

Jun 13th, 2018
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  1. QnDebShadow: Hey Az
  2. Azmaii: Hello Lady Deb. How are you dear?
  3. QnDebShadow: I am a bit ill but fine. And yourself?
  4. Azmaii: Oh?? Have you been eating right and drinking a lot of water?? Taking something?? I am quite bothered by something but I will be alright ty for asking.
  5. Azmaii: I saw your message.
  6. QnDebShadow: i dont know what it is, went to work, came home an hour later, very nauseous and dizzy. Yes, yesterday i noticed something and was hoping you could explain.
  7. QnDebShadow:
  8. Azmaii: Hm. Odd. It has happened to me and than I got really sick.
  9. Azmaii: Ohhh??
  10. Azmaii: Yes I was in that room.
  11. Azmaii: I have friends in there.
  12. QnDebShadow: and im sure you know one of them was kicked from Kaz, another following him?
  13. Azmaii: Wait which one?? Him??? I know Yue didn't join. I know Ai I believe was kicked?
  14. QnDebShadow: yes he was
  15. QnDebShadow: Psykosis is one to associate with either
  16. Azmaii: May I ask why???? Yue explained parts but I don't remember much.
  17. Azmaii: Ohhh??
  18. QnDebShadow: one not to*
  19. Azmaii: Now that I didn't know.
  20. QnDebShadow: She has sent a messenger to some rooms with basically a threat
  21. Azmaii: Ohhh?
  22. Azmaii: Well I don't come in there for him. He barely goes in there and I normally am not in there when he is.
  23. QnDebShadow: it seems a few of that family have tried to get into Kaz
  24. Azmaii: Ohhh?
  25. QnDebShadow: so, Yue was talking about Kaz is what you are saying
  26. Azmaii: I am not one to speak on others behave but I will say on my part. She invited me to her room to just RP and talk since we are friends. We were talking and soon enough she asked if anything was up with me if anything happened with me while I was within the kingdom.
  27. Azmaii: Because she was worried I would be treated the same way that happened with Ai.
  28. QnDebShadow: .What happens in Kaz, stays in Kaz, i hope you didnt tell her anything specific?
  29. Azmaii: Ofc not.
  30. Azmaii: I didn't say anything.
  31. Azmaii: All I said I was perfectly fine.
  32. Azmaii: I know what stays in Kaz stays.
  33. QnDebShadow: he was kicked, thats all thats needed to be known
  34. Azmaii: ~Nods.~
  35. QnDebShadow: Sorry if i sound so serious, i came home ill.
  36. Azmaii: No its alright. I completely understand.
  37. Azmaii: You need rest.
  38. QnDebShadow: i tried
  39. Azmaii: Aww.
  40. QnDebShadow: Sorry for this chat, just wanted to know what was going on is all. As long as they didnt try to talk you out of being a part of us
  41. Azmaii: No its alright. Im glad you came to speak to me.
  42. Azmaii: Oh no no. She just said if anything happens that she would take me in.
  43. Azmaii: Besides, I love Kaz to heart.
  44. Azmaii: I wouldn't leave even if they asked me too.
  45. QnDebShadow: -smiles- great to hear
  46. Azmaii: ^ w ^ Like I said before, Its a home to me.
  47. Azmaii: ~Smiles back.~
  48. QnDebShadow: Thank you for your time on this, shall we return to the other room?
  49. Azmaii: Of course and yes.
  50. Azmaii: ~Nods.~
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