
Branded - Chapter 11

Feb 5th, 2013
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  1. *Clack-clack* *Clack-clack*
  2. >The train to Canterlot steadily makes its way along the moonlit tracks.
  3. >After gathering a few things from the the library, Twilight brought you to the train station.
  4. >She had commissioned a special train for your journey to the capital.
  5. >There were no other passengers in your cabin, or on the rest of the train for that matter. Twilight had specifically requested a private train.
  6. >Being the student of Celestia had its perks.
  7. >You look at the purple p0ny resting her head on your lap.
  8. >She had done so much today.
  9. >Planning this trip, researching a way to remove the brand, and most taxing of all, restoring you to your former self, all while being estranged from you.
  10. >If anyone deserved to rest, it was her.
  11. >As for you, sleep hardly seemed an option.
  12. >Every time you close your eyes… those teal orbs burn their way into your mind.
  13. >You look out the window, hoping for some comfort in the starry skies.
  14. >"Love me, Anon."
  15. >Fluttershy stares at you from the window.
  17. "Guh-"
  18. >Your eyes shoot open as beads of sweat roll down your face.
  19. >…
  20. >Even if, through some miracle, you did manage to sleep, Fluttershy haunted your dreams.
  21. >This whole ordeal, going through such dramatic mental changes put a lot of strain on your mind.
  22. >You were exhausted, but your fear kept you from resting peacefully.
  23. >Stuck in a sleep deprived state, you drift in and out of consciousness.
  24. >Each time you do so, a new nightmare forces you back into the waking world.
  25. >It becomes harder and harder to differentiate between what is real, and what is just a hallucination as time goes on.
  26. >At least Twilight will keep you safe.
  27. >You look down at your savior again.
  28. >Teal eyes meat your gaze.
  29. >"Love me, Anon."
  31. "G- Haa- haa-"
  32. >You hold your head, attempting to retain your sanity.
  33. >Is this real?
  34. >Twilight shifts in your lap, drawing your attention to her.
  35. >"Mmm… Are you ok, Anon?"
  36. >Her sleepy tone brings a small smile to you.
  37. >You stroke her mane and lull her back to sleep.
  38. "I'm fine… I'm fine…"
  39. >The mare's soft breaths inform you of her return to Luna's domain.
  40. "I'm fine… I'm fine…"
  41. >You repeat the mantra to yourself.
  42. >Maybe if you say it enough… it will be true?
  43. "I'm fine… I'm fine…"
  44. >"I'll say!"
  45. >Not again.
  46. *Thump-thump*
  47. >You clutch your chest and hunch over in pain.
  48. >Twilight has disappeared, leaving you alone.
  49. >You feel something sliding around under your skin.
  50. >Tearing off your shirt, you can see a mass stretching the flesh under the brand.
  51. >It begins to grow and cause immense agony while distorting your body.
  52. >A yellow hoof sprouts from you and grabs your shoulder.
  53. >Another hoof follows, this time gripping your throat, and is in turn followed by a featureless head.
  54. >Pink hair grows as the eyes open, revealing their blue-green color.
  55. >Skin around the where the mouth would be stretches and snaps.
  56. >You try to scream, but the hoof's tight grip on your neck prevents you.
  57. >Teeth show through the newly created orifice as the creature speaks.
  58. >"Love me, Anon."
  59. >Blood bubbles up from the abomination's maw and spills onto the floor with a loud *Splat*.
  60. >"Love me…"
  62. *Gasp*
  63. >Reality greets you once again.
  64. >You manage a haggard glance out the window and see that you are about to pull into Canterlot.
  65. >A red bar shows as you check your phone.
  66. >10:57 PM
  67. >16% Battery Left.
  68. >Twilight groggily comes to as you shake her.
  69. >*Yawn* "Are we there?"
  70. "Yeah…"
  71. >Once the train has slowed to a stop, you and Twilight stand and exit the car.
  72. >Stepping out onto the platform, you sway and fall forward.
  73. >A conductor manages to catch you before you hit the ground.
