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Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. {
  2. "embed": {
  3. "title": "**Main Points about Salvaging**",
  4. "description": "Deciding what to salvage and which kit to use depends mostly of the quality of the item:",
  5. "color": 4881008,
  6. "fields": [
  7. {
  8. "name": "**Anything that isn't Yellow (Rare), Orange (Exotic) or Pink/Purple (Ascended/Legendary)**",
  9. "value": "Salvage with a [Basic Salvage Kit]( or a [Copper-Fed Salvage Kit](",
  10. "inline": false
  11. },
  12. {
  13. "name": "**Yellow (Rare)**",
  14. "value": "Salvage with a [Master Salvage Kit](, a [Mystic Salvage Kit](, or a [Silver-Fed Kit](",
  15. "inline": false
  16. },
  17. {
  18. "name": "**Orange (Exotic)**",
  19. "value": "Check the TP price. If it's 1 <:gold:231445206413606913>+ or worth more than [Glob of Ectoplasm]( (see note), most people will sell it on TP. Unless you want the skin, recommend selling it.\nTo get the skin, salvage it or equip it.\nUse a [Black Lion Salvage Kit]( if it has a valuable rune/sigil in it, or it can be salvaged into something worth selling.\nUse a [Master]([Mystic]( Kit if that's not an option. *[**WARNING:** See Precursor notes below]*",
  20. "inline": false
  21. },
  22. {
  23. "name": "**Pink (Ascended) / Purples (Legendary)**",
  24. "value": "These are endgame gear.\nPink is the only one you can possibly get by random chance. Purples must be crafted/bought.\nYou can salvage the pink ones using a [Ascended Salvage Kit]([Tool](, but I'd recommend holding on to them until you better understand the game and know what you want to do with them.",
  25. "inline": false
  26. },
  27. {
  28. "name": "** **",
  29. "value": "** **",
  30. "inline": false
  31. },
  32. {
  33. "name": "**Notes**",
  34. "value": "*• **Precursors** are orange (Exotics) that have a very large gold value due to their necessity to craft certain purples (Legendary), it will be in the tooltip, do not accidentally salvage/discard/equip/sell these.*\n\n*• Anything below level 68, including yellows (Rares) can be salvaged with a Basic Salvage Kit (or Copper-Fed) as they do not provide Glob of Ectoplasm.*\n\n*• Glob of Ectoplasm is a valuable material, yielded by salvaging yellow and orange gear above level 68. If the item worth less than Ecto, salvage with Master/Mystic/Black Lion Kit, otherwise sell the item on TP.*\n\n*• Purples (Legendary) are mostly cosmetic/utility. Pinks (Ascended) are the more commonly used endgame gear.*\n\n*• If you want a keep a rune/sigil you have to salvage it with a Black Lion Salvage Kit, otherwise it will be salvaged as well.*",
  35. "inline": false
  36. }
  37. ]
  38. }
  39. }
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