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Aug 18th, 2022
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  1. [15.08.2022 22:59:15] A/)-SV-Starstream: Salutations.
  2. [15.08.2022 22:59:25] Hawk-Draconis: greetings Starstream
  3. [15.08.2022 22:59:37] Phi-34: ::<statement> [entity] " A/)-SV-Starstream " {detect} = "true"::
  4. [15.08.2022 23:00:21] A/)-SV-Starstream: That platform seems to be particularly annoyed at you, unit.
  5. [15.08.2022 23:00:46] Hawk-Draconis: yeah he attacks my my transports so his been added to the naughty list
  6. [15.08.2022 23:00:51] Phi-34: ::<statement> [modular_platform] [hostility] = "true" - [function] = "unknown"::
  7. [15.08.2022 23:01:04] A/)-SV-Starstream: 34 has been attacking your ferries?
  8. [15.08.2022 23:01:11] Hawk-Draconis: function to keep you tin ass away from here
  9. [15.08.2022 23:01:16] Hawk-Draconis: yes
  10. [15.08.2022 23:01:20] A/)-SV-Starstream: Why's that?
  11. [15.08.2022 23:01:21] Death: Phi-34 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  12. [15.08.2022 23:01:23] Hawk-Draconis: miners too
  13. [15.08.2022 23:01:29] Death: DN-Vigo was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  14. [15.08.2022 23:01:32] A/)-SV-Starstream: Miners?
  15. [15.08.2022 23:01:34] Hawk-Draconis: oh snap he forgot to dodge
  16. [15.08.2022 23:01:46] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, those are particular hard to evade.
  17. [15.08.2022 23:01:50] Hawk-Draconis: iridium miners and some other ores
  18. [15.08.2022 23:01:59] A/)-SV-Starstream: Why does it attack?
  19. [15.08.2022 23:02:04] A/)-SV-Starstream: Are you affiliated with the Core or Corsairs?
  20. [15.08.2022 23:02:06] Death: Albert_Luciano was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  21. [15.08.2022 23:02:08] Hawk-Draconis: i think it is busted
  22. [15.08.2022 23:02:41] Hawk-Draconis: always the same logical function blah blah blah no matter answer shoots them
  23. [15.08.2022 23:02:55] A/)-SV-Starstream: Are you affiliated with any group?
  24. [15.08.2022 23:03:09] Hawk-Draconis: well i do contract work from time to time for the corsairs like supply runs
  25. [15.08.2022 23:03:16] A/)-SV-Starstream: That's... - well...
  26. [15.08.2022 23:03:17] /time
  27. [15.08.2022 23:03:17] 2022-08-15 23:03:18 SMT
  28. [15.08.2022 23:03:31] A/)-SV-Starstream: I presume they're subjuguating your station under their "law" - yes?
  29. [15.08.2022 23:03:40] Hawk-Draconis: yes
  30. [15.08.2022 23:03:52] A/)-SV-Starstream: The Hessians haven't hassled you? That's odd.
  31. [15.08.2022 23:04:06] A/)-SV-Starstream: So, the unit asks you what your function is. Does it ask anything else?
  32. [15.08.2022 23:04:08] Hawk-Draconis: nope they trade with me also from time to time
  33. [15.08.2022 23:04:12] A/)-SV-Starstream: Oh?
  34. [15.08.2022 23:04:13] Hawk-Draconis: nope
  35. [15.08.2022 23:04:25] A/)-SV-Starstream: Do you sell Diamond Ore?
  36. [15.08.2022 23:04:41] Hawk-Draconis: well i have deal with the sairs Freeport Kazzmull is demilitirized
  37. [15.08.2022 23:05:01] Hawk-Draconis: unit 34 your brackets still floating there in space
  38. [15.08.2022 23:05:06] A/)-SV-Starstream: Indeed, but what do they pick up from the Freeport?
  39. [15.08.2022 23:05:36] Hawk-Draconis: half you substance is floating in space pull yourself together
  40. [15.08.2022 23:05:50] A/)-SV-Starstream: What do the Corsairs buy from your Freeport?
  41. [15.08.2022 23:06:15] Hawk-Draconis: oh like Industrial Hardware and stuff like that food supplies also
  42. [15.08.2022 23:06:22] A/)-SV-Starstream: Ah, the usual then.
  43. [15.08.2022 23:06:31] A/)-SV-Starstream: Thought you would have sold Diamond Ore here.
  44. [15.08.2022 23:06:33] Hawk-Draconis: basics
  45. [15.08.2022 23:06:42] Hawk-Draconis: oh thats for any one
  46. [15.08.2022 23:07:02] Hawk-Draconis: see that the deal i have to be allowed to stay here
  48. [15.08.2022 23:07:28] Hawk-Draconis: i mine and supply and build comunity and bring traders to the system to improve it so freeport is free as long as you behave
  49. [15.08.2022 23:07:38] Hawk-Draconis: 10k around station is no fire zone
  50. [15.08.2022 23:07:39] A/)-SV-Starstream: Are you paying both the Brotherhood and the Deterrance per month?
