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Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. [1:10:33 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i had
  2. [1:10:35 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): a bad thing
  3. [1:10:38 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): at the dollar store
  4. [1:10:40 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): [12:56] Tanya Black: x.x i was out at the dollar store and when i walked in this guy
  5. [12:56] Tanya Black: was like
  6. [12:57] Tanya Black: trying to get folks to smile while he walked around in the store and
  7. [12:57] Tanya Black: I got the impression that he was like
  8. [12:57] Tanya Black: really trying to be nice
  9. [12:57] Tanya Black: like, trying to make folks happier
  10. [12:57] Tanya Black: and i thought it was nice
  11. [12:58] Tanya Black: and then he got to me and tried to get me to smile
  12. [12:58] Tanya Black: and i couldn't because like
  13. [12:58] Tanya Black: my face is bad today and my... things aren't... my facial muscles
  14. [12:58] Tanya Black: the nerve damage is making things bad today
  15. [12:58] Avathea Turace: Yea..
  16. [12:58] Tanya Black: and i cant
  17. [12:58] Tanya Black: move my face much
  18. [12:58] Alexis Stine hugs her momma tight
  19. [12:58] Tanya Black: but he left me alone and i did my shopping
  20. [12:58] Tanya Black: and i got to the register and there was a backup in lines and
  21. [12:59] Tanya Black: he was trying to cheer up this one guy who looked sort of depressed and he tried to get everyone in line smile
  22. [12:59] Tanya Black: and i made eye contact by accident and he was like 'this woman didn't smile' and someone was like 'i think i saw a little one' and i said
  23. [12:59] Tanya Black: "I have really serious nerve damage and sometimes I can't smile due to partial intermittent facial paralysis. I... I can't smile right now, physically.
  24. [13:00] Tanya Black: And he was like "Well that was a buzzkill" and someone else laughed and i was humiliated and i was trying not to cry at the register and people were glaring at me for not smiling like i was being an asshole
  25. [13:00] Alexis Stine: Oh no... what a bunch of pricks x-x
  26. [13:00] Tanya Black: and the register woman who was checking me out had to tell them to leave me alone and at least she was nice and didnt
  27. [13:00] Tanya Black: she didnt comment on me basically crying in front of her
  28. [13:00] Tanya Black: which was nice of her not to draw attention to that
  29. [13:00] Tanya Black: and its like
  30. [13:00] Tanya Black: its not my
  31. [13:01] Tanya Black: its not my fault my face doesnt wrk
  32. [13:01] Alexis Stine nodnods and hugs tight
  33. [13:01] Tanya Black: its not like i asked to be fucking nerve damge mcunabletosmile
  34. [13:01] Tanya Black: ive just never been publicly humiliated
  35. [13:01] Tanya Black: for that specific thing
  36. [13:01] Tanya Black: and it just did some damage
  37. [1:34:28 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): ..m
  38. [1:34:35 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): What A fucking cuntbag
  39. [1:34:45 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i
  40. [1:34:48 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): its not
  41. [1:34:50 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): its not my fault
  42. [1:34:52 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): itried
  43. [1:34:55 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): but my facedoesnt
  44. [1:34:57 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): I'm so so sorry that he put you through that
  45. [1:35:00 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): it doesnt awlways work
  46. [1:35:08 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i did try i swear
  47. [1:35:13 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): There's nothing wrong with that. And I'm really sure you did.
  48. [1:35:44 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): You shouldn't have had to defend yourself against a prick like that. He had no right to make you feel this way
  49. [1:35:49 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): Absolutely none
  50. [1:36:08 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i just
  51. [1:36:10 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i dont know i
  52. [1:36:14 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i just thought if
  53. [1:36:18 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i explaiend hed understand i
  54. [1:36:20 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i didnt mean to
  55. [1:36:24 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): upset anyone i wasnt
  56. [1:36:25 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i just
  57. [1:36:26 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i
  58. [1:36:33 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): my fae mucles wouldnt work and
  59. [1:36:33 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): It's not your fault.
  60. [1:36:34 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): and i
  61. [1:36:44 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): Breathe.
  62. [1:36:50 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): It's not your fault.
  63. [1:36:52 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i
  64. [1:36:55 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): yes...
  65. [1:36:57 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): kapitan im sorry..
  66. [1:37:13 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): Don't apologize.
  67. [1:37:24 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): It's.not. your. fault.
  68. [1:37:29 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): You were polite enough to explain.
  69. [1:38:03 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): It's his fault for being a prick and the other people for not having the common decency to support you in telling him to back down.
  70. [1:38:15 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): Fucking ridiculous.... Ugh.. I wanna hit him
  71. [1:38:16 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i didnt even... they were glaring at me
  72. [1:38:20 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): and laughed at me
  73. [1:38:31 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): ......
  74. [1:38:39 PM] Mirai Baudelaire (Luna): Pricks. The lot of them
  75. [1:39:42 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): it was like
  76. [1:39:45 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): like forty people just
  77. [1:39:48 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): mad at me and i
  78. [1:39:48 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i wasnt
  79. [1:39:50 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i didn
  80. [1:39:57 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i just couldnt because ofmy face and i
  81. [1:40:05 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): no one eer humiliatsed me for that befor
  82. [1:40:08 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): and i
  83. [1:40:09 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): it jsut
  84. [1:40:15 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): i didntmean toio
  85. [1:40:19 PM] JJCM (Viktoriya Artyomov): upsert eople
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