
Dry Bowser's Festivus

Dec 23rd, 2016
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  1. Dry Bowser gathered his closet friends at his molten home in the Grumble Volcano, with the bony reptile sitting at the end of the table as he held his bony hands together.
  3. Dry Bowser: Welcome newcomers... the traditions of Festivus begins... with the airings of grievances.
  5. There was an awkward amount of silence as Dry Bowser cleared his throat, causing the volcano's fires to die down.
  7. Dry Bowser: I GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE, AND NOW... (sits down)'re gonna hear about it. (points at Toadette) You, kid. You fart way too much!
  9. Toadette blushed in embarrassment while letting out a small fart as the others glanced at each other in silence.
  11. Dry Bowser: And you, llama god! You crave for bruises way too much. Learn to stop being such a masochist.
  13. Arceus chuckled as he nodded his head to the side as Dry Bowser brushed back his red hair.
  15. Dry Bowser: You, witch! You go on rhyming tangents more times than I could ask for. You need to keep a lid on that rhyme time of yours!
  17. Gruntilda just grumbled as she folded her arms together, brushing her scarf as the others got their complaints from Dry Bowser.
  19. "And now, as Festivus rolls on..." Dry Bowser explained as he rubbed his skeletal hands together. "...we come to the feats of strength. This year, the honor goes to Arceus."
  21. "Ooh, I've been looking forward to this!" Arceus exclaimed as he stretched his legs, feeling a happy emotion as he was willing to take part of this weird holiday.
  23. "Until you pin me, Arc... Festivus is not over." Dry Bowser stated as he then got into a fighting pose. "LET'S RUMBLE."
  25. And thus, a surprisingly long wrestling match between Dry Bowser and Arceus started, with the Pokemon god making it last as long as possible as he enjoyed this. Truly, Festivus was the holiday to end all holidays... after Christmas of course. Or in this case, before Christmas.
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