

Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat up on Felix's bed that I'm going to pretend exists with the rest of his stuff, her lyric notebook open in front of her with her pen in her hand. Her eyes were turned down into the notebook that was flipped to one of the last pages and half filled with boxed off lyrics to about the middle of the page. // Adam was sitting outside on the front step, his attention fixed on Lady who was running around happily in the front yard with a bright yellow tennis ball in her mouth. Once she was tired of running and being proud of her ball, she darted back over to him and dropped it at his feet. He leaned down, picking up the slimey ball and pulling his arm back, chucking it hard across the yard and sending the dog flying across the lawn after it all over again. // Jade was standing in the kitchen hovering over the coffee pot, happy that they finally had a working kitchen back. She'd pulled down two coffee mugs and set them down on the counter beside the brewing coffee pot, eager for the dark liquid to finish dripping down into the glass pot.-
  2. Covet: Eli was busy putting laundry away after their camping trip, having survived on what he had left for the last couple of days. He didn't have that many things, and with Steph walking off with a handful of items he was limited. But now happy because all clean. "That will have to be the only downside I have to camping. After a while.. everyone needs clean clothes."
  3. Covet: *FELIX
  4. Alexithymiaa: "I don't understand how you don't have more clothes." She spoke in an even tone, barely glancing up from her notebook. She let out a small sigh, scribbling out a line she'd just written before tapping the pen against her jaw. "Like seriously, do I need to take you shopping or something?" // Adam leaned back on the front stairs with his elbows propped behind him as he just watched Lady run in circles being happy. // When the coffee finished brewing, Jade moved the pot over to the two mugs, filling them both up and then replacing the pot in the machine. She pulled down the sugar and creamer for her own coffee, dumping far too much in it and stirring it up, pleased with herself.-
  5. Covet: "Because I'm not a pack rat." He said to her with a laugh, "It's not like I need a lot or anything, either." Felix added. "You can take me shopping I guess, I feel like that's an opening just for you to play Dress up with me." He said looking at her skeptically as he folded and put a shirt away.
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley rode her bike down the road towards OCH. She saw Adam in the distance and her bike wobbled before she went flying into the ground. Hayley got up like it was nothing and limped over to him. "Hey, playing with Lady?" She asked casually. // Thaddeus was on his laptop in his room, watching awesome shows or something before deciding to get up and make his way to the hallway.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, if you can use your ploys, I can use mine. And I promise, if you let me you will only benefit in the long run. So just accept it." She lifted her head from her notebook to smile over at him, settling her pen down in the spine. "So... question. Would you be weirded out if I used you for inspiration for a song?" // Adam's attention shifted from the running dog over to the limping Hayley, his brows furrowing at her. "Yeah... she's been cooped up most of the day. Why are you limping?" // After she finished doctoring the coffee, she picked up both mugs and turned to head to the staircase, making her way upstairs to cross the common area. Moving to Felix's door, she bumped her elbow against the wood a couple of times to makeshift knock since she had a mug of coffee in each hand.-
  8. Covet: "No? Why would I be weirded out, I think that's kind of flattering. Even if it's negative. You're going to write bad things about my hair aren't you... " He said looking over at her. "Or my clothes... I knew it." He narrowed his eyes at her, then heard the knock on his door. "Uh... come in?" He said unsure of who it was but they were both decent so he wasn't all that concerned.
