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a guest
Dec 2nd, 2012
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  1. sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
  2. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ chroot /mnt
  3. chroot: cannot change root directory to /mnt: Operation not permitted
  4. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo umount /dev/sda1 /mnt
  5. umount: /mnt: not mounted
  6. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ mkdir /tmp/live
  7. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso /tmp/live
  8. mount: warning: /tmp/live seems to be mounted read-only.
  9. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ mkdir ~/live
  10. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ mkdir ~/live/usb
  11. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ cp /tmp/live/casper/filesystem.s
  12. filesystem.size filesystem.squashfs
  13. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ mkdir /casper
  14. mkdir: cannot create directory `/casper': Permission denied
  15. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo mkdir /casper
  16. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ cp /tmp/live/casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt
  17. cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/filesystem.squashfs': Permission denied
  18. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$
  19. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$
  20. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo cp /tmp/live/casper/filesystem.squashfs /casper
  21. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo mkdir /casper/chroot
  22. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo mount -o loop -t squashfs /casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt
  23. mount: warning: /mnt seems to be mounted read-only.
  24. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo rsync -ax /mnt/. /casper/chroot/.
  25. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo umount /mnt
  26. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ gksu gedit /casper/chroot/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper
  27. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /casper/chroot/etc/
  28. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo mount -t proc none /casper/chroot/proc
  29. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo mount -o bind /dev /casper/chroot/dev
  30. yhusha@yhusha-AOD260:~$ sudo chroot /casper/chroot /bin/bash
  31. root@yhusha-AOD260:/# apt-get autoclean
  32. Reading package lists... Done
  33. Building dependency tree
  34. Reading state information... Done
  35. root@yhusha-AOD260:/# apt-get autoremove
  36. Reading package lists... Done
  37. Building dependency tree
  38. Reading state information... Done
  39. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  40. root@yhusha-AOD260:/# apt-get clean
  41. root@yhusha-AOD260:/# update initramfs
  42. No command 'update' found, did you mean:
  43. Command 'xupdate' from package 'libxml-xupdate-libxml-perl' (universe)
  44. Command 'uupdate' from package 'devscripts' (main)
  45. Command 'lupdate' from package 'qt4-linguist-tools' (main)
  46. Command 'lupdate' from package 'qt3-dev-tools' (main)
  47. update: command not found
  48. root@yhusha-AOD260:/# sudo apt-get update initramfs
  49. E: The update command takes no arguments
  50. root@yhusha-AOD260:/#
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