  51. [15.08.2022 23:08:00] Hawk-Draconis: outside of that 10k range its corsair territory
  52. [15.08.2022 23:08:26] Hawk-Draconis: like little "switzerland" in the middle of Omega 55
  53. [15.08.2022 23:08:45] A/)-SV-Starstream: I'm not quite sure the other organisations would agree, but fortunately they're not quite... awake enough.
  54. [15.08.2022 23:08:51] A/)-SV-Starstream: Do the Corsairs usually keep ships here?
  55. [15.08.2022 23:08:53] /time
  56. [15.08.2022 23:08:53] 2022-08-15 23:08:54 SMT
  57. [15.08.2022 23:09:03] A/)-SV-Starstream: Hopefully they respect the N-F-Z too...?
  58. [15.08.2022 23:09:07] Hawk-Draconis: DTR yes TBH no once of registration plus fixed fee for core upgrades
  59. [15.08.2022 23:09:37] Hawk-Draconis: they are allowed to dock here dont know if they stationed here
  60. [15.08.2022 23:10:13] A/)-SV-Starstream: Ah, well, as long as they respect the NFZ established.
  61. [15.08.2022 23:10:23] Hawk-Draconis: well this is demilitirized zoner for trade purpose
  62. [15.08.2022 23:11:04] Hawk-Draconis: like i mentioned before 10k away from station corsair territory rules in full swing
  63. [15.08.2022 23:11:35] Hawk-Draconis: and its only because of me that this area is like little safe haven for trade purpose
  64. [15.08.2022 23:12:03] Hawk-Draconis: the idea is for trade and uplift of comunities
  65. [15.08.2022 23:12:24] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, if the Corsairs are oppressing other groups, how are the other communities supposed to rise?
  67. [15.08.2022 23:12:34] Hawk-Draconis: say you have beef with corsairs but you want xeno relics then this place is the middle man
  68. [15.08.2022 23:12:48] A/)-SV-Starstream: Oh, do you sell Xeno Relics here?
  69. [15.08.2022 23:12:50] /time
  70. [15.08.2022 23:12:50] 2022-08-15 23:12:51 SMT
  71. [15.08.2022 23:12:57] A/)-SV-Starstream: That's good to know, how much per unit?
  72. [15.08.2022 23:13:01] Hawk-Draconis: same with other orginizations a place where commodities can be traded that you cant get elsewhere
  73. [15.08.2022 23:13:18] Hawk-Draconis: 3500
  74. [15.08.2022 23:13:31] A/)-SV-Starstream: Got it.
  75. [15.08.2022 23:13:33] Hawk-Draconis: can have a peak if ya want
  76. [15.08.2022 23:13:40] A/)-SV-Starstream: I will.
  77. [15.08.2022 23:13:55] Hawk-Draconis: its just that naughty psi-34 thats on bann list cause naughty behaviour
  78. [15.08.2022 23:13:59] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well,
  79. [15.08.2022 23:14:07] Phi-34: ::<statement> [illogicality]::
  80. [15.08.2022 23:14:10] Phi-34: ::<query> [entity] " Serenity1_FR " [function] [?]::
  81. [15.08.2022 23:14:11] Hawk-Draconis: Greetings Freelancer
  82. [15.08.2022 23:14:15] Death: Albert_Luciano was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  83. [15.08.2022 23:14:26] Hawk-Draconis: carefull of psi-34 his unpredictable
  84. [15.08.2022 23:14:28] 2022-08-15 23:14:29 SMT Traffic control alert: Serenity1_FR has requested to dock
  85. [15.08.2022 23:14:35] 2022-08-15 23:14:36 SMT Traffic control alert: A/)-SV-Starstream has requested to dock
  86. [15.08.2022 23:15:56] Hawk-Draconis: upstairs is more
  87. [15.08.2022 23:15:57] 2022-08-15 23:15:58 SMT Traffic control alert: A/)-SV-Starstream has requested to dock
  88. [15.08.2022 23:17:33] A/)-SV-Starstream: Quite the collection.
  89. [15.08.2022 23:17:42] A/)-SV-Starstream: How'd you get the defunct Ingenuus Cell?
  90. [15.08.2022 23:17:42] Hawk-Draconis: if you want specific commodity just let me know
  91. [15.08.2022 23:17:56] Hawk-Draconis: baught it from penny station
  92. [15.08.2022 23:18:07] A/)-SV-Starstream: Penny station... Do you mean the Bristol facility?
