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Jan 15th, 2019
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  1. 23:18:05 [Seolfr whispers to Seolfr] wark
  3. 23:19:12 harddrugs enters this room
  5. 23:19:42 [PoorWill] There is a lithe young lady, tawny coloring flecked with the blue of her favorite dyes, sharpening her claw on a bit of whetstone in order to more carefully apply the feathers to the arrows "The iron have yer standard cock and hen one and two." She rolls up, comically small compared to the crocodile monstrosity with the toothy grin. "But these ones we just got, only the five, but...Quetzalcoatl arrows. Scale for a head, slices the air like it wants to get in the target. Rainbow feathers, let you take credit for the kill...Good if you want broadheads. Got some bodkins too, if you're hitting at plate." Of Dwarven make, like weighty brass. The lizardman snaps fingers with excitement, and it's clear that only his size and choice to remain armed carry threat. "Has Ser tried chewin' root? Neem tree provides the finest flavor for when your jaw aches but your belly doesn't require ssssooomething."
  7. 23:26:41 [Seolfr] "That does make sense. Kordston, on the coast as it is, may as well be a melting pot like dwarven fondue; throw anything in it and it can find a home. It must have been quite a shock to you, when you first arrived, no?" Fewer races and being landlocked work together to paint a picture of Cairy's own nation that he's...still rather curious about, actually. "Indeed, only two; both island nations to the north and west." No doubt the roaming travellers have set foot upon all manner of sands, so to speak. He flashes a grin to see her nose all scrunched. "The marriage was...a trial, if I'm honest. Somehow I caught the boquet, and then the next few months were all..." The feline trails off with a shake of his head. Now his nose is scrunched, lending him a briefly childish look that suits him poorly. He'd gotten teased about being destined for domesticity for quite a while after that.
  9. 23:26:44 [Seolfr] "As do I! For example; did you know that across the sea, there's a land so categorically poor in mana most people need study for decades to do even simple spells; but to counter this, they've delved deeply into the sciences; they've almost figured a way to make an airship work without magic. Can you imagine?" Joy and excitement mingle in his eyes. Just the thought of easy air travel. How different the world would be. "Chewing, actually I cannot say I've ever had the opportunity. I am open to try it; if you've some available." So long as it meets the right prerequisite bits of dignity, he'll try just about anything once. And especially if it means the huge reptilian stays happy.
  11. 23:39:31 [Cairy] "A little bit. I've seen a lot - and been a lot of big melting pot type places - but...Kordston is more welcoming, seems like." She shrugged, lifted a hand to toy with her ponytail for a moment, and then released it. "To be honest, though, when you get deep into the adventuring stuff, things stop being surprising so much as you sort of think "oh well I've seen something like this"...or in some cases "well I've seen weirder."" She laughed. And fixed him with a more attentive look as he began to explain about the wedding. Somehow I caught the bouquet. Her eyes widened, and she fought a fit of giggles as she studied him. "I've only been to a couple of weddings. Most of 'em were farmgirls in Danton, but one really big one in Westervale. That all nobility have those giant affairs where the whole kingdom practically shows up? It was a lot." She shook her head. He latched onto their shared love of stories, and she grinned in excitement as the words did you know came out –
  13. 23:39:38 [Cairy] -- of his mouth. When he explained about the society with so little mana that they'd become tinkerers, her eyes widened - and then she hesitated, thinking. "Sort Oswin? And his mechanical construct? Though I don't know how much of that is mana, really. But a whole airship? Without magic?" The joy and excitement in his eyes was mimicked somewhat in hers, as well as an almost starry-eyed disbelief at the possibility. "That would be a sight. I'd love to ride on one some day! Even though flying scares me a bit. A feathered elf helped me get to Kordston actually. She offered to fly me...but..." A shiver ran through her and she shook her head. And then even Ciel had offered to fly her on that...flying...staff...thing. Yeah no thank you. But an airship...Her attention shifted to the tawny colored lady - and for a moment Cairy simply admired her coloring before thinking to reply about the arrows. "Well...Rainbow feathers' would certainly make 'em easier to retrieve. I usually just --
  15. 23:39:44 [Cairy] -- make my own...but these are quite lovely." She admitted, worrying her bottom lip in curiosity and thought. "We might be dealing with plate, too...Bodkins may be good. I have some but I don't feel like I have quite enough..." She admitted. The easiest way to get the farmgirl to spend money was to offer her pretty arrows that could handle specific situations. She didn't collect things - but she did appreciate well crafted arrows.
  17. 23:41:56 Cairy exits from this room
  19. 00:01:57 Anbrak exits from this room
  21. 00:06:48 [PoorWill] The lizardman grins, or at least manages the nearest approximation that doesn't scream 'you could be dinner if your manners dip'. "Sssser wissshes a sssample." The axe is pulled and a good finger length of a root offered after the sort of whack that leaves the ground feeling a little less solid than it had been mere seconds prior. The taste of the root is balanced precariously between aniseed and mustard. An interesting sort of bite, which seems somehow fitting given the tooth-protecting properties upon which the lizardman expounds. "Sssstrong teeth, friend. An excellent choice for the man who wishes to try new grooming sssstandards." The fletcher smiles at the promise of a sale. "Arrows don't go bad. Even if you only need take down one big'un in splint mail today, you can't be sure that tomorrow you won't be counting blessings and prayers for strong Dwarfcraft against steel." To illustrate her point, she pluck a sheet of well abused metal from some discarded half-plate and punctures the bodkin through with
  23. 00:07:58 [PoorWill] relative ease. "Chain, plate, even with an arming doublet underneath. Dwarves know the heavy stuff, and a handful of these might help you sleep better than a few helpings of rum. But this one has rum too, if the lady wants to testing her aim."
  25. 00:11:19 [Seolfr] "Yes; I suppose an adventuring career does tend to. . . not dull ones' senses but leave expectations tempered so that simple things aren't nearly as big a shock as they could be." He knows that look! The look of someone trying not to have a giggle at his expense! Far from offended, he chuckles under his breath. "Yes, yes; it is preordained by the whims of fate that I find some manner of domesticity. I've heard it all." From everyone except his parents, actually, whom surprisingly do not have a list of political and financial marriages handy that he's roaming the world like a murderous hobo to avoid. Few want to marry into a pride of Kingsguards, it sees. "Oh, gods yes. I believe the Groom's family alone managed to convince people of ten different city-states to attend, despite being involved in a tradewar at the time. When nobility marries...few expenses are spared." By his tone, it sounds like 'Sil isn't too fond of massive events and ceremonies.
  27. 00:11:21 [Seolfr] What he IS fond of, however, is stories. With her mirroring his own excitement, he can't help but smile. "I'd also delight in the opportunity to ride in one. I've been flying before, but never at the height of an airship. Just think; if one could travel over the myriad swamps and mucklands of the southern reaches, what new lands await?" New people; magics, sights. He'll find a way to get one of those things, some day. That much he's certain of. Strong teeth are important; he's seen first hand what happens to those who take poor care of their chompers; naturally he takes the offered piece and chews thoughtfully. His expression turns from 'this is new' to 'this is weird' to 'this is foul' to 'actually this is pretty decent'. "...You've secured a sale, Ser. I'm quite glad you brought this up."
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