  74. "Th-thanks…"
  75. >Your gratitude is short lived however, as you realize reality when the conductor speaks.
  76. >"Is being saved from falling your fetish, Anon?"
  77. >The conductor's head snaps 180 degrees and stares at you.
  78. >"Because I'd be happy to get under you…"
  80. >You awaken and see the ground rushing to greet you.
  81. >Mistress Gravity will have to wait to claim you, though.
  82. >You stomp on the ground in front of you, stabilizing yourself and stopping your fall.
  83. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  84. >Twilight places a hoof on your side as she looks up at you.
  85. >You think for a moment before responding. You don't want to freak her out.
  86. "I keep having visions…"
  87. >"Visions?"
  88. >The purple p0ny's confusion is understandable, you doubt that dreams are her forte.
  89. "Nightmares, more like. I can't sleep, Twilight, or… she'll get me."
  90. >Twilight's anxiety visibly grows upon hearing you mention your nightmares' cause.
  91. >"Oh, Anon!"
  92. >She pulls you into a hug.
  93. >You feel a small warmth as Twilight's horn glows.
  94. "What are-"
  95. >"It's a restoration spell. You must be exhausted from this whole ordeal. This will give you some energy, enough to remain conscious at least. I wish I could do more…"
  96. >You relax as Twilight's magic weaves its way into your mind.
  97. >…
  98. *Zing*
  99. >YOUCANSEEEVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  100. >The purest form of energy finds a home inside your tired body.
  101. >It's like you ate the energizer bunny and you could just keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going AND GOING!
  102. "ComeonTwilight,we'reweheaded?"
  103. >You pick up the magic unicorn and run off into the night.
  104. >Who cares WHERE you're going, you just gotta go there!
  105. >"Anon! Where are we going?!"
  106. >Twilight shrieks as you charge through the Canterlot streets, taking random alleyways and side streets as you go.
  107. "Don'tknowbutIgottagetthere! Heythismagicenergystuffisgreat,youshouldtryitsometime!"
  108. >Twilight's brain struggles to process your sonic speech.
  109. >Eventually, she gets fed up with your speed rush and shouts.
  110. >"Anon, stop!"
  111. *Thump-thump*
  112. >Twilight almost falls out of your hands when you come to a sudden and complete stop.
  113. >Her eyes roll around for a bit before she regains her composure.
  114. >"Ok, now, let's head to the castle."
  115. *Thump-thump*
  116. >"There we wi- WHOA!!!"
  117. >You zoom towards the white spires in the distance, dragging a screaming Twilight along for the ride.
  119. >The guards are hesitant to let a vibrating bipedal giant into the castle grounds, but a quick conversation with your handheld purple p0ny gains you access to the dwelling of the celestial twins.
  120. >Once inside you release Twilight from your grip, and follow her through the gardens and into the main section of the castle.
  121. >By the time you reach the throne room, you have come down from your energy high.
  122. >Fortunately, you seem to be hovering around normal power levels for now.
  123. >As the doors open, you see Celestia and Luna sitting serenely, awaiting your arrival.
  124. >Your chest burns as Celestia speaks.
  125. >"Ah, Twilight, and Anonymous. It is good to see you both."
  126. >Twilight bows.
  127. >You follow suit when you feel her magic prodding your back.
  128. >"Let us dispense with the formalities young Twilight and discuss the situation."
  129. >Luna is as dignified as ever.
  130. >Her sister, however, was much more relaxed.
  131. >"Yes. Anon, please show us the mark."
  132. *Thump-thump*
  133. >You remove your shirt and present the brand to the princesses.
  134. >Luna gives a soft huff when she sees the sun emblazoned on your chest.
  135. >"Figures…"
  136. >Celestia chortles at her sister's grievance before returning her attention to you.
  137. >"The mark you wear is a spell from ages long past. It commands the bearer to follow any order from the perceived dominant mare in the surrounding region."
  138. >Celestia pauses as you don your shirt again.
  139. >"No matter what that order may be."
  140. >Celestia's words echo through the now silent chamber.
  141. "C-can it be removed?"
