
quarantine with asriel (your boyfriend (you're gay))

Apr 8th, 2020
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  1. >he's perfect
  2. >absolutely, all-consumingly perfect
  3. >your azzy
  4. >the love of your life
  5. >laying there on the couch eating pizza, half-watching tv, half-asleep
  6. >today has been amazing. yesterday was amazing too, and you know tomorrow will be even better
  7. >your friends have all been getting a little stir crazy in quarantine, really wanting to go out
  8. >but you don't need to go out, because you have everything you'll ever need right here
  9. >if you spent the rest of your life here, with az, it'd be paradise
  10. >you've got no shortage of things to do, either
  11. >a month or so ago az bought some painting supplies to get into the hobby, and a few days ago he asked if you'd model for him
  12. >staying still was a lot easier than you expected, because you had something to focus on
  13. >him
  14. >his adorable concentrated face, all of his faces are adorable really, but each in their own special way
  15. >his smile is always so earnest and bright it's liable to kill you one day
  16. >when he's embarrassed or pensive, all you want in life is to grab him and hold him and never let him go
  17. >anger, though rare, sets off something in the back of your head that makes your top priority soothing him
  18. >though, really he's always your top priority
  19. >that focused look is what was on his face then, though, and good fucking lord was it captivating
  20. >you could almost follow along with his thought process from the little creases and crumples of his snout and brow
  21. >you wondered, and still wonder, if the same could be done if you looked at anyone long enough, or if monsters were simply more expressive than humans
  22. >maybe it was unique to asriel, that he was a uniquely expressive person, just another point on the long list of things you love about him
  23. >or maybe you're on a wavelength with him, maybe you understand him like no one else can
  24. >maybe that awareness was mutual and he can see right through you, right into your soul, metaphorically and possibly literally
  25. >privacy within your own head is important, it's the one place everyone has to retreat to to be alone, no matter the circumstances
  26. >if someone were to be able to read your mind, however, you'd want it to be him
  27. >someone who wouldn't judge or intrude
  28. >if he were to gaze into your heart, you're confident he'd come out the other end with a smile on his face and a hug at the ready
  29. >he's a saint, an anomaly, the kind of person described in fairy tales, and he loves you
  30. >he's said it, over and over and over again, this avatar of all good in the world cares deeply and uniquely for you
  31. >you
  32. >some schmuck
  33. >it's a little hard to bear sometimes
  34. >but he's always there to sate your insecurities, with a kind word and a warm embrace and his wonderful, wonderful smile
  35. >and that smile is how you know he means every word of it
  36. >you hope he knows you mean every word you say, too
  37. >the painting turned out great
  38. >maybe someone else would see it and think it was amateurish or mediocre, but you saw it as an extension of asriel, and he will never be anything but beautiful to you
  39. >it looked floaty, with light colours and lighter strokes
  40. >like he envisioned you on a cloud, or as a cloud, floating through some symbolic sky
  41. >"I tried to capture something about you I have a hard time putting into words. Do you... do you like it?"
  42. >you loved it
  43. >you ordered a frame for it immediately, and insisted it go up in your bedroom as soon as possible, despite his objections to the tune of "It's not that good!"
  44. >it didn't need to be good, you would've loved it anyway
  45. >that's something else you'd gotten done in quarantine, now that you mention it, you used to have individual bedrooms
  46. >sure, you hadn't spent a night in a different bedroom than him for about a month, but you'd swap between his and yours mostly depending on where you both happened to be when it got late
  47. >now, after a lot of rearranging furniture, you have one bedroom and a sort of miscellaneous activities room
  48. >studio, office, study area, whatever
  49. >that was where he painted you, it's a comfy place
  50. >a desk in the corner, some cushions set up around the floor, an open spot in the middle for painting or exercise or what have you
  51. >it used to be his room, but he seemed set on making yours the shared room, likely for the same reason you were set on his
  52. >his room felt like his space, and he makes you feel calm and happy, so to some extent so did his room
  53. >you could't say no to him, though, not with those pleading eyes
  54. >you honestly don't think it's intentional when he does that, he just
  55. >feels so strongly about something, he feels so strongly about everything
  56. >not even that he's super opinionated, he just
  57. >feels
  58. >it, like everything about him, is beautiful
  59. >you both made pizza today, you were hardly going to order with everything going on
  60. >asriel is great at cooking, if the thing you're cooking is a pie
  61. >he says he learned from his mom, and his mom must be one hell of a piemaker
  62. >that is, however, the single dish he knows how to make
  63. >it's one of those rare things that remind you he's not an infallible angel come down from the heavens, because he kinda sucks at cooking
  64. >you love what he makes anyway, and even if you were trying to be more objective the end product is never bad, but...
  65. >he has this habit of spilling half of the ingredients onto himself
  66. >or almost slipping on a spot of pasta sauce or milk or something on the floor
  67. >or getting small strands of fluff in the mix, then awkwardly mulling around as you try to fish them out
  68. >or skipping a step and not realising until 5 minutes later
  69. >the usual effortless grace that defines his weightless, smooth movements is absolutely torn from him while cooking
  70. >he jerks about and moves his limbs like a malfunctioning android
  71. >it's endearing in its own right, and usually a little funny
  72. >today’s endeavour went pretty well, at least until he dunked most of the sauce over his chest
  73. >that wasn't so bad either, because you got to help scrub it out of his fur
  74. >running your hands over his chest, kneading into his fluff, was honestly one of the highlights of the day
  75. >with how he pushed back into your hands and chuckled slightly, you're pretty sure he noticed how much you enjoyed it
  76. >you finished making the pizza, eventually, and it was actually pretty good
  77. >light on sauce for obvious reasons, but still
  78. >which brings you to right now, with asriel on the verge of dozing off and you not far behind
  79. >the show on the tv is some new sitcom with a mostly monster main cast
  80. >it isn't very good, but it works well enough as background noise, apart from the occasional screeched catchphrase
  81. >"Hey, Anon? Do you think you'd wake up sore if we both slept on the couch tonight? I don't think I've got it in me to move..."
  82. >you'd offer to carry him, but there’s something appealing about the idea
  83. >huddled up close in an awkward position, propelled to sleep anyway through sheer comfort from holding each other
  84. >yeah, you were probably gonna have a mild backache tomorrow, but it'd be worth it to be romantic
  85. >so you crawl over, lift up the blanket, and rest your head on his chest
  86. >you live for those sweet little noises he makes when you nuzzle into him
  87. >you're almost asleep when you hear him mumble one last thing
  88. >"...I love you..."
  89. >you mumble it right back, and let sleep take you
  90. >you're the luckiest person on the planet
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