  93. [15.08.2022 23:18:15] A/)-SV-Starstream: The uh, Cleveland Station?
  94. [15.08.2022 23:18:20] Hawk-Draconis: cleveland station in pennysylvania
  95. [15.08.2022 23:18:25] A/)-SV-Starstream: Noted.
  96. [15.08.2022 23:18:30] A/)-SV-Starstream: How many of them do you have?
  97. [15.08.2022 23:18:38] Hawk-Draconis: 15 i think
  98. [15.08.2022 23:18:43] A/)-SV-Starstream: That's a lot.
  99. [15.08.2022 23:18:56] Hawk-Draconis: wanted to buy helium
  100. [15.08.2022 23:19:08] Hawk-Draconis: and pushed the wrong button and station dont want to buy it back
  101. [15.08.2022 23:19:15] Hawk-Draconis: so i brought it here
  102. [15.08.2022 23:19:20] A/)-SV-Starstream: Ah.
  103. [15.08.2022 23:19:24] Phi-34: ::<statement> {scan} -> [local_proximity] = "true"::
  104. [15.08.2022 23:19:31] Hawk-Draconis: psi-34 carefull
  105. [15.08.2022 23:19:37] Phi-34: ::<statement> [entity] " Blitz " {detect} = "true"::
  106. [15.08.2022 23:19:38] Phi-34: ::<query> [entity] " Blitz " [function] [?]::
  107. [15.08.2022 23:19:52] Hawk-Draconis: Greetings Blitz
  108. [15.08.2022 23:20:11] Hawk-Draconis: carefull around Phi-34 his unpredictable
  109. [15.08.2022 23:20:16] Blitz: Stop circling me.
  110. [15.08.2022 23:20:23] Phi-34: ::<query> [entity] " Blitz " [function] [?]::
  111. [15.08.2022 23:20:25] A/)-SV-Starstream: I think 34 is just trying to learn. Wait - 34 - you've already met him.
  112. [15.08.2022 23:20:33] A/)-SV-Starstream: Last solar cycle, don't you remember?
  113. [15.08.2022 23:20:45] Hawk-Draconis: i think his memory banks is fried
  114. [15.08.2022 23:21:03] Hawk-Draconis: that last station turret hit left his parts floating in space
  115. [15.08.2022 23:21:05] Phi-34: ::<statement> [function] -> [entity] "Blitz" = "none" - {query} [entity] "Blitz" [function[ [?]::
  116. [15.08.2022 23:21:18] Blitz: I'm a Hessian, we fight.
  117. [15.08.2022 23:21:29] A/)-SV-Starstream: He was with the other Hessians last night, they fight the Corsairs and the Rheinland lawful entities.
  119. [15.08.2022 23:22:02] Hawk-Draconis: wrong side of the red
  120. [15.08.2022 23:22:08] Death: Klaus.shulz suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  121. [15.08.2022 23:22:20] Hawk-Draconis: who da F was Klaus
  122. [15.08.2022 23:23:01] Hawk-Draconis: did he just commit suicide poor fellow
  124. [15.08.2022 23:23:17] Hawk-Draconis: dont fly to close to sun
  125. [15.08.2022 23:25:02] Hawk-Draconis: nice ship
  126. [15.08.2022 23:25:23] A/)-SV-Starstream: It's an interceptor, it's pretty quick, but not as fast as a Starflier.
  127. [15.08.2022 23:25:37] Hawk-Draconis: max speed
  128. [15.08.2022 23:25:54] Blitz: Seems to have fallen silent.
  129. [15.08.2022 23:27:10] Hawk-Draconis: think the tower bullets were hard to dodge ?
  130. [15.08.2022 23:27:36] Phi-34: ::<statement> [illogicality]::
  131. [15.08.2022 23:27:38] A/)-SV-Starstream: If you're challenging 34 to a fight, don't pick it, I really doubt you will win it.
  132. [15.08.2022 23:27:58] Hawk-Draconis: nah i chase him around in me aquilon
  133. [15.08.2022 23:28:12] A/)-SV-Starstream: Sounds like a waste of fuel.
  134. [15.08.2022 23:28:19] Hawk-Draconis: but super fun
  135. [15.08.2022 23:28:37] A/)-SV-Starstream: If you like aimlessly flying, I suppose.
  136. [15.08.2022 23:28:45] Hawk-Draconis: 2k and closer is the kill zone
  137. [15.08.2022 23:29:27] Blitz: I assume that weapons platform is the "tower" you're referring to.
  138. [15.08.2022 23:30:24] Phi-34: ::<statement> [entity] "A/)-SV-Starstream" -> [unknown_frame_size_0] - {query} [function] [?]::
  139. [15.08.2022 23:30:27] Blitz: I'm talking to you, Zoner.