  9. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged her shoulders. "Uhh... No reason. I fell off my bike." She said. "She looks super happy to be outside though." She said hurriedly. // Thaddeus went towards the living room and looked towards the window then lowered his head, turning away towards the kitchen.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I dont know, some people get weird about that kind of stuff. It's just that after camping, I feel like my mind is so much clearer and I've been able to write a lot more. And with recent events, it's just all my ideas are centrally located around the same emotions and feelings." She gave a quick shrug, her eyes glancing to the door to see Jade coming in with the two mugs. She pursed her lips, looking back down into her notebook. // "You fell off your bike?" He repeated, his eyes dropping over her body to look for any obvious damage. "You need to be more careful. You're going to get seriously hurt one day." He relinquished to watching the dog again, nodding his head. "Yeah, she's really been enjoying the nice weather now that I can stand to spend so much time outside with her." // Hearing Felix tell her to come in, Jade pushed the door open with her arm and stepped into the room, holding up the two mugs of coffee. "I brought you some coffee." She stopped when she saw Steph sitting on the bed, her smile fading just a pinch. "Oh... I thought you were alone."-
  11. Covet: "Fair enough, Well I'm honored then." He said with a smile, then looked over to see Jade come in with a mug of coffee for him, "Oh Hey, Thanks. Yeah.. Steph and I are hanging out while I do laundry." He said taking the mug from her, then took an obligitory sip and offered some of it to Steph, right in front of Jade, like it was no big deal. "
  12. Tsaaq: She looked down at her body as well. "I'm fine. I always get hurt." Hayley said nonchalantly. She looked over to Lady and smiled. "Well it's very cute." // Thad went to the fridge and rummaged around inside for no reason really.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Steph forced a smile to Jade because she didnt really like her now after that shit, shaking her head at Felix when he offered her some of the coffee. "I don't sleep as it is. I'm good on the coffee. But thank you." // "Just because you always get hurt doesnt mean you should." He eased off the steps and took a step over to her, dropping his hand onto her shoulder. "I don't want you to always be hurt. Just because you're used to it, doesnt mean it's a good thing." He smiled to her before looking over to Lady who was finally running back toward them, dropping the ball down at their feet for throwings. // Jade walked further into his room, moving to the bed with her own mug to take a seat, nudging Steph's notebook out of her way. "Doing laundry? That's not very exciting. You can't really be having much fun." Laughing, she pushed her hair off her shoulder, watching Felix. "I just thought I owed you coffee since you made me some when we didn't have power."-
  14. Covet: "No problem, just thought I would offer." He said smiling at her, then glancing at Jade as she made it a point that she was going to be staying. " Right...Well, all the same, It was nothing. Just helping out where I could." He told her with a shrug as he folded a pair of his shorts, "Did you want to take these ones with you to try out Steph?" He asked her holding out the basketball shorts to her. "
  15. Tsaaq: Hayley listened to Adam a moment. She picked up the ball and tossed it across the yard. She turned to Adam and put her hands on his shoulders to lower his head so she could press her lips to his passionately, with a passions passion passions. // Thaddeus was trying not to be nosey but he could help but glance out the window once more.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Steph shifted over a bit when Jade sat down and shoved her notebook out of her way, looking at the shorts Felix was holding up. "Oh, yeah sure. Whatever you want to let me borrow, I'm good with. But don't blame me when you have nothing left." She smiled at him, trying her best to ignore Jade's remarks. // Adam's head dipped when Hayley put her hands on his shoulders, closing his eyes and returning the kiss. He slipped his hand to the side of her face to cup her cheek, brushing her hair out of his way. // Jade nodded to Felix, crossing one leg over the other to bounce her foot through the air. "Well I appreciate it." She looked down at the notebook she'd moved out of her way, picking it up and dropping her eyes into it. "What's this? Like, poetry?" She asked, beginning to read it aloud. "You and me are hell-bent on heartbreak. No matter what ya say. Won't let you run away." She paused, looking up from the page. "How cute."-
  17. Covet: "I know where to find them if you have them." He told her with a wink then furrowed his brow when Jade just got all up and personal with Steph's stuff. That was his thing."They're song lyrics, and really good ones too." He said with a smile hearing Jade read them off, but as looking at Steph, because she'd already explained what she was up to before Jade had come in.
