
To defend one's home

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. [08:47] Reunan stood in the swampland on patrol, a small banner in the ground at his side with the insignia of crafthold. It was his duty to protect the people of crafthold from threats, both from within and without. His body clad in full plated armor, his tail the only thing that could be seen beneath it's bulk, swaying to and fro slowly as he did what he did best, protect.
  3. Spotting a member of Deseti's populous he widened his stance and reached for his sword, the closer the male would get, the more he would express that in so many words -none at all- He would go no further.
  5. A pulse of power emanates from the male, a warm feeling that all would be safe, all would be protected by a dear old friend. He stood and waited for the male to make the first move.
  6. (Reunan Volos)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [08:54] Seeing that he was intercepted by what looks like a commoner, he hesitates to draw his blade.. but upon further inspection, there was a chunk of armor, an experienced way he held his blade.. Sheer power deriving from the individual.
  11. "A challenge.. Then. Prepare yourself."
  13. Vines wiggled by the La'Heba's side, almost seeming to dance aggressively around the Sarradian. As if it cannot wait to snap and pierce through the opponent's armor.
  15. "Here I come."
  17. Without any more words to be spoken, Shezmu charged towards the man, blade in hand.
  18. (Shezmu La'Heba)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [08:59] ** Shezmu La'Heba has inflicted an injury upon Reunan Volos. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  22. [09:16] "Take this!"
  24. With speeds enhanced by the power of wind, Shezmu charged directly towards Reunan just before delivering a powerful kick towards his torso, which definitely sent him off of his feet. It was a wrap for his opponent now, a clear opening was revealed to Shezmu's flaming irises.
  26. As the man flew, everything was done in a quick succession. The La'Heba placed the both of his hands together, creating a lightning of chaining effects, allowing it to surge throughout the both of his arms. Its strength grew stronger and stronger in the matter of a single second or two.
  28. "Chain Lightning!"
  30. The La'Heba tilted the both of his arms forward, exerting a powerful force of lightning to travel through the air, hitting turns left to right as if it was being steered, until it finally reached Reunan.
  32. A direct hit!
  34. Though it was a bad target.. The lightning exploded against his arm, creating a large scar that released blood along with it. A devastating injury but fortunately for Shezmu's opponenent, he was able to escape with his life this time due to the distance of knockback.
  36. "Hmf… On to the next."
  38. Once more, the man was out of range to pursue but it did not bother him one bit. They were all to meet their demise one day..
  40. Shezmu rotated on his heels, returning back towards the trees, probably in search for another victim.
  41. (Shezmu La'Heba)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [09:27] Reunan had that sort of luck it seems, taking punishment after punishment for one cause or another yet still keep standing and protecting that which he found worth protecting.
  46. His connection to the earth was severed quickly with the blast of air, though his connection to his inner command of protection held firm. As he flew through the air and heard the crackle of electricity forming, he found himself facing the lightning as it came at him. This angered the ookami, every fight he had ever been in was a loss save for a fight that should have never occurred.
  48. His body pulsed with feral power as his movements hastened midair, doing the most he could do in such a circumstance. His right hand moved from it's current position with adrenalin pumping, and up it went to try to grab the bolt of lightning out of the sky, a sphere of golden energy starting to form around his palm, only for the lightning to seek to it like a conduit, wracking up his arm like a blade barely turned.
  50. His hand flew back away from the blast, flinging him into a nearby tree. He only had one option, as always. His adrenalin still pumping, he kicked off the tree back towards the main city of crafthold deeper in the jungle in a display of power lacking natural speed.
  52. The banner lie toppled in the dirt, no doubt others would seek to fight him when weakened, he would need to change that before returning to the fray.
  53. (Reunan Volos)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [15:10] Reunan sat in the swamp next to a banner representing crafthold, his body looking to be in tatters. Left arm craft of mythril, his right twitching in pain. His right leg was severed and the boy seemed to be lacking any visible weaponry. His armor was in shambles and his head was downcast.
