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Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <list>
  3. #include <cstring>
  4. #include <crypt.h>
  5. using namespace std;
  6. //this is an example line from the shadow file:/$6$Iy/hHRfM$gC.Fw7CbqG.Qc9p9X59Tmo5uEHCf0ZAKCsPZuiYUKcejrsGuZtES1VQiusSTen0NRUPYN0v1z76PwX2G2.v1l1:15001:0:99999:7:::
  7. // the salt and password values are extracted as
  8. string target_salt = "$6$EPFCOW32$";
  9. string target_pw_hash = "$6$EPFCOW32$US1gmlg7Fd.oG.DaPDZbniTM36QTMiHTpdPlkp4ojvI4IrS2RorY4hjb//3VIeDoGNcqZ6WU76w6ynkLq/2rF1";
  10. // define a null string which is returned in case of failure to find the password
  11. char null[] = {'\0'};
  12. // define the maximum length for the password to be searched
  13. #define MAX_LEN 6
  14. list<char*> pwlist;
  15. // check if the pw and salt are matching the hash
  16. int check_password(char* pw, char* salt, char* hash)
  17. {
  18. char* res = crypt(pw, salt);
  19. cout << "password " << pw << "\n";
  20. cout << "hashes to " << res << "\n";
  21. for (int i = 0; i<strlen(hash); i++)
  22. if (res[i]!=hash[i]) return 0;
  23. cout << "match !!!" << "\n";
  24. return 1;
  25. }
  26. // builds passwords from the given character set
  27. // and verifies if they match the target
  28. char* exhaustive_search(char* charset, char* salt, char* target)
  29. {
  30. char* current_password;
  31. char* new_password;
  32. int i, current_len;
  33. // begin by adding each character as a potential 1 character password
  34. for (i = 0; i<strlen(charset); i++){
  35. new_password = new char[2];
  36. new_password[0] = charset[i];
  38. new_password[1] = '\0';
  39. pwlist.push_back(new_password);
  40. }
  41. while(true){
  42. // test if queue is not empty and return null if so
  43. if (pwlist.empty()) return null;
  44. // get the current current_password from queue
  45. current_password = pwlist.front();
  46. current_len = strlen(current_password);
  47. // check if current password is the target password, if yes return the current_password
  48. if
  49. (check_password(current_password, salt, target))
  50. return
  51. current_password;
  52. // else generates new passwords from the current one by appending each character from the charlist
  53. // only if the current length is less than the maxlength
  54. if(current_len < MAX_LEN){
  55. for (i = 0; i < strlen(charset); i++){
  56. new_password = new char[current_len + 2];
  57. memcpy(new_password, current_password, current_len);
  58. new_password[current_len] = charset[i];
  59. new_password[current_len+1] = '\0';
  60. pwlist.push_back(new_password);
  61. }
  62. }
  63. // now remove the front element as it didn't match the password
  64. pwlist.pop_front();
  65. }
  66. }
  67. main()
  68. {
  69. char* salt;
  70. char* target;
  71. char* password;
  72. // define the character set from which the password will be built
  74. char charset[] = {'b', 'a', 'c', '\0'};
  75. //convert the salt from string to char*
  76. salt = new char[target_salt.length()+1];
  77. copy(target_salt.begin(), target_salt.end(), salt);
  78. //convert the hash from string to char*
  79. target = new char[target_pw_hash.length()+1];
  80. copy(target_pw_hash.begin(), target_pw_hash.end(), target);
  81. //start the search
  82. password = exhaustive_search(charset, salt, target);
  83. if (strlen(password)!= 0) cout << "Password successfuly recovered: " << password << "\n";
  84. else cout << "Failure to find password, try distinct character set of size \n";
  85. }
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