  140. [15.08.2022 23:30:47] Hawk-Draconis: oh whhats up blits
  141. [15.08.2022 23:30:54] Blitz: Is that station yours?
  142. [15.08.2022 23:31:03] Hawk-Draconis: turret
  143. [15.08.2022 23:31:04] A/)-SV-Starstream: Expeditionary Forces.
  144. [15.08.2022 23:31:10] Hawk-Draconis: yup shes mine
  145. [15.08.2022 23:31:23] A/)-SV-Starstream: My function is an Expeditionary Forces unit.
  146. [15.08.2022 23:31:25] Blitz: Why does it have a weapons platform
  147. [15.08.2022 23:31:32] A/)-SV-Starstream: My vessel is an Interceptor - a light fighter.
  149. [15.08.2022 23:31:42] Hawk-Draconis: for units that misbehave like Psi-34
  151. [15.08.2022 23:31:52] Blitz: You're in Hessian territory.
  152. [15.08.2022 23:32:02] Blitz: With a weaponized station.
  155. [15.08.2022 23:32:11] Hawk-Draconis: well according to DTR and TBH omega 55 theirs
  156. [15.08.2022 23:32:15] A/)-SV-Starstream: Ah, the Corsairs have imposed "law" on the station.
  158. [15.08.2022 23:32:19] Blitz: Excuse me?
  159. [15.08.2022 23:32:39] Blitz: You think I care what brain damaged inbreds say?
  161. [15.08.2022 23:32:44] Hawk-Draconis: yup even have to pay them taxes to have it here
  163. [15.08.2022 23:32:52] A/)-SV-Starstream: As far as their claims go... they don't particuarly have facilities in the system.
  164. [15.08.2022 23:32:59] A/)-SV-Starstream: It's more so power through fear.
  166. [15.08.2022 23:33:01] Blitz: You also said you are the commander of an Aquilon Carrier.
  167. [15.08.2022 23:33:04] Blitz: Is that correct?
  169. [15.08.2022 23:33:09] Hawk-Draconis: yup
  171. [15.08.2022 23:33:22] Blitz: So not only have you weaponized your facility within Hessian territory.
  172. [15.08.2022 23:33:26] Blitz: You also have absolutely no reason to do so.
  174. [15.08.2022 23:33:48] Hawk-Draconis: i have enough pirate reasons to weaponise
  176. [15.08.2022 23:33:59] Blitz: That's not for you to decide.
  178. [15.08.2022 23:34:44] Hawk-Draconis: well since they always wait at the station then pop my transports when i arrive i think i do
  179. [15.08.2022 23:35:02] Blitz: An entitled zoner sucking up to the Corsairs.
  180. [15.08.2022 23:35:03] Hawk-Draconis: since weapon nized station no more of that shit
  181. [15.08.2022 23:35:06] Blitz: I can't say I'm surprised.
  182. [15.08.2022 23:35:24] Blitz: Let me give you a demonstration of who's territory you're in, Zoner.
  183. [15.08.2022 23:35:39] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well then.
  184. [15.08.2022 23:37:16] A/)-SV-Starstream: I've seen enough.
  186. [15.08.2022 23:38:07] Phi-34: ::<statement> {transfer} [energy] -> [auxiliary_propulsion] = [#] 100 [%] - [energy] -> [emitters] = [#] 15 [%]::
  189. [15.08.2022 23:38:17] Death: Hawk-Draconis suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
  192. [15.08.2022 23:38:30] Blitz: Now you know my function.
  193. [15.08.2022 23:38:44] A/)-SV-Starstream: He wasn't discreet.
  194. [15.08.2022 23:38:53] A/)-SV-Starstream: He admitted working with the Corsairs. Supplying them.
  195. [15.08.2022 23:38:55] Blitz: They believe they're untouchable.
  196. [15.08.2022 23:38:58] A/)-SV-Starstream: Acting as a middle man for Xeno Relics.
  197. [15.08.2022 23:39:11] Blitz: I'm sorry?
  198. [15.08.2022 23:39:24] A/)-SV-Starstream: I'm here to assess threat levels for our evacuation.
  199. [15.08.2022 23:39:31] A/)-SV-Starstream: If it's a Corsair collaborator, it is a threat.
  200. [15.08.2022 23:39:31] Blitz: He's helping their operations?
  201. [15.08.2022 23:39:45] Blitz: How nice.
  202. [15.08.2022 23:39:49] A/)-SV-Starstream: They pay their taxes, they bend to their rules, they supply them.
  203. [15.08.2022 23:40:04] Blitz: Another pig to roast over an open flame, then.
  204. [15.08.2022 23:40:32] Blitz: How long have you been out here, Star?
  205. [15.08.2022 23:41:50] A/)-SV-Starstream: Eh...
  206. [15.08.2022 23:41:53] A/)-SV-Starstream: About four hours.
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