  18. Tsaaq: ((Shit!))
  19. Tsaaq: She leaned against him and deepened the kiss before pulling away. "Sorry. For some reason that seemed appropriate." Hayley whispered and smirked a little, seeing Lady come back over to them. She whistled at the doggo so she could come to her. // Thad's eyes widened and he immediately ran down the hallway to his room to hide from humans.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's cheeks reddened more than they already were from her sunburn, reaching over to snatch her notebook back from Jade, slamming it closed. "I really don't think it's any of your business, and I'd appreciate if you didn't touch things that didn't belong to you." She frowned, turning to set her notebook down behind her on one of the pillows away from Jade. // Adam blinked as Hayley stepped away, letting out a small uncomfortably laugh because he's awkward as fuck. "I wouldn't say it WASNT appropriate..." He trailed off, looking down to Lady when she came to them, but didn't immediately drop the ball because this was a game she sometimes played. // Jade raised her brows at Felix and then looked over to Steph when she snatched the notebook from her, holding up one hand in innocense before sipping on her coffee. "Woah okay. Sorry... it was just interesting. No need to freak out or anything... I mean, I said it was cute..."-
  21. Covet: "Uh.. maybe it would be better if you just didn't bother her things, Jade." He suggested, then frowned, "Or uh.. maybe we could catch up another time, since.. Steph and I are probably about to go to bed?" He suggested lightly to her trying to be nice.
  22. Tsaaq: "Oh, it wasn't-wasn't?" Hayley asked playfully. "It wasn't totes inapropes?" She laughed a little. "Look at you Lady, looking all happy and cute." She spoke in a baby voice to the doggo.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah." She spoke sharply, pushing up from the bed and pulling her shirt down over her. "I'm going to go brush my teeth." She quickly moved around the bed, walking out of Felix's room to make her way into the bathroom because she'd probably left her toothbrush in their for convenience. Turning the water on, she ran it under the stream and then applied toothpaste, sticking it into her mouth to brush a little aggressively because fucking Jade. // Adam just stared at her because these words were awful to his poor ears, shaking his head. "Please stop. I'm begging you to please stop." Lady jumped around in front of Hayley making small growly noises because ITS HER BALL AND YOU CANT HAVE IT. // "Oh, right." Jade stood up and adjusted the top of her dress so her boobs looked awesome, waiting for Steph to walk out before easing herself toward the doorway, but just kind of lingering there. "So when do you want to hangout? You know Cars 3 came out this past Friday. We should see it."-
  24. Covet: "Yeah, Uh.. I'll get back to you on that. Sometime this week maybe? I have plans this Thursday though." He said with a shrug as he went to flop down on the bed and kick his shoes off. "Let me know what your schedule is like and we can plan a friendly movie outing, I could invite Steph if she wants to go too. "
  25. Alexithymiaa: (This is fucking hilarious._
  26. Tsaaq: She sputtered her lips. "Make me stop!" She challenged him then sighed at Lady, going to toss the ball into the grass for her once more.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -Steph finished up brushing her teeth, turning to make her way back down the hallway to Felix's room. She stopped behind Jade in the doorway, raising her brows. "Excuse me..." She spoke in a small voice, slipping by her and into the room to go sit down on the bed. She leaned back against the pillows, glancing over at Jade because bitch gtfo already. // Adam smirked, reaching for her hand and pulling her over so he could wrap both arms around her for a hug. "What if I threatened to squeeze you until you stopped?" // Jade bit down on her lower lip because that was not at all what she wanted. "Oh yeah, sure. Right." She moved out of the doorway when Steph slipped by her, leaning to one side and sipping her coffee. "Yeah, so I'm pretty much available any time this week. So whenever you want to go, you know where to find me." Her eyes dropped over Steph quickly before turning away, making her way back down the stairs to her bedroom.-
  28. Covet: Felix wrapped an arm around Steph and pressed a kiss against her neck, "Sorry, about her. I'm not entirely sure if the idea of being just friends has sank in with her yet or not." He said, "But... do you want to go see Cars 3 sometime this week>?
