
Destroyed vag

Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was standing in line at the Bagel place getting ready to give his order for what he wanted on his bagel, He looked over at Bliss and smiled, "Do you know what you'd like yet, My Love?" He asked her, tucking his hands into his pocket, so he could pull out his wallet. // Tae was at Target getting herself some new make up for sexy cosplay stuffs. She had a long black tank top and short jean shorts with some black boots that had tassles on them. She brushed her hand through her hair as she tried to pick out which shade of lipstick she wanted.
  2. Tsaaq: Bliss grinned at him. "Probably plain bagel with cream cheese smeared carefully in the circumfrence of the bagel, and some tea." She replied before going to kiss his cheek. // Drew drove up to the Target. The same janky heroin addict hooker who was probably his bottom bitch was in the passenger side. "Stay here. I'll be back." He told her, locking all the doors as he walked into the Target hurriedly, going towards the sexual wellness section and picking up some condoms.
  3. Covet: [well at least he is using condoms... XD] "That sounds very good and classic" He told her slipping his free arm around her waist. "I think I'm going to get the Jalepeno schmear on a multigrain bagel. I'm feeling in a slightly spicy mood tonight." He said then gave a hip bump to Bliss. // Tae finally picked a color and put the other one on the shelf. She walked around the isle to head out when she walked past the sexual wellness isle and saw Drew there getting Condoms. She couldn't help but smirk and cleared her throat, "Hi there, Not exactly the isle you expect to see someone, but I'll take it. How's it going?" She asked him, leaning against the isle being all cool, because she didn't knock anything over when she did it.
  4. Tsaaq: ((They're not from him it's for the hookers))
  5. Covet: [Shhh I don't need to know this I was trying to have hope for him XD]
  6. Tsaaq: ((Pfft.))
  7. Tsaaq: She nodded her head before furrowing her eyebrows. "Sounds a little brave to me. You know I enjoy routine."She said with a wave of her hand. // Drew looked up and smirked at her. "What are you doing around here little girl?" He asked her with a smirk.
  8. Covet: "It might be, but It's still pretty safe, just a little bit of jalapeno. I'll let you have a bite if you want." He asked her then it was their turn at the counter, and he got their stuff ordered as well as a blended super sweet coffee because he doesn't do regular coffee. // Tae bit her lip then shrugged non-chalantly, "I saw you, figured I'd say hi, since nobody is around to tell me not to. And I'm here getting some new make up stuff." She told him holding the lipstick up.
  9. Tsaaq: "So... Have you heard from Tae at all?" She asked him gently, latching her amr onto his as they waited on their foods and beverages. // He rose and eyebrow, still clutching the many pack of condoms. "People tell you not to say hi to people? What are they? Savages?" He asked. "Well you tell them I said it's polite to say hi to people and catch up."
  10. Covet: "She was at Dinner last night, but she went to the garage early. She's been working on some sort of comission for something, as well as a new convention outfit." Eli said taking his drink and going to find a table for them to sit at. He pulled a chair out for her with a smile. "She didn't say much though." // "No...They are relatives and the significant others of relatives." She said crossing her arms, "It's not people they don't want me talking to, It's you, specifically."
  11. Tsaaq: She nodded her head slowly. "Well... Hopefully everything is fun I suppose." // He furrowed his eyebrows then turned to fully face him. "Huh." Drew said before shrugging. "Guess that's what makes it so much more fun." He chuckled.
  12. Covet: "If she's in the garage busy working on things, that means she's not off hanging out with Drew. So that makes me happy, and it makes my Dad happy." Eli said then watched as their bagels were brought over. // Tae raised an eyebrow at him and tilted her head to the side with a smirk, "Makes what so much more fun? Me catching you at the store buying...regular sized Trojans? " She asked pointing to the condoms.
  13. Tsaaq: Bliss pouted a moment. "Right." She whispered. "I try not to worry about it. Since there are a myriad of things to worry about." // He shook his head. "Trust me, magnum all the way." He told Tae casually. "These are for a friend. Too much of a little shit to buy their own condoms." Drew shrugged his shoulders. "I like chick condoms better, it's kind of hot."
  14. Covet: "Mhhm. Plus as much as I don't want to see her getting into trouble, she's still an adult, albiet a young one." He said then went to take a bite of his bagel. "I have a question to propose to you." He said offering up as a change of subject. // "Oh, okay. I'll take your word for it." She said shaking her head, then laughed, "Look at you, being such a nice friend. I can't say I've ever used chick condoms. Just the same non-latex ones everyone else with a latex allergy uses."
