

Mar 28th, 2016
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  1. Mythic Destroyer Dragon
  3. This rampaging enormity has a fiery glow beneath its glossy black scales, and it roars a challenge to all who would dare pollute its nightmarish presence
  5. CE Colossal dragon (evil, extraplanar, mythic)
  6. CR 30 / MR 10
  7. 9,830,400 XP
  8. Init +16
  9. Senses: blindsense 50ft, low-light vision, see in darkness
  11. ==Defense==
  13. AC 48, touch 23, flat-footed 27 (+6 Dex, +15 dodge, +25 natural, -8 size)
  14. hp 785 (30d12+590)
  15. Fort +30, Ref +23, Will +23
  16. DR 15/epic
  17. Defensive abilities: hard to kill, mythic saving throws, recuperation, unstoppable
  18. Immune: disease, falling, fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 45
  20. ==Offense==
  22. Speed 60ft, climb 40ft, fly 300ft (good)
  23. Melee: bite +41 (4d8+36 17-20/x4 plus grab and 4d8 fire), gore +41 (4d8+36 plus 4d8 fire 17-20/x4), 2 talons +41 (4d6+36 17-20/x4 plus grab and 4d8 fire), 2 wings +41 (4d6+18 17-20/x4 plus 4d8 fire), tail slap +41 (4d8+27 17-20/x4 plus 4d8 fire)
  24. Space 40ft; reach 30ft (50ft with bite and tail slap)
  25. Special Attacks: all-consuming flame, breath weapon (20d8 fire, Ref DC 43 half), burning attacks, dive-bomb, mythic power 23/day, ruinous body, surge +1d12, swallow whole (6d6+25, AC 21, hp 52
  26. Spell-like abilities (CL 20th)
  27. -Constant: Greater Arcane Sight, Detect Good, Freedom of Movement, True Seeing
  28. -At will: Bestow Curse (Will DC 28 negates), Chaos Hammer (Will DC 28), Detonate (fire only, Ref DC 28 half), Dimension Door, Disintegrate (Fort DC 30), Enervation, Polymorph, Unholy Blight (Will DC 28)
  29. -1/hour: Finger of Death (Fort DC 31), Haste, Limited Wish, Major Curse (Will DC 30 negates), Reverse Gravity, Stormbolts (Fort DC 32 half)
  30. -1/day: empowered Disintegrate (Fort DC 30), Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee (Fort DC 33)
  31. -1/week: Cursed Earth, Earthquake, Storm of Vengeance, Tsunami
  32. -1/month: utter ruination (DC 36)
  34. ==Statistics==
  36. Str 47, Dex 23, Con 36, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 33
  37. BAB +30, CMB +56, CMD 72
  38. Feats: Dodge (B), Mobility (B), Spring Attack (B), Whirlwind Attack (B), Power Attack, Empower Spell-Like Ability (Disintegrate), Ability Focus (utter ruination), Flyby Attack, Hover, Wingover, Multiattack, Improved Overrun, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (bite), Intimidating Prowess, Weapon Focus (bite), Dazzling Display, Deadly Finish, Toughness
  39. Skills: Acrobatics +36, Appraise +36, Fly +35, Intimidate +44, Perception +39, Sense Motive +39, Stealth +23, Survival +39, Use Magic Device +44
  40. Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic
  41. SQ: amazing initiative, beyond evil, mythic agility
  43. Mythic feats: Power Attack, Improved Critical (bite), Toughness, Dazzling Display, Intimidating Prowess
  44. Mythic Abilities: destroyer, devastating smash, maximized critical, mythic upgrades (utter ruination, agile, all-consuming flame, dive-bomb, burning bite, ruinous maw), mythic weapon training (natural weapons), precision
  46. ==Ecology==
  48. Environment: Any land
  49. Organization: solitary
  50. Treasure: quadruple
  52. ==Special Abilities==
  54. All-Consuming Flame (Su): The mythic destroyer’s attacks and spell-like abilities that deal fire damage ignore fire resistance and immunity.
  55. Beyond Evil (Ex): A mythic destroyer forms from the same pits of the Abyss as demons and qlippoth. It possesses the evil subtype, and responds to effects as an evil outsider.
  56. Burning Attacks (Ex): The mythic destroyer’s natural attacks deal an additional 4d8 fire damage. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
  57. Dive-Bomb (Ex): The mythic destroyer is adept at attacking foes from above. It is immune to falling damage, and gains the pounce special attack when the target of its charge is below it. If it expends two uses of mythic power, the mythic destroyer can instead strike the earth with tremendous force. All creatures within 200 feet must make a DC 48 Reflex save or take 10d6 points of force damage and thrown 50 feet from the mythic destroyer. If the affected creatures strike objects, they take damage as if they had fallen the distance. The ground within a 100-foot radius of the mythic destroyer becomes difficult terrain. Creatures that successfully save take half damage and are knocked prone. The save DC is Strength-based.
  58. Mythic Agility (Ex): The mythic destroyer’s agility puts its weaker brethren to shame. Aside from functioning as the destroyer dragon’s agile special quality, the mythic destroyer gains Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack and Whirlwind Attack as bonus feats.
  59. Ruinous Body (Ex): The mythic destroyer’s primary natural weapons deal additional damage equal to twice its Strength modifier. Its secondary natural attacks deal additional damage equal to its full Strength modifier. All of its natural attacks threaten a critical on a 19 or 20 (before effects such as Improved Critical), and deal triple damage on a critical hit.
  60. Utter Ruination (Sp): Once per week, the mythic destroyer may bring complete ruin to its surroundings. This simultaneously causes the effects of Cursed Earth, Earthquake, Storm of Vengeance and Tsunami. These effects persist as long as the mythic destroyer concentrates, meaning that a new tsunami and earthquake begins every round. The mythic destroyer itself is immune to all effects of this ability, including damage, being forced to move, and being deafened. This ability is equivalent to a 9th-level spell. If this ability is maintained for 10 rounds, the mythic destroyer must make a DC 40 Fortitude save or the ability ends, and it becomes exhausted for 2d6 rounds. This save must be made on each round after this point. If the mythic destroyer expends all of its mythic power, the Earthquake, Storm of Vengeance, and Tsunami components function as their augmented mythic versions; however, the effect lasts 10 rounds, and the mythic destroyer is immediately exhausted for 1d4+1 minutes (no save) and cannot use this ability again for one year.
  62. The idea of a more powerful destroyer dragon is too horrifying for most mortals to consider. Yet there is one, and it has laid waste to entire worlds.
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