749. offensive
  750. offhand
  751. old-fashioned
  752. one-dimensional
  753. one-sided
  754. open
  755. open-minded
  756. opinionated
  757. opportunistic
  758. optimistic
  759. orderly
  760. ordinary
  761. organized
  762. original
  763. ornery
  764. outgoing
  765. outrageous
  766. outspoken
  767. outstanding
  768. over-imaginative
  769. overbearing
  770. overcautious
  771. overconfident
  772. overcritical
  773. overemotional
  774. oversensitive
  775. painstaking
  776. pandemonious
  777. paranoid
  778. parsimonious
  779. passionate
  780. passive
  781. paternalistic
  782. patient
  783. patriotic
  784. patronizing
  785. peaceful
  786. pedantic
  787. pensive
  788. perceptive
  789. perfectionistic
  790. perseverant
  791. persevering
  792. persistent
  793. personable
  794. persuasive
  795. pert
  796. perverse
  797. perverted
  798. pessimistic
  799. petty
  800. petulant
  801. pharisaical
  802. philanthropic
  803. philosophical
  804. phlegmatic
  805. phony
  806. physical
  807. picky
  808. pioneering
  809. pious
  810. pitiful
  811. placid
  812. plain
  813. planful
  814. playful
  815. pleasant
  816. pleasing
  817. plodding
  818. plucky
  819. poised
  820. polished
  821. polite
  822. political
  823. pompous
  824. popular
  825. positive
  826. possessive
  827. power-hungry
  828. powerful
  829. practical
  830. precise
  831. predatory
  832. predictable
  833. prejudiced
  834. preoccupied
  835. presumptuous
  836. pretentious
  837. pretty
  838. prideful
  839. prim
  840. primitive
  841. principled
  842. private
  843. pro-active
  844. procrastinating
  845. productive
  846. profane
  847. proficient
  848. profligate
  849. profound
  850. progressive
  851. promiscuous
  852. prompt
  853. proper
  854. prosaic
  855. protean
  856. protective
  857. proud
  858. provident
  859. providential
  860. provocative
  861. prudent
  862. psychopathic
  863. psychotic
  864. pugnacious
  865. punctilious
  866. punctual
  867. pure
  868. puritanical
  869. purposeful
  870. purposeless
  871. pushy
  872. pusillanimous
  873. puzzled
  874. quarrelsome
  875. questioning
  876. quick-tempered
  877. quick-witted
  878. quiet
  879. quirky
  880. quixotic
  881. radical
  882. rambunctious
  883. rash
  884. rational
  885. reactionary
  886. reactive
  887. realistic
  888. reasonable
  889. rebellious
  890. reckless
  891. reclusive
  892. refined
  893. reflective
  894. regimental
  895. regretful
  896. relaxed
  897. reliable
  898. relieved
  899. religious
  900. remorseful
  901. remote
  902. repentant
  903. repressed
  904. repugnant
  905. repulsive
  906. resentful
  907. reserved
  908. resigned
  909. resilient
  910. resourceful
  911. respectable
  912. respectful
  913. responsible
  914. responsive
  915. restless
  916. restrained
  917. reverential
  918. rich
  919. ridiculous
  920. righteous
  921. rigid
  922. risk-taking
  923. ritualistic
  924. romantic
  925. rough
  926. rough-around-the-edges
  927. rowdy
  928. rude
  929. ruined
  930. rustic
  931. ruthless
  932. sad
  933. sadistic
  934. safe
  935. sage
  936. saintly
  937. sanctimonious
  938. sane
  939. sarcastic
  940. sassy
  941. satirical
  942. satisfied
  943. saucy
  944. saving
  945. savvy
  946. scared
  947. scatty
  948. scheming
  949. scholarly
  950. scientific
  951. scolding
  952. scornful
  953. scrupulous
  954. secretive
  955. secure
  956. sedate
  957. sedentary
  958. self-absorbed
  959. self-assured
  960. self-centered
  961. self-conceited
  962. self-concerned
  963. self-confident
  964. self-conscious
  965. self-contented
  966. self-controlled
  967. self-controlling
  968. self-critical
  969. self-defacing
  970. self-denying
  971. self-disciplined
  972. self-effacing
  973. self-indulgent
  974. self-possessed
  975. self-reliant
  976. self-righteous
  977. self-satisfied
  978. self-sufficient
  979. selfish
  980. selfless
  981. senile
  982. sensible
  983. sensitive
  984. sensual
  985. sentimental
  986. seraphic
  987. serene
  988. serious
  989. sexy
  990. shallow
  991. sharing
  992. sharp
  993. sharp-witted
  994. sheepish
  995. shiftless
  996. short-sighted
  997. short-tempered
  998. showy
  999. shrewd
  1000. shy
  1001. silent
  1002. silly
  1003. simple
  1004. simple-minded
  1005. sincere
  1006. single-minded
  1007. skeptical / sceptical
  1008. skilful / skillful
  1009. skilled
  1010. sleazy
  1011. sloppy
  1012. slovenly
  1013. slow
  1014. sluggish
  1015. sly
  1016. small-thinking
  1017. smart
  1018. smooth
  1019. smug
  1020. sneaky
  1021. snobbish
  1022. snobby
  1023. sober
  1024. sociable
  1025. social
  1026. soft
  1027. soft-headed
  1028. soft-hearted
  1029. soft-spoken
  1030. solemn
  1031. solid
  1032. solitary
  1033. sophisticated
  1034. sordid