  142. >The throne room's acoustics really make conversation an awkward affair.
  143. >Celestia looks at you thoughtfully as she responds.
  144. >"Unfortunately, I have not been able to discover a way to lift the spell."
  145. >"That's because none have been documented."
  146. >A gray unicorn sporting a matching colored cloak enters the chamber from behind you.
  147. >"Ah, Head Librarian Machina, any news on your search?"
  148. >The unicorn walks past you on his way to the princesses.
  149. >Through his flowing mantle, you see his cutie mark.
  150. >It is some kind of device, the exact nature of which is difficult to make out.
  151. >"I'm afraid that the spell has no known way to lift it."
  152. >You sulk at the stallion's words.
  153. >"But… that doesn't mean that none exist."
  154. "So there's hope?"
  155. >You attempt to press him further, but you are cut off by Machina raising his hoof.
  156. >"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I can't say for sure, but I will do my best to help."
  157. >Twilight holds your hand, attempting to comfort you.
  158. >You smile and scratch behind her ear.
  159. >"But for now, I'd suggest you rest. Tomorrow, we will try to find a way to remove the brand."
  160. >The unicorn takes his leave, followed by Luna.
  161. >Celestia is kind enough to offer you and Twilight lodging for the duration of your stay.
  162. >Though you initially have separate rooms, Twilight insists that she stay with you in order to better protect you.
  163. >The princess agrees and you are shown to your quarters.
  165. >Magnificent…
  166. >No, no, that's not good enough.
  167. >Sumptuous…
  168. >Almost.
  169. >Opulent!
  170. >That's the ostentatious word needed to describe this fancy room.
  171. >From the ornate desks and chairs to the lavish bed, this room oozes luxury.
  172. >Clearly the nobility here enjoyed flaunting its wealth.
  173. >Twilight trots over to what appears to be the bathroom, pausing at the archway to smile at you.
  174. >"I'm going to take a shower, Anon. Haven't had time to wash all day!"
  175. >Her face becomes worried.
  176. >"Are you going to be ok?"
  177. >While the prospect of being alone frightens you, there are guards stationed at your door, and access from outside the castle is possible only through the balcony, which you make sure is locked.
  178. "Y-yeah, I'll be fine."
  179. >"Just shout if you need me. I'll come running!"
  180. >Twilight gives you a reassuring look before closing the door and turning on the shower.
  181. >You collapse onto the bed trying to think of events to come.
  182. >The bed is incredibly comfortable.
  183. >Not too firm, not too soft. It was even springy, surprisingly enough.
  184. >You begin to relax, listening to the sound of the shower running, but a heavy weight pouncing on your chest snaps your eyes open.
  185. >Fluttershy stares down at you.
  186. >How?! How did she get in?!
  187. >"Soon we will be one, Anon…"
  188. "HEL-Mmmph!"
  189. >The yellow rapist presses her lips to yours.
  190. >Her tongue forces its way into your mouth and moves to your throat.
  191. >It stretches farther than possible and wriggles its way down your esophagus.
  192. >Fluttershy's head follows and stretches to enter your mouth.
  193. >"Oh~ Anon~ You're so beautiful inside~"
  194. >You gag as she slides down your throat, moving deeper into your body.
  195. >Her voice reverberates through you as more and more of her enters you.
  196. >Despite your desperate efforts to pull her out, soon, her tail is all that remains.
  197. >As it slowly disappears between your lips, your body performs an involuntary gulp.
  198. >You can't move.
  199. >Why don't you just wake up?
  200. >"Now we can be together…"
  201. >Wake up.
  202. >"Forever!"
  203. >WAKE UP!
  205. *Gasp*
  206. >You lie on the bed, covered in sweat.
  207. >Twilight is still taking her shower.
  208. >You breath a sigh of relief, happy to be back in the real world.
  209. >"Anonymous."
  210. >You suppress a girly scream and look towards the foot of the bed.
  211. >Princess Luna gazes back at you, her mane billowing, even in the still air.
  212. "Princess?! What are you doing here?"