  29. Covet: *"
  30. Tsaaq: She started to giggle wildly as she attempted to wiggle from his grasp. "That's hardly a threat. Well... Maybe not. If you squeeze me so hard I pop." She laughed before sighing. "Please don't pop me." She told him.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Steph leaned into him, moving her head to rest against his shoulder. "She's obnoxious... and if you think that she thinks you guys are going to be just friends, then you're even more of a Scarecrow than I intitially thought." She tipped her head up to look at him, just kind of staring. "If I say no, does that mean you're going to go with her?" // Adam cracked up and loosened his grip a bit because now he was a little concerned he might hurt her with his big strong man arms. "I promise I wont pop you." He leaned back so he could look into her face before tipping his head toward her to peck her lips.-
  32. Covet: "I know... And I hope that she doesn't think that we're...something... Because I'm kind of already in something. " He said giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Well, would it be terrible of me to say, that I want you to go so that she doesn't try to make a move or anything?"
  33. Tsaaq: Hayley giggled and shut her eyes as he gave her a quick kiss. "Thank you." She smiled at him then bit her lip. "We should probably head inside soon. Right?" She asked. "I know Lady wants to be out here foreer."
  34. Tsaaq: ((***forever.))
  35. Alexithymiaa: "How could she think you're a thing if you've never given her that impression? Just because she might be into you, doesn't mean she can assume you're a thing." She pulled her glasses off her face and turned to set them down on the end table I'll pretend is there, turning back to Felix to make herself comfortable. "I'd prefer you to want me to go because you want me to go, but I'm perfectly fine with cockblocking her, sure." She let out a laugh, lifting her head to squint into his face. "And what something are you in, exactly?" // "Yeah, she would live out here if I let her. Which is strange because when she comes in she gets to sleep on my bed so it seems like a no brainer to me." He lifted his hand to his mouth, whistling for the dog to come running back. "Fortunately for me, I don't really give her much of a choice." He took Hayley by the hand, walking her up the front porch and pushing the door open ahead of him so Hayley could walk in followed by Lady.-
  36. Covet: "Your guess is as good as mine, All I've done is been nice, and a friend." Felix said then nodded his head, "Well I want you to go too, which is why I asked, but you'll be serving an extra purpose too. It's not cock blocking, it's cock protection." He said with a laugh then turned to look at her, "I'm in this crazy mess with a red head, that I probably wouldn't have any other way right now."
  37. Tsaaq: She took his hand and smiled. She nodded her head as she went to walk inside of the house. "Has she gone to your place?" She asked. "Is it like really spacious and stuff? Cause she'd love that." She asked, waiting for the two of them before moving up the stairs.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "Probably?" She squealed, slapping her hand into his chest. "Don't lie, Arizona. I might be a crazy mess, but at least I can keep you on your toes. And you know, on the look out for bears and stuff." // Adam pushed the door closed behind him, turning to walk up the stairs with Hayley, Lady trailing behind them. "No, I havent taken her back there yet. She would probably like it though. I can see her and Winnie running around all day long through the fields. Winnie is just like her in that respect. I'm pretty sure it's a herding dog thing." He turned and headed into his bedroom, stopping next to the tv to turn it on for them for sleeps.-
  39. Tsaaq: "That sounds really cute... I want really want to see that whenever you do take her back home." Hayley said as she went to his room and got ready for sleepy times. That mainly was her taking off her shoes and pants.
  40. Covet: "There still wasnt' a bear!" He said with a laugh exclaiming than gave a roar as he went about doing the weird cuddle snuggle thing before bed.
  41. Alexithymiaa: (What the fuck is that)
  42. Covet: [Him being a bear?]
  44. Alexithymiaa: "There could have been a bear." She corrected him, leaning her head down again for cuddles and almost instantly passing out to a limp nothingness because she's empty. So empty. But Im full of french fries. // Adam moved over to the bed and sat down, pulling his shoes off and sliding his way back so he could lean his head on the pillow. "Well of course you'll come with me. My moms love you and they'd love to have you back there." He smiled, closing his eyes for sleeps as Lady climbed up onto the bed to join them at their feets.-
  46. Tsaaq: "Of course." She smiled and wiggled against him before falling asleep and shiz.
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