  1035. sorry
  1036. sparing
  1037. spirited
  1038. spiritual
  1039. spiteful
  1040. spoiled
  1041. spontaneous
  1042. sporting
  1043. sportsmanlike
  1044. squeamish
  1045. stable
  1046. steadfast
  1047. steady
  1048. steely
  1049. sterile
  1050. stern
  1051. stiff
  1052. stingy
  1053. stoic
  1054. stoical
  1055. stolid
  1056. straight-laced
  1057. straightforward
  1058. strange
  1059. strict
  1060. strong-minded
  1061. strong-willed
  1062. stubborn
  1063. studious
  1064. stupid
  1065. stylish
  1066. suave
  1067. subjective
  1068. submissive
  1069. subtle
  1070. successful
  1071. sullen
  1072. supercilious
  1073. superficial
  1074. superstitious
  1075. supportive
  1076. surly
  1077. surprising
  1078. suspicious
  1079. sweet
  1080. sympathetic
  1081. systematic
  1082. taciturn
  1083. tactful
  1084. tactless
  1085. talented
  1086. talkative
  1087. tardy
  1088. tasteful
  1089. tasteless
  1090. teacherly
  1091. telepathic
  1092. temperamental
  1093. temperate
  1094. tenacious
  1095. tender
  1096. tense
  1097. tentative
  1098. terrified
  1099. thankful
  1100. theatrical
  1101. thievish
  1102. thorough
  1103. thoughtful
  1104. thoughtless
  1105. thrifty
  1106. thrilled
  1107. thrilling
  1108. tidy
  1109. timid
  1110. tired
  1111. tireless
  1112. tiresome
  1113. tolerant
  1114. tomboyish
  1115. touchy
  1116. tough
  1117. tractable
  1118. traitorous
  1119. transparent
  1120. treacherous
  1121. trendy
  1122. trivial
  1123. troubled
  1124. troublesome
  1125. truculent
  1126. trustful
  1127. trusting
  1128. trustworthy
  1129. truthful
  1130. tyrannical
  1131. ultra-critical
  1132. unaccommodating
  1133. unadventurous
  1134. unaggressive
  1135. unagreeable
  1136. unambitious
  1137. unappealing
  1138. unappreciative
  1139. unapproachable
  1140. unassuming
  1141. unaware
  1142. uncaring
  1143. unceremonious
  1144. unchanging
  1145. uncharitable
  1146. uncivil
  1147. unclean
  1148. uncommunicative
  1149. uncomplaining
  1150. uncompromising
  1151. unconcerned
  1152. uncongenial
  1153. uncontrolled
  1154. unconventional
  1155. unconvincing
  1156. uncooperative
  1157. uncoordinated
  1158. uncouth
  1159. uncreative
  1160. uncritical
  1161. unctuous
  1162. uncultured
  1163. undecided
  1164. undemanding
  1165. undependable
  1166. underhanded
  1167. understanding
  1168. undisciplined
  1169. undogmatic
  1170. uneducated
  1171. uneasy
  1172. unemotional
  1173. unenterprising
  1174. unentertaining
  1175. unenthusiastic
  1176. unethical
  1177. unfair
  1178. unfathomable
  1179. unfoolable
  1180. unforgiving
  1181. unfriendly
  1182. ungraceful
  1183. ungracious
  1184. ungrateful
  1185. unhappy
  1186. unhurried
  1187. unimaginative
  1188. unimpressive
  1189. unindustrious
  1190. uninhibited
  1191. uninquisitive
  1192. uninspiring
  1193. unintellectual
  1194. unintelligent
  1195. uninteresting
  1196. unkind
  1197. unkindly
  1198. unlovable
  1199. unlucky
  1200. unmerciful
  1201. unmethodical
  1202. unmotivated
  1203. unnatural
  1204. unobliging
  1205. unobservant
  1206. unoriginal
  1207. unpatriotic
  1208. unpleasant
  1209. unpleasing
  1210. unpoised
  1211. unpolished
  1212. unpopular
  1213. unpredictable
  1214. unprincipled
  1215. unproductive
  1216. unpunctual
  1217. unrealistic
  1218. unreasonable
  1219. unrefined
  1220. unreflective
  1221. unreliable
  1222. unreligious
  1223. unrestrained
  1224. unromantic
  1225. unruly
  1226. unscrupulous
  1227. unselfish
  1228. unsentimental
  1229. unskilled
  1230. unsociable
  1231. unsocial
  1232. unsophisticated
  1233. unsporting
  1234. unsportsmanlike
  1235. unstable
  1236. unstudious
  1237. unsuitable
  1238. unsympathetic
  1239. unsystematic
  1240. untidy
  1241. untiring
  1242. untrustworthy
  1243. untruthful
  1244. unwise
  1245. upright
  1246. upset
  1247. urbane
  1248. useful
  1249. vacant
  1250. vacuous
  1251. vague
  1252. vain
  1253. valiant
  1254. venal
  1255. vengeful
  1256. venomous
  1257. venturesome
  1258. verbose
  1259. versatile
  1260. vigorous
  1261. vindictive
  1262. violent
  1263. virtuous
  1264. vivacious
  1265. vulgar
  1266. vulnerable
  1267. warm
  1268. warm-hearted
  1269. wasteful
  1270. weak
  1271. weak-willed
  1272. weird
  1273. well-bred
  1274. well-groomed
  1275. well-mannered
  1276. well-meaning
  1277. well-read
  1278. well-rounded
  1279. well-spoken
  1280. whimsical
  1281. wholesome
  1282. wicked
  1283. wild
  1284. wilful
  1285. willing
  1286. winning
  1287. wise
  1288. wishful
  1289. wishy-washy
  1290. withdrawing
  1291. withdrawn
  1292. witty
  1293. wordy
  1294. worldly
  1295. worried
  1296. worrying
  1297. wrong
  1298. youthful
  1299. zany
  1300. zealous
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