  213. >You sit up and clutch your pained chest..
  214. >"Anonymous, we have become worried with thine slumbering thoughts."
  215. >The blank expression on your face irks the ruler of the night.
  216. >"Your dreams."
  217. "Oh…"
  218. >********************
  219. >"Now we can be together…"
  220. >********************
  221. >You burry your face in your hands.
  222. >There's no way you were going to cry in front of Luna.
  223. "I… can't sleep. Every time I do, a nightmare forces me awake."
  224. >"Yes, we have attempted to aid you, but your dreams fade too quickly."
  225. >You pull your head up and plead with your sapphire guest.
  226. "Can you stop them? At this rate, I might go insane."
  227. >Luna ponders your question.
  228. >"There is one way."
  229. "Yes?!"
  230. >Your desperation is obvious, but you no longer care about maintaining your self-control.
  231. >A small onyx ring is levitated in front of you.
  232. "What is this?"
  233. >You take the band and study it.
  234. >There are no engravings, no gems, it is just a smooth loop.
  235. >"This, is 'Oberon's Halo', a powerful relic that will prevent its wearer from dreaming."
  236. >The ring slides perfectly onto your right pinky.
  237. "Why would such an inconsequential thing as dreams require a magical artifact to counteract them?"
  238. >"Dreams harbor special meaning in Equestria. Your dreams can mold reality, if give the right catalyst, and those attuned to your mind can feel when you dream of them."
  239. >This is too much.
  240. >Your dreams are magic now?
  241. "What do you mean, 'feel when you dream of them'? Do they know when they are in my dreams or something?"
  242. >"Not directly, one cannot simply know when others are dreaming of them. But they can feel something, an unconscious force, drawing them to the one dreaming of them."
  243. >You stare incredulously at the moon princess.
  244. "That makes no sense…"
  245. >Luna laughs at your apparent naivete.
  246. >"Ha ha! Yes, we suppose for one so unversed in magic as yourself, that would be true. Still, We have done all We can for you, Anonymous. The rest is up to you and young Twilight."
  247. >With that, the princess exits your room.
  248. >You sit silently on the side of the bed, examining the black ring Luna gave you.
  249. >Not really your style, but if it can stop these nightmares, you will have no complaints.
  250. >Through the wall, you hear Twilight stepping out of the shower as the water comes to a halt.
  251. >She enters the room and gives one final shake, speckling your with residual water from her mane.
  252. >You laugh as her mane poofs out temporarily before settling back into its familiar shape.
  253. >"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it u-*Yawn*-p mister."
  254. >Twilight's infectious yawn initiates a psychological chain reaction that ends in your pandiculation.
  255. >Or, simpler terms, you yawn as well.
  256. >The purple p0ny climbs into bed and snuggles under the covers.
  257. >Before you join her, you remove your shirt.
  258. >Never were a fan of sleeping with cloth wrapped around your neck.
  259. >The lights magically dim when you lay down next to her, becoming her big spoon.
  260. >As you drape your arm over her, she inhales sharply.
  261. >…
  262. "Twilight?"
  263. >"Y-yeah?"
  264. >You pause as you burry your face in her mane, causing her to bite her lip.
  265. >She smells like a goddess.
  266. "Thank you."
  267. >You finally relent to the morphean desires of your fatigued mind and slumber.
  269. >[Some time later]
  270. >Your room is dark, and you have long since fallen asleep.
  271. >"Guh~ ha~ ha~"
  272. >You are dead to the world.
  273. >"Mmm- h~ h~ h~ h~"
  274. *Squeak*
  275. >The bed ceases its motion.
  276. >You still hold Twilight close, even in slumber.
  277. >…
  278. >…
  279. >…
  280. >"Oh~"
  281. >The bed shakes softly.
  282. >"H~ h~ h~ h~"
  283. >A hoof is placed on your hand.
  284. >"Ha~ ha~ Hng!"
  285. >Your little spoon spasms as the bed is moistened below her.
  286. >"Haaa…"
  287. >Your protector gives you a soft kiss before drifting off to join you in the land of dreams.
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