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Aug 26th, 2019
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  1. “Okay, just slip in in there... Oh wow, it’s really big... Ah! I can’t believe we’re actually doing this!” John whispered, squeezing his big, soft breasts together as he felt his friend’s long, hard cock slide between them. “You’re-you’re actually fucking my titties!”
  3. “Mmfh!” Pat stifled a moan as he slowly began thrusting his dick inside of Maria’s deep cleavage. “It feels reeeally goooood...”
  5. “You can barely see it between these big boobs.” John cooed quietly, blowing the short, blonde hair from his eyes. “I can almost fit it in my mouth...” he added, craning his neck down and reaching out his long tongue to lap at the tip with every push.
  7. “C-careful...” Pat protested, slowing his pace, “If you keep doing that, I’m not gonna last very long.”
  9. “Sorry, I can’t help it.” John apologized, “In this body, it looks so... sexy, I guess.”
  11. “Oh fuck! I think I’m close!” Pat warned, raising his voice.
  13. “Shhhhh!” John shushed, feeling his friend’s cock throb between his breasts, “If we get caught, we’re both in big trouble.”
  15. “Oh... oh FUCK! I’M CUMMING!” announced Pat, covering Maria’s face and tits in a week’s worth of warm semen, every squirt covering more and more of Pat’s delicate skin.
  17. “Nice job, idiot! I bet the whole school heard us!” John sputtered as he choked on his friend’s cum, watching him pull his softening dick out from between his breasts.. “And jeez, talk about a ‘minute man’...”
  19. Pat smiled. “You don’t know what it’s like to get to fuck an exquisite pair of hooters like this!” He began to put his dick away, watching his friend lick the cum from his own chest.
  21. “Mmm...” said John as he took in a mouthful of delicious seed. “Finding that body possession pendant was the best moment of our lives. Now I wonder what Miss Kelly’s body feels like...” his mind began to wander, imagining what it would be like to suck cock as the school’s head cheerleader Cindi, or being bent over a desk and getting fucked from behind in the body of the latina MILF librarian. “Y’know, I thought I was going to hate losing that bet to see who would have to use the amulet so we could do all this, but maaaaaan, now I can’t wait until tomorrow...”
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