  15. Tsaaq: She rose an eyebrow at Eli and turned to him before taking a small bite of her bagel. "What is it?" She asked him carefully. // "It's like a little saucer and yout stick it up inside you, it's bendy so it doesn't matter how tight you are." Drew began to explain as he stepped closer. "I guess regular condoms are okay. Just not as interesting... I am a nice friend. That's why you should be friends with me."
  16. Covet: "I remember we spoke about possibly going on a cruise sometime this summer. Since I've never been on one. So I was wondering what are your thoughts on the matter?" Eli asked. // "And it's disposable or re-usable?" Tae asked because that was interesting, " You don't seem terrible to me, maybe a little angry, but not terrible." Tae told him, "Not like Eli and Bliss were saying."
  17. Tsaaq: "Hmm." Bliss rubbed her chin a moment. "Well. We'd had to take time off from the shop... And we'd be away from our friends but I suppose I'm open to the idea of a getaway. Just to detox." // He nodded his head. "Yep, you just wash it out." He told Tae. "They said I was terrible?" He asked, his face hardening.
  18. Covet: "These are all things I've considered, and it wouldn't be anything terribly long, If we can find a short cruise through the bahamas or something? I need to do some research because I know nothing about how cruises work." He said with a chuckle, " I thought it would be nice to get away for just some us time." He said as he finished off his bagel. // "That would save a shitload on condoms" Tae said impressed, " Well they didn't say you specifically, just.. that you are involved in some terrible stuff? I don't know I was kind of only half listening at that point."
  19. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Well... I suppose it doesn't sound too bad." Bliss turned to kiss Eli's cheek. "You tell me about all the information and I'll help as much as I can. Bahamas sound lovely. But any tropical place might do." // He smirked at her. "I can buy you one if you like?" He offered. "You ever been to my house?" Drew asked. "It's pretty big. You'll like it. Quiet, nobody will bother you."
  20. Covet: "Okay, Sounds good to me. I would see if we could do something really fun like the Disney cruise, but I'm pretty sure that might cater to kids, and well.. I don't know about you, but I'd like for this to be something catering to our mature adult natures." He said with a laugh making himself sound all posh. // "Really? That's not awkward or anything?" She asked then shrugged, " At the very least I can have it incase I need it." Tae shook her head, "Not yet, but we're supposed to be doing family dinner over there at some point. But it would be cool to see it before then, get the real tour without the nagging?" She added.
  21. Tsaaq: Bliss furrowed her eyebrows skeptically. "We should do something a little more mature." She laughed. "Despite how lovely a Disney cruise sounds." // He shook his head. "Nah. I have to order it only though." He said. "But uh... That won't be a problem." Drew grinned. "Well I basically live in my own wing so we could be over there and nobody would bother us."
  22. Covet: "Maybe I'll look into it anyways. If it's cheaper than a standard cruise, I might just say screw it and we'll enjoy being kids for a week." He told her then leaned back in his chair, getting his phone out of his pocket, "It's pretty late, Shall we head home and get cozy in bed, My love?" // "Oh, okay well then that gives me an excuse to hang out with you when it gets in right?" She said with a grin as he mentioned not being bothered in his part of the house, "Wow...Eli said it was a nice house, but I didn't relize it had wings."
  23. Tsaaq: She looked down at her bagel and finished whatever was left over before looking over to him. "Oh goodness." She shook her head. "Doublt check first." She instructed before gathering her things. "Yes please." She yawned. // Drew moved his blonde hair from his face before staring down at Tae. "Exactly." He smirked. He nodded his head. "Yeah, it's uh... Pretty big." He murmured. "Well, I gotta buy these or my friends will get pissed." He raised his hand with the box of condoms. "But I'll order your diaphram tonight."
  24. Covet: Eli finished off his drink, since his bagel was all scarfed down, He got up and offered a hand to Bliss so they could walk out to the Rover and go back to the apartment. // Tae looked at Drew and blushed when he said it was Big, forgetting for a moment that he was talking about the house and not condom related things. "Oh right, I forgot you said someone was waiting for you. Sweet, I have your number so I'll send you a message so you have my number and you can just let me know when it comes in?"
  25. Tsaaq: "Yes please." He said. Drew went over to her and brushed some of her hair behind her ear then smirked. "So I'll see you when it gets here. I gotta get going. Stay beautiful." He said slyly, squeezing her shoulder before moving past her so he could make his condom purchase and monitior his hoes the rest of the night.
  26. Covet: [Monitor his hoes. lol]
  27. Tsaaq: ((bwahahaha.))
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