  60. Upon spotting another fighter from Deseti, he leaned to the side, shaking as he grabbed the banner and pulled himself upright. As upright as he could, his right arm resorting to holding onto the pole for support rather than pushing. The pain was unbearable. All for what? To fight against the will of the gods that decided his home was to be destroyed?
  62. He reaches up and pulls the helmet off his head, his face was haggard, black bags under his eyes showing exhaustion that went beyond the physical.
  64. "You who seek to destroy my home, and the homes of those who I protect.. I will not let you pass.. Turn back now.. while you can. This whole war is pointless, don't you see? People get hurt, good people.. over what? A stone? An ancient feud? What more can you possibly want?"
  66. The man's protective aura seemed dampened, but like that power of the diamond bulwark, it would never be broken, for at his core he would give it all to protect those he cared for. Giving it all was just the beginning, the gods were calling for blood.. the gods needed to be stopped.. His Colossus would stop them.. He just needed this war to be over.
  67. (Reunan Volos)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [15:14] "YAHAHHAHA!"
  72. The dryad would land delicately in the middle of the swamp, emerald eyes peering down upon what appeared to be a heavily injured opponent. Quite the contrast, the olive-haired figure was energetic- happy! Perhaps they didn't understand what was truly going on?
  74. After all, they were a little slow..
  76. "I'm not here to destroy homes, armored one! I'm here to have a good time- now.. Show me what you're made of, yahaha!"
  78. Beautiful flora would sprout from the ground beneath rapidly, beginning to seep out a vile mist! But.. was it really that vile? Nope. All it did was pacify the opponent, making it harder for them to keep up!
  80. The dryad didn't wish to harm anyone!
  82. "I am Ilija! The best dryad to grace the likes of Agartha! Remember my name!"
  83. (Ilija Uezbe)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [15:24] ** Ilija Uezbe has inflicted an injury upon Reunan Volos. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  87. [15:32] It was inevitable. Nobody caught this little fucker. Their reflexes were simply too sharp- though.. they had to admit. The swordsman was very tough, enduring most of the fight! An impressive feat.
  89. ..though, the dryad was still just a novice.
  91. "Yahahha! Nobody beats me! I'm too strong, aha, I'm on a roll! I guess I will leave you with this gift! You fought well- don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!"
  93. The dryad would look around and notice that.. no one was around to even see the fight. Not that they were going to brag about it or anything..
  95. Flora would be left behind, still exuding the high-inducing vapor. It'd leave the wounded ookami in a sense of peace.. And to top it all off?
  97. The holy winds that the dryad conjured would shimmer down from the sky lightly, a soft breeze. Any superficial wounds that Reunan had came across, be it during or before the fight, would find themselves stinging awfully.. for a momentor two.
  99. That is- before healing!
  101. "Yahhaa! Remember the name!"
  103. With that, the dryad would swing their leaf staff gently, causing the illusion that they'd just disappeared into thin air! How neat!
  104. (Ilija Uezbe)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [15:47] Reunan endured the first portion of the fight with little to no care for his own being, standing there next to the flag and embracing head on the blows that came his way. Then he was knocked away from the banner onto back. His instincts kicked into override.
  109. Protect them!
  111. His body seemed to move at an alarming pace, the once hefty ookami making a display of speed one might never think possible for him, his mouth open wide and letting out a growling howl. On three limbs he crashed into the dryad, unarmed with his old trusty weapon. He fought like a feral beast, his eyes even seeming to be glazed over as he knocked the boy back at first.
  113. "Protect them!" His thoughts ran straight to his mouth, all he could do was protect those he cared for, those who showed him kindness and the capacity for good in their hearts.
  115. But the fight was close at the end, something distracted the poor ookami, a stray thought that caught in his eye. Protect this one too? He fought the urge to follow the thought, nearly beating the dryad as unyielding stone crashed through the evasive wind. One small step away from victory in his state as he was knocked then to the ground, breathing heavily from the mist that came forth, left lying on the ground, a still broken mess.
  117. Maybe this mist would help his mood.. Probably not.. but maybe.
  118. (Reunan Volos)
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