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Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. [02:06:36] <Drastox> hi
  2. [02:08:06] <Masterofwee> are you still working on that landbridge to VD land
  3. [02:12:42] <Masterofwee> is there a video of jk getting owned by vd from earlier
  4. [02:12:54] <Rory> ye
  5. [02:13:01] <Rory>
  6. [02:15:01] <Masterofwee> wooooooooow
  7. [02:15:10] <Masterofwee> they got owned
  8. [02:16:06] <Masterofwee> if rome was in JKs place do you think we would have been able to beat them
  9. [02:17:40] <Drastox> proabably
  10. [02:17:45] <Drastox> probably*
  11. [02:17:54] <Masterofwee> if you stand by the shore
  12. [02:18:10] <Masterofwee> you are in their deeds entire local i went there earlier
  13. [02:18:28] <Drastox> where is it
  14. [02:18:39] <Masterofwee> drastox we should probably put a deed on that little island north of corsica
  15. [02:18:55] <Drastox> oooh there
  16. [02:18:56] <Drastox> lol
  17. [02:18:57] <Drastox> wow
  18. [02:19:04] <Drastox> we could
  19. [02:19:07] <Masterofwee> i know
  20. [02:19:10] <Masterofwee> we should dude
  21. [02:19:26] <Masterofwee> nice little deed
  22. [02:19:34] <Bix> 12v7 and jk still lost 6 people
  23. [02:19:35] <Bix> lol
  24. [02:19:55] <Masterofwee> there were only 7 vd?
  25. [02:20:24] <Bix> we were right outside jk's gatehouse and managed to dechamp one of them and still not lose anyone so yeah i think we'd do better if we were in jk's shoes
  26. [02:20:52] <Drastox> yeah pretty much
  27. [02:22:37] <Drastox> hmm that deed is close to vercellae
  28. [02:22:47] <Bix> yeah
  29. [02:23:26] <Drastox> we could still fuck them up without needed a blocker deed, just mess their road up from time to time
  30. [02:23:33] <Drastox> needing*
  31. [02:23:43] <Drastox> unless your all keen to make a deed...
  32. [02:23:45] <Drastox> lol
  33. [02:23:48] <Masterofwee> i bet you they are going to deed that little tiny island
  34. [02:24:06] <Masterofwee> south of their main deed
  35. [02:24:23] <Drastox> hmm
  36. [02:24:50] <Masterofwee> we dont have any towers there either i think
  37. [02:24:59] <Masterofwee> on that peninsula south of veracellae do we
  38. [02:25:15] <Drastox> dont think so
  39. [02:25:20] <Masterofwee> i was riding up and down the shore there was a SUPER suspicious mine
  40. [02:25:30] <Drastox> what coord
  41. [02:25:49] <Masterofwee> M22 eastern shore
  42. [02:25:52] <Masterofwee> right on the shore
  43. [02:25:58] <Drastox> hmm
  44. [02:26:02] <Masterofwee> theres a flat patch of rock the mine is open
  45. [02:26:13] <Drastox> ooooh nah
  46. [02:26:20] <Drastox> thats a marble mine.. or was
  47. [02:26:26] <Masterofwee> yeah marble
  48. [02:26:27] <Masterofwee> oh ok
  49. [02:26:30] <Drastox> yeah that was mine
  50. [02:26:37] <Drastox> so the door fell off aye
  51. [02:26:43] <Masterofwee> what were you doing there drastox
  52. [02:26:45] <Drastox> i need to drain that vein soon
  53. [02:26:48] <Masterofwee> traitor
  54. [02:26:52] <Masterofwee> sike jk
  55. [02:26:57] <Drastox> im not sure.. shit i got up to months ago
  56. [02:27:36] <Masterofwee> also we think jk has an alt in out lands north of australia
  57. [02:27:59] <Masterofwee> them seem to know when we are going to hota
  58. [02:28:01] <Drastox> its likely
  59. [02:28:41] <Drastox> not a huge concern there are other ways to get to hota
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